Page 11 of Vendetta

  Maybe he’d expected his words to be a dash of cold water, in case there were any lingering doubts. At the least, he’d expected to see shock in her eyes. Or censure. Instead, his words seemed to have the opposite effect.

  For a moment Courtney said nothing as she stared into his eyes. The moment he’d touched her, her throat felt so parched she wondered if she could speak a single word. It wasn’t necessary.

  The look in her eyes had the blood pumping hot through his veins.

  His tone was rough. “No more games. No more tests. I want you to be sure.”

  “I am.” She wondered if her voice sounded as tremulous to him as it did to her.

  “Just so you know. If you’re having second thoughts, you’d better say so now. Loud and clear. Because otherwise—” he drew her fractionally closer, all the while staring into her eyes “—I’ll make the decision for both of us.”

  “I make my own decisions.” Though the words nearly strangled her, she managed to say them before his mouth crushed hers.

  His arms closed around her, cupping her hips and dragging her roughly against him. And all the while his mouth plundered hers until he seemed to steal the very breath from her lungs.

  At first all she could do was hold on as he took her on a dizzying ride. When at last his mouth left hers, she sucked in great gulps of air and struggled for control, only to lose it when he began nibbling hot, wet kisses along the sensitive column of her throat. A sound more animal than human escaped her lips as she arched her neck, giving him easier access. He lingered there, pressing light, feathery kisses to the hollow of her neck and shoulder, then lower, until he encountered her bikini top.

  “No barriers. Not tonight.” In one swift motion he unsnapped it and tossed it aside, freeing her breasts.

  For the space of a heartbeat he merely studied her in the spill of moonlight. “How can you be so beautiful? So perfect.”

  He kissed her again, while his hands moved over her with a sort of reverence that had her breath backing up in her lungs.

  “You’re beautiful, too.” She needed to have her hands on him. She loved the feel of all that lean flesh and corded muscle beneath her fingertips.

  Now that she was free to touch him, she couldn’t seem to get enough. It gave her such pleasure to hear his quick moan when she ran hot, wet kisses across his chest

  Annoyed with even the slightest barrier between them, he tugged aside her bikini bottom and shed his trunks before gathering her so close she could feel the pounding of his heartbeat inside her own chest.

  His kisses were more urgent, as his hands, those wonderful hands, continued driving her closer and closer to the edge of insanity.

  She wondered that she was still able to stand. Her body felt so gloriously alive, her bones as fluid as quicksilver. She draped herself around him, wanting, needing, to feel him in every part of her. With her arms wrapped around his neck she returned his kisses with a fervor that had him reeling.

  He took her hands, and they dropped to their knees on the beach towels.

  He framed her face, staring into those big luminous eyes, and wondered at the feelings flowing through him for this woman. In the moonlight she looked like a golden, glorious mermaid. All that long silky hair and skin kissed by the sun. But this was a flesh-and-blood woman, about to give him the most precious of all gifts.

  He had to shake off the desire to take her, hard and fast. It was what he wanted, what they both wanted, to end this terrible, driving need that had them trembling. But she needed more. So much more. If he was right, if she’d been hurt in the past, it was his only chance to get it right. And so he forced himself to slow down. To soothe. To savor. To give, as well as take.

  He stretched out and drew her down beside him, all the while kissing her, stroking her back, her arm, her side, until he could feel her begin to relax in his embrace.

  When he ran soft, nibbling kisses down her throat to her shoulder, she arched her neck and wondered that she wasn’t purring like a kitten. Or was she? The thought had her smiling. But when he brought his mouth lower to close over her nipple, she let out a gasp of surprise that quickly became a sigh of pleasure. And then his fingers found her, hot and wet, and without warning he drove her to the first glorious peak.

  She was wonderful to watch. The way those big eyes went wide with shock before her body arched, taut as a bow, and then that dazed, stunned expression as she reached the crest.

  He gave her no time to recover before he closed his mouth over hers and took her up and over again, making her body hum with needs she’d never even known she possessed.

  For Courtney the need to be in control was vital to her very survival. Now, realizing how quickly it had all gotten out of hand, she felt a moment of pure panic. But then, with his mouth on hers, and those wonderful hands moving over her, she realized that she hadn’t lost control. She’d given it. Freely. And would gladly do it again, if only he would never stop.

  “Blair.” She struggled to see him through the blaze of passion that clouded her vision. But all she could see were his eyes, staring into hers with that fierce expression that grabbed her by the throat and had her heart racing. There was a darkness here, a danger, that excited her.

  “Hold on, baby.”

  They came together in a fierce kiss that was all fire and flash and blinding, desperate passion. Bodies wet and slick, lungs straining, they took each other on a wild ride. When at last he entered her she let out a cry. Half-crazed with desire she wrapped herself around him, moving with himmbing with him, matching her strength to his.

  He framed her face with his hands, determined to watch her eyes. “Courtney.”

  Her name, torn from his lips, had her eyes going wide. Through a burning mist of passion she struggled to focus on him.

