Page 11 of Touching Ice

  Onyx nodded. “Mine as well. I’m commander next shift so now it is yours. It is the least you can do since you’re putting us all in danger of repercussions when the council realizes you have circumvented their direct orders.”

  Ice nodded and sighed as he heated the tray. “Tell the men what my stand and decision is about Megan. If anyone has a problem, alert me. I want to know if I need to watch my back.”

  “They will probably agree since we all respect you greatly,” Onyx acknowledged softly. “But I doubt any will be willing to take command of the Rally until this situation is over. You know what that means.”

  “I’m in official command at all times.” Ice removed the tray from the auto warmer and faced his crewmates. “Contact me if anything arises. I didn’t rest much on my sleep cycle so I’m going down for a few hours.”

  Onyx suddenly grinned. “I bet you are going down. Tell me, do humans taste anything close to what our women do?”

  Ice paused next to his friend and grinned. “Find a human and discover the answer to that question yourself.” He moved toward the door, which automatically slid open, and walked out into the hallway.

  His smile died as soon as he moved out of sight of Onyx and Varion. The council could be vicious and Zorus would be the harshest set against anything human. The cyborg had a bitter history of his time on Earth, had no forgiveness, and he would be very angry when he realized Ice had refused to kill Megan.

  What if they sent the Bridden back so others not under Ice’s influence came to kill Megan? His hands tightened on the tray. He clenched his teeth. No one would touch her. He’d kill before he allowed anyone to harm a hair on her head.

  He stopped dead in his tracks, feeling the blood drain from his face. What the hell was happening to him? He thought about killing other cyborgs to protect a human? He debated if he had lost his reasoning or if perhaps he had gone insane. He uttered a foul curse. Megan had changed something inside him, influenced him somehow, and he needed to analyze how deeply she’d affected him.

  * * * * *

  Megan sensed something was wrong as she finished her meal. Ice was too quiet as he watched her with a curious expression on his handsome features. He’d also kept his distance from her by taking a seat near the door at the only small table in the room.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m unsure.” He sighed softly.

  “Are you sick?”

  “No. That isn’t my problem.”

  “Then what is?”

  He shifted in the seat and then stood to his full height. “I’m not myself. Since I came

  into contact with you I have been changing and didn’t realize how drastically until I retrieved your meal.”

  “Okay. I’m not really sure what you mean but I’m trying to understand you.”

  He bent and removed his boots, then his socks, before straightening up. “You have influenced me in ways I am still trying to figure out. I disobeyed a direct order, nearly came to blows with another cyborg who struck you, and now I’m risking my entire future and that of my crew to possible punishment from the Cyborg Council. I never considered I would do any of these things.”

  Guilt ate at her just a little. “I never meant to do this to your life.”

  “I believe that.” He paused next to the bed within arm’s reach of her. “There was no logical expectation from you to foresee my reaction to you.” He sat down gently. “What was your real plan, Megan? What do you hope to gain from me? Is it information you need? I have been completely honest with you and I give you my word that I am unable to harm you regardless of your answers.”

  It hurt a little that he was still suspicious of her but she understood. She had lied to him right from the beginning. “I’m not a bounty hunter and I don’t work for Earth Government. I’m just a programmer who needed a ride when that freighter slammed into Folion. That’s why I ran onto your shuttle and no other reason.”

  “You could have chosen any of the cyborg males but you ordered the bots to not service me alone. Why?”

  Shit. She bit her lip and then set the empty tray aside. “The truth?”

  “I would appreciate that.” He lifted his arm and gripped her gently around her neck.

  “Are you going to strangle me if you don’t like what I have to say?

  He chuckled. “No. I’m reading your pulse. I’m good at detecting lies. Think of me as a breathing lie detector. Do not attempt to test me. That will irritate me.” He paused. “I won’t choke you but you don’t want me angry either.”

  She swallowed. “When I saw you that first time when you forgot to leave your weapon on your shuttle and came aboard Folion, I was instantly drawn to you.”

  “The first time?”

  She knew her heart raced. Ice’s eyes narrowed and he inched closer, looking into her eyes, carefully studying her. She bit her lip and then sighed, releasing it with her teeth.

  “I spied on you,” she admitted. “I told Clara you were a threat to the station. Every time you docked with us she made me aware. I monitored you when you came aboard just so I could see you on the cameras.”

  His hand tightened and his features hardened. “So you reported us after all?”

  “No!” Megan reached up and held onto his arm attached to the hand around her throat. He didn’t hurt her but he had a good grip. “She doesn’t report to anyone but the company and she wouldn’t report that unless she had to file a damage incident report. It just alerted me and no one else when you came aboard Folion. I got to visually track you while you were aboard so I could see you. That’s how I knew how many times you visited. I’ve been seriously attracted to you from the first time I laid eyes on you and you kind of dominated my thoughts sometimes.”

  The hold on her eased. “Earth wasn’t in any way alerted?”

  “I wouldn’t have done it if that were the case. I knew what you were the second I saw you. While I might not be a history buff, everyone knows certain things about cyborgs. Your skin color was a dead giveaway. It stunned me that any of you still existed because according to what I’d heard growing up, all cyborgs were destroyed. You fascinated me but I sure as hell didn’t want to get you caught.”

