Do Not Speak Out of Turn

  By Aidan Horwitz

  At Kinard middle school in the English room 309 after lunch when every kid had good lunch with great homemade food, every kid was whispering and then the teacher came in the classroom. The students walked to their desks and started listening to the lesson. Every student was acting well and paying attention.

  Everything was going good until one of the students. Joe, who was one of the more popular kids began talking.Joe was talking to  Bill. The whole class started whispering when the teacher was teaching. Mr. Blank  the teacher with a lot of freckles,  told them to stop and they didn’t so he thought they were annoying.

  “ You students whisper as loud as an owl hmms.” Mr. Blank told.

  So Mr. Blank gladly called head god Zeus. Zeus was alarmed so Zeus  came down with a thunderous, crackly noise  and a lightning bolt. When Zeus came in he said, “Be quiet or I will use my…”

  “Can you talk faster?”   interrupted Joe.

  “Lightning bolt on you,” Zeus finished, smirking at Joe.

  Joe looked impressed when Zeus smirked at him, but then he started listening. Zeus didn’t leave he stood in the corner of the classroom waiting for someone to talk when they aren’t supposed too.

  Joe was thinking how to speak and not get zapped by the lightning bolt. So once he thought of how to speak out of turn, then he tried it he raised his hand and spoke off topic so Zeus glanced at Joe. Joe talked and talked until Zeus had enough and shot his burning  lightning bolt at Joe was scarred  when the bolt hit it made a big boom. Joe’s had so many  goose bumps he was like a goose  and you could smell the burnt skin. The class ended, and Zeus followed Joe around for all of his classes, then school ended.

  The following day school started as usual. In his first class, English he saw a figure that looked like a dotted stone, it was fragile but it looked like   Zeus from yesterday so Joe was clueless, but the whole school had asked him a lot of questions about the day before but he didn’t answer them. Joe was ashamed that he learned a lesson the hard way of talking out of turn.

  Icarus’s Way Back Home

  By Danny

  Once upon a time there was a person called Icarus and Daedalus, but as they escaped from the Minotaur but they ran into a bigger trouble that caused one of them to think the other was dead. Icarus dropped into the sea and Daedalus thought he was dead, but then he was not, he was saved by Poseidon who thought he deserved to live. He stayed at Poseidon’s large ocean for a long time but then he thought it was bored to not live with his family and he wanted to go back to his dad.

  As he opened his eyes the next day was the ocean like normal, he went to a unknown island to many people except him and Poseidon and all the other gods, it had a lot of trees that he could supply himself with. The ocean water touching the shore as it splashed. It also has a tiny bed hanging on to branches on a palm tree where he could rest, as the water splashed upon the shore he set up a place where he could pray to Poseidon and Zeus like always for wanting to go back to his dad, after he prayed to Zeus and Poseidon he went hunting for food that he needed for a living. With the animals he hunted he went to make himself a dinner.

  The very next day he woke up unusually, he wanted to build himself a  hut so he did not  have to get swatted by rain when it rains. After that idea he went straight to work, he chopped off some trees so he could make the base of the hut, than he cut off some trees for the walls and the roof, he also made himself an bed he could sleep in, with the old bed on top of it for comfort. He thought something was missing, so he digged the sand and made a route to a tiny bucket that was from a shipwreck. The bathroom looked perfect and he really felt proud because he made a whole entire bathroom by himself. He felt like he needed one more thing before he went back to his bed. He went to the shore and put out some dried woods, and put a pile of wood on top of it. He then took two pieces of rocks and smacked them together so it could make fire. He thought it was brilliant for people who passes his zone could notice him stuck on a island. He felt like he had complete a marathon.

  When he woke up the next day and went out for hunting he thought something was very unusual, there was trash and furniture everywhere on the island and he saw a bunch of dead man.. He thought it was a animal who killed them but it was not. They had a shipwreck and they somehow landed all the way over here. So as he went depressed and sad. When he went to go hunting after all that sadness he thought something was missing. There were marks on the tree and the leaves. Now he surely thought that there is a  man alive. After he followed all that traces that the man left when he was going through the woods he found out that there indeedly was a man alive. Icarus asked who he was and he said that his name was Ueareus and he has been shipwrecked, he looked very curious. Icarus invited him over to his house so he could explain what happened to him. After he explained everything, Icarus was shocked, he said he was stranded too, but the better thing was that he had to go to the same place that Icarus had to go.

  After that day they started making a  boat together that they could travel. They really enjoyed every single day they spent with each other. In a few weeks they finished making the boat and they were ready to sail. They brought a ton of food with them and prayed to the gods before they went sailing out into the dangerous ocean. They started gathering all the food for the sail. They talked with each other on the plan on the trip to the far ocean and planned it out based on their knowledge.

