Page 5 of Mirandamatics

choker. He is a good guy. I am tired to have no friends too. I'll keep this one. He is even redheaded. Perfect! I am going to need a gypsy too. A real one! Tony McEwing from Fox 11 Los Angeles started following me again on Twitter today. We had a Star Trek-o technology like call earlier this morning. I don't know who called who, but we exchanged one word. Flash! We'll catch @bobbydtv on our way to the party. I have a George in NYC I guess. He will have to find a minute sometimes. What else? A second one. The word just landed. Only the Truth has weight. It is interesting how a mister from Colorado and a lady from Texas just sat at the next table. Visibly, I am being read. He drank something milky. Maybe some Irish coffee on high heels. The glass is tall. Her, she ordered a Jack Daniel's. You surely believe that I invent it all. After all, Tours, and the whole area, it's a quarter million souls. We may be just one hour away from Paris by the bullet train, there is not that many tourists. Overcoat in February. Never two American cow-boys and girls crash just where you are. I described what they drank for them to recognize themselves. For the anecdote. Call the local station! They'll have to confirm. It's like he'd ask you if you'd let him take a picture of you! A good one. Classic all the way. Thing I literally can't wait to do. I am going to be the best photographer of paparazzi's ever. Not even joking! Colorado is now drinking a mojito. It's poetry on the go. I have nothing left to do. Just smoking. At least these days. Toothpicks and olives maybe dressed in extra virgin oil joined the party. You say nothing?

  Sweetie: See you tomorrow.

  Thank you for the photo by the way. Sweet Instagram. You make me look like a legendary hero, Miracle earner you.

  Sweetie: That's poetry.

  I am pretty sure you invented it.

  Sweetie: Almost.

  Cupcake! No wonder it is a lady's sweet name over there. Cupcake. I am hearing Ray Charles singing my favorite cup! in Hallelujah I love her so. I've got to tweet you that favorite cup.

  Hello, Friday. You are like Miss-Everyday. Isn't it? Australia has a new Queen. Kerr is French for heart. Coeur. It was written. Enough said. Time truly is God's thought. It is Saint Valentine's day.

  Hello, Monday. It is no longer Valentine's Day.

  Sweetie: It is no longer poetry.

  I lost the track. I just remember to have promise you a perfect text. Excuse me.

  Sweetie: What have you done this week-end?

  We met Tina and Evelyne. They were speaking Chinese. The Sky knew that I'd couldn't control the rusty artist in me. You are from China? Check my Weibo account! They couldn't believe I had one. WeChat too!?! Pretty sexy Evelyne was surprised. She ask's me how I did. Brainstorm.jpg... They don't want to return to China, and they are ok to let me buy us all a drink in another bar. Tina needs a job. That is the conclusion we reach at the old blackberry tree, just across the 3 kings. She has a daughter. No thumbs. Only two fingers per hand. A broken heart. It was girls night till we sat next table. We are a good surprise. Tina has an iPad mini in her purse. Heavens, is Evelyne even hotter than twenty minutes ago!? Love is what counts first for Chinese women. That is her definitive opinion. It is sad that Tina is feeling rejected again. That often happen to her. That happen to her all the time, but they love to be called by the European first names they chose. The mood is so good Tina wants us to go dance at the green paradise now. Forget the last bus! I'll call a taxi for once! She needs to party, and forget her boyfriend problems. So, we are now at the green paradise. Wow, this place changed. Half of it is now a nightclub. What a dance floor. I got to mail them my DJ resume. We are all in our 30's and up in here. Evelyne is the exception again. What a sweet 29. She is smart and fast. We take drinks. We pick a table. And off we are dancing! Feelsgood.jpg... I of course dance with Tina too. She is surprised by how not embarrassed I am to hold her hands. She is more used to see people having a little disgust, sometimes. It's ladies and gentlemen night. It is our third drink. We are, Evelyne and me, the movie stars in the middle of the dance floor. If a woman ever danced like that with me, or for me, it was at least 20 years ago, and I don't remember it. In her little red dress, and high heels, she is a petite Victoria's Secret Angel. Things are becoming erotic, but we keep it clean. We are having a magic moment. It's quite dark, and we are the fire, we are the night, we are one. We dance like it. We dance like we mean it. The way my hands are holding, caressing, talking to her, is making her wet. Almost too much. We both feel flattered by the other one, and she likes to feel that something becoming bigger in my trousers. We move real good. These tiny tiny bosoms are burning desire. I love them all anyway, whatever the size. The thing is that she is right now in my arms, and she likes it. It is real. I can smell her hair. What a luxury. I am almost having my first striptease ever. What a fox! She snugs me. She's is going down. Watching me. We are that close of a fellatio, but, we are not alone somewhere. Almost too slowly, she returns to standing position as sexily. She wants to dance for her male. Nobody can say anything. Erotic, yes, but there is a line we don't cross. We keep it beautiful, provoking nobody. Just beautiful. Her and I. Not needing attention. Even when her back his glued to my body. We don't look like we are simulating sex. But she likes to feel my half solid erection. The warmth. I guess she is so tight. I am sure that I have never been closer to be dragged to the closest lonely place possible by a woman who just can't live a second more without having me making love to her. But as The Sky wanted, a cab had to put a final point to this rewarding night. I am sorry I twitted you that article about that murder in Australian. I mean... there is got to be a Kueen in Australia.

  A man can't do that. Women are indispensable.

  Miranda: This has to be said.

  We agree.

  Sweetie: So, what are you going to do tomorrow?

  Papers for Tina. She needs a job. I'd really like to help her find one.



  Sweetie: Cute.


  Sweetie: Silly you.

  Good night, sweetheart.

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