Up to that point I had been searching for jobs and not getting any responses. But I decided to use The Secret to summon a job to me. I really wanted to work in a veterinary hospital, so I sent my résumé to one close by my home. That’s how it all began.

  A few days later, I was lying around my apartment when the phone rang. I told myself, That is someone calling to offer me a job. The person on the phone was a manager at the animal hospital I’d applied to, offering me an interview. During the interview, I was extremely nervous, and it showed. Even though it wasn’t my best interview, I went home and wrote, “I work at _____ Animal Hospital. It’s located at ______, Chicago, IL. The phone number is _____.” I did this several times until I actually believed it.

  A day later, the manager called me again and was extremely enthusiastic, offering me a second, working interview. I gladly accepted. I felt that I already had the job, but now I had to decide how much money I wanted to make. In the days leading up to the second interview, I wrote out an entire budget focusing on a certain amount of income. I looked at it a few times a day, pretending that it was already in place in my life.

  During the working interview, I pretended that I already had the position and that my coworkers were just showing me around my new office. At the end of the day, the manager told me he would call me the following Monday, after he had made a decision. Well, he did call me. He offered me the position and also the exact amount of money I had asked for in my budget. It was an amazing feeling.

  At the moment I’m just practicing the art of gratitude and enjoying my life every single moment of the day. So far, I have asked for and received everything I need at the moment, but I know that if I should ever need anything else, I can always let the Universe know.

  – Lindsey, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  It is easy to visualize having a specific job – seeing yourself arriving at work and walking through the door. It’s easy to visualize opening your paycheck and seeing a particular figure. It’s easy to visualize yourself being given the news of that promotion. When you visualize you have it now, you feel as though you have it now, and that’s the cue for manifestation!

  The law of attraction responds exactly to your thoughts and words, and so if you see something as being in the future you are actually stopping it from happening now.

  You must feel it as though you have it now.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  Keys to Creating Your Career

  You have the power within you to attract the job of your dreams if you figure out what you really want and ask for it.

  There is no dream job or salary you can’t have if you believe in it and expect it.

  Focus your thoughts on what you want in your job or career, and hold that focus.

  Use all of your senses to visualize every aspect of the job or career you want until you really feel you are living it.

  Visualize your paycheck and see the particular figure that you want.

  How you will receive the job or career opportunity is not your concern.

  To dispel doubt, do something that makes you feel happy, or increase your belief through visualization and affirmations.

  To speed up manifestation, act as if you’ve already received the job of your dreams.

  When you love what you do, the money will follow.

  You can be or do anything – there are no limits.

  As you give the best of you, you will be staggered by the speed that it comes back to you.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  How I Used The Secret to Change My Life

  There is a truth deep down inside of you that is waiting to be discovered, and that truth is this: you deserve all the good things that life has to offer. You know that inherently, because you feel awful when you are experiencing the lack of good things. All good things are your birthright! You are the creator of your life, and the law of attraction is your magnificent tool to create whatever you want.

  Like Jenny in the next story, many of the people who have shared their stories thank me for changing their lives. In truth, they have brought about those changes by changing themselves. I am just enormously grateful to have been able to share The Secret with all of them.


  “Things have to change or I don’t think I can make it any longer” is how I felt the day before my thirtieth birthday. Although I was highly educated, I couldn’t find permanent full-time work. I was single and didn’t want to be; I was living with my parents; and I was generally miserable. I didn’t need much to make me feel happy and fulfilled, but it seemed like what I did need was never going to happen for me.

  The Secret truly saved my life. You see, when I hit rock bottom, I finally felt up to diving in and reading the book as a sort of “last resort.” Silly me, The Secret should have been my first step, not the last one! The change for me was immediate, because the book was a true inspiration, and I thought, Even if this “secret” does nothing else, at least it has lifted my spirits and given me hope.

  But it did much more than inspire . . . it changed my entire life! To make it even more amazing, it changed my life exactly as I envisioned it!

  Two months after starting the practice of The Secret, I got an interview with an awesome company and ultimately landed the job of my dreams. Through the process of interviewing for that job, I met an amazing man who is everything I ever wanted in a partner. I’ll finally be moving out on my own and starting the life that I had been hoping and wishing for. I wasted so much time feeling sorry for myself instead of realizing the power that I held within to get the things that I want.

  I’m so appreciative that I was given this magnificent gift of The Secret, because I don’t know what might have become of me without it.

  – Jenny L., Detroit, Michigan, USA

  Within you are the exact answers that you need to every single question, and so it is important that you discover answers for yourself. You must trust in yourself and all that you are.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  No Matter Where You Are Now, It Can All Change

  The writers of the stories in the following pages describe themselves as having been damaged, destructive, drug-addicted, homeless, miserable, and a pretty big mess, to name just a few of the ways they’ve described themselves. What they all came to appreciate after learning about The Secret was that they could change their own lives by changing their thoughts – in other words, by changing themselves.


