Page 14 of Aunt Tabbie's Wings

  Gwendolyn saw TJ's eyes sparkle and then refocus, but she’d seen what she’d been looking for.

  "I..I can't, Gwendolyn," TJ resisted.

  "Oh, well, think it over, TJ. If you change your mind, remember mum's the word." She put her finger to her lips.


  Hannah watched TJ's door open and then Gwendolyn step out and close it again. She hadn’t seen Hannah watching her and walked straight across to her room and then closed the door. Hannah was concerned at what she had seen and made a direct beeline for TJ's room. TJ only closed her door when she went to bed and seeing her door closed now, made Hannah suspicious. Hannah knocked on TJ's door and opened it.

  "TJ, is everything okay, honey?" Hannah asked.

  "Yeah, Mum," TJ responded.

  "Did you have a talk with Gwendolyn?"

  "Yes, Mum," TJ appeared puzzled.

  "What were you talking about, sweetheart?" Hannah prodded.

  "Just stuff," TJ shifted uncomfortably.

  Hannah searched her daughter's eyes and didn't like what she was seeing. The girl who had been so open and loving was now showing signs of conflict. Her beautiful baby blue eyes cast a grey shadow and Hannah felt disturbed.

  Just then, Bluey arrived home and called out for her. "Hannah… TJ… I'm home."

  Normally, Hannah and TJ greeted Bluey with an eager hug. Hannah made her way out to Bluey from TJ's room and TJ followed a few steps behind and in no hurry.

  "Hi, sweetheart, how was your day?" Hannah asked, reaching up to kiss her husband.

  "Hi, Daddy," TJ half-heartedly placed a kiss on his cheek.

  "Who died?" Bluey joked, surprised at TJ's response.

  "We need to talk," Hannah scanned the eyes of her husband.

  When everyone was seated at the table for the evening meal, Bluey lowered his head to pray and as he was finishing, Gwendolyn yawned loudly. Hannah and Bluey opened their eyes in time to see TJ stifle a laugh and peer sideways at Gwendolyn.

  Bluey glanced at Hannah and remarked, "I see why we have to talk."


  The house was quiet and dark, however Gwendolyn was fully dressed as she stole over to TJ's bedroom, cracked the door open and slipped into her room.

  "TJ...! TJ...!" Gwendolyn whispered.

  TJ stirred. "Gwendolyn, what's up?"

  "Tonight’s the night of the party. Get dressed and let's go."

  TJ felt nervous. "I don't know, Gwendolyn…"

  "Come on, it will be fun. You can let your hair down for once. Sisters, remember? You look out for me and I'll look out for you."

  TJ felt herself being dragged along by Gwendolyn's power. She threw back her covers, dressed and stole out of the house.

  They walked a couple of miles and then the steady pounding of loud music drew Gwendolyn like an insect to a light. TJ was beginning to feel more uneasy, dragged along by Gwendolyn's beckoning.

  They turned up a driveway and into a shed full of people dressed in all kinds of party clothes. It didn't take long for the male partygoers to notice the appearance of the two girls and surround them. One man, in a dirty denim outfit sauntered over to TJ and ran his fingers over her face.

  "I like you, little one."

  TJ was frozen with fear and cried out for Gwendolyn, but she’d disappeared into the group.

  Out front, two squad cars pulled up and six police officers ran up the driveway. "Police! Stay where you are!"


  Casey gawked at TJ, shock written across her face. "You were busted by the police?!"

  TJ's face blushed red. "Yes, sweetheart. I still can't believe how stupid my actions were and how close I came to being seriously hurt."

  Casey studied the floor for a few moments. "You deliberately disobeyed Bluey and Hannah and decided to follow Gwendolyn?"

  Again, TJ's face blushed. "Yes, sweetheart, it was as if I had betrayed them and their trust. I learned a very important lesson though, that I have never forgotten."

  "What's that?" Casey glanced up at TJ.

  "When we step outside of Father's authority and order, we put ourselves into the path of the Evil One and his plan is to destroy each and every one of us humans. I stepped outside of Mum's and Dad's authority, as well as Father's authority, and I nearly paid a heavy price. I believe it was only Hannah's and Bluey's constant, covering prayers that allowed me to escape a dreadful situation."

