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  Two Boys in Wyoming





  _Northwest Series, No. 3_

  "They had come a goodly distance since morning."]


  I. Jack and Fred

  II. Riding Northward

  III. On Guard

  IV. Visitors of the Night

  V. "Now for the Ranch"

  VI. At the Ranch

  VII. The First Game

  VIII. Look Before You Leap

  IX. Night in the Mountains

  X. The Signal-Fires

  XI. A King of the Forest

  XII. The Tug of War

  XIII. A Strange Occurrence

  XIV. Missing

  XV. Tozer

  XVI. Watching and Watched

  XVII. Into and Out of the Canyon

  XVIII. The Quest of the Cowman

  XIX. Into the Cavern

  XX. A Climb for Liberty

  XXI. How It All Ended

  List of Illustrations

  "They had come a goodly distance since morning."

  "On the projecting ledge stood a noble buck."

  "He was sweeping down upon them like a cyclone."

  "He was looking in the direction of the break in the canyon."




  You should have seen those youths, for it gives me pleasure to say thattwo manlier, more plucky and upright boys it would be hard to findanywhere in this broad land of ours. I have set out to tell you abouttheir remarkable adventures in the grandest section of the West, and,before doing so, it is necessary for you to know something concerningthe lads themselves.

  Jack Dudley was in his seventeenth year. His father was a prosperousmerchant, who intended his only son for the legal profession. Jack wasbright and studious, and a leader in his class at the Orphion Academy;and this leadership was not confined to his studies, for he was a fineathlete and an ardent lover of outdoor sports. If you witnessed the gamebetween the eleven of the Orphion Academy and the Oakdale Football Club,which decided the championship by a single point in favor of the former,you were thrilled by the sight of the half-back, who, at a criticalpoint in the contest, burst through the group which thronged about him,and, with a clear field in front, made a superb run of fifty yards,never pausing until he stooped behind the goal-posts and made atouchdown. Then, amid the cheers of the delighted thousands, he walkedback on the field, and while one of the players lay down on the ground,with the spheroid delicately poised before his face, the same youth whomade the touchdown smote the ball mightily with his sturdy right footand sent it sailing between the goal-posts as accurately as an arrowlaunched from a bow.

  That exploit, as I have said, won the championship for the Orphions, andthe boy who did it was Jack Dudley. In the latter half of the game,almost precisely the same opening presented itself again for the greathalf-back, but he had no more than fairly started when he met anobstruction in his path. The gritty opponent tackled him like a tiger,and down they went, rolling over in the dirt, with a fierce violencethat made more than one timid spectator fear that both were seriouslyinjured. As if that were not enough, the converging players pounced uponthem. There was a mass of struggling, writhing youths, with Jackunderneath, and all piling on top of him. The last arrival, seeinglittle chance for effective work, took a running leap, and, landing onthe apex of the pyramid, whirling about while in the air so as to alighton his back, kicked up his feet and strove to made himself as heavy ashe could.

  The only object this young man seemed to have was to batter down thescore of players and flatten out Jack Dudley, far below at the bottom;but when, with the help of the referee, the mass was disentangled, andJack, with his mop-like hair, his soiled uniform, and his grimy face,struggled to his feet and pantingly waited for the signal from hiscaptain, he was just as good as ever. It takes a great deal to hurt arugged youth, who has no bad habits and is in sturdy training.

  The active lad who had downed Jack when going at full speed, and nippedin the bud his brilliant attempt, was Fred Greenwood, only a few monthsyounger. He was full-back for the Oakdales and their best player.Furthermore, he was the closest friend of Jack Dudley. In the game itwas war to the knife between them, but in the very crisis of theterrific struggle neither had a harsh thought or a spark of jealousy ofthe other. Fred led the cheering of the opposing eleven when Jack kickedsuch a beautiful goal, but gritted his teeth and muttered:

  "You did well, my fine fellow, but just try it again--that's all!"

