Page 13 of Under Her

“How come you learned Thai?” I ask her.

  It’s just not your conventional language. Most people in business learn Spanish or Mandarin.

  She shrugs. “I speak Spanish, French, and Mandarin as well.”

  I stare at her, stunned. “You speak four foreign languages?”

  “I’m not fully fluent in Thai. I only started learning it a few years back when I knew I would be coming here. And I guess I’m just a fast learner.” She shrugs again, like it’s no big deal.

  “You’re fucking amazing,” I tell her. The words are out before I can stop them. But they are the truth.

  And the way her cheeks turn pink as a shy look crosses her face tells me that I just did the right thing.

  “Say something to me in all those languages.”

  “Nope.” She shakes her head, biting down on a smile.

  “Come on, Morgan.” I put my elbows on the table and lean forward. “You know you want to.”

  Mirroring me, she puts her elbows on the table and moves in close. My breath catches at her nearness.

  “No, I really don’t.”


  I pout, and she laughs.

  “Guess I’ll just have to get you drunk and try again later.” I grin and sit back in my seat.

  “Yeah. Good luck with that.” She chuckles and then stands up. “I’m gonna use the restroom. Back in a minute.”

  “You want me to order for you?”

  She pauses and glances down at the menu on the table. Then, she lifts her eyes to mine. “Sure. I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

  I watch her walk away, her ass swaying as she goes.

  God, I need to have that ass in my hands and bury my face between those gorgeous legs of hers.

  No sex thoughts, Cross.

  You need to figure out what’s going on in her mind before you can even get to sex.

  Slow. Slow.

  I get out of my chair and head over to the bar to order our food and drinks.

  The bartender is busy, so I lean my elbows on the counter and wait.

  “Wilder.” A female voice has me turning my head.

  “Audrey. Hi.” I smile, shifting around to face her.

  She steps a little closer to me—not invading my personal space, more like she wants to say something but doesn’t want everyone to overhear.

  And I’m right when she says in a quieter voice, “I was hoping I’d see you again before I left. I wanted to thank you…for turning me down the other night.” She doesn’t sound like she’s being bitchy. She actually sounds genuine.

  “Well, that’s the first time a woman’s ever said that to me.”

  I laugh, and so does she.

  “Seriously though, I wasn’t doing it for the right reasons, and even though you’re gorgeous, I know that I would have regretted it in the morning if we had slept together.”

  “Well then, you’re welcome.”

  I’m taking the glory for this, but I know me, and if I wasn’t so hung up on Morgan, I would have nailed Audrey without a second thought.

  And knowing that she would have walked away from that, feeling shitty, has me thinking about how many other women I have screwed who have regretted it.

  And I’m not thinking in terms of a dent on my ego. But…well, I would never want a woman to leave after having sex with me, feeling like crap because she screwed me for all the wrong reasons.

  Then, I think about Morgan. What if we have sex and then she regrets it afterward? Honestly, it would fucking gut me.

  “How are things going with that girl who had your head all messed up?” Audrey asks, breaking into my thoughts.

  “Ah. Well, nothing’s changed. But I’m hoping it will soon.”

  She gives me an encouraging smile. “I’m sure it will. How could any girl resist you for too long?”

  “True.” I give a cheeky grin.

  “Well, it was good seeing you again.”

  “You, too.” I smile.

  Audrey leans in and presses a kiss to my cheek. “You’re a good guy, Wilder. Take care.” Then, she’s gone.

  I stand here a moment, staring at the empty spot where Audrey just stood.

  I can’t stop thinking about what she said. About regret.

  I never thought I had any regrets. But I do.

  I regret all the time I’ve spent fighting with Morgan. And I don’t just mean since she came back into my life. I mean, back in college, too.

  Things could have been so different if we’d just pulled our heads out of our asses and actually spent time getting to know one another.

  Because I’m pretty fucking sure we’d have ended up together back then if we had done that.

  And I don’t mean, just for a quick fuck. I mean, together, together.

