Page 17 of Under Her

  Me: Who said I nailed Morgan in Thailand?

  Dom: You saying you didn’t, Wild? Because I’ve got ten grand riding on this.

  Me: I seriously can’t believe you assholes bet ten Gs on Morgan and me hooking up. You’re a pair of pricks.

  Coop: You’re surprised? This is me and Dom you’re talking about.

  Me: True.

  Dom: So…

  Me: You owe the man ten grand.

  Dom: For fuck’s sake. I’ll pay you tonight, Coop.

  Coop: ☺ See you tomorrow, Wild. And tell Morgan I said hi. Oh, wait, don’t bother. I’ll just tell her myself at brunch tomorrow.

  I reply with the middle finger emoji and shut off my phone.

  The smell of waffles wafts under my nose, and I glance up to see Morgan walking toward me, two plates of waffles in her hands.

  I give her a guilty look. “Shit. Sorry, babe. I didn’t exactly help.”

  “It’s okay.” She hands me my plate and heads for the kitchen door. “You can just pay me back later in orgasms.”

  See? Didn’t I tell you she was frigging perfect?

  My gorgeous waffle girl.

  Morgan is fidgeting beside me as we walk into Sonny’s, the best waffle and pancake house in Chicago, to meet Coop and Dom.

  I know she’s nervous. But I have no clue why.

  She already knows them both, and she used to work with Dom at Starbucks.

  If anyone should be worried, it’s me. I know they’re both gonna give me shit for bringing a girl to brunch, meaning they’ll pull out all the old stories to make me look like a prick in front of Morgan. And that’s not them being jerks. It’s just a guy thing. I’d do exactly the same thing to them if one of them turned up with a chick in tow.

  I squeeze Morgan’s hand that I’m holding, and she looks up at me.

  “Relax, babe. It’s just brunch with the boys.”

  She blows out a breath. “I know. You’re right. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

  “Because you’re adorable.” I smile at her before bringing my mouth down to her ear. “Look, we’ll stay an hour, max, and then we’ll go back to my apartment. Where I’ll strip off your clothes and put you in my shower. I want to try out the massage setting on you. I’m interested to see how long it’ll take you to come if I use it on your pussy.”

  I chuckle darkly at the sharp breath she inhales. I press a soft kiss to her neck before moving away. But I daren’t meet her eyes because I know what will be in them, and I know that it’ll have me hard in seconds.

  I lead us over to our usual table. Coop and Dom are already here. Coop grins at me. Then, his eyes land on Morgan, and they widen a touch. I know that look on him, and I know exactly what he’s thinking.

  I feel a surge of possessiveness over Morgan. Something I’ve never felt around a woman before. Previously, I would never have cared if Coop had thought a chick I was nailing was hot. Hell, I would’ve stepped aside for him if he’d asked me.

  But not for Morgan.

  She’s mine.

  “Assholes,” I greet them with a cocky grin. “You remember Morgan.”

  “Sure I do.” Dom gets to his feet and leans over to kiss her cheek.

  And I want to punch him.

  Jesus, I’ve got it bad.

  “You look great, Morgan,” Dom says to her.

  “Yeah, you really do.” Coop stands and kisses her cheek. As he pulls back, the fucker meets my eyes and grins.

  He definitely thinks she’s hot, and he’s going to flirt like fuck with her.

  Not because he’s an asshole—well, he is an asshole—but this is his way of winding me up. Payback for missing out on boys’ night.

  Us guys are total jerks at times.

  But I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same to him ’cause I totally would.

  “You’ve gone from pretty college chick to hot-as-fuck businesswoman.”

  Jesus, Coop. You’re laying it on a bit thick.

  “What the hell are you doing with this asshole?” He thumbs in my direction.

  I resist flipping him off. Then, I notice that Morgan’s blushing. And that, I definitely don’t like.

  Possessiveness swoops in again like a bitch, and I sling my arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer to me.

  Coop smirks, and I narrow my eyes on him.

