– Kathy, San Francisco, California, USA

  When you are acting to receive from the Universe, you will feel as if you are flowing with the current. It will feel effortless. That is the feeling of inspired action and of being in the flow of the Universe and life.

  Think good thoughts.

  Speak good words.

  Take good actions.

  Three steps that will bring more to you than you can ever imagine.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  Keys to Wealth

  You can’t bring more of anything into your life by focusing on its lack. To attract more money, focus on abundance.

  Tip the balance of your thoughts from lack-of-money to more-than-enough-money.

  Make lists of things you will buy with the money.

  Imagine spending money on the things that you want. Tell yourself, “I can afford that.”

  Don’t make money your only target, but make your target what you want to be, do, or have.

  Create a vision board and fill it with images of the life you want to have.

  To help you believe in abundance, download a check from the Bank of the Universe (www.thesecret.tv/check).

  Make sure your actions are mirroring what you expect to receive.

  We can’t bring anything to us unless we are grateful for what we already have.

  Gratitude is riches. Be grateful for what you want before you’ve received it.

  Happiness brings money.

  If you find yourself in a negative situation with someone in your life, take a few minutes each day to feel love within your heart for that person, and then send it out into the Universe. Just doing this one thing helps to remove any resentment, anger, or negativity toward that person.

  Remember that feeling resentment, anger, or any negative emotion attracts it back to you. Feeling love attracts love back to you. What you are feeling for another, you are bringing to you.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  How I Used The Secret to Change Relationships

  Love is the highest and most powerful emotion you can feel. Just feeling love can single-handedly transform the relationships in your life. Your ability to generate feelings of love is unlimited, and when you love, you are in complete and utter harmony with the Universe. Love everything you can. Love everyone you can. Focus only on things you love, feel love, and you will experience that love and joy coming back to you – multiplied!

  Attracting the Perfect Partner

  If you want to meet your perfect partner, make sure your actions are reflecting what you expect to receive. What does that mean? It means doing what you would do if you were in that relationship now.


  At twenty-seven years old, I had been a single mother for more than three years. I was desperately lonely and really wanted to be with a good and loving partner. After attracting a few bad eggs, I gave up and continued to endure the loneliness.

  Then one day I was looking for a particular street in central London when I bumped into a wedding dress shop. I was mesmerized by a dress on a mannequin in the window and went into the shop to take a closer look. The sales assistant insisted I try it on, and it fit me so beautifully that I wound up buying it. A few steps down the road, I realized I had bought a wedding dress with absolutely no reason to expect that I would be receiving a marriage proposal. I didn’t even have a boyfriend and hadn’t had one for years. I felt really silly.

  While I continued to search for the address I was meant to go to, I was stopped by a man about my age who happened to be looking for the same address. He looked just like the actor Michael Ealy, whose picture I had on the screen saver of my computer. We continued to search for the address together, and the rest is history.

  Four months later, we moved in together, and we are now married. The whole thing is surreal to me. We laugh together every day, he loves me, and I love him. Everything I ever wanted I have found in him. I just can’t express how I feel in words.

  I’m not asking every single girl to go buy a wedding dress when they are single, but I am asking you all to BELIEVE!

  – Zee, London, England

  By purchasing that dress, Zee was acting as if she were getting married, even though, at the time, she had no idea how that was going to happen. Her action was saying that she was getting married, and as a result, the Universe delivered what she asked for – someone to marry! What action can you take that says you have already received your perfect partner?

  What about making room in your closet for your perfect partner’s clothes? How about setting the table for two people instead of one? Or making room in your bed by sleeping on one side instead of in the middle, and putting out two toothbrushes in the bathroom? There’s no end to the creative ways you can take actions that tell the Universe you are ready to receive.

  Change Your Mind to Change Your Life

  In every circumstance and moment of your life, there are two paths available to you. The two paths are the positive and the negative, and YOU are the one who chooses which path you will take.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  You can change any negative situation in your life, and the way you do that is to change the way you think about it. Tammy, in the next story, had given up on believing that such a thing as true love still existed in this day and age. After reading The Secret and watching the movie, however, she was determined to change her way of thinking and look for the positive in everything.


  When I was introduced to The Secret in 2006, I was in a bad marriage and had all but given up on the idea of true love. I firmly believed that all those people I saw who claimed to be in love were just acting in public, and that the reality of their lives was probably somewhat similar to mine.

  I didn’t always feel that way. I grew up in a very loving home. My parents, after forty-one years of marriage, still cuddle and kiss regardless of who is watching. My grandparents on both sides were the most devoted couples I have ever seen. But I convinced myself that relationships like theirs no longer existed. Believing that was easier than admitting the truth about my own marriage.

