Page 18 of Aunt Tabbie's Wings

  "We don't know, Casey. Even to this day, Marlene Styles' hatred of Gwendolyn is a mystery," TJ confided.

  "What happened?! Did Gwendolyn become Bluey and Hannah's daughter?" Casey pleaded desperately.

  TJ drew in a heavy breath.

  Just then, the back door slammed. "MUM…! CASEY…!" Hannah-Jean's voice drifted into the back of the house.

  "My goodness, what time is it?" TJ exclaimed, releasing her breath.

  Casey peered down at her bedside clock. "Three thirty," she offered sheepishly.


  Hannah-Jean's face peered around the corner of the door frame and then she entered Casey's room. She hugged her mum, then Casey and climbed onto Casey's bed.

  "You look so much better. I missed you today, Casey, at school," HJ offered. "Talk about a following you have, Casey; I think everyone at school asked me where you were. I feel like your fan club manager; but still, I don't mind. I would be your fan club manager any day."

  Casey hugged her sister and placed a kiss on her cheek. "You're the best, HJ."

  HJ smiled back at her best friend. "Well, that makes the suffering I had to go through worth it."

  Both girls giggled.

  "I need to get dinner happening." TJ lifted herself stiffly from the chair and made her way out.

  "Mum, can I get out of bed?" Casey called after TJ.

  "Do you feel okay, sweetheart?"

  Casey nodded enthusiastically.

  "Well, you can sit at the table while I prepare the meal," TJ affirmed.

  "Have you guys been talking about Gwendolyn all day?" HJ glanced at her mother in astonishment.

  TJ nodded and threw Casey a teasing gape.

  "Where are you up to?" Hannah-Jean wondered, pushing herself off the bed.

  "Bluey has just asked Phelps to approach the courts to adopt Gwendolyn," TJ replied.

  "Oh!" HJ replied, gazing at the floor.

  "What?! Why the sad look, HJ?!" Casey became worried. "Do you know Gwendolyn's story too?"

  "Yeah! But Mum tells it better than anyone. All the Brekman kids know it," HJ replied frankly.

  "This isn't fair, you guys," Casey pouted.

  "Hang in there, Casey," TJ implored. "The story is worth waiting for and chewing on."

  Casey perched royally at the table in her dressing gown and slippers. Hannah-Jean sat next to her, hungrily devouring an after-school snack, watching their mother preparing the meal.

  "I don't understand why Tabbie hasn't made an appearance yet," Casey suddenly spoke. "Am I missing something?!"

  Casey watched Hannah-Jean and TJ clandestinely exchange a look.

  "What?! What was that?!" Casey demanded, gawking at the interplay.

  "Not too much gets past you, Casey," HJ teased, as she stood up from the table and hugged her sister. "I am going for a shower before tea."

  "Okay, sweetheart," TJ acknowledged her daughter.

  "Does Marlene Styles succeed in stopping Gwendolyn's adoption, Mum?" Casey pleaded.

  TJ walked over to Casey and put her arms around her and kissed her head. "I tell you what, Casey..."


  "What about if we all sit down together after tea, when Ben is here? That way everyone gets to input into the story."

  Casey thought about sitting in Ben's lap with Hannah-Jean, feeling her dad's strong arms wrapped around her and her sister; with TJ sitting at Ben's feet. A smile broke out across her face at the closeness of her family and TJ saw the distant beam on Casey's face.

  "Okay, TJ," Casey finally conceded.

  Casey followed TJ’s orchestrated preparations for the family meal while her thoughts tormented her.

  Casey suddenly spoke, verbalising her thoughts. "Gwendolyn's story is all about Father's order in the family and what happens when the order is missing. When the men don't step up as the head of the house and don't adore and train children, by setting a clear example. When a daddy holds back his love or isn't engaged in his children's lives. Abuse and neglect and the horrors that go with it are all avoidable! Pure, selfless love is the key and it breaks down the barriers of hurt and rejection." The sudden realisation gripped Casey. "All this pain and suffering is avoidable… if we follow Father's plan for families! Oh! I do hope Gwendolyn did get adopted?!" Casey implored.

