Stein, Charlotte von, nee von Schardt (1742–1827), 605, 615
Stein, Freiherr Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum (1757–1831), 596–98
at Congress of Vienna, 732
his letter intercepted by the French, 225, 598
reforms of, 597–98, 654, 687
at St. Petersburg, 599, 627, 689, 706
and the War of Liberation, 712, 713
Steiner, Sigmund (fl. 1817), 582
Stendhal (Henri Beyle; 1783–1842), 219, 551
description of Byron, 478–79, 480
on N., 259, 301, 773
Stephen II, Pope (r. 752–57), 548
Stephenson, George (1781–1848), 342
stereotyping, invention of, 145
Stettin, art in, 611
Stewart, Dugald (1753–1828), 503
Stockach, battle of (1799), 116
Stockholm, 612, 635, 661
Stockton, Eng., 342
Stokoe, John, 767
Stradella, 173
Stralsund, 661
Stranitsky, Joseph Anton (d. 1726), 564–65
Strasbourg, 37, 68, 116, 203, 231, 261
Christian-Jewish tension at, 275
Strasbourg, University of, 561
Strauss, David Friedrich (1808–74), 646, 657
Strauss, Johann (1804–49), 564
Strawberry Hill, 377
Stroganov, Count Pavel Aleksandrovich, 678
Stuart, Sir John, M. P., 503
Studenki, 709
Sturm und Drang, 582, 604, 619
Stuttgart, 588, 610, 613, 624
Stuttgart Academy, 326
Stuttgart Museum, 610
style grecque, 272
Styria, 558
Suard, Jean-Baptiste (1733–1817), 303
Suchet, Louis-Gabriel (1772–1826), 172, 539
Suckling, Capt. Maurice (1725–78), 518
Suetonius (Caius Suetonius Tranquillus; A.D. 70?–121?), 227
Suleiman the Magnificent, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1520–66), 242
Suliotes, 498–99
Sunium Promontorium (Cape Colonna), 458
Sun of Venice Going Out to Sea, The (Turner), 384
Sun Rising through Mist, The (Turner), 384
Sutton, Daniel and Robert, British physicians (fl. 1760), 393
Suvorov, Aleksandr Vasilievich (1729–1800), 116–17, 684
Svea (Tegnér), 661
Sweden, 3, 36, 661–62
in 1st Coalition against France (1792), 661
alliance with France (1793), 55
in 2d League of Armed Neutrality (1800), 178, 663–665
in 3d Coalition (1805), 201–2, 522, 661
at war against Prussia (1806), 207
hostile to France (1807), 213
Russia’s designs on (1807), 213, 687
at war against Russia (1808), 661
peace with Russia, loses Finland (1808), 661
peace with France (1810), 236
accepts Bernadotte as heir, 236
signs mutual-aid pact with Russia (1812), 663, 689, 697
joins coalitions against France (1813, 1815), 300, 740
Norway ceded to, 722
Swedenborg, Emmanuel (1688–1772), 415
Swedish Royal Academy, 662
Swieten, Baron Gottfried van (1734–1803), 565–66, 570
Swiss Confederation, 188, 659–60
Swiss Guards, 9, 17, 39–40, 43, 44, 94, 667
Switzerland, 3, 544, 608, 659–61
invaded by French (1798), 108, 114
submits to protectorate as Helvetic Republic, 108, 187, 201, 241, 659
Masséna’s operations in (1799), 116, 117, 119
reorganized by N., 187–88, 522, 659–60
Britain demands French withdrawal from, 189
Symposium (Plato), 493
Syria, 112–13, 242
System des transzentalen Idealismus (Schelling), 644
Système des animaux sans vertèbres (Lamarck), 328
Tableau historique … de la littérature française depuis 1789 (Chénier), 146
Table Talk (Coleridge), 446–47
Tacitus, Caius Cornelius (55?–120?), 66, 226–27, 319–20
Taine, Hippolyte (1828–93), 240, 259, 263, 301, 331*, 778
Talavera, battle of (1809), 538
Tales from Shakespeare (Lamb), 400, 448
Tales of Hoffmann (Offenbach), 626
Tales of My Landlord (Scott), 506
Talisman, The (Scott), 506
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles- Maurice de (1754–1838), 4, 69, 269, 272, 283, 370, 665
in the Revolution, 27, 29, 30, 34, 51, 364