  And Jack _did_ try it again, as I have explained, and, tackling him low,Fred downed him. While the two were apparently suffocating under themountain, Fred spat out a mouthful of dirt and said:

  "I got you that time, Jack."

  "It has that look, but----"

  Jack meant to finish his sentence, but at that moment the mountain ontop sagged forward and jammed his head so deeply into the earth that hisvoice was too muffled to be clear. Besides, it was not really importantthat the sentence should be rounded out, since other matters engaged hisattention. The two friends went through the game without a scratch,except that Jack's face was skinned along the right cheek, one eye wasblackened, both legs were bruised, and half his body was black and blue,and it was hard work for him to walk for a week afterward. The conditionof Fred, and indeed of nearly every member of the two elevens, was muchthe same.

  But what of it? Does a football-player mind a little thing like that?Rather is he not proud of his scars and bruises, which attest his skilland devotion to his own club? And then Jack had the proud exultation ofknowing that it was he who really won the championship for his side. Asfor Fred, it is true he was disappointed over the loss of the decidinggame, but it was by an exceedingly narrow margin; and he and hisfellow-players, as they had their hair cut so as to make them resemblecivilized beings, said, with flashing eyes and a significant shake ofthe head:

  "Wait till next year, and things will be different."

  Fred Greenwood was the son of a physician of large practice, whoseexpectation was that his son would follow the same profession, thoughthe plans of the parents were in a somewhat hazy shape, owing to theyouth of the boy. As I have already said, he and Jack Dudley had beencomrades or chums almost from infancy. They were strong, active,clear-brained lads, who had not yet learned to smoke cigarettes orcigars, and gave no cause to fear that they would ever do so. It is notnecessary to state that neither knew the taste of beer or alcoholicdrinks, nor did they wish to learn. They understood too well the balefuleffects of such indulgences to be in danger of ruining their bodies andsouls, as too many other youths are doing at this very time.

  Doctor Greenwood had been the family physician of the Dudleys for manyyears. The heads of the families were college mates at Harvard, andcontinued their intimacy after the marriage of each, so that it wasquite natural that their sons should become fond of each other. Thefathers were sensible men, and so long as their boys' fondness forathletic sports did not interfere with their studies the gentlemenencouraged them, and, when possible, were present at the contestsbetween the representatives of the schools.

>   When Jack Dudley was presented with a shotgun and allowed to make anexcursion down the Jersey coast Fred was his companion, and the two hadrare sport in shooting duck and wild fowl. They became quite expert forboys, and before the hunting season set in did considerable fishing inthe surrounding waters, and both learned to be skilful swimmers andboatmen.

  Mr. Dudley was wealthier than his professional friend, though the largepractice of the physician placed him in comfortable circumstances. Inone of his many business transactions Mr. Dudley found that he had tochoose between losing a considerable sum of money and accepting ahalf-ownership in a ranch in the new State of Wyoming. There seemedlittle choice between the two horns of the dilemma, for he saw noprospect of ever getting any money out of the Western land, but heaccepted the ownership, the other half of which was divided among threegentlemen, one of whom lived in Cheyenne, and the others in Chicago.

  It is perhaps worth noting that although the fathers of Jack and Fredwere great admirers of athletics, and, as I have said, encouraged thedevotion to them shown by their sons, yet neither was inclined that wayin his youth.

  "I never expected to own a foot of ground west of the Mississippi,"remarked Mr. Dudley, when making a call upon the doctor, "and here,before I fairly knew it, I have become a half-owner in a ranch away outin Wyoming."

  "Eventually it may prove worth something," suggested Doctor Greenwood,"for that section has enormous capabilities, and a tide of emigrationhas been moving that way for years."

  "It will take a long time to fill up that country with people. MeanwhileI'll sell out cheap, doctor, if you feel like investing."

  The physician laughed and thought the joke was on his friend. He said hewould think the matter over, which was another way of saying he would donothing more than think of it.