  When I look back on my past life, I can hardly believe I am now the same person. I am so happy and at peace! It was not always this way. I was blind to my good for more than thirty years.

  As a little girl, I was raped hundreds of times by my father. I developed epilepsy (I think as a way to escape). I became a social outcast. My mother was in and out of mental hospitals her whole life, and my home for a while was an old station wagon we parked at the city dump. My food was supplied by the nearby KFC Dumpster. As a young adult, I quit high school and became addicted to drugs and all sorts of destructive behavior.

  My life looked bleak, and I was convinced it was just my lot in life to suffer hard and play the part of damaged loser.

  I managed to get a college degree but subsequently found that I could not hold a job more than three months. After being fired from my thirty-fourth (or so) job, I lost it and became more depressed than ever; I was trying so hard to better my life! I was on Prozac, Wellbutrin, and a host of other drugs the doctors thought would normalize me. Didn’t work. Every day I prayed God would let me die.

  I then married a man I didn’t love because I thought I’d be homeless if I didn’t. I kicked the drug habit but spent my days sleeping and watching TV – anything to block out reality.

  My transformation began with my first visit (at my older half sister’s urging) to the Church of Religious Science, whose teachings are a lot like those contained in The Secret. They told me profound t
hings that got me thinking in the right direction, things very new to me, like “Just because you exist, you are great.”

  But it wasn’t until watching The Secret that I experienced truly profound transformation. One area (of many) I had always been blocked in was making enough money to survive on my own. One night, after watching The Secret for perhaps the twenty-third time, I got up, went to my computer, and requested that the Universe guide me in finding a fun, easy, high-paying job. I typed the words forensic and videography into my search engine (because I enjoy anything related to both). What should pop up but the actual field of legal videography. I was so excited! I just knew that was the career for me without even knowing what was involved.

  I took the steps required to become a certified legal videographer and started earning $75 per hour minimum (after a lifetime of earning minimum wage or less)!

  I recently switched from legal videography to in-home-care providing. It turned out that in order to do some of the more in-depth legal videography, I needed a notary license, and I did not qualify to get one. So I turned to my other passion, helping elderly people live better lives, which is what I would have done in the first place had I known that people got paid, let alone paid well, for doing this sort of work.

  So I have started another business, providing in-home companion and health care for seniors or anyone else who may need it: disabled, post-operative folks, etc. I love what I do – it’s amazingly rewarding! I tell everyone how lucky I feel to Love for a Living!

  Other areas of my life are transformed too: I no longer take pills to get happy; I experience joy every day on my own! I quit smoking cigarettes. I work out five days a week and love it. I divorced the man whom I used to wholly depend upon. I can now say I love myself the way I am (this is huge, since when I was younger, I used to burn myself and actually punch myself with all my strength while screaming “I hate you” to the mirror because my self-loathing ran so deep).

  I have a wonderful circle of positive-minded friends. I love life; I love Mondays; I have made peace with my dad. I find ecstatic joy in the simplest things; a cooling breeze on my neck can bring me to tears of happiness! It is really hard to put into words how wonderful my life is now. I feel solidly healthy, happy, prosperous, confident, energetic, accepting, trusting, and perhaps, more than anything, grateful for everything and everyone in my life! The Secret is just one more thing I am deeply grateful for. Thank you.

  – K., California, USA

  Because of experiences in childhood, we tend to think of ourselves as unworthy. If you do not treat yourself with love and respect, you are telling the Universe that you are not important enough, worthy enough, or deserving. You will experience more situations of people not treating you well – such as being fired from thirty-four jobs. If you change how you feel by changing the way you think of yourself, you will also change the way you are treated by others.

  The entire world and every single detail in your day are all showing you the frequency within you. The evidence of your frequency is speaking to you in every moment through the people whom you experience, the circumstances, and the events.

  Life is mirroring back to you what you are feeling inside you.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings


  I am twenty-nine years old and live in a lovely house in Melbourne, Australia, with my boyfriend, who is a police officer, and our beautiful identical-twin daughters, Melinda and Madeline.

  Sounds great, doesn’t it? Well, it is. However, life hasn’t always been this happy. I came from a life of broken relationships and depression. My parents separated when I was four years old, and I didn’t have a happy childhood. I got into relationships from a very young age, thinking they would make me happy, since I was searching for what I’d missed as a child. Instead of making me happy, they only led to misery and disappointment.

  By the age of twenty-four, my life had plummeted to new lows, even to the extent of an attempted suicide. I had separated from my partner, I was broke, depressed, living with my mother, and I had no career.