  “Blair,” she whispered his name like a prayer.

  And then they knew only this incredible strength as they began to climb. Their breathing was labored as they reached the very pinnacle of a high, sheer mountain peak. For just an instant they seemed to hover there. And then, gazes still locked, they stepped off the edge into space.

  And soared.

  Chapter 13

  Blair’s voice sounded strangled. “That was…”

  “…incredible.” She couldn’t help finishing his thought.

  “Mmm.” With his face still resting in the hollow of her throat, he felt too dazed to move.

  And so they lay in a tangle of arms and legs, amid the twisted towels, feeling the breeze off the water begin to cool their overheated flesh.

  He managed to lift his face enough to stare into her eyes. “Sorry I was so rough.”

  “You weren’t. You were…sweet.” She touched a fingertip to his cheek, then dropped her hand to her side, as if the gesture had been too great an effort.

  “You’re amazing, Courtney.” He levered himself on one elbow to trace a finger along the curve of her cheek. “All that passion hidden inside one very cool package.”

  “Sometimes it doesn’t pay to advertise.”

  That had him chuckling. He sobered. “I’m feeling a little guilty right now.”

  Her eyes snapped open. “I thought I owned the franchise on guilt.”

  He frowned. “I had this all planned, you know.”


  “This evening. I was watching to see when you closed up shop. Saw your lights on upstairs and guessed you were getting ready to sail. The minute you stepped out your door I was ready to fall into step beside you and talk my way onboard.”

  “And this?”

  He nodded. “Part of the plan. But then I decided I had no right, and went for a cold swim instead.”

  “A man with a conscience.”

  He shrugged. “Something like that. I was feeling like a louse for wanting to seduce you.”

  “That experiment in the lake?”

  He looked sheepish. “Hey, my heart was in the right place. I was trying to do the right thing, but I’m a guy. I just had to give it one m
ore .”

  Courtney couldn’t help laughing. “Well, I’m glad you didn’t give up on me.”

  “Then you’re not sorry about this?”

  “Sorry?” She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him down for a long, lazy kiss. “Mr. Colby, right now I’m feeling so good, I just might offer you a two-for-one deal. That is, if you think you’re up for another.”

  He pulled back to stare into her eyes, before pressing his mouth to her throat with a growl of laughter that had her shivering.

  “Up for it? Oh, lady, how can any red-blooded male pass up an offer like that?”

  The darkness was punctuated with their laughter, which gradually turned into sighs and whispered words of endearment, as they took each other on a slow journey of discovery.

  Blair and Courtney lay comfortably huddled together in their towels and hooded cover-ups, feeling pleasantly sated. Sparks from their campfire they’d set using driftwood they found along the shore sent bright flashes of light dancing in the darkness.

  “I had a visit today from Chief Thompson.”

  Though Courtney spoke casually enough, Blair felt the hum of tension at her words. “Did he have some news?”

  “Only that Kendra and Eddie were spotted in a boat just around the cove from our place right after we scared off the vandal the other night.”

  “Does he think they’re involved?”

  She shrugged. “Boyd thinks everyone is guilty until proven innocent. That’s his job.”

  “What do you think?”

  Again that shrug. “She’s worked for me all summer. I like her. And I can’t think of a single reason why she would want to break into my place or yours.”

  “How about her boyfriend?”

  “I don’t know him well, but Kendra really likes him.”

  “Maybe he’s leading her down a garden path.”

  “Of crime?” She sighed. “I don’t know what to think, Blair. I hate the thought that I’m beginning to mistrust my own employee.”

  He drew her close and kissed her gently. “And I hate that you have to spend even one minute worrying about this.” He quickly changed the subject. “I’ve decided to rename this place. I think—” he played with a strand of her hair, loving the feel of it between his fingers “—instead of Turtle Island, we ought to call it Fantasy Island.”

  “Hmm.” She smiled up at him. “You do have some rather…interesting fantasies. Thanks for sharing.”

  His grin was quick and dangerous. “Happy to oblige, ma’am. Yours aren’t bad, either.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” She took a bite of brie spread on thick, crusty bread, and hand the other half. They’d already finished the last of the chicken and champagne. “Looks like the only thing left is some peanut butter sandwiches and a bottle of water.”

  “Then I think it’s time to head home.”

  Courtney wondered if she had the energy to rouse herself. She would gladly spend the night here, lying in Blair’s arms, far away from the suspicion and mistrust that seemed to have settled like a pall over their lives. Still, she supposed it was a good thing one of them was being practical.

  As she started to sit up, Blair drew her close for a long, slow kiss. When at last they came up for air, he muttered thickly, “Are you in a hurry?”

  “No. Why?”

  There was that killer smile again, sending her heart into overdrive. “I just figured we may as well take advantage of the privacy here…and those stars, and that moon.”

  Laughing, she fell into his arms and raised her mouth for another of his drugging kisses. “You just talked me into it.”

  “You’re easy, Ms. Brennan.”

  “Almost as easy as you, Mr. Colby.”

