in England, 354, 360–61
in France, 10, 23, 27–28, 126, 184, 274–77
in Germany, 275, 277, 598, 600, 602–4, 654
in Holland, 275
in Papal States, 550
in Poland, 667, 668
in Russia, 673, 680–81
in Venice, 275
Joan of Arc (Southey), 424
Johann, Archduke (Johann Baptist Joseph Fabian Sebastian; 1782–1859), 231, 348
John VI, King of Portugal (1816–26), 531–32
Johnson, Joseph, publisher (1738–1809), 366, 409, 413, 420
Johnson, Samuel (1709–84), 20, 330, 364
Joinville, François-Ferdinand de Bourbon-Orléans, Prince de (1818–1900), 775–76
Jomini, Antoine-Henri, Baron de (1779–1869), 249
Jones, Robert (fl. 1790), 419
Jonson, Ben (1573?–1637), 371
Jordan, Camille (1771–1821), 305
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1765–90), 36, 558–59
an agnostic, 542, 558, 559
death of, 36, 513, 559
and the Jews, 563, 603
and Louis XVI’s operation, 9
and Marie Antoinette, 36, 66
patron of the arts, 565
and the philosophes, 6, 619
and Pius VI, 542, 544, 559
reforms of, 558–59, 564
toleration policy of, 544, 559
and Turkey, 513, 559
Josephine, Empress (Josephine de Beauharnais, nee Marie-Josèphe-Rose Tascher de la Pagerie 1763–1814), 95–96, 175, 761
early life, first marriage, imprisonment, 95–96, 131
appearance and character, 96, 233
in post-Thermidor society, 96, 136–37, 605
marriage to N., 95, 96, 218
N.’s letters to, 96, 97–98, 99–100, 102, 103, 210, 256
infidelity of, 100, 120, 241
joins N. in Italy, 103
at home with N., 107
sees N. off for Egypt, 108
her unfaithfulness discovered, 110, 219
a war profiteer, 269
reconciliation with N., 119–20, 219, 255, 269
the Bonapartes’ hostility to, 120, 195, 198, 272, 771
and the 18th-Brumaire coup, 121, 159
moves to Tuileries, 168
promotes Hortense’s marriage, 216
and royalists, 185
and Enghien’s execution, 191–92
ladies-in-waiting of, 93, 194, 270
fears divorce, 185, 195, 198
coronation of as empress, 198–99
and the arts, 278, 281, 283
lampooned by Gillray, 379
to Strasbourg with N. (1805), 203
at Eugène’s wedding, 206
N.’s emotional parting from at Mainz, 208–9
told by N. to go home, 211
failure to give N. a child, 185, 195, 232, 234
N.’s continuing love for, 233–34, 242, 244, 251
fears N.’s wrath, 243
and N.’s infidelities, 244
divorced by N., 233–34
in retirement at Malmaison, 235–236
continued extravagance of, 236, 699
N.’s message to on return from Russia, 711
N.’s farewell message to, 727
visited by Czar, 217, 726
death of, 236, 727, 739, 772
N. speaks fondly of, 751, 769
Joubert, Gen. Barthélemy (1769–99), 117, 119
Joubert, Joseph, philosopher (1754–1824), 317
Jourdan, Jean-Baptiste (1762–1833), 64, 74, 80, 85, 97, 116
Journal de la République française, 49
Journal de Paris, 20, 307
Journal des débats, Le, 287, 308, 739
Journal inédit de Sainte-Hélène (Gourgaud), 763
Journal intime (Constant), 302, 305
Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de (1744–1811), 534
Julian the Apostate (Flavius Claudius Julianus), Roman Emperor (r. 361–63), 317
Julie, ou La Nouvelle Héloïse (Rousseau), 94, 242, 416, 477, 629
Juliette (Sade), 132
Juniper Hall, Mickelham, 150
Junkers, 594, 601, 604
Junot, Andoche, Duc d’Abrantès (1771–1813): in Egypt, 110, 111
in Italy, 99
and Caroline Murat, 220
in Peninsula, 222–23, 225, 532, 536
and wife’s liaison, 561–62
Junot, Laure (nee Permon), Duchesse d’Abrantès (1784–1838), 274, 561, 562
Justice and Vengeance Pursuing Crime (Prud’hon), 283
Justine (Sade), 132
Justinian I the Great, Byzantine Emperor (r. 527–565), 180, 250
Kabale und Liebe (Schiller), 621
Kaiserslautern, 74
Kalb, Charlotte von (1761–1843), 605, 625, 627
Kaluga, 707
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 587, 606
