opens ports to Britain, 714
in War of Liberation (1813–14), 599, 643, 713–26 passim
in Treaties of Chaumont (1814), 723
and Congress of Vienna (1815), 733
in 1815 campaign, 743–52
in occupation of France, 752–53
and 2d Treaty of Paris, 753
conservative reaction in, 627, 652
psychology, 329–36, 391–92, 426, 433, 441, 503
Publiciste, Le, 287
publicists, 624
publishing: in England, 408
in France, 287
in Germany, 593, 624
in Russia, 674
Pugilist, The (Canova), 555
Purchas, His Pilgrimage (Purchas), 426
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich (1799–1837), 506, 685
Puy-de-Dôme département, 69
Pye, Henry James (1745–1813), 450
Pyramids, battle of the (1798), 109–10, 761
Pythagoras, Greek philosopher (6th cent. B.C.), 436, 543
Quadruple Alliance (1834), 754
Quakers, 354, 359, 368
Quarenghi, Giacomo (1744–1817), 682
Quarterly Review, 408, 450, 485, 494
Quatre-Bras, battle of (1815), 744–76, 748, 749
Quebec, 518
Queen Mab (Shelley), 471–72, 473, 476, 482
Queenwood, England, 351
Querelle (Chouan rebel), 190–91
Qu’est-ce que le Tiers état? (Sieyès), 5, 117, 161
Quiberon, 85, 762
Quintana, Manuel José (1772–1857), 534
Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus), rhetorician (b. A.D. 35?), 139
Quito, Ecuador, 609
Rachel, Mlle. (Élisa Félix; 1820–58), 284
Racine, Jean-Baptiste (1639–99), 93, 138, 145, 146, 283, 286, 293, 629
Radcliffe, Ann (1764–1823), 409
Radet, Étienne (1762–1825), 549
Radishchev, Aleksandr Nikolaevich (1749–1802), 675
Radziwill, Prince Antoni Henryk (1775–1833), 583
Raeburn, Sir Henry (1756–1823), 505
Rain, Steam, and Speed (Turner), 384
Ralahine, Ireland, 351
Ramayana, 635
Rambouillet, Château de, 271, 727
Ranke, Leopold von (1795–1886), 249
Rape of Psyche, The (Prud’hon), 283
Rape of the Sabines, The (David), 141
Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio; 1483–1520), 139, 140, 141, 611, 630
Rapin de Thoyras, Paul de (1661–1725), 404
Rapports du physique et du moral de l’homme (Cabanis), 143
Rastatt, Congress of (1797), 589
Rastrelli, Bartolomeo (1700–71), 682–83
Rationale of Judicial Evidence (Bentham), 407
Ratisbon, see Regensburg
Räuber, Die (Schiller), 582, 615, 616, 621
Rauch, Christian Daniel (1777–1857), 611
Ravenna, 104, 183, 486–89, 498, 542, 544
Ray nal, Guillaume-Thomas-François (1713–96), 93, 94, 144
Razumovsky, Count Andreas Kyrilovich (1752–1836), 575, 731
Real, Pierre-François (1757–1834), 191
Récamier, Jacques-Rose, 272–73
Récamier, Juliette (Jeanne-Françoise-Julie-Adélaïde), nee Bernard (1777–1849), 100, 190, 272–74, 295, 297, 300
and Chateaubriand, 274, 301, 321
Chinard’s bust of, 281
and Constant, 273–74, 307, 308
portraits of, 273
Recherches sur les ossements fossiles des quadrupèdes (Cuvier), 326–27
Recluse, The (Wordsworth), 445–46
Reden an die deutsche Nation (Fichte), 599, 605–6, 641–43
red flag as symbol of revolution, 40
Reflections on the French Revolution (Burke), 504, 514, 624
Reflections on the Trial of the Queen, by a Woman (Staël), 150
Réflexions sur la métaphisique du calcul infinitésimal (Carnot), 323
Reform Act (England, 1832), 397, 405, 447, 452, 504, 657
Reformation in Germany, 588, 611, 658
the Hapsburgs and, 563
Refutation of the Errors of Spinoza, 636
Regency (England, 1811–20), 369
Regensburg (Ratisbon), bishopric of, 588, 597
Reggio Emilia, province of, 220, 544
Règne animal distribué d’après son organisation, Le (Cuvier), 327
Régnier, Claude-Ambroise (1746–1814), 187, 190, 216, 251–52
Reichsdeputationshauptschluss (1803), 589
Reichstädte, 588
Reichstag, see Imperial Diet Reid, Thomas (1710–96), 503
Reille, Honoré-Charles (1775–1860), 747
Reimarus, Hermann Samuel (1694–1768), 602