and Mme. de Staël, 148, 150, 151, 292, 300
in exile, 150, 165–66
under Directory, 100, 107–8, 114–15, 151
and 18th Brumaire, 121
under Consulate, 165–66, 170, 177, 178, 215, 250
and execution of Enghien, 191, 192, 230–31
under early Empire, 197, 200, 250, 546
begins to work against N., 205–6
Fox’s warning to, 526
in Mainz (1806), 208–9
at Tilsit, 213 becomes prince of Benevento, 214, 270
and N.’s Spanish venture, 223, 224, 230–31
at Erfurt (1808), 225–26
conspires with Alexander I, 226, 231, 241
fired by N., 231
Metternich and, 561, 732–33
plots against N., 710
heads Provisional Government, 725, 729
and Louis XVIII, 300, 320, 753–54
at Congress of Vienna, 731–33
death of, 754
N.’s assessment of, 765
Talleyrand-Périgord, Edmond de, 226
Tallien, Jean-Lambert (1767–1820), 71, 80–82, 96, 136
on Egyptian expedition, 108
in post-Thermidor Convention, 83, 85, 150
Tallien, Thérésa, nee Cabarrús, later Princesse de Chimay (1773–1835), 96, 100, 140, 279, 605
banished by N., 269
and Barras, 108, 114, 136
and the fall of Robespierre, 81
visits Malmaison, 236
Talma, François-Joseph (1763–1828), 138, 146, 225, 246, 283, 284, 372
Tambroni, Clotilda (1758–1817), 551
Tanucci, Marchese Bernardo di (1698–1783), 543
Tarascon, White Terror in, 84–85
Tascher, Baron de, 95
Tatars, 670, 672, 678
Tate Gallery, 382
Tauroggen, 713
Taylor, John, 475
Teatro la Fenice, Venice, 554
Teatro San Carlo, Naples, 554
Tegnér, Esaias (1782–1846), 662, 666
Télémaque (Fénelon/Lesueur), 137
Telford, Thomas (1757–1834), 342
Temple, Paris, 40, 50, 65
Temple de la Gloire (La Madeleine), Paris, 206, 261, 280
Temple of Nature, The (E. Darwin), 391
Tenerife, 609
Tennis Court Oath (1789), 16
Ten Years of Exile (Staël), 290, 300
Teplitz, 296, 580, 643
Terror, Reign of (1793–94), 41, 62–83, 128, 129, 133, 137, 271
in the provinces, 60, 67–71
Terror of 1797, Reign of, 106
Tessé, Mme. de, 288
Tessino, 173
Test Act (England, 1673), 508
Thayer, A. W., 564, 568*
Theater-an-der-Wien, 565, 575
Théâtre de la Nation, 138
Théâtre de la République Française, 138
Théâtre de l’Odéon, 261, 283–84
Théâtre de l’Opéra-Comique, 137*
Théâtre-Feydeau, 278
Théâtre-Français, 139, 283–84, 286
Thelwall, John (1764–1834), 517
Themistocles (527?–460? B.C.), 755
Théorie analytique de la chaleur (Fourier), 323
Théorie analytique des probabilités (Laplace), 324
éorie des quatre mouvements et des destinées générales (Fourier), 262
Théorie du pouvoir politique et religieux (Bonald), 332
Theory of Life (Coleridge), 440
Theory of the Earth (Hutton), 387
Thermidoreans, 83–87, 89
Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (Roget), 390
Theseus Slaying the Centaur (Canova), 555
Thibaudeau, Antoine (1765–1854), 162, 180
Thiers, Louis-Adolphe (1797–1877), 775
Thionville, siege of (1792), 312
Third Coalition (1805), 200–202, 267, 522, 661
Third Estate (Tiers État), 3, 4, 5–9, 11–12, 13–17
declares itself the National Assembly, 16, 152
Sieyès’ pamphlet on, 5, 117, 161
Third Republic, French (1871–1940), 775
13th Vendémiaire, revolt of, 87
Thirty-nine Articles, 358, 363, 398
Thirty Years’ War (1618–48), 558, 588, 601, 658
Thirty Years’ War (Schiller), 226
Thomas de Thomon, Thomas-Jean (1754–1813), 682
Thompson, Benjamin, see Rumford, Count
Thompson, Horatia Nelson (1801–81), 521, 524
Thomson, James (1700–48), 368, 416
Thorn, 211, 593, 700, 733
Thorwaldsen, Bertel (1770–1844), 667, 683
Thouars, 72
Thrasymachus (5th cent. B.C.), 94
Thugut, Baron Franz de Paula von (1736–1818), 170, 175
Thuriot de La Rozière, Jacques (1753–1829), 82