  TJ listened to Casey's musings in amazement, then turned to face her daughter, a look of sheer delight painted delightfully across her face. "Casey, you’re starting to understand clearly, honey. When we put Father first, everything else falls in behind."


  The nightly routine in the Brekman household shifted into high gear. Casey was excused from the dishes, while Hannah-Jean and Ben play fought all the way through cleaning up and as usual, with Casey and TJ laughing heartily at their antics. It all ended with Ben and Hannah-Jean exchanging hugs, then everyone retired to the lounge room. Once Ben settled into his chair, HJ allowed Casey to sit first and then she joined her on Ben's lap, his big arms wrapped around his two girls; and then TJ lowered herself to the floor at their feet and got comfortable.

  "Okay, we left the story when Marlene Styles had just stolen Phelps' file on Gwendolyn..."


  Phelps had a suspicion that Marlene Styles was up to no good and her frank confession that she would oppose Gwendolyn's adoption worried him. Justice Brewster had studied Phelps' file on Gwendolyn when he’d made his decision regarding the guardianship and decided he didn't trust her either, leading to the co-jurisdiction.

  Phelps knew, from informants, that Marlene's files were more complete and had every move Gwendolyn had taken since she was a baby. Every hospital, every mark and wound she had received. It was like a scrapbook album that a psychopath keeps on a victim, just before they attack. However, the file was hidden away somewhere in her office.

  If I could only get my hands on that, the case would be open and shut, Phelps thought.

  But for now, he would have to prepare the case the best way he could. He suddenly had an idea and reaching for the phone, he waited for it to connect.


  "Mario, it's Phelps. I need a favour."

  Mario took some convincing on such a risky plan, but Phelps recalled every favour he had done to protect Mario and now, he was calling them in.


  Bluey rushed to grab the phone before it stopped ringing. "Hello, Bluey Burns."

  "Mr Burns, it's Bryan Phelps."

  "G'day, Constable Phelps. What can I do for you?"

  "I just want to give you the heads up on Gwendolyn's adoption application. It appears that Child Welfare will be opposing the request."

  Bluey was speechless.


  "I don't know the grounds just yet but it would appear that Marlene Styles, the head of Child Welfare, has an issue with Gwendolyn's case. I just wanted to warn you that this will be a battle and it will take an act of God to make it happen."

  "We already have people praying for exactly that, Constable Phelps," Bluey replied.

  "Good! We are going to need all the help we can get. A word of advice, though: please keep Gwendolyn out of trouble for the foreseeable future. If we can cite a positive behavioural change, it will go in our favour."

  "We’ll do our best," Bluey conceded.

  "Okay, I'll talk to you again when I know more. Goodbye, Mr Burns." Phelps hung up the phone.

  Hannah and Bluey hadn't discussed the adoption with Gwendolyn yet, until they knew that things were going to happen. Now he was thankful for their wise decision, not wanting to set Gwendolyn up for another huge disappointment.


  Chapter 40

  Phelps checked down the court manifest with his finger and found the matter for mention. His finger moved across the line and rested on the hearing date.

  Two weeks.

  He had better get onto it.

  He noted the officiating justice, Justice Morgan Greer. "Oh, no!
This just gets better and better! Surely someone has it in for Gwendolyn," he spoke to no one in particular. "Well, I had just better make sure our case is solid and water tight."

  Greer was a known misogynist and was well recognized for his unpredictable rulings. All was dependent on how he felt on the day and whether he had had his happy pill or not. At least the playing field was levelled and if Marlene Styles was presenting the case for Child Welfare, she would have an immediate disadvantage, just by her gender.

  Phelps opened his filing cabinet to check some of the details concerning Gwendolyn's case. He searched through the alphabetical headings, looking for the file.

  'G' was empty.

  "That's odd," he whispered. He carefully checked each slot, hoping he had misfiled it.


  "Now where did I put that?" He pulled open the remaining drawers and checked each individual file leaf.

  It was definitely gone.

  He walked outside and called to his secretary, "Mike? Have you got the file on Gwendolyn?"

  "Last I saw it was in your cabinet," the junior constable called back.

  Phelps checked his desk top and drawers and then the light came on.