  One day I went into a new-age store, and the man who owned it gave me a copy of The Secret DVD. I took it home and watched it, and I agreed with the principles of it, but I just thought, That’s nice, and filed it away with my other DVDs.

  Life continued to be depressing, until one day I didn’t feel like I could take any more of it. That was when I realized that using The Secret was my only chance ever to be happy. I began to really apply the principles. I made a definite decision as to what I really wanted in life, I created a vision board, and I began to live/feel/act as if those things were now a reality. Putting aside my doubts and fears about “how” all this would happen was difficult in the beginning, but I nevertheless persisted, giving thanks that the life I wanted was already a reality. This meant writing in my Gratitude Journal daily and really feeling the feelings of being grateful for these things, as if I already had them.

  I was living in Sydney at the time, and I wanted to get away to make a completely fresh start. I also wanted a boyfriend and a new job that I enjoyed.

  I met a guy from Melbourne, and we got along really well right away. It all happened very quickly and in a way I’d never have anticipated. Because he had to go back to Melbourne and I lived in Sydney, we had to rely on telephone calls, texts, and emails for communication. We spoke on the phone every single day, and after only four weeks, he asked me if I’d like to move down to Melbourne to live with him. Even though it had been such a short time, it felt right, so I did it.

  Once I got to Melbourne, I began to contact employment agencies, looking for a job. I had already written down what I wanted in a job, and I had used The Secret principles. After I initially took a couple of temporary positions just to earn some money, a fantastic job came up. It met all the criteria that I had set for the ideal job and turned out to be the best job I’d ever had.

  I also printed out the check from The Secret website, pinned it on my vision board, and focused on having received the money and feeling good about prosperity. Very soon afterward, my father called me, very excited to let me know he had won quite a bit of money in Powerball! He told me that he wanted me to have some of it and that he’d be sending a check for five thousand dollars!

  I was very happy with my boyfriend and with my job. I loved living in Melbourne and I loved our house. The next thing I put on my vision board was children. I so wanted children, and I’d always wanted twin girls. I cut out a picture of newborn twin girls from a magazine and put it on my vision board. I was also buying baby clothes in advance, and I’d buy two of everything (newborn girls’ clothes). Again, I used principles from The Secret and got into feeling that what I wanted was already a reality.

  Less than eight weeks after moving to Melbourne, I discovered I was pregnant. Morning sickness kicked in and was terrible (I’d forgotten to ask about feeling good in the early part of pregnancy!). At twelve weeks, the ultrasound confirmed that we were expecting twins! My boyfriend was surprised, but I knew it was because of The Secret. From then on, I wrote down and believed that I had a very healthy and happy pregnancy (which I did). I got everything I asked for: a healthy pregnancy, a natural birth at thirty-eight weeks, and healthy twin daughters.

  I am now studying (through distance education) for a social work degree (another thing I asked for and believed I’d received), I have made many lovely friends, I am happy and financially secure. Lots of amazing little things happen regularly now, and I know it’s because I apply The Secret to my whole life.

  The Secret changed my life. It will change yours too, if you use it.

  – Belinda, Melbourne, Australia

  Once Belinda made a definite decision about what she really wanted in life, she put aside her doubts and fears and used all of the practices she’d learned from The Secret – including the check from the Universal Bank, a vision board, writing down what she wanted, and keeping a Gratitude Journal – in order to turn her life around and become a
person grounded in positivity rather than one who was driven by negative thoughts.

  You create through your thoughts and feelings, and no one but you can think your thoughts or feel your feelings.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings


  For ten years of my life I was a drug-addicted, alcoholic sex worker, spending the last three of those years homeless and not wanting to live anymore. Then I was given The Secret to read in an empowerment group I was taking, and I am not kidding when I write that six months after I started using The Secret, my life changed incredibly. I got clean and sober; my daughter and my family came back into my life. I was hired as a day outreach worker at the place where I took the empowerment group and had been given The Secret.

  Four years later, my life is still incredible. I just opened up my email and found out that I got a job I had been wanting for a long time. My relationship with my daughter, who has been living with me for three years, is wonderful. My life is amazing.

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  – Thea C., Victoria, Canada

  Everything Is Happening for You

  The people in the stories above had difficult early lives. For others, things can appear to be going along well when suddenly a so-called challenge appears. At those times it is important to remind yourself that everything – absolutely everything – is happening for you.

  Good is underneath every single thing that appears to be negative. If we can know that good is all there is, including in a negative situation, then we will see a negative situation turn into all good.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  Maybe, like Kate in the following story, you lost your job and, with it, your confidence in yourself. But whatever the cause, if you start to think of yourself negatively, you’ll simply be attracting even more negativity.