  After watching The Secret, I ran out and purchased the book. I was determined to do my best to change my way of thinking. I started small and reminded myself every day to see the positive side of everything. I began to write again, something I had ceased doing as my marriage went downhill. I wrote a romance story, a first for me. I wanted to see if I could write about something that I really wanted – true love – and convince myself in the process that it existed out there.

  Then, as I separated from my husband and went back to school to fulfill my lifelong dream of getting a teacher’s degree, my life became very busy in a most enjoyable way, and I all but forgot about the book.

  About a year after that, I met a wonderful man and knew that I was falling in love. He was living in the United States and I in Canada, but as time went on, we determined to be together.

  After we’d been together for a few months, I told him about the book I had started writing. I hadn’t looked at it for a while and had almost forgotten the major elements of the storyline, including the names of the characters. With his encouragement, however, I dragged it out and began to read it again. My heart stopped as I realized the love interest I had given the main character (who was actually my alter ego) was the same as that of my new lover! Tears filled my eyes as I realized I had literally written him into my life.

  But the story doesn’t end quite there. Before I left my marriage, I had also created a vision board of places and experiences I wanted to bring into my life. The only material object on the board was the picture of a sapphire and diamond ring I had seen in a magazine. When my lover proposed to me, it was on the exact spot where my grandparents had been married sixty-six years before, and the ring he slipped on my finger was exactly the same as the one on my vision board.

  Now I am living in California, soon to be married to
the most wonderful man I have ever met. The Secret continues to be a guiding force for me, and I realize that all life has to offer is within my grasp as long as I believe it is.

  – Tammy H., Fullerton, California, USA

  The key for Tammy was writing that romance story, because in the process of writing, she completed the first two steps of the Creative Process: Asking and Believing. All that was left was the perfect timing for her to Receive the true love she had written about.

  Writing or journaling is a great way to use the Creative Process – for whatever you want. If you want to attract the perfect partner into your life, you can describe in writing exactly what that person is like and what your relationship is like. You can include their likes, dislikes, tastes, hobbies, family background, and anything else important to you. You should be able to create a list of at least one hundred things that describe your perfect partner. And then just sit back and watch how the Universe orchestrates a person matching your desires into your life.


  After watching The Secret movie twice and reading the book, I started applying the concepts to my everyday routine, writing down what I wanted and being grateful. I was doing all the right things. There was one thing, though, that I wasn’t doing right, and the Universe showed me what.

  I was living in Athens when I met the perfect guy for me. I thought he was the one. We had been together for four months when slowly, day by day, he started disappearing on me. In the beginning, I didn’t ask him about it because I didn’t want to be pushy. Later, if a week went by without my hearing from him, I’d ask, and his answer would be, “Don’t worry; it’s nothing.” Of course I would have tons of bad thoughts, but I never got any answers. And then he disappeared completely. No answering my calls, my texts, nothing. I would see his car around, so I knew he was okay, and other people had been seeing him here and there (there was no third person involved). I was mad. I was angry. I was ready to pick up my pieces and move back to the States.

  I kept reading The Secret, trying to understand. And I did finally understand. I was doing everything the book was saying to do. That was my mistake. I was doing – not feeling. I did it all as a checklist, like a perfect little girl. Wrong. You’re supposed to feel it. Feel what you’re doing; let it be part of who you are. When my eyes were finally opened to that fact, I raised the bar. I decided that if any guy wanted to be in my life, he would have to exceed my standards. Period. I would never settle for anyone or anything less.

  I was teaching dance at a local school. My colleagues and I often sat out on the steps to chat between lessons, and sometimes students would join us. That annoyed me because they were interrupting our conversation. So when one of them came up and said, “I’m going for some lemonade, would you like some?” I was thinking but didn’t say, “No, we want you to leave.”

  When the student came back, he sat down next to me and started talking about trips he had taken. I didn’t contribute to the conversation, but what he was saying was intriguing.

  To make a long story short, on Friday (two days later), I was at a discotheque on the other side of Athens, and coincidentally, he was too (God planned it). So we danced together and talked a lot. He asked me out, I said yes. Saturday was our first date. Sunday we left for a three-day camping trip together. Today we’ve been together for six years, happily married for three, with a two-year-old daughter. That’s The Secret.

  – Evangelia K., Athens, Greece

  As Evangelia discovered, when you have successfully completed the Creative Process for what you want, you cannot get in the way of the Universe delivering to you what you asked for.

  You can turn your life into paradise, but the only way you can do it is to make the inside of you a paradise. There is no other way. You are the cause; your life is the effect.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  No matter how long a so-called negative relationship has gone on, and even if you can’t imagine how that particular relationship could change into something positive – it can! You can change any negative relationship in your life, and the way to do that is to change the way you see the person. Look for and appreciate the positive things about the other person, and the relationship will change. You – and only you – can make it happen.