  “You’re right; she is too good for me. But, luckily for me, she sees something in me and wants to be with me anyway.”

  Shit, did that sound a bit pussified?

  But, the instant Morgan glances up at me, my worry disappears. The softness in her eyes does something weird to my chest.

  “I don’t just see something in you, Cross. I see a lot in you.” She smiles at me, and that weird feeling in my chest intensifies.

  “Jesus. Knock it off with the lovefest, will ya? Or I’m gonna hurl, and I haven’t even had my food yet.”

  This time, I do flip Coop off.

  I pull out a chair for Morgan and then take the one beside her.

  I rest my arm over the back of it and stroke the bare skin on her arm with my fingers because I have to touch her.

  “You guys order yet?” I ask them.

  “Nah, we were waiting for you,” Dom answers.

  “What do you want, babe?” I ask Morgan. I already know what I’m having.

  She picks up the menu and quickly glances over it.

  “I’ll have the Healthy Waffles and a coffee.”

  “Is there such a thing as Healthy Waffles?” Dom chuckles.

  “Probably not.” Morgan laughs. “But it definitely makes me feel better about having waffles twice in two days.”

  “Get used to it,” Coops says to her. “One-third of Wild’s diet is waffles.”

  “And what are the other two-thirds?” she asks him, smiling.

  “Coffee and sex, of course.” He grins, and she blushes.

  But he’s not wrong.

  Our waitress comes over, and we all order. I, of course, order my usual—Chicago’s Best, which is basically waffles with everything.

  The waitress has just brought our coffees over when Coop leans forward, elbows on the table, and puts all his focus on Morgan. “So, Morgan, tell us about what you’ve been up to since college.”

  She chuckles. “That’s a whole lot of years’ worth of stuff to tell you.”

  “I’ve got the time. In fact, I have all the time in the world for you.”

  I scowl at him. “That’s because you’re a lazy fuck who doesn’t work like the rest of us.”

  Coop grins at me and sits back in his chair. “True. But maybe I should work because, if all women in business look like Morgan, then work is definitely a place I want to be.”

  “They don’t all look like Morgan. Believe me,” Dom imparts, chuckling. “You’ve met Sonja, my relationship specialist,” he says to Coop, whose face screws up at the mention of her.

  “Ugh, fuck yeah.” Coop shudders. “That chick has warts on warts. How the fuck is she a specialist on relationships? I bet the only relationship she’s ever had is with Pornhub and her vibrator.”

  “Jesus, dude.” I throw a rolled up napkin at him. “Woman at the table.” My woman, to be exact.

  “Don’t worry about me,” Morgan says. “I’ve heard worse.”

  I want to ask from where, but then she looks at Coop and says, “And don’t knock the education that Pornhub and a vibrator can give a girl. I can tell you from experience that I’ve learned some of my best relationship moves from Pornhub and BOB.” She winks, and my mouth drops open.

  Coop hoots out a laugh. Dom nearly chokes on his coffee.

  I’m staring at Morgan like I’m seeing her for the first time.

  I know she’s open in bed, and I also, unfortunately, know that she’s had a threesome with two other dudes. But she’s only open when she’s turned on. When she’s not and the subject of sex comes up, she goes shy. So, to hear her say something so fucking open and sexual and, quite frankly, hot as fuck in front of
Coop and Dom, it shocks the hell out of me. And it also makes me a lot hard.

  I’m quickly working out if I can get away with dragging her to the restroom for a quickie when Coop bangs his hand on the table, still laughing.

  “Fucking hell, Wild!” He chortles. “You’ve got your hands full with this one.”

  I stare over at her. Her eyes are glittering with humor, and I smile big.

  “I know,” I say. Then, I wrap my arm around her neck and pull her close to me, planting a kiss on her forehead.

  And I don’t mind one fucking bit. Because I want all of me to be full of her. My hands. My head. And my heart.

  Morgan and I are lying in my bed on our sides, facing each other. And, of course, we’re both naked.

