_Billy Gives the Boys a Ducking in the Mill Pond_

  When Mike O'Hara became the possessor of Billy Whiskers he feltas proud as a peacock, for he knew he had made a good bargain andgot the best of Tim Rooney for once in his life, and this pleasedhim mightily as Tim generally got the best of him in a trade.

  When he reached his own yard, he called over the fence for Tim tocome and see what Billy and Nanny would do when they first saweach other. Tim accepted the invitation with alacrity and jumpedover the fence just in time to see Nanny walk out of the shed, asthey thought to make the acquaintance of Billy for the firsttime.

  "Now is my chance," thought Billy, "to kiss her, and she can'tmake a fuss before the boys." So up he walked and kissed herstraight on the mouth. Nanny was so surprised that she gave him astartled look, turned her back and walked into the shed again.

  "How is that for a cold snub!" said Tim. "Let us harness themtogether and see what they will do."

  "All right," said Mike, "if you will help me make a harness forBilly. I have one for Nanny already."

  The two set to work and in an hour had made a harness for Billyout of old leather straps and strings, and then they commenced toharness them to the little cart made out of a packing box set onwheels.

  The goats bleated and squirmed, wiggled and bucked, but nothingdismayed the boys and they kept on until the two goats wereharnessed up tight and strong to the cart, and then the funbegan.

  Mike jumped in and took up the reins and Tim followed after, andout of the yard and down the road they went, sending a cloud ofdust after them.

  From all sides went up the cry: "Look at Mike O'Hara, he has gota new goat!" And from front-yard, back-yard and sand-pile flockedthe children to see the fun.

  All went well for a quarter of a mile, when Tim, tired of runningon behind, jumped in with Mike. Billy felt the additional weightin a minute and he bleated to Nanny that he would be switched ifhe would pull Tim Rooney, the boy who sold him so cheaply.

  "You will have to," said Nanny.

  "No, I won't," said Billy. "You just watch and see what I willdo! But you must promise to do quickly what I tell you to, or Ican't do it, because I am hitched up with you; so, Nanny, youwill have to follow me and not pull back."

  "All right," said Nanny, "I will do whatever you tell me to."

  "Very well. Do you see that pond ahead?"

  "Yes," answered Nanny.

  "Now go slowly until we get within ten feet of it; then take along breath and run straight into the water as far as you can go.Don't stop or turn to right or left no matter how hard they pullor scream. Keep right on and we will give Mr. Tim a ducking hewon't forget. I'll teach him to stay out of any cart I ampulling!"

  They were now ten feet from the pond and Billy gave Nanny thesignal call, and with one accord both goats put down their headsand commenced to pull and run for dear life. At first the boysthought it great fun going so fast and neither suspected whatthe goats were up to, until Billy gave a quick turn and into thewater they went before either boy could jump out.

  The water was cold and deep and both boys took hold of the reinsto try to stop the goats or make them turn round but to no use;on they went until only the heads of the boys were seen stickingout of the water and both goats were swimming. When they got inBilly enjoyed the wetting he was giving the boys so much, that hedid not stop when he had wet their feet, but told Nanny to keepon until they were drenched to the skin.

  While they were swimming, Billy said to Nan:

  "I am tired of this, beside when we get to shore the boys willpound us for ducking them in the pond, so as soon as we get toshore I am going to run them into a big tree and upset them. Thisharness is so rotten that it will break at the least strain thatis put on it, and when the cart goes over we will both give a bigpull which will break it loose from the cart, and then we mustrun and hide in those thick bushes I see ahead, where the boyscan't find us."

  "Oh, Billy, I am afraid," said Nanny. "They will surely find usand whip us and shut us up without any supper."

  "You're a coward, Nanny. Do what I tell you and I'll take care ofyou. The boys will never find us if we once get loose and I'llshow you where there is the best supper you ever tasted."

  And once again Nanny fell in with his plans and both goats beganto swim for shore pulling the cart with the two boys still in it,scolding like magpies.

  Once on shore, Billy turned to the left, instead of the rightwhich was the way home, and made for a tree that was just theright size to catch the hub of the wheel and overturn the cart ingreat shape.

  The boy commenced to switch the goats for the ducking they hadgiven them, and of course, thought the whipping the cause oftheir rapid progress; but could they have read Billy's mind theywould have seen their mistake, for Billy knew the harder andfaster he hit the tree the more sure he was of smashing thingsand getting free.

  Smash, bang, roll and tumble! the cart has hit the tree and twoboys are rolling over each other in the dust, while two goats goscampering off into the thick bushes that line the road.

  Mike recovered himself first and started in hot pursuit of therunaways while Tim sat still on a stone and rubbed his head andnose which was bleeding profusely.

  "Hurry, Nanny, hurry," Billy called as he disappeared from sightdown a deep ravine. Poor Nanny was so frightened at what she haddone, she could not hurry or begin to keep up with Billy, who madegreat leaps from rock to rock; so she ran under a thorn-apple treeand trusted to its low drooping branches to hide her.

  But Mike was too close on her heels. He saw the moving of thebranches and knew one of the goats was hiding there. She made afutile attempt to escape but the thorns ran into her so that shegave up and meekly let herself be led back to the cart.

  "I have one of them," Mike called out as soon as he came in sightof Tim.

  "Which one?" said Tim.

  "Nanny," said Mike.

  "I'll bet ye it wasn't that old one; he's a foxy old customer, heis, and I'll bet me red shirt ye'll never set your eyes on himagain. Devil take me if I care if ye don't after the wetting andbloody nose he's given me," said Tim.

  "You hold Nanny, while I go look for Billy, Tim."

  "All right and joy and good luck go with ye, but mark me words yenever will find him when you're looking for him. Better come homewith me, and if he ever comes back he'll come back to-night tosee Nanny of his own accord," said Tim. "I know the ways of goatsbetter than ye do."

  But Mike did not take Tim's advice. He went to look for Billy butin about an hour and a half he wished he hadn't, for he saw nosigns of the runaway, and came back tired and foot-sore just intime to see Tim and Nanny disappearing over the hill on the wayhome.