Reims, Archbishop of (fl. 1779), 27
Reims, battle of (1814), 723
Reinagle, Ramsay Richard (1775–1862), 381
Reise um die Welt (Chamisso), 626
Relief Act of 1793 (Ireland), 508
religion, freedom of: under Consulate and French Empire, 181, 184, 199
in Denmark, 663
during French Revolution, 27–28, 32, 57, 73, 84, 86, 126, 152
in Germany, 590, 591, 594
in Italy under N., 550, 556
under Louis XVI, 10, 126
religion, wars of (16th cent.), 61
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (Percy), 413, 416, 505
Rémusat, Comte Auguste-Laurent de (1762–1823), 194, 203, 208–9, 225, 283, 730
Rémusat, Claire de Vergennes, Comtesse de (1780–1821), 93, 194, 730
cited passim
Renaissance, 587, 591, 646, 658
René (Chateaubriand), 311, 317–18, 320
Rennes, 72, 186
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841–1919), 385
Representative Assembly of the Nation (Prussia), 598
Repton, Humphry (1752–1818), 378
Republica Italiana, 187, 201, 546
Republican Institutions (Saint-Just), 61
Researches Chemical and Philosophical (Davy), 390
“Resolution and Independence” (Wordsworth), 435
Restoration (England, 1660), 454
Restoration (France): First (1814), 730–31
Second (1815), 752–54
Restoration of Freedom of Thought by the Princes of Europe (Fichte), 637
Return to Nature, or Defence of a Vegetable Regimen (John Newton), 473
Revolutionary Calendar, 48, 145, 206
Revolutionary Tribunal, 54–56, 65–67, 69, 77–78, 82, 83
Revolution of 1830 (France), 153, 774
Revolution of 1848 (Germany), 627
Révolutions de France, Les, 20
Révolutions de Paris, Les, 20
Rewbell, Jean-François (1747–1807), 88, 106, 114, 117
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723–92), 141, 380, 381, 383, 413
Rheinbund, see Confederation of the Rhine
Rheinische Merkur, 625
Rhigas Pheraios, Constantine (1757?–98), 669
Rhine River, 261, 589, 600
France gains left bank of, 85, 87, 97, 105, 169, 177, 588, 588–90
French control of mouths of, 53, 178, 201, 517, 720
Rhone River, 261
massacres at, 69, 71, 85
Ribbing, Count Adolf Ludvig (1765–1843), 150
Ricardo, David (1772–1823), 346, 360, 402
Richard II, King of England (r. 1377–99), 467
Richardson, Samuel (1689–1761), 146, 286, 409, 416, 619
Richelieu, Armand-Emmanuel du Plessis, Duc de (1766–1822), 754
Richelieu, Armand-Jean du Plessis de, Cardinal (1585–1642), 4
Richmond, Charlotte Gordon Lennox, Duchess of, 745
Richter, Jean Paul (1763–1825), 297, 620, 625–26, 658
Ries, Ferdinand (1784–1838), 570, 574
Right, the, origin of term, 34
Rights of Man, The (Paine), 51
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875–1926), 627
Riksdag (Sweden), 661
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, see Ancient Mariner
Rimini, 542
Rinaldi, Antonio (1709–90), 682
Risorgimento (Italy, 19th cent.), 552, 660
Rivoli, battle of (1796), 104
Road to Ruin, The (Holcroft), 371
Robert Guiskard (Kleist), 617
Roberts, Capt. Daniel, 496
Robertson, William (1721–93), 503
Robespierre, Augustin (1764–94), 14, 75, 82–83
Robespierre, Maximilien (1758–94), 13–15, 144, 252
appearance, 14, 134
Barras and, 82–83, 88
and Bonaparte, 75, 94
in Committee, 59, 61, 70, 71, 74–81 passim
in Convention, 47–82
passim, 394
and Danton, 41, 48, 56, 76–78, 79, 81, 83, 128
fall and death of, 81–83
and Jacobin Club, 33, 38, 39, 54, 56, 81, 82
and Louis XVI’s trial and execution, 51, 52
manhood suffrage promoted by, 14, 28, 46, 48, 52
and morality, 14, 129, 132, 135
in National Assembly, 26, 28, 32
and the press, 128
and religion, 7, 14, 73–74, 75, 76, 79
and Rousseau, 7, 14, 79
at States-General, 13, 15
and the Terror, 62, 70, 71, 75–76, 79–81
Robinson, Henry Crabb (1775–1867), 440, 446, 452
