Origin of the Stars
It was a night in the thin, crisp air of the exosphere, directly above what would be Rome, when Stelinteri, a new god (of stars and the afterlife) was beginning to understand how to do his job. He was sitting in his birch chair his mother made him as a kid and the sturdy, frictionless wood had been glazed over with a shimmering crimson hue. Although the wood creaked, he could tell it was almost identically sturdy to when he had used so often to read stories as a little kid with his beloved mother.
He was to decide whether someone should go to heaven or the other way. He judged this by looking into their souls and watching a sped-up movie of their life that lasted about 10 minutes (more or less).
In the exosphere, it was quiet, except for the occasional satellite that came by, and the only things that were visible in space were the distant sparkles of planets in the deep abyss of space. The air was crisp and thin, almost the exact smell of when he climbed Pikes Peak.
After hundreds of years of doing his job, Stelinteri got bored and realized he was staring off into space thinking about his life back at home in Pangea before. He decided to visit Earth and see if he could find anything fun to do or anyone fun to keep him company.
Once Stelinteri got to very aromatic Earth he immediately started getting used to customs of both animals and humans he disguised himself as a beggar to stay with humans, he had morphed into animals and learned how to hunt. While learning the customs and staying with the humans, the humans started to teach the athletic man how to hunt, fish, trap, and swim.
His favorite of the four was fishing. He was fishing off the south west coast of Pangea when he saw a very alluring woman fishing a few miles away.
He decided to swim over there, swimming at about 1,000 miles an hour, and got there in a few seconds he called for help, being the attention craving god he is, and she asked how he had got there.
I was shipwrecked back about half a mile that way and saw this boat and a fair maiden across the sea.” he said as he grabbed his leg and groaned in fake pain. I just decided to hop in the water, hope she was nice, and here I am. I’m Aquario.”
“Awe! You poor thing! Here hop in. I have some fresh fish and crackers in here and a dry towel if you need. Im Auriol by the way.” she said as she pulled out her provisions from her boat and pulled back her dirty blonde hair behind her stunning model-like face. “Thank you so much,” he exclaimed in secretive joy.
They spent the day fishing, and talking about her life, talking about her hobbies and drinking wine. After spending a week with her at her house, Stelinteri told her he was a god.
“Wow, so what are you the god of?” she inquired in shock. “Well, I’ve only been a god for a few hundred years or so, but I’m the god of stars and and the afterlife, and I don’t even know if stars exist or what they are. My god name is Stelinteri, but I prefer Aquario.”