This was for a series of evening lectures at the University of British Columbia. I decided to assume that the audience wouldn't necessarily be familiar with my fiction, and to try to explain, without announcing it, what I think my work tries to convey about technology.

  That's the sort of thing journalists like to ask, and which I usually assume is impossible to answer, with any honesty or thoroughness. Sometimes it's good to have an excuse to be patient with oneself, and see where things go.


  "African Thumb Piano" copyright (c) 2011 by William Gibson. Published here for the first time.

  "Rocket Radio" copyright (c) 1989 by William Gibson. First published by Rolling Stone magazine, June 15, 1989.

  "Since 1948" copyright (c) 2002 by William Gibson. First published by, November 6, 2002.

  "Any 'Mount of World" published without attribution at the original publisher's request.

  "The Baddest Dude on Earth" copyright (c) 2002 by TimeAsia. First published by Time International, April 29, 2002. Published by arrangement with Time Inc.

  "Talk for Book Expo, New York" speech delivered at Book Expo America, New York, May 27, 2010. Published here for the first time.

  "Dead Man Sings" copyright (c) 1998 by William Gibson. First published by Forbes ASAP magazine, November 30, 1998.

  "Up the Line" speech delivered at Directors Guild of America's Digital Day, Los Angeles, May 17, 2003. Published here for the first time.

  "Disneyland with the Death Penalty" copyright (c) 1993 by William Gibson. First published by Wired magazine, January 2004.

  "Mr. Buk's Window" copyright (c) 2001 by William Gibson. First published by

  "Shiny Balls of Mud: Hikaru Dorodango and Tokyu Hands" copyright (c) 2002 by William Gibson. First published by Tate magazine, Issue 1, September/October 2002. Published by arrangement with Tate Publishing.

  "An Invitation" copyright (c) 2007 by William Gibson. First published in Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings by Jorge Luis Borges. New York: New Directions Press, 2007.

  "Metrophagy: The Art and Science of Digesting Great Cities" copyright (c) 2001 by William Gibson. First published by Whole Earth Catalog, Summer 2001. Published by arrangement with Bruce Sterling, editor.

  "Modern Boys and Mobile Girls" copyright (c) 2001 by William Gibson. First published by The Observer, March 31, 2001.

  "My Obsession" copyright (c) 1999 by William Gibson. First published by Wired magazine, January 1999.

  "My Own Private Tokyo" copyright (c) 2001 by William Gibson. First published by Wired magazine, September 2001.

  "The Road to Oceania" copyright (c) 2003 by William Gibson. First published by The New York Times, June 25, 2003.

  "Skip Spence's Jeans" copyright (c) 2003 by Ugly Things magazine. Published by arrangement with Ugly Things magazine (first published by Ugly Things magazine, Issue 21).

  "Terminal City," an introduction to Phantom Shanghai by Greg Girard, copyright (c) 2006 by The Magenta Foundation. Published by arrangement with The Magenta Foundation.

  "Introduction: 'The Body'" from Stelarc: The Monograph by Marquard Smith, foreword by William Gibson. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, copyright (c) MIT 2005. Published by arrangement with MIT Press.

  "The Net Is a Waste of Time" copyright (c) 1996 by William Gibson. First published by The New York Times, July 14, 1996.

  "Time Machine Cuba" copyright (c) 2006 by William Gibson. First published in The Infinite Matrix, January 23, 2006. Published by arrangement with Eileen Gunn.

  "Will We Have Computer Chips in Our Heads?" copyright (c) 2000 by William Gibson. Previously published as "Will We Plug Chips Into Our Brains?" by Time magazine, June 19, 2000.

  "William Gibson's Filmless Festival" copyright (c) 1999 by William Gibson. First published by Wired magazine, October 1999.

  "Johnny: Notes on a Process" copyright (c) 1995 by William Gibson. First published as "Remembering Johnny" by Wired magazine, October 1999.

  "Googling the Cyborg" speech delivered at Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, 2002. First published by



  William Gibson, Distrust That Particular Flavor

  (Series: # )




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