Page 4 of Winterland Destiny

  No, it did not make her happy to realize she could not choose her own mate. And yet, the thought of lying with Garick did not displease her. Nay, on the contrary, her body remained stimulated and aroused as she thought of last eve's events.

  She stood in front of the long mirror and examined her features. A blush stained her cheeks, making the silver flecks sparkle as if on fire. Her nipples beaded and pressed against the silk of her shift.

  Arousal thrummed between her legs. She imagined Garick standing behind her, undressing her, touching her breasts, her hips, her buttocks. Would he slide his fingers into her nether region and pleasure her there? Would he want to pleasure himself that way?

  She reached behind her and swept her fingers over her buttocks, wondering how his cock would feel embedded in her small puckered entrance.. Her thighs dampened as desire seeped from her. Slowly she lifted her dress, revealing the silvery tuft of hair on her mound. She examined her cunt as if he were examining her. Was she pleasing to look upon?

  Her breasts swelled and pressed against the dress, the nipples aching and aroused. Her pussy clamored for attention. Noele chewed her bottom lip, wondering when Garick would appear for her.

  She palmed her breasts, sucking in a gasp as her nipples scraped against the silky material of her dress.

  Moving her hands downward, she stopped at her mound, teasing the fine hairs there with her fingertips.

  Shocks of pleasure knifed within her. Her pussy lips opened, juices seeping along her thighs. Arousal took hold of her and she slipped two fingers into her aching cunt, using her thumb to circle her clit.

  A moan escaped her lips as she fucked herself, watching her body flush with desire. She spread her legs so she could see better. Moisture clung to her fingers as she moved them in and out of her pussy. If only it were Garick's cock inside her, thrusting hard and fast until she screamed her pleasure.

  If only Garick were here, watching her, coaxing her into plunging her fingers in and out of the moistened slit. If he were standing behind her, would he want to fuck her while he watched her pleasure herself?

  Would he reach for her breasts and tease the nipples, adding to her excitement?

  Release loomed ever closer, visions of Garick adding fuel to the fire she'd created. She moved her other hand over her clit. She had no idea it would be so arousing to watch herself take pleasure like this. She could barely stand on her shaky legs, so intense were the sensations running throughout her body.

  Garick's visage entered her mind again, his strong body, muscular arms that could lift her easily. His cock would give her much pleasure. Would she only have it inside her once, or would he want to make love to her night after night for the rest of their lives?

  No, she would not think on such things right now. Tension coiled deep within her, and she quickly strummed her clit in time to the thrusting motion of her fingers inside her core.

  Her orgasm rocketed through her, her juices flooding her fingers as she pumped them harder with her release. She whimpered and let out a low cry of delight, then collapsed onto the nearby chaise, her body shuddering with the aftereffects of her climax.

  She was still panting when a knock sounded and Garick walked in. She stood and quickly pulled down her dress, feeling immediately guilty for having pleasured herself. Her body no longer belonged to her.

  She was his to do with as he willed. And yet she had been unable to stop until she had reached the pinnacle.

  Garick arched a brow, watching as she smoothed her wrinkled dress. "Are you prepared to spend the day with me?"

  "Yes," she rasped, her throat dry from panting. "I am ready." A few seconds earlier and she'd have been ready to forego waiting for the marriage and would have been begging him to consummate right then.

  She had desperately needed the release of her tensions. And yet, one look at Garick and arousal began to build again. Her heart pounded, her body flushed with familiar heat. She craved his touch. When he was near, her body responded by heating with desire. What was it about this man who barely spoke to her that made her want him so much?

  Without another word, Garick nodded and motioned her through the doorway.

  Curiosity took over and Noele was anxious to see the castle and grounds. Other than her room and the courtyard, she hadn't seen much of Winterland. If it was to be her home, she wanted to know everything about it.

  He led her down the wide hallway, pointing to the closed doors on either side. "Up here, as you know, are my quarters. There are several bedrooms. You will sleep in my chambers after our marriage, of course."