Cabanis and, 143
Coleridge and, 433, 441–42
Destutt and, 330
Fichte and, 637, 639
free-will philosophy of, 298, 441
and French Revolution, 619, 620
Goethe and, 623
Hegel and, 646
Hölderlin and, 627
idealistic philosophy of, 433, 636
and Jews, 603
Schelling and, 643
Schopenhauer on, 645
Mme. de Staël and, 298, 299
and theology, 602
Karageorge (George Petrović 1766?–1817), 669
Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766–1826), 685
Karl August, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, see Charles Augustus Karl Ludwig, Archduke (1771–1847), 97, 104, 202, 230–32, 635
Karlsbad, 580, 605
Karlsbad Congress (1819), 652
Karlskirche, Vienna, 563
Karlsruhe, 588
Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, see Brunswick, Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of
Kärntnerthor Theater, Vienna, 564–65, 584
Käthchen von Heilbronn, Das (Kleist), 618
Katzbach River, battle of the (1813), 718
Kaufmann, Angelica (1741–1807), 519, 611
Kaunitz, Eleonore von, 561
Kaunitz, Count Wenzel Anton von (1711–94), 561
Kazan, University of, 680
Kean, Aaron, 372
Kean, Charles John (1811–68), 374
Kean, Edmund (1787–1833), 372–74, 466, 615, 616
Kean, Mary, nee Chambers, 373, 374
Kean, Moses, 372
Keats, John (1795–1821), 145, 155, 408, 417, 446, 497, 627
death of, 485–86
Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount (1746–1823), 756, 757
Kellermann, François-Christophe (1735–1820), 46, 74, 100, 199
Kellermann, François-Étienne (1770–1835), 100, 101, 174, 718, 747–48
Kemble, Charles (1775–1854), 614
Kemble, Henry (1848–1907, 371
Kemble, John Philip (1757–1823), 371, 372
Kemble, Roger (1721–1802), 371
Kemble, Sarah, see Siddons, Sarah Kemble, Stephen (1758–1822), 371
Kempt, Sir James (1764–1854), 747
“Kennst du das Land” (Goethe), 579
Kharkov, University of, 680
Kiel, University of, 666
Kierkegaard, Sören (1813–55), 650, 658
Kiev, 300, 680
Kilwarden, Arthur Wolfe, 1st Viscount (1739–1803), 510
Kinder-und Hausmärchen (Grimm), 629
Kinnaird, Douglas James William (1788–1830), 480
Kinsky, Count, 565, 576
Kiprensky, Orest Adamovich (1782–1836), 683–84
Kléber, Jean-Baptiste (1753–1800), 74, 173
in Egypt, 113, 170, 174*
in Vendée, 72, 75
Kleist, Heinrich Wilhelm von (1777–1811), 616–18, 623
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (1724–1803), 432, 619
Knaben Wunderhorn, Des (Brentano and Arnim), 629
Knesebeck, Baron Karl Friedrich von dem (1768–1848), 749
Knights of Malta (Knights of St. John), 109, 116, 179, 676
Knights Templar, 40
Kobrakit, 109
Kochubey, Count Viktor Pavlovich, 677, 678, 681, 687
Kölnische Zeitung, 624
Königsberg, East Prussia, 211, 593, 599, 619
Fichte at, 637, 641
taken by French (1807), 212
Königsberg, University of, 603, 606
Konstantin of Saxe-Weimar, Duke, 620
Koraës, Adamantios (1748–1833), 669–70
Körner, Christian Gottfried (1756–1831), 627
Körner, Karl Theodor (1791–1813), 613, 627, 714
Kosciusko, Thaddeus (1746–1817), 43, 668, 675
Kosmos (Humboldt), 610
Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von (1761–1819), 616
Kotzebue, Otto von (1787–1846), 623, 626
Kovno, 700, 701, 704, 710
Krasnoe, 708
Kreutzer, Rodolphe (1766–1831), 574, 586
Kritik der Very as sung Deutschlands (Hegel), 646
Krüdener, Baroness Julie (Barbara Juliane) von (1764–1824), 296, 601
Krug, Marshal, 171
Krupp, Friedrich (1787–1826), 600
Krylov, Ivan Andreevich (1769–1844), 686
“Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 426–27
Kuhn, Johann Paul, 625
Kuhn, Sophie von (d. 1797), 631–32
Kutuzov, Mikhail Ilarionovich (1745–1813), 204, 684, 702–10, 712–13, 714–15
La Barre, Étienne de (1764–1830), 280
