Page 7 of Winterland Destiny

  She could not take much more. Release loomed near. So close she felt the contractions against Roarke's fingers. She sucked harder at Garick's cock, wanting him to come with her, to spiral into oblivion at the same time she screamed her completion.

  "Not yet," Garick said, sliding his cock slowly out of her mouth and moving off her.

  By the heavens, she had nearly made him explode into her hot little mouth. Watching her lips cover his rigid cock, listening to the sounds of Roarke's suckling at her cunt as well as her cries of delight had nearly sent him over the edge.

  He had to pull away, had to gather his composure. The little minx was in her sexual prime and ready to fuck. Such pleasure he had never known with a woman, a connection that nearly dropped him where he stood.

  And he did not want her to come yet. Not under Roarke's tongue, not when he wanted to be the first to make her scream.

  "Roarke, it is time," he commanded.

  When Roarke stood, Noele whimpered, her frustration evident.

  "You will not come until I am sheathed inside you, Noele. Your orgasm must happen as does ours...during the consummation."

  "No!" she cried. "Please, Garick, I need release!"

  He smiled indulgently, caressing her cheek with his knuckles. "Your enjoyment of sex excites me beyond measure. It is time for us all to have release."

  He gathered her in his arms and carried her to the bed, laying her upon the sheets. Roarke followed, climbing in beside her, caressing her body from her shoulders, to her breasts, to her pussy. Her body flushed with desire, so openly aroused that Garick fought hard to keep from immediately plunging inside her.

  "Come, wife. Straddle me."

  He rolled her over on top of him so she straddled his hips. His cock nestled against her mound and she rocked closer as Roarke settled behind her. Her clit brushed against Garick's shaft. Splinters of desire wracked her body and she knew she'd come in an instant if he continued.

  But Garick was right. Despite her physical needs, there was a greater ceremony at play here. The consummation. And with the consummation came release.

  "Raise up and take my cock inside you, Noele."

  This was the moment she'd waited her entire life for--to feel a man inside her. She lifted and Garick positioned his shaft at her entrance. His heat sizzled against her sensitized skin and she slowly lowered herself on him.

  Oh, so this was heaven! By the stars, a man's cock was nothing like the tubara stick. The tubara did not retain the heat, the life force that a man's cock had. Garick's shaft pulsed with a life of its own, a magic unlike anything she'd expected. Her pussy surrounded him, squeezed him, and in so doing sent shocks of pleasure surging through her.

  Roarke leaned against her back, reminding her there was a third party to this event. His panting breaths against her ear let her know of his need for her. She leaned forward, nearly on her knees. Garick pulled her face toward his and kissed her deeply while Roarke probed her moisture, sliding his fingers to the spot where she and Garick were joined.

  He swept up her juices and coated her rear entrance, his fingers teasingly playing at the puckered hole.

  She tensed, liquid heat pouring over her core.

  "Relax," Roarke said, sliding his fingers near the entrance to her core and swiping more of her juices to lubricate her nether region. Then he moved against her, his cockhead pressing in slowly.

  Garick's tongue plunged inside her mouth, his shaft thrusting upward hard and deep. She was lost in the sensations of his touch, his cock, his mouth.

  And still, Roarke probed, pressing harder, more insistently. She was too tight back there. It wasn't going to work.

  "Shhh, faerie, I will not hurt you." Roarke's soothing voice and caressing hands calmed her fears. "Relax your muscles. Let me pleasure you."

  Noele closed her eyes, conjuring up the magic that relaxed her muscles. She was so tight with arousal, the tension building with her, that she had to calm down. Otherwise this would be painful. When she felt her muscles loosen, Roarke eased his cock inside, pushing past her tightened defenses until he was fully sheathed inside her.

  Magic burst all around them and she let out a cry of delight. She was filled completely, their bond evident when she actually felt Garick's and Roarke's pleasure, tripling her own.