  She looked at him, wondering what he meant by that statement. Was it a given he would want to keep her, or was he just making conversation?

  "You have not yet made claim for me, Garick."

  He stopped and turned to her. "Of course. You are right." When he continued walking, her heart fell. His statement had been made without thinking. Clearly, he did not wish to keep her. It was evident from his somber face.

  Did the man have no feelings, no emotions? Could he not see that her very future was in his hands? She walked along quietly, listening to his descriptions of the great hall downstairs, the kitchens, the meeting areas. When they turned to a set of thick double doors and Garick opened them, Noele's mouth fell.

  It was a huge room, with no furniture inside. The wooden floors reflected the morning sunlight coming in from the tall windows.

  "This is our place for parties, balls, whatever festivities the people of Winterland have at various times of the year."

  Noele had never been to a ball, or a party. Faerie life was spent mainly outside in the woodland, although they all lived in small cottages throughout the glen. Her mind conjured up great parties where both elvin and faerie mingled, laughing gaily and dancing.

  "Shall we go?"

  Loath to leave, she nodded and followed him through another doorway in the back of the castle. A desk and papers were spread throughout the room, and hundreds of books lined the built-in shelves surrounding the room.

  "I have a gift for you." He stepped to a paneled wall and pulled it open, taking out a garment and turning to her. "From me, from my people. I am honored that you will be my queen. I present this gift to you in the hope it pleases you."

  He handed her an ermine cloak. White with silver threads, it nearly matched her wings perfectly. She was awestruck, never having seen a cloak of such beauty.

  "Thank you, Garick. It is truly lovely."

  "I hope that it will warm you on cold wintry days. The northern climate here is different than your protected forests."

  She nodded, touched by his generosity. Although the gift was customary, the king was required to choose it himself.

  "I cherish this gift and accept it with gratitude." Garick took the cloak and folded it over his arms, then directed her attention to the room.

  "This is my place to work, to study. Many of my colleagues also make use of the books of elvin magic." He turned to leave, but Noele stopped him by placing her hand on his sleeve. She brushed by and fluttered to the shelves, scanning the various titles. Her heart beat excitedly at the sight of so many mystical books. She turned to Garick. "These are wonderful! I have not read a book of enchantment in many years. May I be allowed to read them?"

  Garick paused, then inclined his head. "Yes, of course you may. Are you familiar with elvin magic?"

  "Yes, very much so. Being faerie, magic fascinates me. Elvin mysticism is quite different from faerie.

  Much of what we do is instinctive, reactive without thought. Like turning on a lantern when it is dark outside. It's done by instinct, not by conscious thought. The elvin way requires utilizing the mind as an active participant in creating magic. I would love to learn more about your customs."

  "Then you shall be allowed free access to the library any time you wish."

  "Oh, thank you Garick!" She fluttered to him , intending to hug him in gratitude. Something about his stance stopped her. His body tensed, giving out signals
that indicated he would not be receptive to her touch. Her face fell, the smile dissipating and crumbling to the ground along with her ego.

  This may be a new and exciting venture to her, but clearly Garick did not share her enthusiasm.

  He led her outside the front doors. It was a beautiful winter day, a frosty chill in the air but the sun was a warming overhead blanket. Nevertheless, she shivered.

  He pulled the cloak from his arms and wrapped it around her, carefully draping it over her shoulders and wings.

  "Thank you." As he stood near her, she inhaled his manly scent. He smelled of the crisp outdoors...the scents of the forest, the glen, all wrapped into one delicious elvin male.

  She pulled the cloak around her.

  Garick led her through the gardens and out toward the bluffs. She held her breath as they approached the edge, hearing the sounds of the northern ocean crashing against the rocks far below.

  Winterland was protected on its northern side by a cliff no man or beast could scale. Therefore, no walls were necessary. The spectacular view of the sea was open and visible.