  Casey pondered the wise woman sitting next to her. "So, you and Ben's authority over me protects me from the plans of the Evil One, so long as I stay under your authority?"

  TJ hugged Casey. "Yes, my love, that's right, until you are ready and strong enough to provide a mantle for your own children."

  "So, Gwendolyn had no one to cover her and she was an easy target for the Evil One," Casey mused. "And then she tried to corrupt you, by convincing you to step out of Grandpa's and Grandma's authority, too."

  TJ smiled at the wisdom Father was teaching Casey.

  Casey pondered the gems that TJ had just allowed her to gain from her story for a long time. Finally she asked, "So what happened?"


  Chapter 30

  The phone abruptly disturbed the night time quiet in the Burns' household. Hannah whispered sleepily to Bluey, "Honey, the phone."

  Bluey shook the sleep from his mind and trundled slowly out into the kitchen. "Hello, Bluey Burns."

  Bluey threw the phone back into the cradle and bellowed from the kitchen to the bedroom. "Hannah, get dressed. We have to go."

  Hannah climbed out of bed quickly, concerned at her husband's brisk commands. When she caught sight of Bluey, his face was red and the fuse was burning.

  "What on Earth has happened...?" Hannah’s concerned voice cut through the early morning quiet. "Gwendolyn! What has she done now?" Hannah worried.

  "She’s down at the police station!" Bluey smouldered.

  "What?!" Hannah exclaimed.

  "Let's go, Hannah!" Bluey urged.

  "I’ll have to get TJ up before we go, sweetheart."

  "She's there… with Gwendolyn!" Bluey said darkly.

  Hannah's face fell and her heart tore.

  Too shocked to speak.


  The big man pushed open the door to the police station and held it open for Hannah with Bluey following her, but the sight of TJ standing by the front desk stopped the couple in their tracks. When she turned to face her parents, her complexion was red and puffy from tears, however, the disappointed look on her parents' faces crushed TJ and brought another guilty flood of shame. The questioning gaze was too much for her and she burst into loud, convulsing sobs.

  "I'm so sorry, Mum and Dad!" she babbled through her tears, breaking into huge, heartbroken heaves.

  The redhead's fuse immediately snuffed out.

  He dropped to his knee, holding out his arms open wide to his daughter. TJ saw the love in his eyes and the forgiveness of his large loving arms open wide to engulf her, so she took off running and flew into his embrace, violently sobbing with her shoulders and back heaving, pressing lovingly into her father’s forgiving embrace.

  TJ kept repeating over and over, "I am sorry. I am so sorry."

  Hannah dropped beside the two people she loved the most and closed in the hug. Her daughter had been deceived and now, she was paying for the consequences of her actions. There wasn't any need to say anything. Father had taught TJ a huge lesson and she had learnt it well.

  Gwendolyn stood in a corner, out of view and watched the scene playing out in disbelief.

  No shouting.

  No slapping.

  Just pure love and forgiveness.

  A pang of envy stabbed at Gwendolyn and then she quickly hardened. Whatever was coming wouldn't be like that for her and she had to be prepared. She was fully expecting the giant to come and slap her around, or at least walk out and leave her standing in the police station. All she could expect was a free ride in a squad car to Cranbourne.

  Once TJ h
ad calmed back down, Bluey raised himself from the floor. Hannah put her arm around TJ and supported her, while Bluey approached the desk.

  "Where's my other girl?" Bluey asked quietly of the desk sergeant.

  "Which one, Mr Burns?"


  Gwendolyn couldn't believe she heard what she heard. Where's my other girl? kept replaying in her head.

  The officer pointed to the corner with the tip of his pen.

  Gwendolyn gaped up at Bluey, fear playing across her face. She backed into the corner as far as she could, waiting for the shouting and the slapping to start, but was confused when she peered into the big man's eyes and saw a softness she had never seen before in the eyes of a man. Gwendolyn was familiar with the look of lust and anger, but never had she seen the eyes of compassion so warmly directed at her.