  His hold eased more. “So why did you program the bots to ignore me? You did that, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. I had a lot of fantasies about you and hell, I saw my chance to finally get to touch you in the flesh.”

  He took a deep breath. “You’re very brave.”

  “Stupid is the word I’d have used and maybe even pathetic but damn, Ice. I really wanted to know how it would feel to touch you and have you touch me back. I’d even go so far as to say it had become an obsession of mine to know. When I signed up for my job on Folion nobody ever mentioned that I’d be locked behind a bulkhead with only Clara to talk to. The last programmer happened to be a complete jackass and you can’t imagine what he did to her programming. I tried to change some of it but he was damn good at what he did and I couldn’t override some of his commands without pulling her physical motherboards and wiping them, which I couldn’t do because I wasn’t allowed to leave that one area of the ship unless something really went wrong. Nothing ever did until that freight carrier slammed into us.”

  He released her and leaned back, staring into her eyes. “You could have chosen another male. There are plenty of us onboard.”

  “I wanted you.” She hated to admit the truth to him but she did. She’d said she’d give him that and she was. “You’re the one I dreamed about sometimes in my bunk.”

  Interest sparked in his eyes. “What kind of dreams?”

  She hesitated. “Sexual fantasies.”

  He reached for her, gripped her leg, and Megan gasped as he pulled her flat on her back on the bed and came down on top of her, pinning her under his body in a few heartbeats. She reached up and curved her fingers around his shoulders, staring up into his handsome face. She really enjoyed the feel of the muscular cyborg on top of her, trapping her under him. He was
careful not to apply too much weight so she didn’t have difficulty breathing but she knew she couldn’t get out from under him either.

  “What kind of sexual fantasies?”

  She grinned. “You really want to know?”

  “I asked.”

  “I dreamed about you naked and fucking me. My favorite dream has always been me straddling your lap and riding you.”

  He turned them, rolling onto his back, putting her on top of him, and adjusted her on his lap. “Sit up.”

  She did and stared down at his chest as he lifted up a little and reached for his shirt, which he opened to reveal that wonderful chest of his. Then his fingers worked on the front of his pants, getting them open, and she scooted back on his thighs as he pushed them down enough to free his hard cock. Her gaze lifted to his.

  “Ride me then. I would hate for you to have an unfulfilled fantasy.”

  “I love it when a man wants to make all my dreams come true.”

  She tugged her shirt over her head and tossed it away to reveal her nakedness. She reached for his stiff cock, running her fingertips over the hot length, enjoying the feel of his hard arousal.

  Ice closed his eyes, his chin lifting as he arched his hips into her exploring hands. “I enjoy your touch so much, Megan.”

  She enjoyed the way his voice deepened and turned husky when she touched him. If sharing a bed with him kept her alive, she suddenly hoped the Cyborg Council thought she was one big, bad threat to them because she never wanted to leave Ice’s quarters. Shifting, she leaned up and adjusted his cock in her hold. She was already wet and ready as she sank down on it, holding it in alignment so he slid into her. Her weight settled down, a loud moan of pleasure tearing from her parted lips as she tossed her head back, taking all of him.

  “Giddyup,” he moaned.

  His unexpected humor had Megan laughing, her eyes flew open and she peered down at him with a grin, to find him watching her.

  “Will you play with my clit while I move? It gets me off.”

  His hand slid down his stomach and his thumb pressed against her clit, rubbing her in slow circles. “Is this what you want?”

  “Yes,” she groaned. “Just like that.”

  “How many males have you told that to?”

  She thought she saw anger in his expression. She just wasn’t sure because he closed off his expression, hiding his emotions. “You’re the first. I discovered that I like to move up and down on my vibrator while I touch myself. I got really bored on the station so my solo sex life was about all I had to use up my free time.”

  A grin spread his lips. “You ride your vibrator this way?”

  “It’s not nearly as big as you are and it sure as hell isn’t as sexy.”

  “Too bad you don’t have it with you. I would enjoy seeing how you did that.”

  “I have you and you’re better.” She lifted up and then lowered, moaning. “You feel so damn good.”

  “So do you.”

  Megan closed her eyes, her hands flattening on his hipbones for leverage, and started to move up and down on him. Sheer pleasure coursed through her body. He kept his thumb moving on her clit while she fucked him slowly, adjusting the angle of her hips so he hit all the wonderful spots inside her pussy that amplified the rapturous feel of Ice’s cock.

  “Faster,” he urged minutes later. “Don’t torture me.”

  “I’m going to come soon,” she moaned, bucking faster on him.

  Ice’s knees came up and he braced his heels on the bed. His free hand gripped her hip and he started to buck his hips, tossing her weight up and she slammed down on him hard. His thumb strummed her clit with more pressure and a scream tore from Megan as she climaxed, bliss blowing through her mind, radiated from between her thighs upward.

  “Fuck,” Ice bellowed and then he came too. “So intense,” he groaned.