  She had been in his office without supervision. That was the new evidence that had made her happy and that file was how she was going to put a hole in his boat. He flopped down in his chair and began to worry. Without specifics, he was like a sitting duck in the courtroom. Panicking, he reached for the phone and dialled Bluey Burns.

  "Hello, Bluey Burns."

  "Mr Burns, Bryan Phelps. Can I meet with you urgently? I have a development on Gwendolyn's case that requires your assistance."


  Bluey and Phelps sat together, reconstructing every part of Gwendolyn's recent file, facts and dates that Marlene Styles would use to destroy the case for Gwendolyn.

  During his time with Phelps reconstructing the file, certain anomalies caught Bluey's attention and his interest was directed toward Marlene's involvement in Gwendolyn's life. Like a bloodhound on the scent, he and Hannah started to uncover, bit by bit, an even more disturbing revelation. They visited people directly involved with Gwendolyn. Doctors, hospitals, policemen. Anyone who had anything to do with her. Each time, they gathered a new lead and each time, they would gain another piece of the jigsaw puzzle. The abuse at the hands of Marlene Styles made Bluey angry and each time, he saw Gwendolyn's features contorted under a new violence levelled against a helpless child.

  It was clear.

  Marlene Styles was responsible for Gwendolyn's abuse and had deliberately placed her in situations that led to torture at the hands of people claiming to be caring foster parents. In time, a file of names, dates, situations all came together and grew in size. Bluey didn't know the impact his and Hannah's research would have, however, an important lead led them on the trail to Amanda Detress, but finished in a dead end.

  She had simply vanished.

  After many failed attempts, they were finally granted access to court transcripts regarding Amanda's court case against Child Welfare and the hospital that had aided Gwendolyn's abuse. The court had recognised Marlene Styles' involvement in the unsubstantiated claims of abuse by Amanda Detress, but because there was no concrete proof Styles was acquitted of any wrongdoing and the case was dismissed. Styles was warned by the justice presiding over Amanda's case and a note was entered against her record.

  It was evident, by the sudden increase in violence against Gwendolyn, Styles had unleashed her hatred against the child.

  Phelps kept in contact with Bluey and Hannah as their search led them into developing the file on Gwendolyn. The unbelievable picture starting to emerge shocked even him.

  Meanwhile, the hearing date arrived.

  Phelps and Bluey entered the courtroom and took their seats. Marlene grinned arrogantly at Phelps and took her place at the councillors' bench beside an official looking man in a court robe. She, too, had done her homework on Justice Greer and had hired a male councillor to present her case.

  This is going to be interesting, Phelps conceded silently.

  "All rise. Justice Morgan Greer presiding. This court is now in session," the tipstaff announcer boomed. "First matter for mention. Application is sought by Mr and Mrs Pell Burns to the court, to grant a variance to the addendum placed against the decision made by Justice Brewster regarding the guardianship of Gwendolyn. The court is requested to allow an application for Mr and Mrs Burns to become the legal parents of Gwendolyn, discharging any rights held against Gwendolyn by the Crown and its servants. Representing the case for the Burns' will be Constable Bryan Phelps, Juvenile Corrections Department."

  Phelps rose to his feet. "Your honour, it is with great delight that I can report the positive changes happening within Gwendolyn's life since the Burns' took on the guardianship for Gwendolyn. She has begun to excel in her schoolwork. She interacts with the family fabric and is involved and engaged in family life and early signs show Gwendolyn has started to diverge from the destructive path she had settled on, prior to the Burns' involvement. As this hearing is only for an application for variance to the addendum, I do not offer any departmental evidence to the court at this stage and it is suffice to say, that Gwendolyn is being well taken care of. It is my closing opinion that the Burns' love Gwendolyn and clearly by the changes that have taken place in her life, Gwendolyn reciprocates those emotions and is responding in a positive way. I therefore respectfully request that the court grant the variance and allow the Burns' to apply for full parental status." Phelps took his seat.

  "Councillor Reeves is representing the Department of Child Welfare, opposing the variance," the tipstaff announcer confirmed.