  Her pussy flooded as Garick lifted his hips up and down slowly, caressing her core, rubbing against that magical spot in her pussy that made her tighten around him. She desperately craved release, could feel it like a vortex, swirling around inside her.

  Roarke retreated and thrust again, with each stroke feeling more and more of Noele's mind, knowing she was now a part of him, body, mind and soul.

  She was so tight, her nether hole squeezing him, pulling him deeper and deeper into her heated core. He could not hold much longer, and grit his teeth. Her cries and whimpers, the way she moved her ass back against him, begging for more, nearly sent him reeling.

  What a gift she gave him, her entire being, open for his taking. Never had it been like this, never such a soul-shattering experience. And yet, he held a part of himself back, knowing this faerie was not the one for him. Visions of golden green eyes danced in his mind, red hair flowing in the winter breeze, her skin flecked with red, like the passionate creature she was.

  He may be sheathed within Noele, but his heart cried out for another.

  Noele was near the breaking point, all coherence lost as she cried out, desperate for the release that was so close. Yet her new husband held back, refusing that final thrust that would seal their union.

  Garick pushed her hair away from her face. "Look at me, Noele." Her gaze met his, his eyes stormy as the rolling sea.

  She focused on his face, the way his jaw darkened with the stubble of his beard.

  "You are mine."

  He'd claimed her! As if a heavy burden had been lifted, she realized at that moment that her heart was lost to Garick. Despite the pleasure of being fucked by both men, it was Garick she wanted.

  She'd never felt more completed, more a part of her destiny than she did at this moment. How could she have feared this? It was heaven and a hellish delight that sent her catapulting into the unknown with each movement.

  Both men increased their movements. Sweat beaded on Garick's brow and she leaned forward to lick it away. Roarke pressed against her back, his cock plunging deep in her ass. She reached down and stroked her clit, knowing she was one with both of them.

  The mystical magic faded away, replaced only with a heated lust. Now she relaxed, and enjoyed the experience of being well-pleasured by these two men.

  "Fuck me harder," she commanded both of them, her pants and cries echoing in the chamber.

  They complied, both of them driving furiously against her until it seemed as if they'd split her open. But she felt no pain, only the aching pleasure of impending release.

  "Come for me, Noele," Garick urged, brushing her hand away from her clit. He slid his fingers between them and stroked her distended bud. "Come on my cock, drench me with your juices." Roarke tightened against her, pummeling her harder and faster with each stroke. She gasped, rising up to give Garick better access to her swollen clit, then rocked against his cock until she could not hold back her orgasm.

  "Yes! Harder! Fuck me harder, I'm coming!"

  Roarke tightened and spilled his seed in her nether channel, clasping onto her hips and digging his fingers into her flesh. Her climax continued as Garick shot his come deep inside her, the magic of his essence pouring over her.

  And yet still she climaxed, the contractions pulsing within until she could not breathe, could not think.

  They were one. Wholly and completely one.

  When finally it subsided, she collapsed on top of Garick's chest, barely noticing Roarke's withdrawal.

  Her breaths came in gasps as she struggled to work through the haze of completion. Roarke bent over and pressed a tender kiss to her temple. "I will protect you with every fiber of my being, my queen." She thought sh
e heard the door to the chamber open and close, but could hardly lift her head from Garick's chest. Listening to his heartbeat, so rapid at first, then slowing gradually, relaxed her completely.

  He rubbed her back, whispering words of tenderness against her ear.

  Her eyes drifted shut and she smiled.

  Chapter Eight

  He had claimed her. Garick hadn't meant to do so, intending to turn her over to Roarke. He had no time or inclination for a mate. He was duty bound to protect his people, and by virtue of their joining, hers.

  But when the time came and he'd slid inside her cavern, he knew then that no other man would possess Noele. She was his and always would be.

  How strange for him to want things he'd never wanted before. A mate, children, someone to wrap his arms around at evening sleep. Someone to make love to from today until the day he died.

  Why had she captured him so? She was faerie, and true she was magical. All faerie were beautiful, alluring, sexual beings. And yet one had never caught his fancy before.

