A few weeks more,--weeks of pain, vacillation, embassies, and distractedcouncils to Montezuma; of doubt and anxiety to the nobles; of sacrificeand ceremonies by the priests; of fear and wonder to the people. In thattime, if never before, the Spaniards became the one subject of discoursethroughout Anahuac. In the _tianguez_, merchants bargaining paused tointerchange opinions about them; craftsmen in the shops entertained andfrightened each other with stories of their marvellous strength andferocity; porters, bending under burdens, speculated on their characterand mission; and never a waterman passed an acquaintance on the lake,without lingering awhile to ask or give the latest news from the HolyCity, which, with the best grace it could, still entertained itsscourgers.

  What Malinche--for by that name Cortes was now universally known--woulddo was the first conjecture; what the great king intended was the next.

  As a matter of policy, the dismal massacre in Cholula accomplished allCortes proposed; it made him a national terror; it smoothed the causewayfor his march, and held the gates of Xoloc open for peaceful entry intoTenochtitlan. Yet the question on the many tongues was, Would he come?

  And he himself answered. One day a courier ran up the great street ofTenochtitlan to the king's palace; immediately the portal was throngedby anxious citizens. That morning Malinche began his march to thecapital,--he was coming, was actually on the way. The thousands trembledas they heard the news.

  After that the city was not an hour without messengers reporting theprogress of the Spaniards, whose every step and halt and camping-placewas watched with the distrust of fear and the sleeplessness of jealousy.The horsemen and footmen were all numbered; the personal appearance ofeach leader was painted over and over again with brush and tongue; thedevices on the shields and pennons were described with heraldicaccuracy. And though, from long service and constant exposure andrepeated battles, the equipments of the adventurers had lost thefreshness that belonged to them the day of the departure from Cuba;though plumes and scarfs were stained, and casques and breastplatestarnished, and good steeds tamed by strange fare and wearisome marches,nevertheless the accounts that went abroad concerning them weresufficiently splendid and terrible to confirm the prophecies by whichthey were preceded.

  And the people, made swift by alarm and curiosity, out-marched Cortesmany days. Before he reached Iztapalapan, the capital was full of them;in multitudes, lords and slaves, men, women, and children, like Jews tothe Passover, scaled the mountains, and hurried through the valley andacross the lakes. Better opportunity to study the characteristics of thetribes was never afforded.

  All day and night the public resorts--streets, houses, temples--wereburdened with the multitude, whose fear, as the hour of entry drew nigh,yielded to their curiosity. And when, at last, the road the visitorswould come by was settled, the whole city seemed to breathe easier. Fromthe village of Iscalpan, so ran the word, they had boldly plunged intothe passes of the Sierra, and thence taken the directest route by way ofTlalmanalco. And now they were at Ayotzinco, a town on the eastern shoreof lake Tezcuco; to-morrow they would reach Iztapalapan, and thenTenochtitlan. Not a long time to wait, if they brought the vengeance ofQuetzal'; yet thousands took canoes, and crossed to the village, and,catching the first view, hurried back, each with a fancy more than everinflamed.

  A soldier, sauntering down the street, is beset with citizens.

  "A pleasant day, O son of Huitzil'!"

  "A pleasant day; may all that shine on Tenochtitlan be like it!" heanswers.

  "What news?"

  "I have been to the temple."

  "And what says the _teotuctli_ now?"

  "Nothing. There are no signs. Like the stars, the hearts of the victimswill not answer."

  "What! Did not Huitzil' speak last night?"

  "O yes!" And the warrior smiles with satisfaction. "Last night he badethe priests tell the king not to oppose the entry of Malinche."

  "Then what?"

  "Why, here in the city he would cut the strangers off to the last one."

  And all the citizens cry in chorus, "Praised be Huitzil'!"

  Farther on the warrior overtakes a comrade in arms.

  "Are we to take our shields to the field, O my brother?" he asks.

  "All is peaceful yet,--nothing but embassies."

  "Is it true that the lord Cacama is to go in state, and invite Malincheto Tenochtitlan?"

  "He sets out to-day."

  "Ha, ha! Of all voices for war, his was the loudest. Where caught he themerchant's cry for peace?"

  "In the temples; it may be from Huitzil'."

  The answer is given in a low voice, and with an ironic laugh.

  "Well, well, comrade, there are but two lords fit, in time like this,for the love of warriors,--Cuitlahua and Guatamozin. They still talk ofwar."