La Belle Alliance, Belgium, 749
labor unions: banned in Britain, 345
banned in France, 7, 125, 130, 181, 261
Owen and, 350
La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–96), 7
Labyrinthen eller Digtervandringer (Baggesen), 666
Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de (1741–1803), 33
La Coruña, see Corunna
Lacroix, Paul (Bibliophile Jacob; 1806–84), 145, 271
Lady of the Lake, The (Scott), 505
Laënnec, René-Théophile-Hyacinthe (1781–1826), 325
Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de (1757–1834), 10, 34
in States-General, 13, 17
heads National Guard, 18, 19
denounced by Marat in journal, 20, 24
in Assembly, proposes Declaration, 23
brings Guard to Versailles, protects Queen from mob, 25
advises Louis to accept constitution, 29
ordered by Assembly to disperse crowd (1791), 32
and Mme. de Staël, 148
favors war (1792), 36
makes offer to Austria, 37
impeached, flees to front, 37, 51
recalled from exile by N. (1799), 160
under consideration as replacement for N., 172
in Paris under First Restoration, 300
in Hundred Days, 743, 751
La Fère-Champenoise, battle of (1814), 724
Laffitte, Jacques (1767–1844), 751, 767
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621–95), 286, 686
La Force prison, Paris, 43, 45
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (1736–1813), 107, 120, 142, 154, 265, 322
Laharpe, Gen. Amédée-Emmanuel-François de (1754–96), 97
La Harpe, Frédéric-César de (1754–1838), 659, 677, 678, 684
La Haye Sainte, 745, 748
Lainé, Joseph-Louis-Joachim (1767–1835), 720
Lajolais, François (1761–1809), 190
Lake at Sunset, The (Turner), 384
Lake District, descriptions of, 381–82, 417
Lake Poets, see Coleridge
Lalande, Joseph-Jérôme Le François de (1732–1807), 183
Laleu, General (d. 1792), 45
La Marck, Comte Auguste de (1753–1833), 30
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de Monet, Chevalier de (1744–1829), biologist, 6, 30*, 142, 266, 326, 321–29, 391
Lamartine, Alphonse de (1790–1869), 145, 336, 501
Lamb, Lady Caroline (1785–1828), 460–62, 500
Lamb, Charles (1775–1834), 400, 440, 446, 447–48
Lamb, Mary Ann (1764–1847), 400, 448
Lamb, William, later 2d Viscount Melbourne (1779–1848), 460, 461, 500
Lamballe, Marie-Thérèse de Savoie-Carignan, Princesse de (1749–92), 9, 149, 560, 753
Lamennais, Félicité de (1782–1854), 336
Lameth, Alexandre de (1760–1829), 34
La Mettrie, Julien Offroy de (1709–51), 619, 628
Lancaster, Joseph (1778–1838), 362
Landau, battle of (1793), 74
Landseer, Sir Edwin (1802–73), 386
Landshut, battle of (1809), 231
Lanfrey, Pierre (1828–77), 778
Lang, Margarethe, 613
Langhans, Karl Gotthard (1732–1808), 610
Langlès, Louis-Mathieu (1763–1824), 266
Langres, 22, 722
Lanjuinais, Comte Jean-Denis (1753–1827), 743
Lannes, Jean (1769–1809), 114, 270
at Austerlitz, 204
death of, 232, 245
devotion to N., 100, 241, 242, 244
at Friedland, 211
in Italian campaigns, 99, 100, 172, 173
at Saalfeld and Jena, 209
in Spain, 229
Laon, 750, 752
battle of (1814), 723
Laplace, Pierre-Simon (1749–1827), 6, 240, 265, 322, 323–24, 608
ennobled by N., 270
in government, 163, 253, 323
in Institute, 107, 120, 142, 216
mechanistic theories of, 142, 323–24
nebular hypothesis of, 142, 323
Lara (Byron), 461, 506
Larevellière-Lépaux, Louis-Marie (1753–1824), 88, 106, 114, 117
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Duc François Alexandre de (1747–1827), 13
La Rochelle, 71
La Rothière, battle of (1814), 722
Larrey, Dominique-Jean (1766–1842), 324
Las Cases, Comte Emmanuel-Augustin-Dieudonné de (1766–1842), 762–63
accompanies N. after 2nd abdication, 751, 755–56, 757 ff.