  But from his first look upon Noele he'd felt the bond between them. One he could not break.

  He turned in bed, intent on pulling her into his arms, but she was not there. He reached out and touched the pillow where she'd slept. None of her warmth remained, so she must have left a while ago.

  Dressing quickly, he looked first for her in the great hall, thinking perhaps she may have hungered and sought breakfast. It was late morn and other than a few servants, the hall was empty. She was not in the kitchens or in the gardens.

  His heart pounding, he raced up the stairs and threw open her former chamber door. She was not in there, either. Panic raced through his veins, a cold dread that smacked of truth even though he fought to deny it.

  Noele no longer occupied the castle grounds.

  Roarke caught up with him as he raced down the stairs.

  "She's gone," he said, nearly out of breath.

  Roarke nodded. "Aye, I felt it too. Just within the hour."

  "Where is she? She couldn't have passed through the gates without someone seeing her." Thoughts of what he could have done to displease her filled his mind. Had he said or done anything last eve to make her hate him so much she would flee the bonds of their marriage?

  Why had she left him? He had claimed her, and this was her response? He had made his choice, and it had been to keep Noele. How dare she walk out on him!

  "You are an idiot, Garick."

  Garick stopped and focused on Roarke's angered face. "What do you mean?"

  "She has not left you. She loves you."

  Loves him? How would Roarke know of this? "Did she tell you this?"

  "No, and she did not need to. If you but open your heart you could feel it. It fills Winterland, her love for you is so powerful."

  Open his heart? He had never opened his heart. His well-meaning parents had filled his heart with duty and responsibility. They had been steeped in elvin tradition and roles, and had not thought to teach him of things such as love.

  Love was for others, not for an elvin king.

  And yet, he had fallen in love with Noele. Had chosen her despite his determination to turn her over to Roarke. She was his woman, his wife, and no other would touch her. He closed his eyes and opened the gates to his heart. Her love for him sailed inside, crashing against the protective armor he'd built there as a child. A warmth such as he'd never felt filled his body, his mind, his soul.

  "She loves me."

  "If we were not in public in the presence of your people, I would knock you on your ass as I did when we were children. You are stupid, Garick. Noele is a prize and you have lost her. You claimed her last night, but you did not open your heart, your mind, all that you are. She was whisked away right under your nose while you were sleeping because you refused to connect with her." Despite the heated morning, Garick chilled. "Wizard." Roarke nodded. "Aye. She has been taken."


  Noele woke, but kept her eyes tightly closed, frowning at the chill seeping in her bones. She tried to move to snuggle closer to Garick's warmth, but all she felt was cold stone underneath her naked body. Her eyes flew open, but she could barely make out her surroundings in the darkness. A dank, musty smell assailed her nostrils, and the scent of death permeated the air.

  As did the smell of evil. Of hatred. Jealousy. All those things that told her quite clearly where she was.

  The wizards had taken her.

  Fear seized her, making her shiver uncontrollably. She fought for strength, summoning up her faerie magic to cast a warming spell around her body. Her teeth chattered as the heat surrounded her, gradually taking the chill away. And yet the fear remained.

  Where was Garick? Why had he not come for her? How could she have been spirited away while lying next to him in bed?, he would not have done that. He had claimed her last night, not cast her aside. And even if he had changed his mind, he would simply have given her to Roarke. He would not be so cruel as to let the wizards take her.

  No, she refused to believe it. But her mind was filled with thoughts of Garick and Roarke plotting to have her taken by the wizards. In that way, neither would have to be responsible for her. Winterland would still have access to D'Naath and all their holdings, but neither Garick nor Roarke would have to be bothered with a queen and wife neither of them wanted.

  A horrid laugh emanated from the darkness, curling up her spine and invading her thoughts. She pulled her knees to her chest and shut her eyes, willing whatever voice she heard to go away.