  Jack and Fred were present at this interview, and listened with keenattention to the discussion of the Western purchase. By and by Fred gavehis chum a significant look, and, excusing themselves to their parents,they passed out of the room and up stairs to the sleeping-quarters ofFred. The door was carefully closed behind them, and, drawing theirchairs close together, they talked in low tones, as if some dreadfulpenalty would follow a discovery of what was passing between them. Hadany one been able to see the two attractive countenances, he would nothave had to be told that the same thought was in the mind of each.

  "I tell you, Jack," said Fred, with impressive solemnity, "it would be ashame; it will never do; we must not allow it."

  "Allow what?"

  "Why you heard your father say that he never expected to go out toWyoming to look at that ranch he has bought."

  "I could have told you that much, without waiting for him to say it. Itwill be just like him to give it away for a song."

  "And who knows but that it contains valuable gold or silver mines? Ihave heard of treasures being bought in that way."

  "That may be," was the thoughtful response of Jack, "though I believemost of Wyoming--that is the valleys and plains--is a grazing country."

  "I don't know much about the country, but I have read enough to learnthat the greatest discoveries of gold and silver have been in placeswhere no one expected to find them. What I am getting at, Jack, is thatyour father should make up his mind not to part with his interest in theranch till he knows all about it."

  "How is he to learn, when he won't go near it? Of course he can write tothe people out there, but likely they will not tell him the truth."

  "He must send some one whom he can trust, and let him investigate."

  "That does seem to be a sensible plan," remarked Jack, as if the thoughthad not been in his mind from the first.

  "A sensible plan!" repeated the enthusiastic Fred, "it is the _only_plan; nothing else can make it sure that he is not being swindled out ofa big fortune."

  Jack was silent a moment, while he looked steadily into the brown eyesof his chum, who half-smilingly met the scrutiny. Then the whole schemeburst forth.

  "And whom can your father trust before _us_? He must see that the bestthing he can do is to send us out there to make a full investigation. Wewon't charge him anything like what he would have to pay other folks."

  "Of course not; only our travelling expenses and supplies."

  "What do you mean by supplies?"

  "Say a Winchester rifle and a revolver apiece, with the properammunition; what sort of supplies did you think I meant?"

  "I thought it was food, while we were out hunting."

  Jack turned up his nose.

  "If we can't keep ourselves supplied with food, when we are in a countrythat has the finest game in the world, we deserve to starve."

  "My sentiments exactly;" and as if the coincidence required something inthe nature of a compact, the boys shook hands over it.

  "What a splendid treat it would be for us to spend some weeks out inWyoming!" exclaimed Jack Dudley, his eyes sparkling and his cheeksglowing; "it looks as if it were providential that father got hold ofthat ranch."

  "There can't be any doubt about it; but how much more providential itwill be if we are sent to learn all that should be learned about it! Iwonder if that can be brought about?"

  Enough has been told for the reader to understand the plot formed bythese two youths. There could be no question of the grand treat it wouldprove to both, provided their parents could be persuaded to take thesame view of the matter; _there_ was the rub.

  Jack crossed his legs and thoughtfully scratched his head. UnconsciouslyFred did the same.

  "It's a tougher problem than we ever attacked in Euclid," remarked theyounger. Then a bright thought struck him.

  "Don't I look a little pale, Jack?"

  "You look as if a month's vacation in the autumn would be acceptable;but the fact is, Fred, I never saw you look better than you do thisminute."

  Fred sighed.

  "I am afraid I can't work that on father. He's too good a doctor for meto worry him about my health."

  "How about _me_?"

  Fred shook his head.

  "You look as strong as an oak knot, and you are, too; no, we can't makethem think we are in need of a month in Wyoming. We shall have to tryanother tack. Now, there is no doubt that if we spend the month ofSeptember putting in extra work on our studies, we can stand thefollowing month in laying off. We shall come back with new vigor andappetite, and soon catch up with our class."