  Because that’s sure as hell what I want now.

  Sure, I want to bang her. I mean, Jesus, have you seen her?

  But it’s not just the sex. It’s her.

  Her smart mouth and even smarter mind. Those warm smiles and gorgeous eyes.

  I want Morgan. All the time.

  How the hell am I only just realizing this now?

  It’s not just my cock that’s been obsessed with her.

  All of me is obsessed with her.

  My head and my heart.

  I’m crazy about her.

  I glance back at our table, and I see Morgan is there. But she’s not sitting, waiting for me. She’s on her feet, staring at me, and she looks…angry.

  I push off the bar and walk over to her. “Hey, what’s—”

  I don’t get the rest of the words out because she slaps me so hard, the sound rings through the bar.

  “Jesus Christ!” My hand goes to my stinging cheek. “What the fuck was that for?”

  Livid, liquid chocolate eyes meet mine. She shakes her hand out, rubbing it with the other. “That,” she says in a scary-ass, breathing-fire voice, “was for all the times you’ve made me feel like shit.”

  Then, she picks her bag up and storms out of the restaurant.

  But I’m not done with her. Not by a fucking long shot.

  I catch her out on the street, grabbing hold of her arm. “Oh no, you don’t. You don’t get to slap me and then run off. I want to know what the hell just happened.”

  “Why don’t you just fuck off and go find your girlfriend? ’Cause I’m not interested.”

  “My girlfriend?” I stare at her, feeling like I’ve just stepped into an alternate universe. “Are you high right now?”

  Her eyes narrow like lasers. And my reflexes are a little faster this time, and I catch her flying hand.

  “Stop fucking hitting me,” I hiss at her. “And start talking some sense to me, so I know what the fuck is going on.”

  She tries to free her arm from my hand, but no way am I letting go so that she can try to smack me again.

  “I saw you…and the redhead. She kissed you—”

  “On the cheek!”

  “Clearly, you know her. And we’ve only been here a handful of days. So, you must know her well enough for her to feel like she can kiss you on the cheek. And knowing how you get to know women…well, I shouldn’t be surprised, should I? You screwed her. Then, you sweet-talked me. Oh, I admire you, Morgan. You never take my bullshit. I like you. Blah, blah, blah! And I fucking believed you! Like the gullible idiot that I am.

  “God, I was actually going to let you kiss me! And then you’re kissing her, probably making plans to meet her later! Ugh, I’m so stupid! What were you going to do, Wilder? Try to get in my pants, and if you didn’t succeed, go for round two with her? Or maybe you just planned on doing us both in the same night! Jesus! Why am I always so fucking stupid when it comes to you?”

  I grab her face in my hands, forcing her to look at me. “I didn’t fuck Audrey. The closest I’ve ever been to her was that kiss on the cheek that she gave me. I didn’t kiss her; she kissed me.”

  “Well, she clearly felt comfortable kissing you,” she snaps.

?She was thanking me.” My voice is harsh, but I’m frustrated. She just doesn’t seem to be hearing a fucking word I’m saying. “I met her at the hotel bar the first night we arrived here. She recently got divorced, she was feeling lonely, and she propositioned me.”

  Morgan barks out a laugh. “Of course she did. And I bet you had a lot of fun with her.”

  Jesus, the venom in her eyes. I’ve never seen her like this before.

  “Just fucking listen to me for a goddamn minute!” I bark at her.

  Her eyes flash with surprise, and I don’t like it, but I’ve got her attention, so I take it and run.

  “Audrey hit on me. I turned her down. She was just thanking me for turning her down because she knew that she had asked me for the wrong reasons, and she would’ve regretted it if we’d slept together.”

  “You turned her down?”

  “Of course I did.”


  Is she really that blind? Does she really not see that I’m tied up in knots over her and that I have been ever since she came back into my life?

  “Because of you!” I yell, frustrated. “How the fuck could I ever want anyone else when all I think about, all I want, is you?”