Ticino River, 102
Ticknor, George (1791–1871), 464
Tidswell, Charlotte, 372–73
Tieck, Ludwig (1773–1853), 582, 630–32
Tiers État, see Third Estate Tilsit, 700
Tilsit, Peace of (1807), 212–13, 241, 249, 276, 296, 319, 687
French-Russian alliance at, 212, 225
and Poland, 213, 668
Prussia dismembered by, 213, 596, 641
and Turkey, 669, 671
Times, London, 408
“Tintern Abbey” (Wordsworth), 429, 430–31
Tirol, 205, 558, 733
Tischbein, Johann Friedrich August (1750–1812), 611
Tischbein, Johann Heinrich (1722–89), 611
Tischbein, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm (1751–1829), 611
Titan (Richter), 625
Tivoli Gardens, Paris, 135–36
“To a Butterfly” (Wordsworth), 435
“To a Skylark” (Shelley), 482
Tocqueville, Alexis Clérel de (1805–59), 152, 259, 344, 654
Tod des Empedokles, Der (Hölderlin), 627
Toledo, Spain, 533
Tolentino, battle of (1815), 771
Tolentino, Peace Treaty of (1797), 104, 544
Toleration, Edict of (Austria, 1781), 544
Tolly, Barclay de, see Barclay de Tolly, Prince Mikhail
Tone, Theobald Wolfe (1763–98), 508–9
Tooke, John Home (1736–1812), 379, 517
Tories, 355, 363, 407, 437, 450
and Catholic emancipation, 360
and Reform Bill, 447
Tormasov, Aleksandr, 701
Torre di Garofolo, 173
Torres Vedras, 538
Tortona, 172
torture, abolition of: in Denmark, 663
in France, 10, 26
in Italy, 541, 556
in Russia, 679
in Spain, 540
“To the Evening Star” (Blake), 413
Toulon, 202
and the Egyptian expedition, 108, 189, 520
given up to British (1793), 62
recaptured by Bonaparte, 71, 74–75, 94, 95, 238
Terror in, 69, 81
Villeneuve’s fleet escapes from, 522
White Terror in, 85
Toulouse, 126, 753
Tours, 72, 296
Tours of Dr. Syntax, The (Rowlandson), 379
Tour St.-Bernard prison, Paris, 45
Toussaint L’Ouverture, François-Dominique (1743–1803), 177–78, 220
trade unions, see labor unions
Trafalgar, battle of (1805), III, 251, 362, 377, 523–24;
results and significance of, 342, 525, 526, 532
Turner’s painting of, 383–84
Trafalgar Cup, 377
Traité de l’auscultation médiate (Laënnec), 325
Traité de mécanique céleste (Laplace), 323–24
Traité des fonctions (Legendre), 142
Traité médico-philosophique sur l’aliénation mentale (Pinel), 325
Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Trajanus), Emperor of Rome (r. 98–117), 280
Transylvania, 558
Trattato dei delitti e delle pene (Beccaria), 406
Trebbia, battle of (1799), 117
Treilhard, Jean-Baptiste (1742–1810), 106, 117, 239
Treitschke, Heinrich von (1834–96), 587
Trelawny, Edward John (1792–1881), 474, 494–99 passim, 501
Trent, Council of (1545–63), 542
Treves, see Trier
Trevithick, George (1771–1833), 342
Trianon Palace, 271
Tribunat (Tribunate), 161, 181–82, 184, 187
abolished, 214
Constant in, 288, 289, 304–5
Tribune du Peuple, 90
Trier, Archbishop Elector of, 560
Trier (Treves), electoral archbishopric of, 587, 588, 619
Trieste, 233, 563
Trinity College, Dublin, 354, 508, 510–11
Triple Alliance (1815), 733
Tristram Shandy (Sterne), 629
“Triumph of Life, The” (Shelley), 495
Tronchet, François-Denis (1726–1806), 180
Troyes, 5, 722, 723, 725
Tübingen, 624
Tübingen, University of, 606, 626
Tübingen Seminary, 643, 645
Tudela, battle of (1808), 229
Tugenbund, 599, 713
Tuileries Palace, 278, 280, 284
attacks on, 7, 37, 39–40, 48, 94, 149
gardens, 63, 132, 135, 136
N. moves to, 168
Pavillon de Flore, 55, 198
royal family compelled to live in, 25, 29, 560
Turenne, Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, Maréchal Vicomte de (1611–75), 247