  "Cuitlahua, Cuitlahua!" And the laugh rises to boisterous contempt."Why, he has consented to receive Malinche in Iztapalapan, and entertainhim with a banquet in his palace. He has gone for that purpose now. Thelord of Cojohuaca is with him."

  "Then we have only the 'tzin!"

  The fellow sighs like one sincerely grieved.

  "Only the 'tzin, brother, only the 'tzin! and he is banished!"

  They shake their heads, and look what they dare not speak, and go theirways. The gloom they take with them is a sample of that which rests overthe whole valley.

  When the Spaniards reached Iztapalapan, the excitement in the capitalbecame irrepressible. The cities were but an easy march apart, most ofit along the causeway. The going and coming may be imagined. The milesof dike were covered by a continuous procession, while the lake, in abroad line from town to town, was darkened by canoes. Cortes' progressthrough the streets of Iztapalapan was antitypical of the granderreception awaiting him in Tenochtitlan.

  In the latter city there was no sleep that night. The _tianguez_ inparticular was densely filled, not by traders, but by a mass ofnewsmongers, who hardly knew whether they were most pleased or alarmed.The general neglect of business had exceptions; at least one porticoshone with unusual brilliancy till morning. Every great merchant is aphilosopher; in the midst of calamities, he is serene, because it isprofit's time; before the famine, he buys up all the corn; inforethought of pestilence, he secures all the medicine: and the world,counting his gains, says delightedly, What a wise man! I will not saythe Chalcan was of that honored class; he thought himself a benefactor,and was happy to accommodate the lords, and help them divide their timebetween his palace and that of the king. It is hardly necessary to add,that his apartments were well patronized, though, in truth, his _pulque_was in greater demand than his _choclatl_.

  The drinking-chamber, about the close of the third quarter of the night,presented a lively picture. For the convenience of the many patrons,tables from other rooms had been brought in. Some of the older lordswere far gone in intoxication; slaves darted to and fro, removinggoblets, or bringing them back replenished. A few minstrels foundlisteners among those who happened to be too stupid to talk, though nottoo sleepy to drink. Every little while a newcomer would enter, when,if he were from Iztapalapan, a crowd would surround him, allowingneither rest nor refreshment until he had told the things he had seen orheard. Amongst others, Hualpa and Io' chanced to find their way thither.Maxtla, seated at a table with some friends, including the Chalcan,called them to him; and, as they had attended the banquet of the lordCuitlahua, they were quickly provided with seats, goblets, and anaudience of eager listeners.

  "Certainly, my good chief, I have seen Malinche, and passed theafternoon looking at him and his people," said Hualpa to Maxtla. "It maybe that I am too much influenced by the 'tzin to judge them; but, ifthey are _teules_, so are we. I longed to try my javelin on them."

  "Was their behavior unseemly?"

  "Call it as you please. I was in the train when, after the banquet, thelord Cuitlahua took them to see his gardens. As they str
ode the walks,and snuffed the flowers, and plucked the fruit; as they moved along thecanal with its lining of stone, and stopped to drink at thefountains,--I was made feel that they thought everything, not merely mylord's property, but my lord himself, belonged to them; they said asmuch by their looks and actions, by their insolent swagger."

  "Was the 'tzin there?"

  "From the _azoteas_ of a temple he saw them enter the city; but he wasnot at the banquet. I heard a story showing how he would treat thestrangers, if he had the power. One of their priests, out with a party,came to the temple where he happened to be, and went up to the tower. Inthe sanctuary one of them raised his spear and struck the image of thegod. The pabas threw up their hands and shrieked; he rushed upon theimpious wretch, and carried him to the sacrificial stone, stretched himout, and called to the pabas, 'Come, the victim is ready!' When theother _teules_ would have attacked him, he offered to fight them all.The strange priest interfered, and they departed."

  The applause of the bystanders was loud and protracted; when it hadsomewhat abated, Xoli, whose thoughts, from habit, ran chiefly upon theedibles, said,--

  "My lord Cuitlahua is a giver of good suppers. Pray, tell us about thecourses--"

  "Peace! be still, Chalcan!" cried Maxtla, angrily. "What care we whetherMalinche ate wolf-meat or quail?"

  Xoli bowed; the lords laughed.

  Then a gray-haired cacique behind Io' asked, "Tell us rather whatMalinche said."