  Megan collapsed on his chest, both of them breathing hard, and Ice wrapped his arms around her, holding her there firmly. She really enjoyed being sprawled on top of him. She smiled, catching her breath, as her hands rubbed his impressive biceps under her palms where she’d ended up gripping him.

  “Wow,” she whispered. “That was way better than I imagined it would be.”

  Ice said nothing. Megan lifted her head and stared into his face. Ice’s eyes were closed and as she watched him, she grinned. She leaned up a little and gently placed a kiss on his chin.

  “Sleep, tall, gray and sexy,” she whispered. She lowered her head, resting her ear against his chest, and listened to his heartbeat.

  So screwed, she thought. I could totally get addicted to you.

  Chapter Eight

  Megan laughed, standing on the bed, and wiggled her ass at Ice. He frowned, standing feet away, with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “That is not funny.”

  “Yes it is.” She laughed. “How does your uniform look on me?”

  “You’re too damn small and it doesn’t fit properly.”

  She turned on the bed, still grinning at him, and reached for the front of the baggy shirt. “So I’ll take it off. How did your shift go?”

  He shrugged, his arms dropping to his sides. “I spent some of my time thinking about you and I’ve been uncomfortably hard with the thought of fucking you.”

  “Good thing you’re not on shift anymore.” She tossed the shirt at him and he caught it. She reached for the pants. “I was bored shitless. That’s why I tried on your uniform. I don’t know how you wear so much leather. It’s so stiff and heavy.”

  “So is my cock.” He threw the shirt to the table and moved forward. “Are you attempting to provoke me into fucking you? Move your ass that way again and I will.”

  She turned on the bed and wiggled her ass slowly at him as she pushed down the pants to reveal her bared ass to him. She’d had to roll the legs at her ankles and knew to get them off she’d have to bend over to tug at them. More bare skin was revealed as she shoved them down her thighs. Hands gripped her hips and she gasped as Ice lifted her and set her on the floor.

  She tried to straighten up but Ice suddenly leaned over, trapping her in that position, and she heard his pants pop open. She froze and then smiled as she turned her head, staring into his handsome face inches from hers.

  “You’re just going to take me right now, aren’t you?”


  His hand slid between her thighs and he rubbed against her clit. She moaned, already turned on, wet and ready for him. She’d had eight hours to think up all the ways she wanted to seduce him while he’d been gone. This hadn’t been on her list but she was good for just a straight all-out fuck. She bent over lower and attempted to spread her legs wider apart but they were trapped in his pants, limiting her movements.

  His hand moved away and his boots planted loudly on the outside of where the pants bunched the floor, stepping on part of them. She pushed her ass up higher, going on tiptoe, and Ice groaned.

  “You want me?”

  “Oh yeah.” She nodded. “Enter me slow so I adjust and then ride me hard.”

  “Orders, Megan?” He growled the words. “I’m in control, remember? I will fuck you the way I want to take you.”

  Her heart raced and excitement soared. She loved it when he got that deep, harsh tone, knowing how turned on he was. It made her wetter, wondering what he’d do next. She had no fear of him. Not anymore.

  He turned his face into her neck, inhaling her scent, and his arm wrapped around her waist. He brushed his cock against her and then he entered her slowly, just as she’d asked. They both moaned at the sensation of him filling her, stretching her, and how wet and hot he’d made her for him.

  “Megan,” he groaned. “The things you make me feel.”

  “Yeah,” she clawed the bed. “Same to you, sexy. Oh God, if you rub my clit right off I’m going to come in five strokes or less.”

  He chuckled. “Five, huh?”

  “You feel that damn good and it has been a long day. I had noth
ing to do so I imagined all the things I wanted to try with you. I’ve been turned on the entire time.”

  He slowly withdrew and then drove into her hard and fast. Megan cried out in surprise and rapture. Ice wrapped his other arm around her, his fingers finding her clit, and rubbing. He had great balance since they were bent over his bed but her hands braced them as he started to pound into her from behind.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted and then screamed out as she came.

  His hand left her clit and Ice straightened and grabbed her hips as he fucked her harder and faster. Megan’s muscles went crazy from the climax and his driving cock as she continued to come. Pleasure blurred into ecstasy for Megan and then Ice came hard inside her. She could feel every blast of his hot release jet inside her as he stilled his hips then slowly rocked against her ass.

  “Thirty-two,” he chuckled.

  “What?” She turned her head, looking up at a grinning Ice.

  “It took thirty-two strokes for you to lose your control.” He paused. “I believe. I may have lost count of a few of them. I was distracted by how damn good you feel.”

  She laughed. “I couldn’t have counted to save our lives.”

  He slowly withdrew from her body and then bent, helping her get free from his leather pants. He shook his head, looking amused as she turned around. He grinned at her.

  “Did you think you could really fit into my pants?”

  “No, not with your long legs, but I was just trying to amuse myself.”

  He straightened up and climbed to his feet, stripping out of his clothing and boots. “I’m sorry that you have nothing to amuse you. I can’t activate any of the entertainment features of this room without risking a communications breach.”

  She nodded. “I know. All of that is tied in firmly with the computers and since I’m a programmer you’ve got to be worried I can hack into yours.”