  "Come on, Gwendolyn. Let's go home."


  TJ was like a lost kitten for the next couple of weeks and wouldn't let her parents out of her sight. Whenever Bluey came home, she’d scuttle out to meet him and jump into his waiting arms, her face red and holding her breath in anticipation of his words.

  "I love you, baby."

  "I love you, Daddy."

  She wasn't satisfied until she'd heard his words of affirmation, once again reassuring her of the big man’s fatherly love. TJ's love and respect for her parents was stronger now than it had ever been, just knowing she’d messed up and they’d forgiven her and offered her unconditional love, even though she didn't deserve it.

  Gwendolyn watched in disbelief at this new concept. She was quiet for a long time, replaying Bluey's words over and over. Where's my other girl? There hadn't been any hard words, shouting or violence and Bluey and Hannah still treated her with respect.

  However, TJ and Gwendolyn had entered a stalemate in their relationship and it took TJ a long time to trust Gwendolyn again. She had deliberately set up TJ and put her in danger.

  It wasn't until Bluey and Hannah read the sparse records from Constable Phelps that Gwendolyn's behaviour suddenly made sense. Bluey and Hannah fought back tears as some of her fragmented childhood and abuse became known.

  It was a wonder she was alive at all.

  Hannah glanced at Bluey and touched his arm. Bluey returned her gaze, his eyes swimming. He knew what she was thinking and nodded.

  "We have to do it."


  Phelps sat across the desk from Bluey and Hannah, delighted at their decision. "I see you’ve become aware of Gwendolyn's ability to manipulate people." Citing the latest report on Gwendolyn and TJ's involvement, he continued, "Gwendolyn needs folks who are rock steady. I doubt your involvement in her life will dramatically change her, but I am hoping it will cut off any attempt at her becoming a hardened criminal. You have seen her records now and you have no misgivings about her. Research seems to indicate that a child's way of thinking is set by the time they are six, so you are battling some really big negatives, Mr and Mrs Burns."

  Bluey sat folded in the small seat and glanced across at Hannah. "Thanks for your advice, Constable Phelps, but we are Christians and have a strong faith in our God. If anyone can break a heart of stone, He can. I believe it’s His doing, our being involved in Gwendolyn's life, sir. I am not so green to believe what we are about to embark on is going to be easy. But as you have said, Gwendolyn needs consistency and mountains of love. But not just any love. It has to be Father's love."

  Phelps fidgeted uneasily in his chair at Bluey's frank confession. "Well, I wish you and your God all the luck in the world," he said, extending his hand to the Burns’. "The forms for her guardianship will be sent to you as soon as possible. Just fill them out and send them back to me and I’ll approach the courts on your behalf and hopefully, it should only be a formality. Oh...! Child Welfare will be getting back involved in her case again. They aren't the easiest of people to deal with, but that's the law and I will assist you all I can."


  The evening meal was quiet as Gwendolyn tried to reconcile the treatment she had received from Hannah and Bluey.

  It didn't make sense.

  She’d messed up, been caught and dragged TJ into trouble as well and they’d treated her with nothing but respect. The giant didn't even get mad. TJ was more cut up about it than either of the parents and she was giving Gwendolyn the cold shoulder.

  And what did the giant mean about, my other girl?

  Hannah caught Bluey's eye and nodded at Gwendolyn. He understood her meaning and started.


  Gwendolyn was absentmindedly playing with her food, pushing it with a fork. "Huh... what?" she snapped out of her thoughts and peered at the giant, fearing a belated beating.

  "Today we spoke with Constable Phelps, Juvenile Corrections," Bluey explained.

  Gwendolyn's eyes were wide and she sighed. It hadn't taken much for these people to have had enough of her.

  I knew he didn't mean it when he said my other girl! she thought.

  Gwendolyn's face dropped, then hardened.

  Hannah and Bluey saw the momentary switch.

  "We’ve approached him and asked him if he would help us apply for your guardianship. Would that be okay with you?"

  Gwendolyn's mouth dropped open.

  Telltale pools were forming in her eyes and she pushed the chair out and ran for her room, slamming the door behind her.