  Morgan’s fingers are sifting through my hair, and I’m beyond relaxed.

  After we got back from brunch, we took a shower together, and I tried out the massage setting on her, like I’d said I would.

  Let’s just say, it works really well. She came like a motherfucker. And the blow job I received afterward in thanks had my eyes rolling back in my head.

  “Brunch was fun,” she says softly. “It was nice, seeing Dom and Cooper again.”

  “Yeah. They enjoyed seeing you, too.” And I know that for a fact because they both texted me afterward to tell me in their own unique ways that they thought Morgan was awesome and that I should bring her to brunch more often.

  And I want to.

  I want to bring her with me every fucking week. I want to be with her at work all day and have her in my bed every night.

  But I still don’t know where she’s at on the subject of us. If she even sees me and her as an us.

  All I know is that I’m fucking crazy about her, and I want her in every way possible. I’m hoping that she wants the same.

  “I can’t believe it’s Sunday already.” She sighs. “The weekend has gone by so fast but slow as well, if you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah.” I know exactly what she means.

  “Back to work tomorrow,” she says. The way she says it doesn’t sound entirely happy, and I take that as a positive sign.

  I know she loves her job, so I’m hoping it’s because she doesn’t want this right here between us to end.

  She starts to massage my scalp with her fingers, and it feels frigging amazing. My eyes close at the sensation.



  “Can I talk to you about something?”

  I pop one eye open. Then, the other joins it.

  “Sure.” My heart starts to beat a little faster in my chest.

  “Well…” She pauses and chews on the corner of her lip. “I was just wondering…”

  “What?” Say it, for Christ’s sake, because I’m fucking dying here.

  “What is…this?” She points her finger to my chest and then hers.

  I hold back the smile I feel. Because she’s just shown me her hand. She’s so on the fucking same page as me that we could write a book together.

  But, now that I know she wants an us, I decide to play with her a little.

  I might be crazy about her, but this is me we’re talking about here.

  “What is what?” I glance down at my chest, then to hers, and then back to her face.

  Her brows are furrowed. “This…us…what we’re doing here.”

  “Well, babe, it’s called fucking. But I thought you knew that already.”

  “Funny. Asshole.” She shoves away from me, rolling onto her back.

  I follow her, chuckling. I roll on top of her, taking her in my arms. I stare down at her. “I’m messing with you, babe.”

  I brush my lips over hers and meet resistance at first, but she caves quickly.

  “What do you want this to be?”

  “I asked first.”

  “Well”—I kiss her again—“I was kinda hoping that we’d keep doing what we’re doing.”

  She lets out a breath, her eyes going to the ceiling.

  Okay, so that’s not the response I was hoping for.

  Shit. Maybe I read this wrong, and she doesn’t want a relationship.

  “Look, Wilder…”

  Her eyes come back to mine, but I can’t read them.

  Jesus…is she about to give me the it-was-fun-an’-all-but-I’m-done line?

  “I know how you live your life, and I think I might have given you the wrong impression when I told you that I had a threesome. But I was actually in a relationship with one of the guys when that happened. It was something that my boyfriend at the time wanted to try. He was bisexual. And I wasn’t really sure, but I did it for him. Anyway…it actually ended up breaking us up because it made me all paranoid that I wasn’t enough for him.

  “So, what I’m trying to say is that I’m not the kind of girl who can share. And, if I’m with someone, then I’m with only him. One-night stands or weekend hook-ups aren’t usually my thing, but this is you, and…” She blows out a breath. “Look, I understand if you want to leave it here. I just wanted you to know that I can’t be with you while you’re with other women.”

  Can I just say that my heart is doing cartwheels in my chest right now? In a totally manly way, of course.

  “Babe”—I frame her face with my hands—“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not exactly interested in anyone else right now.”

  “But what if—”

  “There are no what-ifs. I’m mad about you, Morgan. And I have been since the day I walked into my office and saw you sitting there. I don’t and I won’t ever want anyone else but you.”

  She smiles, and it’s fucking incandescent. “Really?”

