Signior Guido Cavalcante, _with a sodaine and witty answer, reprehendedthe rash folly of certaine Florentine Gentlemen, that thought to scorneand flout him._
The Ninth Novell.
_Notably discovering the great difference that is betweene learning andignorance, upon judicious apprehension._
When the Queene perceived, that Madame _?millia_ was discharged of herNovell, and none remained now to speake next, but onely her selfe, hispriviledge alwayes remembred, to whom it belonged to be the last, shebegan in this manner.
Faire Company, you have this day disappointed me of two Novells at theleast, whereof I had intended to make use. Neverthelesse, you shallnot imagine mee so unfurnished, but that I have left one in store;the conclusion whereof, may minister such instruction, as will notbee reputed for ydle and impertinent: but rather of such materiallconsequence, as better hath not this day past among us.
Understand then (most faire Ladies) that in former times long sincepast, our Cittie had many excellent and commendable customes in it;whereof (in these unhappy dayes of ours) we cannot say that pooreone remaineth, such hath beene the too much encrease of Wealth andCovetousnesse, the onely supplanters of all good qualities whatsoever.Among which lawdable and friendly observations, there was one welldeserving note, namely, that in divers places of _Florence_, men of thebest houses in every quarter, had a sociable and neighbourly assemblietogether, creating their company to consist of a certaine number, suchas were able to supply their expences as this day one, and to morrowanother: and thus in a kinde of friendly course, each daily furnishedthe Table, for the rest of the company. Oftentimes, they did honour todivers Gentlemen and strangers, upon their arrivall in our Citty, byinviting them into their assembly, and many of our worthiest Citizensbeside; so that it grew to a customary use, and one especially day inthe yeare appointed, in memory of this so loving a meeting, when theywould ride (triumphally as it were) on horsebacke thorow the Cittie,sometimes performing Tilts, Tourneyes, and other Martiall exercises,but they were reserved for Feastivall dayes.
Among which company, there was one called, _Signior Betto Bruneleschi_,who was earnestly desirous, to procure _Signior Guido Cavalcante deCavalcanti_, to make one in this their friendly society. And notwithout great reason: for, over and beside his being one of the bestLogitians as those times could not yeeld a better: He was also a mostabsolute naturall Philosopher (which worthy qualities were littleesteemed among these honest meeters) a very friendly Gentleman,singularly well spoken, and whatsoever else was commendable in any man,was no way wanting in him, being wealthy withall, and able to returneequall honors, where he found them to be duly deserved, as no mantherein could go beyond him. But _Signior Betto_, notwithstanding hislong continued importunitie, could not draw him into their assembly,which made him and the rest of his company conceive, that the solitudeof _Guido_, retiring himselfe alwaies from familiar conversing withmen: provoked him to many curious speculations: and because he retainedsome part of the _Epicurean_ Opinion, their vulgare judgement passed onhim, that his speculations tended to no other end, but onely to findeout that which was never done.
It chanced upon a day, that _Signior Guido_ departing from the Churchof Saint _Michaell d'Horta_, and passing along by the _Adamari_, sofarre as to Saint _Johns_ Church, which evermore was his customarieWalke: many goodly Marble Tombes were then about the saide Church,as now adayes are at Saint _Reparata_, and divers more beside. Heentring among the Collumbes of Porphiry, and the other Sepulchers beingthere, because the doore of the Church was shut: _Signior Betto_ & hiscompanie, came riding from S. _Reparata_, & espying _Signior Guido_among the graves and tombes, said. Come, let us go make some jeststo anger him. So putting the spurs to their horses, they rode apacetowards him: and being upon him before he perceived them, one of themsaid. _Guido_ thou refusest to be one of our society, & seekest forthat which never was: when thou hast found it, tell us, what wilt thoudo with it?
_Guido_ seeing himselfe round engirt with them, sodainly thus replyed:Gentlemen, you may use mee in your owne house as you please. Andsetting his hand on one of the Tombes (which was some-what great) hetooke his rising, and leapt quite over it on the further side, as beingof an agile and sprightly body, and being thus freed from them, he wentaway to his owne lodging. They stoode all like men amazed, strangelylooking one upon another, and began afterward to murmure amongthemselves: That _Guido_ was a man without any understanding, and theanswer which he had made unto them, was to no purpose, neither savouredof any discretion, but meerely came from an empty brain because theyhad no more to do in the place where now they were, then any of theother Citizens, and Signior _Guido_ (himselfe) as little as any ofthem; whereto Signior _Betto_ thus replyed.
Alas Gentlemen, it is you your selves that are void of understanding:for, if you had but observed the answer which he made unto us: hee didhonestly, and (in verie few words) not onely notably expresse his ownewisedome, but also deservedly reprehend us. Because, if wee observethings as we ought to doe, Graves and Tombes are the houses of thedead, ordained and prepared to be their latest dwellings. He tolde usmoreover, that although we have heere (in this life) other habitationsand abidings; yet these (or the like) must at last be our houses. Tolet us know, and all other foolish, indiscreete, and unlearned men,that we are worse then dead men, in comparison of him, and other menequall to him in skill and learning. And therefore, while wee are heereamong these Graves and Monuments, it may well be said, that we are notfarre from our owne houses, or how soone we shall be possessors ofthem, in regard of the frailty attending on us.
Then every one could presently say, that Signior _Guido_ had spokennothing but the truth, and were much ashamed of their owne folly, andshallow estimation which they had made of _Guido_, desiring never moreafter to meddle with him so grossely, and thanking Signior _Betto_, forso well reforming their ignorance, by his much better apprehension.