  And then I’m done talking. It’s time for action.

  So, I slam my mouth down on hers, and I kiss her.

  The ride back to the hotel is a steep learning curve in the art of mastering restraint.

  And, no, you kinky bastards, I’m not talking about those kinds of restraints.

  I mean, restraint from screwing Morgan right here and now.

  Because there is no way I’m having sex with her for the first time in the back of a limo.

  Not that I’ve ever had a problem with having sex in a car before. But not with her. The first time with Morgan has to be perfect.

  I guess I’m going soft in my Morgan-obsessed state.

  But not soft in other places. My cock is currently made of steel. And I’m desperately trying not to impale her with him. But, fuck, it’s difficult.

  And she’s not exactly making it easy for me because she’s straddling my lap, her hands in my hair, tongue in my mouth, riding me through our clothes, and I’m fucking dying here.

  I’m so desperate to be inside her, it’s bordering on insanity.

  Jesus, can this limo go any faster?

  I’m half-tempted to drop the divider and offer the guy ten thousand dollars to get us back to the hotel in half the time.

  But I don’t want him to get a view of Morgan in her current sexed-up state.

  I don’t need to worry though because, a few minutes later, the limo is pulling up to a stop outside our hotel.

  I don’t wait for the driver to get the door. And I don’t give a shit that I’m currently sporting the world’s biggest boner. I open the limo door, grab hold of Morgan’s hand, and drag her out of the car with me.

  I all but run her through the hotel reception, toward the gardens, and in the direction of our bungalows.

  I’m on a mission. And nothing and no one is going to stop me from getting inside her gorgeous body.

  I’m digging in my shorts pocket for my room key as we approach the bungalows. Morgan hasn’t said a word, but I can hear heavy breaths beside me, and the sound is making me even harder. Impossibly harder.

  I jam the key in the door. Unlock it. Fling it open. Pull her inside. Slam the door shut and push her up against it.

  Then, I just stand here and stare at her. Taking her in for a moment.

  Her flushed chest is heaving up and down. Her lips are puffy from my kisses. Her eyes are laced with desire. Her gorgeous hair is ruffled.

  She looks fucking beautiful.

  She looks like sex.

  And she’s all mine.

  I step up to her. Her breath catches.

  “Hi,” I say.


  She bites her lip, and I can’t wait a moment longer.

  My mouth crashes down on hers.

  We both moan in the absolute euphoria of our kiss.

  I’ve kissed hundreds of women. Possibly thousands. And not once have I ever felt like I do when I kiss her.

  Like my whole body is on fire. Alive with the most fucking incredible sensations.

  If kissing her feels like this, I can only imagine what being inside her will feel like. And the way she starts attacking my clothes, I figure I’m going to find out sooner than later.

  She tugs my T-shirt up. So, I reach back, pull it over my head, and toss it to the floor. I kick off my shoes. I stick my hand in the pocket of my shorts, pull out a condom, and toss it onto the bed.

  Then, I take off my shorts. Leaving only my boxers.

  I’ve never exactly been the shy type.

  I hook my thumbs in the waistband of my boxers and shove them to the floor.

  Then, I meet Morgan’s eyes, which are wide and fixed on my cock.

  I almost come just from the look in them.

  “God, Wilder…” Her eyes lift to mine. “It’s so…”


  “I was going to say hard.”

  “It’s that, too.” I chuckle deep.

  I step backward and sit on the edge of the bed. I lean back on my hands, and my cock juts up, large and proud. “Your turn,” I tell her with a lift of my chin.

  I see a flash of nerves in her eyes, but she seems to stamp it down. She meets my stare and bites that goddamn lip of hers again, like she knows it makes me crazy.

  She kicks off her shoes and then takes her top off, revealing a black lacy bra.

  Holy fuck, she’s pretty.

  Then, she unzips her skirt. The sound echoes around the room. She pushes the skirt down her hips until it’s pooling on the floor, revealing her matching panties.