  "There isn't a particle of doubt about that, but it still remains thatwe must convince our fathers that it will be a wise course to send usaway from home. We can't do it by looking pale and weak, for we can'tlook pale and weak. We must fix on something else or it's no go."

  "Why not fall back on what we first talked about?"

  "What's that?"

  "Make your father think it will be a prudent thing for him to send youout there to look after his property."

  "Suppose I should convince him on that point, how about _you_?"

  "You will need some one to look after you, and I'm just the fellow."

  "We are both satisfied in our own minds; in fact we were from the first;but our fathers are very hard-headed men."

  Now, a couple of boys may be very shrewd, but it often happens thattheir parents are a good deal shrewder, a fact which my young readerswill do well to remember.

  Unsuspected by Jack Dudley and Fred Greenwood, their parents read on theinstant the momentous problem which assumed form in the brains of theirsons. When the younger signalled to his chum to follow him out of theroom, the two gentlemen understood what it meant as clearly as if theyoverheard all the conversation that followed. Waiting until they werebeyond hearing, Doctor Greenwood looked at his friend and remarked, witha smile:

  "They are hit hard."

  "No doubt of it; their hearts are set on making a visit to the ranch,and it would be singular if it were otherwise. We can feel for them, forwe were once boys."

  "Yes, John, and it's longer ago than we like to recall. What do youthink of it?"

  "You know we have always agreed
that many parents injure their childrenby undue indulgence."

  "True, and we have been indulgent to ours, but not improperly so. Agreat deal depends upon the children themselves. Jack and Fred areobedient, studious, and have good principles. If we should say 'No' tothis scheme of theirs they would be disappointed, almost beyond what wecan understand, but neither would protest or sulk. They would study justas hard as ever. It is that which appeals to us. If they were sullen anddissatisfied we wouldn't care; but, John, you and I have each beenblessed with model sons, and they are entitled to privileges which itwould not be safe to grant to other boys. I confess I feel like sendingboth out to Wyoming for an outing."

  "Of course it would spoil the enjoyment of Jack unless he could takeFred with him, but what excuse shall we make, Doc?"

  How reluctant a father is to appear weak and too conciliatory toward hischild! These two men had virtually decided to grant the fervent wish oftheir sons, but it must be done in a common-sense way. They could notsay "Boys, since you have set your hearts on this we grant it," but theymust fix upon some scheme that would made it seem a necessity that theyshould go thither.

  And now observe how ludicrously similar their thoughts were to thosethat were agitating their offspring up stairs.

  "I have been thinking," observed the physician, "of suggesting to themthat they are in need of an extension of their vacation; but what afarce it would be! School opens next Monday, and they are the types ofrugged health, strength and activity. If I undertook to make such aproposition I couldn't keep my face straight, and I am sure both wouldburst out laughing."

  "I know _I_ should, if I were present."

  "Parents must not make dunces of themselves before their children," wasthe philosophical remark of the physician; "some other plan must beadopted."

  Mr. Dudley leaned forward in his chair and slapped the shoulder of thephysician, his face aglow.

  "I have it, Doc!"

  "Let me hear it, for I admit that I am cornered."

  "I will take the ground that, since I have become part owner of thislarge tract of land, my first duty is to learn the truth about it. I canwrite to parties out there, but they are all strangers to me, and thereis no saying how much reliance can be placed on their reports. What isnecessary is an agent who will make an intelligent and honest report;and surely we can trust our own sons to do that."

  "But, John," remarked the doctor, with his pleasant smile, "there arescores of people right here at home who will do that for you. SupposeJack reminds you of the fact?"

  "If he hasn't any more sense than to make such a suggestion, then, bygracious! I'll punish him by sending some one else."

  "Little fear of Jack saying anything of that nature. Even if heundertook to do so, Fred would place his hand over his mouth. But, John,let's understand the matter before we say anything to them. Your plan ofsending out Jack to inspect the property is a good one. It soundsbusiness-like, and must strike them that way; so that difficulty isremoved. You and I don't know anything about the region, nor the besttime for hunting game, but it is fair to believe that the month ofOctober will be suitable. Suppose we keep them in school throughoutSeptember, and then give them a month's leave of absence, to examine andreport upon your property. If all goes well, they are to appear here,ready to resume their studies on the first Monday in November."