  "Your honour…" Reeves stood to his feet, started and paused for dramatic effect. "The clarity of my colleague representing the Burns' is very decisive, but the truth of the matter is that Gwendolyn's record shows she has not been at all happy with the Burns'. She has been involved in a number of offences that, in Phelps' own file, tells a very different story."

  "Your honour, I object. The opposing council is citing evidence from a stolen file taken from my office and should not be considered as evidence."

  A ripple ran through the courtroom.

  Marlene Styles jumped to her feet.

  "Your honour, it doesn't matter how the file came to be offered as evidence. The file is still evidence and its contents are what matters."

  Justice Greer had a disdained sneer on his face at the sudden interruption of Marlene Styles. "Mr Reeves, next time your client interjects without permission, YOU will be held in contempt of court."

  "Y..yes, your honour. I apologise to the court," he said, eyeing Marlene with a steely look. "As I was saying, the evidence suggests..."

  "Mr Reeves! May I remind you that this is an application for variance and not a trial. For the record, the court notes your objection to the variance and grants the requested variance, in place of your clearly unsubstantiated contretemps. You will have your chance to discredit Mr Phelps' arguments at the appropriate time set down for... two weeks hence. Case dismissed."


  Casey stared, wide-eyed past TJ. Her arms rested over Ben's, as he held her and Hannah-Jean around their waists.

  "So, the variance was granted," she suddenly smiled.

  "Yes, Casey," Ben chipped in, "but it was only the variance, so they could apply for the adoption."

  Hannah-Jean entered the conversation. "It was Marlene Styles' interruption that set the judge against her case. It's funny how the tool she used against Gwendolyn–hatred–turned against her. If she had kept quiet, the judge would probably have ruled in her favour."

  "Marlene Styles was madder than a hornet at the decision and flounced out of the courtroom. She was looking for a way to stop Gwendolyn's adoption, anyway she could," TJ added. "Things were getting tense. Marlene Styles knew if Gwendolyn was getting close to someone, the chances are she would spill the be
ans on her treatment and they would come after her. If she could just keep Gwendolyn angry and distant, she wouldn't open up; but first she needed to destroy the evidence of her actions toward Gwendolyn. It was getting too risky. Her beloved file had to be destroyed and stop any chance of her being indicted in any wrongdoing, taking one more nostalgic look and then burn it... so we found out later," TJ reminisced.

  TJ abruptly glanced up at the mantle clock. "My goodness, you girls are going to be falling asleep at school. Straight to bed and no objections."

  Although Casey still had lots of questions, she was tired and needed to sleep.


  Chapter 41

  Ben lay awake, thinking about the next phases of Gwendolyn's story. "TJ honey, are you awake?"

  "Mmm," she replied.

  "I don't know if it is wise filling in the next part with Casey. Hannah-Jean had nightmares when she came to this part," Ben worried.

  "I was thinking the same thing. Where do you think I should resume it?" TJ cuddled into Ben.

  "I think we should leave out..."


  The darkly clad figure loitered outside the large, square brick building. It was approaching 2 am and the building was in shadows.

  Scampering over a wire fence, his oversized pampered belly hung down, catching his dark woollen jumper and entangling it on the barbed wire. Perched uncomfortably at the top of the fence and trying desperately to untangle the barbs from his jumper, he tore angrily at the fabric until it abruptly let go, sending his out-of-practice body plummeting to the ground with a thud and into an enclosed compound at the back of a substantial office building.

  Running a hand over his smarting head and feeling a lump growing on the back of his skull, he chastised himself for being talked into the clandestine mess. He hadn't attempted anything like this since leaving the army fifteen years ago and he was fit, then. Realising his awkward predicament, he had to enter the building to escape the barbed wire compound so now he was committed to the task.

  Scanning the rear of the building, he noticed a fire escape ladder hanging from a landing, two floors up. He tried jumping on the spot to reach the ladder, but only succeeded in gnashing his teeth together as his heavy body fell back to the ground. It was beginning to look like he was trapped, until he spotted a cleaner's mop leaning against a wall. Carefully, he hooked the mop around the lower ladder rung and began to pull down on the spring-loaded fire escape. The ladder screeched from rust and lack of use and he searched around to see if anyone had been alerted to the noise.