  When my parents divorced, my relationship with my father changed drastically from being close and secure to filled with bitterness and anger. I lived for twenty-five years believing there was no hope of reconnecting with my dad – until my mother gave me The Secret DVD, and my life was changed forever.

  I wept the first three times I viewed the movie. For the first time, I felt there was hope in all areas of my life. I began to visualize having a very positive relationship with my father. And then, out of the blue, my father invited me to come for a visit. We had a wonderful time rediscovering our father-daughter bond. It was a miracle I never thought possible. Now my father and I are close again and are doing great.

  I cannot find the words to describe how incredible and amazing The Secret is. It turned a hopeless situation into a tremendous blessing. I hope that others around the world will discover the hope The Secret gives all of us.

  – Amy, Magnolia, Arkansas, USA

  In the next story, Glenda was also able to discover the joy of healing a relationship with an estranged parent once she began to focus on what she loved and appreciated about her mother rather than on the differences that had come between them.


  All of my life, some forty-odd years, I never felt connected with my mother. When I was a teenager, we had many serious arguments, and as I got older, I just never felt I was close to her. At various points in my life, I even stopped communicating with her.

  As she grew older and began to lose her eyesight, I really felt that I needed to fix our strained relationship.

  After reading The Secret, I was writing some things about gratitude and decided to write down all the things for which I was grateful to her: the lovely dresses she sewed for me when I was a young girl, the great vegetables she grew for us all, the way she always tended to our huge garden, and so on. As I recognized these things, I felt a huge surge of gratitude for all her hard work and caring over the years.

  After that, I wrote in my notebook, “I want a happy, calm, and trusting relationship with Mum.” Having written that, I felt a new sense of peace about her. I hadn’t actually spoken to her for about a year, and I decided to go for a visit.

  When I saw her, everything between us had changed. There was no tension, no holding back. I told her about some of the difficulties I’d had in my life, and she, who had never hugged me before, offered hugs, love, and support. Never in my life had I felt this type of mother-love. It was truly a special moment in my life.

  I phone Mum every week now, and we talk to each other the way I always wanted. There is just this love between us that I cannot describe in words.

  – Glenda, New Zealand

  When you make a deliberate effort to look for things you love and appreciate more than you notice negative things, a miracle will take place. From that positive state of love and appreciation, it will appear as though the entire Universe is doing everything for you, moving every joyful thing to you, and moving every good person to you. In truth, it is.

  Let Go and Live

  Sometimes it’s difficult to let go of negative beliefs, particularly if they’re about a relationship in your life, as was the case for Sabrina.


  I grew up a battered child; it was my mother who hurt me and my younger brother and sister. I was the eldest, so when any of us did anything wrong, I’m the one who was punished. I experienced physical and mental violence on a daily basis for the first fifteen years of my life.

  When I was thirteen years old, during one of her physical attacks, my mother pressed her knee into my back to hold me down while she was hitting me. As a result, I have had a
backache for many years.

  Two years after that incident, I moved in with my dad and his new girlfriend. My younger sister and I were outside playing with the horses and both ended up with a hoof in our back that sent us flying into the air. One week later, my younger brother pulled back the chair I was sitting on and I fell on my back – again. My tailbone moved one and a half centimeters.

  For some years, I kept going to the doctor because I couldn’t understand why I still had a backache. Finally, the doctor told me that it could have something to do with the problems of the past, but also that the weight of my large breasts might be adding to the pain. Since I refused to undergo a breast reduction, I just resigned myself to having a backache.

  After reading The Secret, I made a decision to forgive my mother and get on in my life.

  Sitting on the sofa and meditating one day, I saw my mother in front of me, and I went over and gave her a hug. While I was standing with her in my arms, I told her I loved her and wanted to forgive her and let the past be past. “I now understand that you did the best you could,” I told her, “with the knowledge and experience you had then.” I kept saying, “I love you and forgive you.” I began to cry and let the tears fall down my cheeks. I sat in the meditation for a long time and just forgave. I was saying, “I love you and let the little Sabrina inside of me cry all she wants.” It was one of the scariest yet most beautiful things that had ever happened to me.

  After having that experience, I told my dad and stepmom that I had forgiven my mother and let the past be past. That night my backache went away and has never returned. The only thing I did to make it go away was to forgive my mother.

  – Sabrina, Denmark

  Sabrina’s use of visualization and meditation made it possible for her to begin thinking positively about her mother, which helped her not only to let go of any emotional pain from their past relationship but also to overcome the physical pain in her body. When you change the way you think about a situation, everything connected to that situation will change.