  “Home, sweet home.” Courtney planted her feet and began hauling down the rigging while Blair tossed the anchor over the side.

  Within minutes they had the boat secured and were trudging through the shallows, juggling her sea bag and his hamper. When they reached the door of his cottage, he set down the hamper and caught her hand.

  “Stay the night, Courtney.”

  She paused. “Why not come up to my place instead?”

  He shook his head. “This is closer.”

  “By a few steps.”

  He drew her close and brushed his mouth over hers. “On a night like this, every step counts.”

  When they stepped apart she shivered. “Yeah.

  I see what you mean.”

  “Besides, I’ll start a fire, and while you’re showering, I’ll make you coffee.”

  “You really know how to tempt a girl, don’t you?”

  “You bet.” He grinned. “I have no intention of playing fair.”

  She sighed. “All right. But I don’t even have any clean clothes for the morning.”

  “Like you said, it’s just a few steps away. I’ll loan you my robe for the walk home.”

  “Gee. Thanks, sport.” She was laughing as she followed him into his cottage.

  He turned on a light and punched in the code for the new alarm system, then drew her back into his arms and kissed her until she could feel her head spinning.

  She looked up at him. “Now what was that kiss all about?”“That was just for me.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m glad you’re spending the night, Court.” He caught her hand. “Come on. I’ll show you to the shower.”

  “I can find my own way.”

  “Yeah, but I thought you might like some help.”

  “What I’d like is that coffee you promised me.”

  “I can take a hint.” He snapped on his bedroom light, rummaged in his closet until he’d located a terry robe, which he tossed on his bed, and left her alone.

  When she stepped out of the shower minutes later she could smell coffee brewing. With a smile she pulled on Blair’s robe and padded to the kitchen.

  It was a jolt to see her in his robe, wet hair streaming down her back in a tangle of curls.

  He handed her a steaming cup.

  “A man of his word. I like that.” She sipped, then gave a sigh of pleasure. “Oh, that’s perfect coffee.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” Up close, her face scrubbed free of makeup was so perfect he had to touch a finger to it.

  She blinked. “What are you doing?”

  “Touching you.” He leaned close and brushed a kiss to her cheek. “Would you mind very much setting down that coffee?”


  He took the cup from her hand and dragged her close. “Because I have to kiss you. Right this minute. And I’d rather not have either of us burned.”

  She opened her mouth to respond, but the moment his mouth found hers, all thought fled.

  “I like you in my robe.” He muttered the words thickly against her throat while his hands found the sash at her waist. “But I’ll like you even more out of it.”

  And then there were no more words as they took each other on a wild, breathless ride.

  “Mmm.” Courtney sat up, shoving tangles from her eyes. Sometime during the night they’d made their way to Blair’s bed. “Is that fresh coffee?”

  Blair, wearing a pair of denims that rode low on his hips, set a tray on the bedside table and handed her a steaming cup. “I figured it was the least I could do after that brief interruption.”

  “Brief?” She glanced at the clock. “That was nearly three hours ago.”

  “Amazing how much we can accomplish in just three hours.” He slathered strawberry jam on a scone and offered her a bite.

  “Oh, that’s heavenly.”

  He was watching the way the sheet barely covered her nakedness. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  Courtney laughed, feeling completely unself-conscious. “You’re insatiable.”

  “Now you know my secret.” He picked up his own cup of coffee and settled himself beside her in the bed. “Know what I like about you?”

  “What?” She studied him over the rim of her cup.

  “That’s understandable. I am, after all, perfect.”

  He grinned. “Did I say everything? I meant to say everything except that lack of self-esteem. Your inferiority complex is becoming a real problem.”

  They laughed easily together.

  Blair leaned back, feeling more relaxed than he could ever recall. She was so easy to be with. If he could, he would hold back the dawn and let this perfect night spin on forever.

  He linked her fingers with his and lifted them to his mouth. “I could get used to this.”

  He saw her quick frown. “I’ve said something wrong.”

  “No.” She withdrew her hand and took a sip of coffee before setting aside her cup. “It’s just that I’ve learned not to plan too far into the future.”


  The word hung between them until she sighed and nodded. “There was a man. Pietro. My business partner and my…” She shrugged. “He cheated in both areas of my life, and when it was over, and I was left with bad debts and a lot of unresolved anger, I felt foolish and angry…and used. Especially since I had to turn to my grandfather for legal advice.”

  “You’re lucky you had someone to turn to.”

  She nodded. “I know. But I hated having to confess my stupidity.”

  “Knowing your grandfather, I doubt he’d call it stupid. There are takers in this world, Court. They feed off the good people.” He caught her hand and lifted it again to his mouth. “And you’re definitely one of the good ones.”

  “And how would you know that?”

  “It’s there in your eyes for anybody who bothers to look.” He drew her close and pressed a kiss to her temple, her cheek, the corner of her mouth. Against her lips he whispered, “I’m grateful to Pietro. If he hadn’t betrayed you, you’d have never left Milan. And then I would have never had the chance to meet you. Do you know that the first time I met you, I knew?”