  "'Tis truly beautiful here, Garick. Thank you for welcoming me into your home." He opened his mouth as if to utter a reply, then closed it. When he spoke, his voice was tight, devoid of emotion. "If you like, we will luncheon in the great hall with my warriors. Unless you prefer we take the meal in your room."

  "Of course not. If it is allowed, I would welcome the opportunity to meet your people." He arched a brow, but once again said nothing. She followed him into the hall, a massive room littered with long oak tables and benches. The tables were formed into a u-shaped pattern, and Garick led her to the center of the middle table.

  Within minutes the sound of hundreds of boots smacking the wooden floors nearly deafened her. Loud, male voices carried in the air as the other elvin males entered the room.

  Women, too. Unlike many of the other kingdoms, the women shared the tables equally with the men.

  Many of the women cast glances in her direction, but Noele felt no animosity from any. Curiosity, more likely. She was new and she was to be their queen soon. Of course they would want to catch a glimpse of her. She smiled at the women and all smiled back, nodding their heads in her direction.

  For the first time in a day, Noele breathed a sigh of relief. She had wondered whether she would be welcome here in Winterland. While they ate, no one cast her hateful glances. Perhaps living here would not be as terrible as she had imagined.

  As they ate, the men discussed preparations for a possible invasion by the wizards. Noele shuddered, having heard stories for as long as she could remember about the evil, mystical lords of the dark realm.

  Though she had never seen them herself, many of her people had been whisked away in the night when they dared venture too far from the protected forests of D'Naath. And they had never returned.

  "Tomorrow we will double the guards at the gates and towers. We can't risk having the wizard attack then," Garick said to Roarke.

  Tomorrow. The day of their wedding. Noele could only imagine how Garick must feel about the ritualistic nature of their marriage ceremony. Especially considering the possibility of attack by the wizards.

  "You worry for your people," she said, not realizing until he turned toward her that she had said the words aloud.

  "Aye. It is my duty as king."

  "Not all kings concern themselves with the welfare of their people. You are an honorable man to take your duties so seriously."

  "I do what is necessary. What I have been destined for."

  "My apologies to you, Garick," she said, feeling somehow responsible for taking his focus from his duties.

  He turned to her and frowned. "For what?"

  "Our marriage. It is quite clear that an attack of the wizards is imminent, and yet you must leave your duties to attend to our marriage. If it were not because of faerie custom that I must marry on the day of the Winter Solstice, our union could have been delayed to a much safer time." His gaze held hers, and Noele lost herself in his wintry eyes. She wished she could read him telepathically. After tomorrow, they would be linked mentally as well as physically. Maybe then she would have some insight into his thoughts and feelings.

  "You are no more responsible for the timing of our marriage than I, Noele. Elvin custom also requires it, so do not take this responsibility upon yourself."

  "Nevertheless, I will alert the faerie in attendance to gird up their magic and be alert in case of attack.

  We are a small group, but have some powers of our own. We, too, have fought the wizards for centuries. It is my duty as your intended to assist you in any way I can." His lips curled in a smile that sent her pulse skittering. "And would you take up a sword and defend me to the death, my princess?"

  The low and husky whisper of his statement, meant only for her ears, sent her body into full awareness of exactly what she'd be willing to do for him. "Aye, if need be, Garick. I am as sworn to protect you as you are to protect me. It is my duty, and my pleasure, to do so." Although she'd probably fall over onto her backside trying to wield one of his swords.

  Garick's eyes widened and he threw his head back, laughing so loud it captured the attention of everyone in the hall.

  "Now, that might be worth seeing, my faerie," he whispered, still chuckling. He swept the back of his hand over her cheek, his fiery gaze burning through her. "I'd like to catch another glimpse of that delectable backside of yours. Very soon, I will."

  Stardust! He'd crept into her mind and read her thoughts. How easily she let her guard down around him, despite her intent to keep a wall between her mind and his. She must work harder to do so, lest he find out more about her thoughts than she wanted him to know.