  Hannah glanced at Bluey, concern written across her face. She pushed her chair out and made her way to Gwendolyn's room and knocked on her door. "Gwendolyn?!"

  "Go away and leave me alone!"


  Chapter 31

  Marlene Styles flounced into the courtroom and threw an unattractive stare at Phelps. Phelps had wondered how long it would take the woman to hear of Gwendolyn's guardianship request. The trouble was, how was she going to try and disrupt it? And how could he head her off? He’d become suspicious of the head of Child Welfare when she tried to overrule the Juvenile Corrections' claim to control Gwendolyn's incarceration.

  "All rise," the tipstaff announcer called out. "Justice Jeremy Brewster presiding. Court is now in session. First case, application for guardianship of state ward, Gwendolyn... Gwendolyn…" The bench clerk checked his papers again, confused.

  "May I approach the bench, your honour?" Phelps requested.

  "You may," Brewster agreed.

  "Your honour, Gwendolyn has been a ward of the state since birth and no one has bothered to give her a surname. She is known for the record as Gwendolyn."

  "Thank you, Constable Phelps. You may return to your seat." Brewster nodded to the bench clerk to continue.

  "Application for guardianship of Gwendolyn by Mr and Mrs Pell Burns. The applicants are represented by Constable Bryan Phelps of the Juvenile Corrections Department. There has been a late objection to the application filed by the Department of Child Welfare, citing improper jurisdictional procedure as grounds for their claim. Representing the objection will be Marlene Styles, head of the Department of Child Welfare."

  Phelps ran his hands through his hair. Marlene Styles had used the same argument twelve months ago, when Gwendolyn came under his authority. She believed she was clearly responsible for Gwendolyn, until her argument was thrown out by the reading of the Departmental Responsibilities Charter.

  Brewster spoke, "We will hear the application first and then the objection."

  Phelps climbed to his feet. "Your honour, the application before the court is clearly a legal request and is made on behalf of Mr and Mrs Burns who have already begun developing a relationship with Gwendolyn. Therefore they are already filling the role of parents to Gwendolyn. We have exhaustively interviewed the couple in question and their credentials are impeccable. It is the department's considered opinion that this application should be granted. Gwendolyn would benefit greatly from being in such a stable environment with people who genuinely care for her. On behalf of the Juvenile Corrections Department, your honour, and
in the absence of any suitable substitute programme, I humbly request the court grant this application." Phelps sat down.

  Justice Brewster nodded to Marlene Styles at the opposite end of the councillors' bench to Phelps. She rose to her feet and addressed the court.

  "Your honour, it is quite evident that my colleague, Mr Phelps, has not taken Gwendolyn's best interests to heart. Gwendolyn almost destroyed government property… her cell, when she was in his care. Obviously, the child was distressed and his answer was to move her to these people, the applicants. They clearly have no experience whatsoever with custodial children and their needs. His last ditched approach was to send her to Cranbourne, a mental institution of all places!"

  "Your honour, I object. The plan to send Gwendolyn to Cranbourne was in fact a last ditched effort to rehabilitate Gwendolyn's current state of mind. Miss Styles knows this plan well, as it was her idea in the first place," Phelps defended.

  "Noted," Brewster interjected. "Continue, Miss Styles."

  "If that wasn't enough to convince the court, your honour, Gwendolyn has been intercepted by the police, twice, in the first week of her placement with the applicants. Once for break and enter; and the second time, for being present at a party where drugs and alcohol were prevalent. The daughter of the applicants was also present AND arrested. I don't know how the court can consider placing the child with people who obviously cannot control her and do not have her best interests at heart. It is also my request, your honour, that Gwendolyn be placed back under my care and my jurisdiction, as plainly Mr Phelps is incapable of controlling her either. I cite Gwendolyn's behaviour and her arrests as evidence of my concerns. He, Mr Phelps, seeks to wipe his hands of Gwendolyn in any way he can; and by placing her in this situation it is without a doubt an attempt to rid her off his files. Therefore, granting this guardianship, your honour, is clearly not in the child's best interest."

  Marlene Styles plopped back down on her seat and smiled across at Phelps.