Robinson, Mary (Perdita), nee Darby (1758–1800), 358
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 422
Rocca, John (Albert-Jean; 1788–1818), 299–300, 301, 307
Rocca, Louis-Alphonse (1812–38), 300
Rochambeau, J.-B. Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de (1725–1807), 10
Rochefort, 189, 751, 752, 754–55
rococo style, 139, 140, 378, 554, 593, 610
Roederer, Comte Pierre-Louis (1754–1835), 162–63, 168, 239, 242, 258, 547
Roger, Niklos, 564
Rogers, James Edwin Thorold (1823–90), 344
Rogers, Samuel (1763–1855), 362, 440, 459, 467
Roget, Dr. Peter (1779–1869), 390
Rokeby (Scott), 505
Roland (in full, Roland de La Platière), Jean-Marie (1734–93), 35–36, 129
becomes royal minister of interior, 36, 149
on Executive Council, 40, 53
in Convention, 47, 48, 51
escapes arrest, 56
death of, 67
Roland, Jeanne-Manon, nee Phlipon (1754–93), 35–36, 57, 129, 145, 149
arrest of, 56
imprisonment and death of, 66–67
Rolando, Luigi (1773–1831), 552
Romagna, 542
Romance of the Forest, The (Radcliffe), 409
Roman Empire of the West, 588
Roman Republic (1798), 140, 544–45, 548
romans, 318
Romanticism: Coleridge’s philosophical basis for, 442
in English fiction, 372, 377, 409–10, 505
in English poetry, 372, 417, 456, 489, 492, 619, 658
in French literature, 146, 310–11, 314–15, 318
French Revolution and, 139, 155, 416
in German literature, 605, 618, 621, 625, 626, 628–35
in German philosophy, 630
in music, 372, 582, 614, 630
in painting, 281, 282, 372, 380, 383–85
in religion, 317–18, 630
Rousseau and, 139, 416, 477, 629, 685
in Russian literature, 685
in Scandinavian literature, 662, 666
in sculpture, 556, 683
Mme. de Staël and, 290, 298
in the theater, 285, 372, 615
transition to, 413, 416
Wordsworth and, 416, 432
Rome, 116, 117, 542, 544–45, 548, 549, 624
art in, 554–55, 611–12
Pius VII returns to, 550
Rome, King of, see Napoleon II
Römische Geschichte (Niebuhr), 607
Romney, George (1734–1802), 519
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858–1919), 218
Rosenkranz, Karl (1805–79), 657
Rosetta Stone, 110, 388
Rosicrucians, 602, 619
Rossi, Carlo J. (1775–1849), 682
Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio (1792–1868), 553, 584, 614
Rostok, University of, 606
Rostopchin, Count Feodor Vasilievich (1763–1826), 683, 687, 705
Rothes Blatt, Das (Görres), 624
Rothschild, Meyer Amschel (1743–1812), 361, 603
Rothschild, Nathan Meyer (1777–1836), 361
rotten boroughs, 437, 512
Rouen, 5, 8, 62, 75, 263
Rouget de Lisle, Claude-Joseph (1760–1836), 37, 38, 137
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–78), 6, 328, 332, 400
Beethoven and, 582
and Catherine II, 677
Chateaubriand and, 311, 315
French Revolution and, 6–7, 14, 23, 35, 41, 57, 74*, 79, 145
Germany and, 619, 621, 625, 627, 638
Godwin and, 398
Napoleon and, 91, 93, 94, 242, 286
Paine and, 515
Romanticism and, 139, 416, 477, 629, 685
Mme. de Staël and, 146, 151, 290
and universal military service, 267
Rousseau and Revolution (Durant), 35*, 340*, 533*, 620*
Roustam (1780–1845), 243, 727
Roux, Jacques (d. 1794), 54, 63, 89
Rovereto, battle of (1796), 103
Rovigo, Duc de, see Savary, René
Rowlandson, Thomas (1756–1827), 378–79
Royal Academy of Art, London, 376, 378–83 passim, 413
Royal College of Physicians, London, 392
Royal College of Surgeons, London, 392
Royal Institution of London, 386, 388, 389, 390, 439–40
Royal Lancastrian Association, 362
Royal Philharmonic Society, London, 376
Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, 386, 387, 388, 519
Royal Society of Science and Arts, Metz, 275
Royer-Collard, Pierre-Paul (1763–1845), 331
Rubens, Peter Paul (1577–1640), 279, 282
Rückert, Friedrich (1788–1866), 714