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, Baron de l’Aulne (1727–81), 10
Turin, 98, 99, 172, 332, 333, 335
Turkey, see Ottoman Empire
Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775–1851), 340, 370, 374, 376, 382–85, 430
Tuscany, 116, 176, 733
under Elisa Bacciocchi, 220, 546–47
under Leopold, 541–42, 544, 558, 559
Tuyll, Isabella van (Isabelle de Charrière, “Zélide”; 1740–1805), 303–4
Two Sicilies, Kingdom of the, see Naples, kingdom of
Tyler, Elizabeth, 424
Tyler, Wat (d. 1381), 424
Über den Grund unseres Glaubens … (Fichte), 640
Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Inder (Schlegel), 635
Uginet, Joseph (“Eugène”), 296
Uhland, Johann Ludwig (1787–1862), 714
Ukraine, 672
Ulm, 588, 644
battle of (1805), 203, 204
Ulster, 507, 509
Ultime lettere di lacopo Ortis, Le (Foscolo), 552–53
ultramontanists, 184, 185, 336
Umbria, 542
Umzmarkt, battle of (1797), 104
Undine (Hoffmann), 626
Unitarianism, 346, 359, 513
United Irishmen, 509, 510
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 510
United States, 67, 504
and the British blockade of France, 80
centralization in, 153
Chateaubriand’s descriptions of, 310–11
communistic experiments in, 262, 350
free enterprise in, 126
French privateers’ seizure of ships of, 114–15 r />
Louisiana Purchase, 189
peace with England (1814), 733
population, 342, 402
separation of church and state in, 127
War of 1812 against England, 526, 527, 732
Unsichtbare Loge, Die (Richter), 625
Uppsala, University of, 662
Urals, mining in, 610
Urbino, 542
utilitarianism, 404–7, 503
Utrecht, Treaty of (1713), 541
Uxbridge, Sir Henry William Paget, Earl of, later 1st Marquess of Anglesey (1768–1854), 747, 749
vaccination against smallpox, 393
Vadier, Marc-Guillaume-Alexis (1730–1828), 84, 90
Valais, 319
Valazé, Charles-Éléonore du Friche de (1751–93), 66
Valençay, Château of, 214, 224
Valence, 93, 544
Valencia, 539
Valenciennes, 62
Valley Farm (Constable), 382
Vallon, Annette (b. 1767), 420–21, 434–35, 452
Vallon, Caroline (b. 1792), 420, 434–35, 452
Valmy, battle of (1792), 46, 516, 593, 594, 622
Vancouver, George (1758?–98), 387
Vandal, Albert (1853–1910), 164, 181, 249
Vandamme, Dominique-René (1770–1830), 237, 718, 742, 745, 747
Vanguard, H.M.S., 520, 545
Varennes, 31, 311, 559, 622
Varlet, Jean, 54, 56
Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August (1785–1858), 603
Varnhagen von Ense, Rachel, nee Levin, 603, 605, 634
Var River, 69
Vathek (Beckford), 377
Vatican, art works of, 279, 555
Vauchamps, battle of (1814), 723
Vauxhall Gardens (Rowlandson), 379, 444
vegetarianism, 473, 492
Veit, Brendel, see Mendelssohn, Brendel Veit, Philipp (1793–1877), 611, 634
Veit, Simon, 603, 634
Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y (1599–1660), 533
Venaissin, 544
Vendée, revolts in, 44, 53, 62, 85, 117, 167, 273, 740
and the Concordat, 183
Kléber victorious over, 72, 75
suppressed by Carrier, 68–69
truces with, 83–84, 160
Vendôme Column, Paris, 261, 280, 682, 773, 775
Venetian Epigrams (Goethe), 622–23
Venezia, 202, 233, 545
Venice, 541, 542, 545, 554
allows N. to use its territory (1796), 102
art in, 554
art works taken from, 279
Austria given free hand in, 105, 202, 552–53
Byron in, 479–80, 482, 486–87
under French protectorate, 205, 253, 546
Jews in, 275
morals in, 551
new canal from, 261
opera in, 553
Senate deposed by N., 104
Venus de’ Medici, 279
Venus Victrix (Canova statue of Pauline Borghese), 92, 555, 771
Verdun, 44, 46
Vergniaud, Pierre-Victurnien (1753–93), 35, 49, 56, 59, 129
death of, 66