  “Really.” I smile.

  “And what about work?” she asks.

  “What about work?”

  “Well, how is this…us being together, going to work there?”

  I shrug. “I figure it’ll be the same as before—except, now, I get to nail you on my desk anytime I want.”

  She laughs, shaking her head. “I meant, with everyone else.”

  “Well, I wasn’t planning on inviting them to watch, babe.”

  “I mean, do you think we should keep our relationship under wraps for the time being?”

  “Huh. I don’t know. Maybe. Is that what you want?”

  “I don’t want to hide us, but then I also think maybe we should.”

  “Because of our seniority at the company?”

  “Yeah, that, and…”

  “You’re worried about my mom and dad.”

  She bites the inside of her cheek. “Yeah…but I also feel a bit weird about Sierra.”

  “Sierra? Why?” I frown.

  Her eyes lock on to mine. “Because you slept with her.”

  “So?” I shrug, and instantly, I realize it was the wrong thing to do. “Babe, there’s nothing to feel weird about. What Sierra and I had…well, we didn’t have anything. It was a one-off. It meant nothing.”

  “To you maybe. But she did try to seduce you that time in your office, and I see the way she looks at you.”

  “She doesn’t look at me in any way.”

  Morgan rolls her eyes at me, like I’m clueless. “I’m her boss, Wilder, and I don’t like knowing that she knows you like I know you.”

  “She doesn’t know me like you do.” No one does.

  “I meant, in the biblical sense. She’s seen you naked.”

  “Oh, well, if it helps, I don’t know what she looks like biblically. To be honest, I don’t really remember anything about that night.”

  “It doesn’t help. Not one little bit.”

  “Okay, so I should just keep my mouth shut about it then.”

  “Probably best.”

  Eyes on the ceiling, her mouth knitted into a tight line, she starts chewing on the inside of her cheek again.



  “I’m sorry.”

  She brings her eyes back to mine.

  “For the Sierra th
ing,” I clarify.

  “It’s not your fault.” She sighs. “You couldn’t have known that I was going to hire her. And it’s my issue to get past.”

  “Well, even so, I am sorry.”

  She brushes her fingers over my cheek. “I’m sorry it bothers me so much.”

  “Babe, trust me, if this were the other way around, I’d have beaten the guy to death by now.”

  She giggles, but I’m not fucking kidding. Just the thought of her and another guy makes me want to commit murder.



  “Kiss me.”

  I lower my mouth to hers and kiss her soft, unhurried.

  But that doesn’t last long; it never does with us.

  Soon, we’re writhing and clawing at each other’s bodies, and I’m desperate to be inside her.

  I reach for the drawer on my nightstand where I put the condoms.

  I’d never kept them in there before, always in my wallet or my car. I’d never had a reason to keep them in my nightstand because I never fucked anyone in here—until her.

  I locate the box and—

  Fuck, it’s empty.

  “Shit.” I groan, dropping my head to her shoulder.

  She’s panting beneath me. “What?”

  “I’m out of rubbers.”

  “Shit,” she breathes. “What are we gonna do?”

  “Well, I can either run to the store with a stiffy. Or we go oral. Your call, babe. But so you know, I can’t run fast with a boner.”

  She giggles, but it fades off quickly. “There is a third option,” she says quietly.

  I know exactly what she’s thinking because, honestly, the thought has crossed my mind, too. And not just now, but at other times as well.

  I’ve never gone without a condom before. Aside from STDs, can anyone say unwanted pregnancy?

  But the thought of being with her, like that, it does something to me that I can’t explain.

  “Is that something…you would want?”

  She blinks up at me, eyes wide. “Yeah. I mean, I’m on the pill. I’m clean. And I trust you, Wilder.”

  The knowledge of that, that she trusts me, tears my chest wide open. “I trust you, too, babe. And I’m clean. I swear.”

  She lifts up, bringing her mouth close to mine, and she stares into my eyes. “I trust you,” she reiterates. Then, she kisses me.