How Cherries Came to be

  By Jade Miller

  One Beautiful morning, Mia and Cherry were walking through their big gorgeous garden and as they were watering their carrots and picking their tomatoes in their garden. Mia thought,  why do we just have vegetables and flowers? We need something sweet and juicy. Maybe something with bright colors and something that has bumps or that is smooth?  

  Later on that day, Mia and Cherry were walking through their town of fruitalopus. The town was small and had very little shops. It rained a lot in the spring and most of the town got flooded .In the summer, it was always so hot. In the winter, it would be below zero. Since it was the summer, they decided to go swimming. As they were swimming, Mia and Cherry saw a seed at the bottom of the beautiful lake and they really wanted to try to get the seed.

  Mia and Cherry tried to plug their noses and tried to get to the bottom, but they couldn’t seem to hold their breath long enough. Then, they tried to fish for it and and grab it, but it wouldn't stay on the hook, so they had to come up with a different plan.

  Suddenly, Cherry had a brilliant idea, she and Mia went to go find a big machine that could go in water and also would grab the seed.


  As the big machine lowered into the lake, the two girls were nervous and were worried that it wouldn’t. Thankfully, the machine safely got the seed out of the water and placed it into a bright yellow pot. Then Mia and Cherry walked over to see the seed, and Mia touched the odd shaped seed, and then Cherry did. When Cherry touched the seed, it turned into this small bright red round plant. Cherry and Mia decided to taste it and there eyes light up and they got shivers on their entire body. It was so juicy and sweet.

  After they tasted it a couple times more, they came upon a really hard seed and it was big. The two girls decided to walk back to  their garden and try to plant the seed.

  They kept watering the seed day after day and finally it turned into a small tree with lots of red plump circle things and so Mia and Cherry named the red things cherries because Cherry was the one who made cherries come to be.

                                                               The Bat Brothers

  By: Bridger Moore

  In the black night of Colorado, where there was a small breeze, just enough to cool you down after a long day of relaxation, lived two boys that loved to play outside and soak up the summer sun. There were two boys named Blake and Brian who were brothers that hardly ever argued and were always friends except when they were bored. When they were bored, they had nothing to do except argue with one another.

  Blake and Brian were extremely bored of summer and wanted something new to happen. Their solution to this was to do something bad that could get them in trouble if they got caught. This excitement  of being sneaky was what they would do to get away from the boredom that summer brings. Would they be able to pull it off?

  They once decided to go to the convenience store and lure the cashier away and go behind the counter of the store.

  Why did the boys decide to be mischievous?

  Due to their extreme boredom, they decided to sneak out of their house one beautiful night that was well light by the moon and stars. They crept out of the house at nine o’clock precisely and ran quietly and on their tiptoes two blocks to the neighborhood’s trampoline, that had been there ever since last summer, to enjoy the nice weather and burn some energy. They started to jump higher and higher, until they were scraping their heads on the underside of the clouds. Their heads were soaked from the cloud of moisture. One jump in particular sent them onto the top of a cloud that had Zeus (the God of lightning and of the other gods).

  After they had landed on the cloud, they were taken into Zeus’s arms and all struck with a crash by lightning in the calm night air.

  Due to this extreme electrocution, and the fact that Zeus is the greatest of all of the gods, he said,  “You boys will forevermore be able to fly in the night when everyone is asleep without getting in trouble after I turn you boys into bats.”

  The boys exclaimed in between tears, ”we are sorry, we don’t want to become bats!” In the time it took for the boys to say that, the were turned into bats. Now all they could do was screech.   

  The sad boys swooped and soared back down to earth where they would have new lives as bats instead of humans. They flew back to their house and through the open window, and into their parents room.

  “The poor boys were seen as a threat of having a disease so they were not welcome in their home any more.

  The bats leveled off on top of their parents’ bed in sorrow They were regretting ever disobeying their parents. The poor boys were seen as a threat of having a disease so they were not welcome in their home any longer. When the parents woke up, they were immediately shooed and when they kept dodging the broom, they were shot down by the dad who always slept a gun on hand in case of threats from the outer world.