Page 13 of The Scalp Hunters



  "You are better; you will soon be well again. I am glad to see that yourecover."

  He said this without offering his hand.

  "I am indebted to you for my life. Is it not so?"

  It is strange that I felt convinced of this the moment that I set myeyes upon the man. I think such an idea crossed my mind before, afterawaking from my long dream. Had I encountered him in my struggles forwater, or had I dreamed it?

  "Oh yes!" answered he, with a smile, "but you will remember that I hadsomething to do with your being exposed to the risk of losing it."

  "Will you take this hand? Will you forgive me?"

  After all, there is something selfish even in gratitude. How strangelyhad it changed my feelings towards this man! I was begging the handwhich, but a few days before, in the pride of my morality, I had spurnedfrom me as a loathsome thing.

  But there were other thoughts that influenced me. The man before me wasthe husband of the lady; was the father of Zoe. His character, hishorrid calling, were forgotten; and the next moment our hands werejoined in the embrace of friendship.

  "I have nothing to forgive. I honour the sentiment that induced you toact as you did. This declaration may seem strange to you. From whatyou knew of me, you acted rightly; but there may be a time, sir, whenyou will know me better: when the deeds which you abhor may seem notonly pardonable, but justifiable. Enough of this at present. Theobject of my being now at your bedside is to request that what you doknow of me be not uttered here."

  His voice sank to a whisper as he said this, pointing at the same timetowards the door of the room.

  "But how," I asked, wishing to draw his attention from this unpleasanttheme, "how came I into this house? It is yours, I perceive. How cameI here? Where did you find me?"

  "In no very safe position," answered he, with a smile. "I can scarcelyclaim the merit of saving you. Your noble horse you may thank forthat."

  "Ah, my horse! my brave Moro! I have lost him."

  "Your horse is standing at the maize-trough, not ten paces from whereyou lie. I think you will find him in somewhat better condition thanwhen you last saw him. Your mules are without. Your packs are safe.You will find them here," and he pointed to the foot of the bed.


  "Gode you would ask for," said he, interrupting me. "Do not be uneasyon his account. He, too, is in safety. He is absent just now, but willsoon return."

  "How can I thank you? This is good news indeed. My brave Moro! and Alphere! But how? you say my horse saved me. He has done so before: howcan this be?"

  "Simply thus: we found you many miles from this place, on a cliff thatoverlooks the Del Norte. You were hanging over on your lasso, that by alucky accident had become entangled around your body. One end of it wasknotted to the bit-ring, and the noble animal, thrown back upon hishaunches, sustained your weight upon his neck!"

  "Noble Moro! what a terrible situation!"

  "Ay, you may say that! Had you fallen from it, you would have passedthrough a thousand feet of air before striking the rocks below. It wasindeed a fearful situation."

  "I must have staggered over in my search for water."

  "In your delirium you walked over. You would have done so a second timehad we not prevented you. When we drew you up on the cliff, youstruggled hard to get back. You saw the water below, but not theprecipice. Thirst is a terrible thing--an insanity of itself."

  "I remember something of all this. I thought it had been a dream."

  "Do not trouble your brain with these things. The doctor hereadmonishes me to leave you. I have an object, as I have said," (here asad expression passed over the countenance of the speaker), "else Ishould not have paid you this visit. I have not many moments to spare.To-night I must be far hence. In a few days I shall return. Meanwhile,compose yourself, and get well. The doctor here will see that you wantfor nothing. My wife and daughter will nurse you."

  "Thanks! thanks!"

  "You will do well to remain where you are until your friends return fromChihuahua. They must pass not far from this place, and I will warn youwhen they are near. You are a student. There are books here indifferent languages. Amuse yourself. They will give you music.Monsieur, adieu!"

  "Stay, sir, one moment! You seem to have taken a strange fancy to myhorse?"

  "Ah! monsieur, it was no fancy; but I will explain that at some othertime. Perhaps the necessity no longer exists."

  "Take him, if you will. Another will serve my purpose."

  "No, monsieur. Do you think I could rob you of what you esteem sohighly, and with such just reason, too? No, no! Keep the good Moro. Ido not wonder at your attachment to the noble brute."

  "You say that you have a long journey to-night. Then take him for thetime."

  "That offer I will freely accept, for indeed my own horse is somewhatjaded. I have been two days in the saddle. Well, adieu!"

  Seguin pressed my hand and walked away. I heard the "chinck, chinck" ofhis spurs as he crossed the apartment, and the next moment the doorclosed behind him.

  I was alone, and lay listening to every sound that reached me fromwithout. In about half an hour after he had left me, I heard thehoof-strokes of a horse, and saw the shadow of a horseman passingoutside the window. He had departed on his journey, doubtless on theperformance of some red duty connected with his fearful avocation!

  I lay for a while harassed in mind, thinking of this strange man. Thensweet voices interrupted my meditations; before me appeared lovelyfaces, and the Scalp-hunter was forgotten.