  "I can suggest no improvement upon that. No doubt the young rascals areup-stairs, plotting how to bring us round to their way of thinking.Suppose you call them down, Doc. Shall you or I unfold our brilliantscheme?"

  "You, by all means, since the property is yours."

  The physician opened the door of his office and called "Fred!" There wasinstant response, "Yes, sir." "I would like to see you and Jack for afew minutes in the office."

  "Yes, sir; we are coming."

  And a minute later they arrived, handsome, glowing and expectant.

  "Mr. Dudley has something to say to you, Jack."

  Both boys turned their faces expectantly toward the gentleman named, whocrossed his legs, cleared his throat and looked very grave.

  "My son, Doctor Greenwood and I have been discussing that property ofmine in the new State of Wyoming. We have agreed that I ought to learnsomething about it before selling my interest in the same. To securesuch reliable information it is necessary to send some one thither whomwe know to be truthful and honest. The doctor thinks, and I agree withhim, that the right one to go is you, Jack--that is, if you have noobjections."

  The parent paused for a reply, and Jack, as if the matter was tooimportant to be disposed of hastily, answered:

  "I don't think of any objections just now, father."

  "Very well; I am glad to hear it. If any occur to you, you will let meknow, so that I can engage some one else."

  "I'll let you know at once, if I think of any."

  "Very well. Our plan is that you and Fred shall resume your studies nextMonday, and keep right at them to the close of the month. On the firstof October you will start for Wyoming----"


  "I am surprised, my son, that you should interrupt me with thatquestion. Do you suppose I would allow you to spend a month in that wildregion without a companion to look after you? No, sir! Fred goes withyou. I entrust you to his care, and expect him to bring you back in timeto resume your studies on the first Monday in November. It is very kindin the doctor to consent to the arrangement. I hope you appreciate it,sir."

  "I thank him very much," said Jack, looking toward the physician, whojust then drew his hand across his mouth to suppress the smile that wastugging at the corners.

  "Of course," continued Mr. Dudley, still with the manner of aphilosopher, "in visiting such a section, inhabited by large and fiercegame, you must take every precaution. I shall furnish each of you with arepeating Winchester, a revolver, and such other articles as may benecessary. We will now excuse you, with the understanding that if anyobjections occur to either, you will let us know at once, so that youmay continue your studies, while I engage other parties to attend tothis business."

  "I'll think it over," replied Jack, tremulous with delight.

  And then he and his chum withdrew and went up-stairs again to the roomof Fred Greenwood, who hastily closed the door. The next instant theywere hugging each other, and dancing about as if their senses hadforsaken them; and indeed it may be said that for a brief while such wasthe fact.

  "Fred," said the happy Jack, when there was a lull in the excitement,"we must fix upon a name for ourselves."

  "I thought our parents attended to that a good many years ago."

  "You know what I mean; we need some title that will distinguish us fromall other young gentlemen of our acquaintance. How does 'W. R.' strikeyou?"

  "'W. R.'? What does that mean?"

  "The 'Wyoming Rangers;' that sounds rather high-toned."

  Fred shook his head.

  "We are not going West to reduce the aboriginal population; I hope weshall have no trouble with the red men. When we get among the people whohave always lived there, such a title will make us ridiculous, for itsmacks of conceit; it assumes too much."

  "Suppose _you_ suggest something?"

  "Let's call ourselves the 'V. W. W.'; that surely will be appropriate."

  "What do those letters mean?"

  "The 'Verdant Wanderers of Wyoming;' that is precisely what we shallbe."

  Jack Dudley laughed, and at first protested, but finally agreed toaccept the title as fitting and appropriate, and it was so ordered.