The oryx next became the subject of conversation, and Swartboy couldtell more about it than any one. Of the oryx Congo knew very little, asthe region most frequented by this beautiful antelope lies farther westthan the country of the Kaffir tribes. Its headquarters are in the landof the Namaquas, though it is thinly scattered all around the borders ofthe Great Kalihari Desert.

  The oryx is a desert-dwelling antelope, can live without water, andgrows fat even on the plants that thinly vegetate over the barren soil.It is a bold creature--often beats off the lion, or kills him byimpalement on its long bayonet-like horns. Of the truth of this factour yagers had that day had proof. The oryx when hunted does not, likemany other antelopes, make for either water or cover. It strikes in astraight line for its desert home, trusting to its heels for safety.And its confidence in them is seldom misplaced. A swift horse alone canovertake and bring it to a stand; unless it be very fat, and then it ismore easily "blown."

  An interesting point occurred in the conversation about the oryx.

  Arend and some of the others had read in several books of travellersthat the oryx was supposed to be the fabled "unicorn," derived fromEgyptian sculptures. They asked if this was the case. Their questionwas not put to Swartboy, you may be sure, but to Hans the naturalist, ofcourse.

  Hans regarded the supposition as a very silly one. A mere fancy of someearly South African traveller, that had been repeated, parrot-like, inthe books of other travellers and the writings of severalcloset-naturalists. The supposition of the oryx being the original ofthe unicorn rested only upon the fact that its horns when seen _enprofile_ appear as but one; and the unicorn is so figured on theEgyptian sculptures. Now this argument can be advanced in favour ofseveral other antelopes, and therefore falls at once to the ground asregards the oryx.

  Hans mentioned several reasons why the gemsbok could not be the "fabledunicorn." Its form, and particularly the shape of its head, are quiteunlike the sculptures of that famous creature. Its horns, both inlength and "set," even when seen _en profile_, differ altogether fromthat of the unicorn, which points forward, whereas the horns of the oryxextend backward almost horizontally, and sometimes even touching theflanks of the animal.

  "No," continued Hans; "if the Egyptian unicorn be not a fable--if it bethe representation of any animal in Africa, that animal is the gnoo; andI regard it as something singular that the resemblance between thegnoo--I mean the common species, not the `brindled'--and the fabledunicorn, has not long since been noticed by naturalists and travellers.

  "I should fancy that no one could look upon the pictures of both withoutbeing struck by this resemblance. Their forms, both of head and body,the elegant rounding of limb, the split hoof, the long tufted tails, theproud arching necks, with full flowing mane,--all these points go toshow that the gnoo was copied for the unicorn. The _one_ horn is theonly circumstance that appears to invalidate my theory, but even in thisrespect the gnoo bears a much greater resemblance to the unicorn thandoes the oryx. The horns of the gnoo are set in such a manner that itoften appears a _unicorn_. Their tips do not rise above the level ofthe skull; and in consequence of this, and also from the manner in whichthe animal frequently carries its head, only one horn is visible, theother being, inconspicuous against the dark ground of the head and mane.Often only half the horn appears at a distance, and is then seenpointing forward and `set,' very similarly to the brow ornaments of theunicorn.

  "The horn of the unicorn is usually represented quite straight in modernpaintings; but this is not correct, according to the Egyptian sculpture,where a curve is given,--a positive imitation of the curve in the hornsof the oryx! Even though it were straight, this would scarce invalidatemy theory, for the horns of the young oryx are straight also, and wemight suppose a young one to be represented.

  "I do not beg the question in this way, however," continued Hans, "for Iknow that whatever animal the Egyptians meant on their sculptures musthave been well known to them, and it is not likely that they would havepictured a specimen of immature age. The singular character of thegnoo, its odd and eccentric habits, as well as the eccentricity of itsform and appearance, must have drawn attention to it from the earliesttimes, and such an animal would not fail to be pictured by theEgyptians. As to the one horn, I regard the existence of that, eitheras the result of imperfect observation on the part of the Egyptiansculptors, or, what is more likely, a want of knowledge of their art.Egyptian sculpture is at best but a rude affair, and the peculiar curveand set of the oryx horns are difficult to depict. Even in this veryhour of high art, our painters do not give the most correct delineationof the head of a gemsbok. So, you see, I make out a tolerably clearcase, that the gnoo of South Africa is the original of that mysteriouscelebrity--the _unicorn_."

  The naturalist had fairly established his point, to the satisfaction ofall the young yagers, who then asked him some questions about theunicorn mentioned in the Bible.

  "As to the unicorn of Scripture," replied Hans, "that is a verydifferent affair. There can be no mistake about the animal meant by Jobwhen he wrote, `Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow?or will he harrow the valleys after thee? Wilt thou trust him becausehis strength is great? or wilt thou leave thy labour to him?' This is,in reality, a unicorn--the _one-horned rhinoceros_."

  Resuming the subject of the oryx, Hans informed his companions that thisanimal formed the type of a genus of animals called _Oryx_, of whichthere were three other species,--the "addax," the "abu-harb," and the"algazel."

  The "addax" (_Oryx addax_) is a native of Central Africa generally, andis nearly as large as the oryx; but its horns, instead of beingstraight, are twisted spirally. They are smaller in the female, whichis agreeable to the usual disposition of these appendages, thoughcontrary to that of the horns of the gemsbok. The colour of the addaxis greyish-white over the body, and reddish-brown upon the head andneck, with a white patch across the face. It is not gregarious, butlives in pairs on the sandy deserts, for traversing which its broadhoofs are peculiarly adapted. It was known to the ancients, and Plinyspeaks of it under the name _Strepsiceros_.

  The "abu-harb" (_Oryx leucoryx_) is also a large powerful antelope, withlong sharp horns slightly curved backward. Its colour is cream-white,with a brown mark on the forehead, another on the cheeks, and arust-brown colour over the neck and throat. In form it bears a gooddeal of resemblance to the oryx, and was really the animal known by thisname to the Greeks and Romans. But naturalists now apply the name"oryx" to the gemsbok or Cape oryx, (_Oryx Capensis_).

  The "abu-harb" is a native of Kordofan and Sennaar, and it is one ofthose that are found upon the sculptures of Nubia and Egypt. Unlike theaddax, it is gregarious in its habits, and lives in large herds.

  The fourth species of oryx is the "algazel," (_Oryx algazella_). Thisis also a native of Central Africa, but less is known of it than of anyof the other three; and there are naturalists who regard it as merely avariety of the "abu-harb."

  When Hans had finished his learned discourse, it was full time forretiring to rest, so the whole party crept into their wagons, and wentto sleep.