  Hualpa shook his head. "The conversation was tedious. Everything wassaid through an interpreter,--a woman born in the province Painalla; soI paid little attention. I recollect, however, he asked many questionsabout the great king, and about the Empire, and Tenochtitlan. He saidhis master, the governor of the universe, had sent him here. He gavemuch time, also, to explaining his religion. I might have understoodhim, uncle, but my ears were too full of the rattle of arms."

  "What! Sat they at the table armed?" asked Maxtla.

  "All of them; even Malinche."

  "That was not the worst," said Io', earnestly. "At the same table mylord Cuitlahua entertained a band of beggarly Tlascalan chiefs. Soonershould my tongue have been torn out!"

  The bystanders made haste to approve the sentiment, and for a time itdiverted the conversation. Meanwhile, at Hualpa's order, the gobletswere refilled.

  "Dares the noble Maxtla," he then asked, "tell what the king will do?"

  "The question is very broad." And the chief smiled. "What specialinformation does my comrade seek?"

  "Can you tell us when Malinche will enter Tenochtitlan?"

  "Certainly. Xoli published that in the _tianguez_ before the sun wasup."

  "To be sure," answered the Chalcan. "The lord Maxtla knows the news costme a bowl of _pulque_."

  There was much laughter, in which the chief joined. Then he said,gravely,--

  "The king has arranged everything. As advised by the gods, Malincheenters Tenochtitlan day after to-morrow. He will leave Iztapalapan atsunrise, and march to the causeway by the lake shore. Cuitlahua, withCacama, the lord of Tecuba, and others of like importance, will meet himat Xoloc. The king will follow them in state. As to the procession, Iwill only say it were ill to lose the sight. Such splendor was neverseen on the causeway."

  Ordinarily the mention of such a prospect would have kindled theliveliest enthusiasm; for the Aztecs were lovers of spectacles, andnever so glad as when the great green banner of the Empire was broughtforth to shed its solemn beauty over the legions, and along the storiedstreet of Tenochtitlan. Much, therefore, was Maxtla surprised at thecoldness that fell upon the company.

  "Ho, friends! One would think the reception not much to your liking," hesaid.

  "We are the king's,--dust under his feet,--and it is not for us tomurmur," said a sturdy cacique, first to break the disagreeable silence."Yet our fathers gave their enemies bolts instead of banquets."

  "Who may disobey the gods?" asked Maxtla.

  The argument was not more sententious than unanswerable.

  "Well, well!" said Hualpa. "I will get ready. Advise me, good chief: hadI better take a canoe?"

  "The procession will doubtless be better seen from the lake; but to hearwhat passes between the king and Malinche, you should be in the train.By the way, will the 'tzin be present?"

  "As the king may order," replied Hualpa.

  Maxtla threw back his look, and said with enthusiasm, real or affected,"Much would I like to see and hear him when the Tlascalans come flyingtheir banners into the city! How he will flame with wrath!"

  Then Hualpa considerately changed the direction of the discourse.

  "Malinche will be a troublesome guest, if only from the number of hisfollowing. Will he be lodged in one of the temples?"

  "A temple, indeed!" And Maxtla laughed scornfully. "A temple would befitter lodging for the gods of Mictlan! At Cempoalla, you recollect, the_teules_ threw down the sacred gods, and butchered the pabas at thealtars. Lest they should desecrate a holy house here, they are assignedto the old palace of Axaya'. To-morrow the _tamanes_ will put it inorder."

  Io' then asked, "Is it known how long they will stay?"

  Maxtla shrugged his shoulders, and drank his _pulque_.

  "Hist!" whistled a cacique. "That is what the king would give half hiskingdom to know!"

  "And why?" asked the boy, reddening. "Is he not master? Does it notdepend upon him?"

  "It depends upon no other!" cried Maxtla, dashing his palm upon thetable until the goblets danced. "By the holy gods, he has but to speakthe word, and these guests will turn to victims!"

  And Hualpa, surprised at the display of spirit, seconded the chief:"Brave words, O my lord Maxtla! They give us hope."

  "He will treat them graciously," Maxtla continued, "because they come byhis request; but when he tells them to depart, if they obey not,--ifthey obey not,--when was his vengeance other than a king's? Who daressay he cannot, by a word, end this visit?"

  "No one!" cried Io'.

  "Ay, no one! But the goblets are empty. See! Io', good prince,"--andMaxtla's voice changed at once,--"would another draught be too much forus? We drink slowly; one more, only one. And while we drink, we willforget Malinche."

  "Would that were possible!" sighed the boy.

  They sent up the goblets, and continued the session until daylight.