  "Oh, my faerie queen, it will not be so easy to rid yourself of my thoughts in your head." The voice was old. Ancient. The evil ones. The wizards who had tried to take their minds, their bodies, to control every person in D'Naath and Winterland for ages. The faerie and elvin lands had been their goal for centuries. So far both had fought them off, but the wizards were cunning, evil, using subterfuge and magic to coerce, to gain control.

  Mind control.

  Her mind.

  No! The thoughts of Garick and Roarke were wizard thoughts, not hers! Her mind fought for clarity, for reason.

  Despite the risk, she had to do it, had to know the truth. She knew the thoughts planted in her head were lies concocted by the wizard to sway her to turn over her magical essence.

  Taking in a deep breath, she quickly opened her mind and her heart, searching for reality, for truth.

  The old wizard tried to invade her, tried to take the opening to steal her magic, but suddenly she wasn't alone. In her heart, her very soul, stood Garick. Behind him and also within her, stood Roarke. Her husband and her protector. The magic of the three was more powerful than any wizard. The evil one fled her mind.

  Garick, I need you. Come for me. She prayed fervently that he would hear her plea.

  A dim voice began, growing stronger every second. She rejoiced when she recognized it as Garick's.

  I hear you, my wife. We are coming for you . Be strong. Do not let them take you, my faerie queen. Let my love give you strength.

  His love. He loved her! Tears rolled freely as she left her mind and heart open to Garick, willing him to find her, sending her magic out to the four corners so he would know where she was.

  "Try all you might to thwart me, faerie. I will win eventually. He will never find you." The wizard's evil laugh grew closer.

  "You and I will talk, exchange minds. You will give me your power, your strength, and you will become one of us."

  Never. She would never give up all that she was. Noele ignored the cold, bony fingers threading through her hair, ignored the burning pain of the wizard's touch within her mind.

  She was confident the man she loved would rescue her. As long as she felt the ties to Garick, she would not be alone.

  She no longer feared.


  Garick, Roarke and the Winterland warriors sped quickly through the forests of D'Naath, past the cottages in the woodglen and up into the mountains behind Noele's homeland. The m
ountains contained caves, and Noele was in one of those caves. Opening her mind to him had pinpointed her location. The wizards were everywhere, hiding under ground and in the caves within the mountains. Rarely could one of their locations be uncovered.

  Thankfully, opening his heart to Noele had let her thoughts flood his mind. With her thoughts came her location.

  He fought back the guilt that assailed him. How could he have failed to protect her? Married but for a few hours and he had nearly lost her because he'd been too afraid to open his heart.

  Recriminations would come later. Now he had to focus on rescuing Noele.


  He turned at Roarke's shout, following his gaze to a small opening at the top of a steep cliff. They halted and dismounted, preparing to set off on foot.

  The climb was treacherous, the incline nearly straight up. Yet craggy rocks and slight footholds gave them aid. He prayed by the time they reached the cavern it would not be too late.

  "She is strong," Roarke reassured. "Her mind is even stronger. She will not let them take her." Garick fought hard to believe him. "Let us hurry, then." They raced along the narrow path until they reached the cavern's entrance. Garick drew his sword and called forth his magic. The cavern lighted as if the sun itself had shined inside the dank hole of darkness.

  Opening his mind, he searched for Noele's essence. His heart stopped when he realized it was faint, barely present, and yet still enough that he could follow her signals. "This way," he pointed to a pathway on the left side of the cave.

  Garick stayed alert, knowing wizard trickery could befall them at any moment. The pathway was narrow, hardly enough room for men his size, and yet they persevered, hugging the back wall of the path and inching their way forward.

  They'd no more pushed through the narrow opening into some kind of empty anteroom when a dozen wizards rushed them. Skeletal creatures, more bone than skin, they seemed incapable of even moving, let alone the strength they were known for.

  Raising his sword, he fought their magic fireballs, the electric arcs of pain that both froze and burned.

  Roarke pressed against his back and fought a wizard on the other side of him. Their guards engaged the rest.