  And it’s not one of our products.

  “You’re wearing the competition.” I tilt my head to the side.

  A smile edges her lips, and she lifts her shoulder. “I like to see what I’m up against.”

  “Come here.” I crook a finger at her.

  She pads toward me. My cock pulses against my stomach, the closer she gets.

  When she reaches me, I pop the clasp on her bra. Her tits spill out of them. They’re more than a handful, and her nipples are rosy and perfect.

  I run my finger between the valley of her breasts and down to her stomach, stopping just above the waistband of her panties.

  Then, I grab hold of her hips with both hands. I catch the material of her panties with my fingers and rip it from her body. She gasps.

  “Crap quality,” I rasp out.

  I throw the tattered panties to the floor, and my eyes drop to the spot between her legs.

  She’s blonde and perfect with a neat little landing strip right over the place where I’ll soon be.

  Taking hold of her hips again, I lift her onto the bed, so she’s straddling me.

  I take her face in my hands, and I kiss her.

  She moans into my mouth, and I feel it all the way down to my cock.

  I suck on her tongue, and the kiss turns heated, so raw and primal.

  She shifts forward, and her hot, wet pussy presses against my cock.

  Holy frigging hell. I practically see stars.

  “I can’t wait,” I croak out.

  “Why would you?” she gasps.

  Good fucking question.

  I grab the condom from the bed and tear it open. I go to put it on, but she takes the rubber from me and rolls it down onto my cock.

  So goddamn sexy.

  Her gorgeous eyes lift to meet mine. She has my cock in her hand.

  With our eyes locked together, she slowly…so very fucking slowly sinks down onto me.

  And holy sweet fucking mother of Mary. It’s everything I thought it would be and more.

  She’s hot and tight and so goddamn perfect.

  She’s nirvana.

  I kiss her again.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her. “So fucking beautiful.”

  She rises up onto her knees, almost taking me out to the tip, before sliding back down on me.


  I keep kissing her as my hands grab her hips, urging her on.

  “God, Wilder,” she moans. Her head falls back, her lips parted.

  She’s a fucking goddess.

  I dip my head and capture one of her nipples in my mouth. My finger seeks out her clit. She moans louder. Her arms come around my head, holding me to her, as she starts to ride me in short, hard strokes.

  My tongue laves her nipple, and my finger rubs at her clit. Her pussy is soaked, and it squeezes my cock like a fist with each move she makes.

  I’m in fucking heaven.

  I can feel her body winding up like a time bomb, ready to explode. I’m close to coming myself. It’s taking everything in me not to shoot my load now. She’s that fucking hot. That fucking good. But I want this to last as long as possible. I want her to come before me.

  In one swift move, keeping myself inside her, I flip her to her back.

  “My turn,” I tell her.

  My body crashes to hers. I hook a hand under her leg, and I start to fuck her. Pumping in and out.

  “Yes! Wilder! Harder! Fuck me harder!”

  So, I do.

  I slam in and out of her. Flesh slapping flesh. The best fucking sound in the world.

  “Yes…God…Wilder…that’s…it…” Her words fall away on a gasp. Her head rolls to the side, her eyes squeeze shut, and her body shudders as she comes around my cock, triggering my own orgasm.

  “Morgan…fuck…fuck.” I thrust into her, feeling mindless with sensations as I come hard and long. So hard that I’m pretty sure I black out for a second.

  “Jesus,” I pant, pressing my forehead to hers, running my fingers into her hair. “That was…”


  The best night of my life. And I’ve only just gotten started on the things I want to do to her.

  I’m still inside her. I’m not ready to pull out just yet.

  Morgan is gazing up at me with those inviting brown eyes of hers, a smile edging her lips.

  And I just have to kiss her again. So, I do.

  I brush my lips over hers.

  I only intend for the kiss to be brief. But it quickly turns molten. I can’t seem to get enough of her. One taste is not enough.

  I wonder if anything will ever be enough with her.