Page 39 of Shiloh, 1862

  Charlton Morgan, (wounded) volunteer aid

  Charles J. Maston, volunteer aid

  Second Brigade

  Brig. Gen. John S. Bowen, (wounded) commanding

  Third Brigade

  Col. Winfield S. Statham, 15th Mississippi, commanding.

  Source: 1913 Report of the Shiloh National Military

  Park Commission

  Winston Groom is the author of 15 previous books, including Vicksburg, 1863; Kearny’s March; Patriotic Fire; Shrouds of Glory; Forrest Gump; and Conversations with the Enemy (with Duncan Spencer), which was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. He lives with his wife and daughter in Point Clear, Alabama.

  Map Sources

  Western Theater of Operations, January-December, 1862

  Interior Department, National Park Service. The Civil War at a Glance. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1995. Available online at

  General sources

  Daniel, Larry J. Shiloh: The Battle That Changed the Civil War. London: Touchstone, 1998.

  Department of Military Art and Engineering, United States Military Academy, Brigadier General Vincent J. Esposito, comps. and eds. The West Point Atlas of American Wars, Volume 1, 1689–1900. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1959, 26–38.

  National Park Service. History E-Library. Civil War Series: The Battle of Shiloh. Available online at Accessed December 2011.

  Sneden, Robert Knox. Map, Battle of Pittsburg Landing or Shiloh: April 6th and 7th 1862. Available online at Accessed December 2011.

  ———. Map showing position of Union Army at Pittsburg Landing before and after the battle 6th and 7th April 1862. Available online at Accessed December 2011.

  Consultant: Stacy D. Allen, Chief Park Ranger, Shiloh National Military Park

  Illustrations Credits

  1, Library of Congress, 3a07066; 2 (UP), National Archives and Records Administration, 200-S-CA-038; 2 (LO LE), Library of Congress, 06956; 2 (LO RT), Library of Congress, 19301; 3 (UP LE), National Archives and Records Administration, 111-B-4326;3 (UP RT), Library of Congress, 06577; 3 (LO LE), MOLLUS-MASS/USAMHI; 3 (LO RT), Library of Congress, 07370; 4 (UP LE), Library of Congress, 06378; 4 (UP RT), Library of Congress, 00934; 4 (LO LE), Library of Congress, 05688; 4 (LO RT), Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum; 5 (UP), Library of Congress, 04023; 5 (LO LE), Library of Congress, 23852; 5 (LO RT), National Archives and Records Administration, 111-B-1233; 6 (UP LE), Library of Congress, 3g07972; 6 (UP RT), Library of Congress, 06714; 6 (LO LE), Library of Congress, 3g07984; 6 (LO RT), Library of Congress, 04775; 7 (UP), Corbis; 7 (LO LE), Library of Congress, 3c28709; 7 (LO RT), Library of Congress, 02078; 8 (UP), From The Photographic History of the Civil War by Francis Trevelyan Miller, Volume 1, The Review of Reviews Co., New York, 1911; 8 (LO), Library of Congress, 3a09479; 9 (UP), Everett Collection/SuperStock; 9 (LO), From The Photographic History of the Civil War by Francis Trevelyan Miller, Volume 2, The Review of Reviews Co., New York, 1911; 10 (UP), Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, D.C.; 10 (LO), Library of Congress, 3b07180; 11 (UP LE), From History of the Swedes of Illinois by Ernst W. Olson, Part 1, The Engberg-Holmberg Publishing Company, Chicago, 1908; 11 (UP RT), Chicago Historical Society; 11 (LO LE), Prints and Photographs in the Clifton Waller Barrett Library of American Literature (Barrett Prints), Clifton Waller Barrett Library of American Literature, Special Collections, University of Virginia; 11 (LO CTR), Library of Congress, 3a47095; 11 (LO RT), Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum; 12 (UP), Library of Congress, 3b07177 and 3b07178; 12 (LO), Library of Congress, 04037; 13 (UP RT), Library of Congress, 3b47601; 13 (UP LE), Library of Congress, 04008; 13 (LO), Chicago Historical Society; 14 (UP LE), Library of Congress, 06191; 14 (UP RT), Library of Congress, 00082; 14 (LO), Shiloh National Military Park; 15, From The Photographic History of the Civil War by Francis Trevelyan Miller, Volume 1, The Review of Reviews Co., New York, 1911; 16 (UP), Shiloh National Military Park; 16 (LO), Shiloh National Military Park.



  Winston Groom, Shiloh, 1862

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