assesses N.’s pronouncements on women, 256
in Council of State, 250
describes N.’s hands, 237
his devotion to N., 241, 244
at N.’s state funeral, 775
reports on tour of departments, 264
at St. Helena, 758–59, 762–63, 764, 767
cited passim
Las Cases fils, Emmanuel-Pons-Dieudonné de (1800–54), 757, 758–59, 762, 763
Latium, 542
La Touche-Tréville, Louis de (1745–1804), 202
Latreille, Pierre-André (1762–1833), 328
Launay, Bernard-René Jordan, Marquis de (1740–89), 18–19
Lauriston, Marquis de, see Law, Jacques-Alexandre Lausanne, Duke of (16th cent.), 477
Lauze Duperret, Deputy, 57
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent (1743–94), 6, 20, 34, 145
contributions to chemistry, 142, 323, 662
death of, 142
gunpowder improved by, 64, 142
Lavoisier, Mme., 388
Law, Jacques-Alexandre, later Marquis de Lauriston (1768–1828), 696
Law of Hostages (1799), 118, 160
Law of Le Chapel (1791), 125
Law of Suspects (France, 1793), 62, 64
Law of 22 Prairial (1794), 79–80, 83
Lawrence, Sir Thomas (1769–1830), 381, 384
Lay of the Last Minstrel, The (Scott), 451, 505
Lay Sermon, A (Coleridge), 440–41
Lazansky, Countess, nee Falkenhayn, 235
League of Armed Neutrality, First (1780), 663*
Second (1800), 663–65
Lebas, Joseph (1765–94), 68, 8
Leben Jesu, Das (Hegel), 646
Leben Jesu, Das (Strauss), 646
Le Bon, Joseph (1765–95), 68
Lebrun, Charles-François (1739–1824), 162, 164, 221, 291
Leclerc, Charles- Victor- Emmanuel (1772–1802), 178, 220, 771
Leçons d’anatomie comparée (Cuvier), 326
Lecourbe, Claude-Jacques (1759–1815), 738
Leeds, 342
Lefebvre, François-Joseph (1755–1820), 121, 123, 211, 270
Lefebvre, Georges, 679*, 699, 726, 778
Left, the (origin of term), 34
Legend of Montrose, The (Scott), 506
Legendre, Adrien- Marie, mathematician (1752-? 1833), 142, 266, 322
Legendre, Louis, Revolutionary leader (1752–1802), 77
Leghorn (Livorno), 217, 483, 494–95
British driven from, 103
Nelson at, 521, 544
Shelley’s fatal voyage from, 496
Legion of Honor, 198, 199, 228, 279, 280, 283
establishment of, 270
Legislative Assembly (France, 1791–92), 33–46, 132, 560
elections to, 32, 33–34
liberalizes Académie des Beaux-Arts, 139
declares war on Austria, 37, 312, 559–60
Condorcet proposes education reform to, 127
and veto crisis, 37–38
King and Queen seek protection of, 39–40, 149
deposes King, 40
enacts anti Church measures, 42–43
and September Massacres, 45
visited by Wordsworth, 420
calls for election of Convention, 46
Legislature (under Consulate and Empire), see Corps Législatif (2)
Legislature (under Directory), see Council of Ancients and Council of 500
Le Havre, 118, 262, 693
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von (1646–1716), 331, 591
Leiden, University of, 606
Leigh, Augusta, nee Byron (1783–1852), 455, 462–67 passim, 490, 499, 500
Leigh, George, 462
Leigh, Medora (b. 1814), 462
Leipzig: art in, 610
battle of (1813), 218, 238, 300, 525, 557, 590, 606, 718–19
book fair, 593, 624
music in, 612
publishing in, 580, 624
theater in, 614, 615
Leipzig, University of, 625
Lemaître, Jules (1853–1914), 315
lending libraries, 409
Lenore (Bürger), 505, 632
Leo X (Giovanni de’ Medici), Pope (r. 1513–21), 114
Leoben, 104, 105
León, Spain, 533
Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519), 101, 139, 140, 381, 630
Leonidas, 129
Leopardi, Count Giacomo (1798–1837), 155, 552
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1790–92), Grand Duke of Tuscany as Leopold I (r. 1765–90), 559
his administration of Tuscany, 541–42, 558, 559
hails French Revolution, 543–44
accedes to imperial throne, issues Declaration of Pillnitz, 36, 559