  "Would you like that, princess?"

  "What is that, my king?"

  "Would you like me to view your body, naked, your legs spread apart so that I can glimpse your beauty?"

  Visuals assaulted her mind. Lying down, her legs spread, her pussy open to Garick's view. She wriggled uncomfortably on the hard bench, wishing she were anywhere else right now except under his probing gaze. "It is always my pleasure to serve you, Garick." She felt the heat shoot from his body to hers, and had to grip the table to keep from sliding into a puddle on the floor. By the gods, how had he done that to her? Glancing down at his lap, she saw his erection outlined against his breeches. He slipped his hand in hers and gently pulled her arm under the table, pressing her palm over his rigid cock.

  "Feel what you do to me, Noele. I am hot and hard and ready for you." Panting at the meal table would be unseemly, but by the stars she struggled to maintain even breathing.

  Garick's wicked smile unnerved her, and when he moved his hips and thrust his cock upwards against her hand, she nearly whimpered out loud.

  "Are you ready to feel my shaft inside you, my faerie? Do you think about how it will feel?" She was certain her face flamed red from embarrassment. How could he discuss something so intimate with all these people around? And yet, she felt compelled to answer. "Yes."

  "I, too, think about it. Your pussy will be hot, a tight sheath surrounding me. I look forward to consummation eve."

  Instinctively, she began to rub his shaft, wishing they were alone, wishing she could open his breeches and take his hard cock in her hands, stroke him until he spilled his seed over her fingers or in her mouth.

  She wanted to offer him the same release as she had enjoyed earlier, but didn't dare do anything in a public place such as this.

  "I want your mouth on my cock."

  She stilled, her entire body shifting from this public arena to a time when the two of them would have privacy. "I'd...I'd like that."

  "I'll dismiss the room. We can be alone. After our marriage tomorrow, we won't--"

  "My king, a word with you in private, if I may?"

  Noele quickly moved her hand from Garick's lap and turned her attention to the guard standing before them.

  "Now?" he asked, his voice gruff.

/>   Noele allowed a small smile, knowing why he sounded so irritated.

  "It is urgent, my king."

  With a sigh, Garick adjusted his breeches and stood, turning to Noele. "I trust you can find you way back to your chambers?"

  "Aye, that I can."

  "I will see you in the morn, then." He turned and walked off with the guard.

  What had he been about to say? After tomorrow he wouldn't what? He wouldn't be her lover, her husband? Would he turn her over to Roarke?

  It was clear where his duty lay...with his people. It seemed to occupy his mind completely. Perhaps he did not have time for a wife and did not want to be burdened with her.

  Then again, there were times when he looked at her or said something that led her to believe he wanted her, not simply for the required consummation, but for always.

  She was reading too much into his body language, his eyes. He felt nothing for her and had already hinted at not wanting to keep her.

  It shouldn't matter which man she ended up with. She didn't know Garick any more than she knew Roarke. Both were well pleasing to the eye, and while Roarke had not yet pleasured her, she imagined he would not leave her wanting.

  Why couldn't she make the choice? Why was it that her entire future lay in Garick's hands?

  Suddenly realizing she was alone in the great hall, she stood and flew up the stairs to her room. She looked out the window, across the barren fields to the rich green forest of D'Naath.

  Never before had she stopped to think how unfair this situation was. Not until the full impact hit her. Her very future was at the mercy of someone else's whims.

  And that someone else had made it quite clear he had no use for her, other than sexually.

  Tomorrow she would marry. By the next day, she would know her future. A future she would have no part in deciding.

  With a wistful sigh she stared at the forests, for the first time in her life feeling utterly alone.

  Chapter Five

  Garick paced his chambers, grumbling orders at his assembled warriors, wanting to ensure all steps were taken to insure the wizards would not appear during the mating ceremony today.