Rudé, François (1784–1855), 280
Rudolf, Archduke (1788–1831), 565, 576, 581, 583
Rudolf I of Hapsburg, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1273–91), 558
Ruffo, Fabrizio, Cardinal (1744–1827), 545
Rugby, 362
Rügen, 733
Ruines, Les (Volney), 144, 471
Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count-(1753–1814), 386, 387–88, 390, 696
Ruskin, John (1819–1900), 384, 385, 417
Russia, 3, 672–89, 696–710
art and literature in, 681–86
in the partitioning of Poland (1772, 1792, 1795), 46, 85, 116, 513, 667
Peace of Jassy with Turkey, 670
in 1st Coalition against France (1793), 517
in 2d Coalition, 116–17, 119, 176, 521, 670, 676
in 2d League of Armed Neutrality (1800), 178, 208, 663–65
treaty with England (1801), 178
alliance with Prussia (1802), 686
peace with France (1802), 179
and Rhineland reorganization, 188, 589
alliance with Austria (1804)., 686
in 3d Coalition (1805), 203–4, 522, 595, 686–87
alliance with England (1806), 210, 212
secret alliance with Prussia (1806), 596
war against Turkey (1806 ff.), 212, 671
war against France (1806–07), 207–12, 276, 596
Peace of Tilsit with France, 212–13, 276, 596, 671, 687
alliance with France (1807–10), 212, 214, 222, 225, 228, 233, 234, 538, 693
hurt by Continental Blockade, 687, 694
war and peace with Sweden (1808), 661 r />
and Treaty of Schönbrunn (1809), 233
violates and withdraws from Continental Blockade, 688, 693, 697
pact with Sweden (1812), 663, 689, 697
Peace of Bucharest with Turkey (1812), 671, 689, 697
invasion of (1812), 241, 300, 307, 527, 556, 557, 697–711
in 1813–14 War of Liberation, 715, 716, 718, 722–23, 724, 725
and Treaties of Chaumont (1814), 723
and Treaty of Fontainebleau (1814), 726
and Congress of Vienna, 731–33
and occupation of France (1815), 752–53
and 2d Treaty of Paris, 753
Saale River, 209, 590, 600, 719
Saalfeld, battle of (1806), 209
Saar, 754
Sade, Comte Donatien-Alphonse-François de (1740–1814), 132
St.-Amand, 745
Saint-André, André-Jeanbon (1749–1813), 60, 65
St. Andrews, University of, 20, 503
St. Bernard Pass, 171–72
St.-Cloud, Palace of, 30, 235, 271
and 18th Brumaire, 121–23, 151
St.-Domingue (Santo Domingo), 85, 177–78, 220, 771
Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin (1804–69), 308
Ste.-Geneviève, Church of (Paris), 30
St.-Firmin prison, Paris, 45
St. Gotthard Pass, 171
St. Helena, 220, 756–57, 758–69, 775
Saint-Hilaire, Geoffroy, see Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne St. James’s Palace, 381
St. John, Knights of, see Knights of Malta Saint-Just, Louis-Antoine (1767–94), 60–61, 129
arrest and death of, 82–83
in Committee, 60–61, 80
constitution of 1793 formulated by, 57
and Danton’s trial, 77, 78
Louis XVI’s death demanded by, 51
military achievements of, 61, 62, 68, 80
and Robespierre, 14, 61
St. Luke’s Academy, Rome, 555
St. Mark’s Cathedral, Venice, 139, 279
St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, 377, 381, 385, 444
St. Petersburg: architecture in, 681–82
music in, 553
St. Petersburg, University of, 680
St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, 683, 684
St. Stephen’s Church (Stefanskirche), Vienna, 562, 563
St. Vincent, Cape, battle of (1797), 520
Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Syria (r. 1174–93), 506
Salamanca, 229
battle of (1812), 539, 703
Salieri, Antonio (1750–1825), 553, 570
Salisbury Cathedral (Constable), 382
Salon, Paris, 14, 104*, 139, 140, 141, 382
Salpêtrière prison, Paris, 45, 325
Saltykov, Count N. J., 677
Salzburg, 233, 588, 733
Sambre River, 97, 744, 749
San Giuliano, 171, 173–74
San Marino, 541
sansculottes, origin of word, 7, 134
Sanskrit, 632, 635
Sanson, Henri (1767–1840), 66