  After they gathered all the food for the trip they put them on the ship and prepared for the trip they gathered knives and other tools to help them survive. He brought some extra supplies just in case they get lost in the ocean or the woods. That was it, they started sailing off to where they direction that his dad was going too, he looked at the map that was from the ship, there was some close islands that they skip but the only direct island was a unknown island that Ueareus was going to explore than met this shipwreck and wrecked all the plans. They were getting ready to go out to the main ocean where there is no food supplies except fish and saltwater. They were getting a bit sick because they have been on the ship for so long.

  After a while they saw this island that was in the middle of nowhere and there was just one house. They decided to stop by the island see who is there on the island and see if they can get some food supplies they were running lows at. They stopped the ship at a shore. They went to the house, it was on top of a mountain. As they went through they saw that there were marks on trees. Most of them were blue but one was green. They thought that green meant left or right or blue was just going forward, when they arrived at the green mark they could see the house that they were curious about. They went up to the door and knocked. A old man that looked familiar came out of the door. Whoever he was he made a desperate cry and ran towards him. Than he realized he was his father. He was so happy he ran to his dad with no problem at all. After that all of them lived there unseen and unknown.

        The Dangers of the Lotus Flower

                    By: Lily

  In a little town in Phillipia in Ancient Greece, in a huge mud house there was this little girl with the name of Lucia Argos, everyone around her knew that she was special, a nymph. There was also this young man by the name of Samson, when he was born he got snatched by Aphrodite and became Aphrodite’s partner in crime or as she thought servant. Aphrodite was the most beautiful goddess in the entire world. Although Lucia was a mortal she was still stunning with her tan skin and dark wavy hair, Samson with his blonde curled locks and good looks, and Aphrodite with her golden hair wildly curled, naturally, they were enemies.

  Ever since she was a little girl Lucia, always thought that Lotus Flowers were very innocent and very pretty and lovely to look at. But they were not, a couple years before Lucia was born Aphrodite went to France and got the Lotus Flowers seeds. She brought them back to Mount Olympus and made herself a little garden and then once they were finally bloomed,  she cursed them with the deadly curse.
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  When Lucia was 7 years of age Lucia’s mom always gardened with Lucia with the and she always helped, no matter what it was, but her personal favorite was the flowers.

  As soon as Lucia grew older by 10 years she began rekindling her love of flowers and soon she wanted everything to do with Lotus Flowers, she went as far as wanting her own patch of land for her own. Whenever Lucia went to the forest to start planting she found a good looking young man about her age sitting on a rock of the most unique feature in the pine treed scent forest.

  “ What are you doing here,” Samson politely asked to Lucia, “on this lovely day?”

  “ None of your business, sir.” Lucia growled, still managing to be polite. Punching the “sir” into the sentence only wanting to appear civil.

  Little did Lucia know that Samson was falling for the beautiful Aphrodite but, Samson was only doing Aphrodite’s dirty work. Later that day, Lucia was still fuming after what happened with Samson and so she went to the market. Even when she was younger people whispered about her but she was getting so sick of feeling like a bear that can’t find her prey and so she eavesdropped on these old ladies huddled in the corner of the town.

  “Why hasn’t anyone told her who she really is?” the petite lady exclaimed silently.

  “Nobody has told her that she is a woodland nymph yet, but she has to know she is 17, a grown woman.” The other lady replied.

  Lucia charged home and demanded an explanation from her parents and they told her that they were sorry for not ever telling her and then she went to the forest in the middle of the night whenever nobody was around to process and then with having the thought of being a woodland nymph she went home only to return the next day. Early the next morning Lucia and Samson met for the bidding to get the land and Lucia outbid Samson by about 4 acres. Samson resigned from Aphrodite and told Lucia that he was working for Aphrodite because he was in love with her and that Aphrodite cursed the Lotus Flowers. Than, Lucia went to Mount Olympus and complained to Zeus about Aphrodite for being responsible for killing 12,100 people and Zeus reluctantly sent Aphrodite down to Tartarus where she belongs. Lucia ended up being a Lotus Flower and other plants nymph. Samson began serving for Hades down in the Underworld, lastly, Lucia also got her garden where she reversed the curse that Aphrodite put onto the Lotus Flowers.

  Finding Daedalus

  By: Nathan McDonald

  Icarus woke up, pain rushed through him like he had been pelted by a machine gun a billion times.  He could remember falling into the ocean. He took in his surroundings, he was on a beach and he could see feathers on the beach next to him. He then could see a labyrinth behind him. He knew where he was. He was on Crete. Suddenly, he could hear the waves crash and then it started to fall back a couple yards and form a huge wave. To his surprise Poseidon walked out, his gray hair swiftly flying against the wind. Poseidon wore a purple robe as clean and glamorous as Zeus but Poseidon had longer hair. His trident shone against the sun, the pearls glimmering on the sand making a subsequent scene of colors. Icarus was in shock. He tasted his nervousness, as a god was in front of him. He was about to speak but Poseidon disrupted him.

  “I know who you are Icarus. I have sent for you to propose a deal. King Minos has a necklace that prevents me from returning to the lovely Mount Olympus, and I can’t get it myself or I am violating my powers, so I want you to kill him and destroy it. In return I will bring you to your father,” Poseidon explained.

  Icarus was nervous because he had never killed anyone before, let alone kill someone who was royalty. He touched his head, feeling the sweat. Icarus then agreed because he was confident he could complete the task. Then, Poseidon lectured that they would meet back on the beach the next day. With that Poseidon then vanished into the waves. Icarus fell back smelling the freshness of the air. He had no idea what he got himself into, but he had to prepare.

  The next day, he walked into the town of Crete, he could taste the sweat running down his face. There were guards by the door to the palace, like he expected. He then tricked the guards to leave by telling them he heard someone had passed out on the streets. And just like that he was in. He climbed the stairs until he saw the king on his deck. He pulled out his knife but hesitated, he felt like a horrible murderer for killing a person, but he wanted to get revenge on the king. He slit the throat of the king, he felt the broad blood as it trickled from his knife onto the floor. Seconds later there were guards surrounding him. He could smell the anger from the guards. He didn’t notice the guard behind him though, and then the guard knocked him over the head with the back of his sword. Darkness enclosed Icarus.

  He woke up and was at the labyrinth, he could hear his head throbbing from the hit. A few guards were holding his arms. They then threw him into the labyrinth harshly closing the door. Icarus remembered his way out from the last time he was in the deadly labyrinth. He followed the trail of torches he had the last time. He turned the corner and was surprised to see the Minotaur laying there. But the Minotaur looked very starved, the Minotaur’s stomach showing its ribs. Icarus knelt and gently rubbed the Minotaur’s head. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad creature he thought. Icarus frowned at this sight and gently closed the Minotaur’s eyes, being the last the Minotaur would ever see. Icarus found his way out the next day and waited at the beach for Poseidon.

  Eventually, the waves fell back and Poseidon walked out. Like Poseidon’s deal he took Icarus to Athens, where is dad Daedalus was. He could taste the excitement in his mouth. They road inside the water, Poseidon using his powers to make Icarus swim fast and breathe underwater. They reached Athens where Poseidon told Daedalus where to be because he was standing ashore exhilarated to see his son. Icarus smelled the salt from the ocean. Him and his dad were very happy to see each other. Poseidon glad to return to Mount Olympus with the other gods thanked Icarus and disappeared into the waves. Icarus and Daedalus then walked into the distance starting their new life in Athens.

  The Story of The Two Best Friends

  By Schaeffer Mikkelsen

  In the beginning, A young girl, who was only about 10, named Lily, dressed in a skirt and a pink shirt wearing beautiful, sparkly, flowers in her hair, was playing around in her green garden just being a girl. The next day, another girl named Abby moved next door to Lily, she was also Lily’s age, and loved nature like Lily did too.

  These two girls soon met and became best friends. They both promised they would age together, always be best friends, and die together. They always were outside and always had each other, they loved the smell of the rain and the plants and everything. Then one night, they had been outside the whole day through when it became dark, so their parents didn’t know that they weren’t in bed from what they saw and heard,their parents thought they both went to bed after they ate their chocolate pie dessert, so both of their parents sadly locked all the doors. So the two girls remembered something. They both Immediately yelled, “ The Fort!,” the Fort was their favorite place to play.

  There were tons of adorable awesome animals too, that the girls always pet. So they ran off into the dull, dark  forest where their fort was and spent the night there.

  But the rain forest was not a very safe place at all. That night all the girls heard was rain and lightning, it rained and lightning struck the rain forest grounds. The girls hearts were beating as fast as a cheetah could run and,  it was raining like a shower, they were scared to death! That very same night, one of them was the unlucky one, very very very unlucky. Which was Lily! What happened to Lily Bush was she had got struck horrendously. Something very unusual happened, Lily Bush had turned into a fireball,

  “How could this be?” Abby then thought, she thought it might have been one of the gods.

  But at that same moment, Abby was scared of her friend. She didn't know what to do so she simply  hurried off and saved her own life before her best friend’s. At first she tried to touch Lily but she just burnt herself.

  But abby chose the wrong not to help Li
ly and the gods could not let her get away with that. So the gods did something evil, very evil. Flooded the grounds so Abby had to climb trees and go to the highest point where she could not drown. Abby felt very guilty, so she started praying.


  She prayed, “Dear lord, please forgive me I didn’t mean to hurt my friend, I was just being selfish. Please help me and my friend. And tell her I want her to forgive me. Please I don’t want to die.”

  Aphrodite, which was one of the good gods, she was the god of the forest and she always wore flowers and smelled like them too, she was a wonderful flower, which inspired Lily to be outdoorsy. She was smart and soon notices this big problem. So Aphrodite appears and answers Abbys prayers, and save Lily and then reunites both Lily and Abby, and gives them both a safe home in the forest.

  Abby and Lily were both very thankful and didn’t know how to ever repay Aphrodite.

  Furthermore, the best friends forget about the past and now live in the rain forest with the evil gods and the good gods. Lily and Abby both get their wishes as friends and they soon die together.