Finally, the day came when Liam was well enough to go home, and the staff told me they were shocked to see him leaving the hospital in such happy circumstances. They had been convinced he wouldn’t make it through the first night and were amazed at how calm I had been. One of the doctors asked, “Is the book I always see you holding a Bible?” I told him why I was so calm, what I believed, and that the well-worn red book that had lost its paper cover was called The Secret.

  I still practice. Normally, I just finish each night with a quick note on my iPhone’s notepad, thanking myself for the amazing day and looking forward to the next day. But I also write in my Gratitude Diary.

  My mum used to say to me, “You want the fairy tale, Becky, and the fairy tale does not and never will be real,” and I pretended to believe her. But each night when I went to bed, I would put myself to sleep thinking about all the wonderful things that would happen to me. I’ve received most of what I’ve asked for, but there have also been some difficult times, and I never understood until I read The Secret that I had brought both the good and the bad into my life.

  The new me is on top of the world and can do anything, because obstacles are a thing of the past.

  – Rebecca D., Birmingham, England

  Gratitude, faith, and unwavering optimism were the keys to Rebecca healing her baby boy. Even when Liam was at his sickest, she never stopped being grateful.

  You will have heard people say to count your blessings, and when you think about the things you’re grateful for, that’s exactly what you’re doing. It is one of the most powerful practices you can ever do, and it will turn your whole life around!

  To experience deep gratitude, sit down and write a list of the things you are grateful for. Keep writing your list until your eyes are overflowing with tears. As the tears come, you will feel the most beautiful feeling around your heart and all through the inside of you. This is the feeling of true gratitude.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings


  In January 2013, I had a positive pregnancy test. I already had a beautiful baby girl, and my husband and I couldn’t wait to add to our family.

  My pregnancy was going perfectly. I had my twelve-week scan, and all appeared to be well with our baby. At my twenty-week scan, however, that all changed. The sonographer noticed quite a large lump on top of the baby’s head. I could see by the technicians’ faces that it wasn’t good news. Within twenty-four hours, I was on my way to a specialist for the diagnosis.

  I had another scan, and the doctor explained that the lump on the baby’s head was a fluid-filled sac and there was a real concern that it could put pressure on the brain, which could cause our unborn child to have a severe disability. I was already feeling my baby move and kick. I never imagined that I would be in this situation. The doctor told me that the baby would definitely have some kind of disability, but he could not tell me at this stage how severe it would be. The possibilities included the baby being born blind, deaf, and unable to speak. Only time would tell how badly the brain would be affected as the pregnancy progressed. I was offered a termination then and there, and I was told that most people in my position would choose to terminate the pregnancy because many felt that they could not cope with “waiting to see” how things worked out.

  At that point there was nothing wrong with my child, and her brain was healthy. I had my cry and decided that I would use what I had learned from reading The Secret to ensure that I gave birth to a healthy baby. I told the doctors that I would be continuing with my pregnancy.

  After being offered a termination and then leaving the doctor’s office, I was walking down the street with my husband when a postcard flew through the air and literally wedged itself underneath my shoe. I felt compelled to pick it up. It was a white card, and in large black letters it said, “Abortion – Don’t Do It.” I was very taken aback and took it as a sign that I had made the right decision in continuing with the pregnancy.

  I went home, and for the rest of my pregnancy, I decided to visualize my baby growing healthily. I imagined a piece of metal covering my baby’s brain, ensuring that the fluid-filled sac wouldn’t put any pressure on it and, therefore, protecting it from being damaged. I imagined giving birth to a healthy baby, and I looked forward to every doctor’s appointment, because I knew that each time I would be told my baby was healthy. I visualized my baby playing with her big sister, and I gave thanks every day for being blessed with a healthy child.

  I continued to have very regular checkups throughout my pregnancy, and at every appointment I was assured – much to the doctor’s amazement – that there was nothing wrong with my baby. At my very last appointment at thirty-seven weeks, I was told that the fluid-filled sac on our baby’s head had not grown and had not put any pressure on her brain. I was told that I would give birth to a perfectly healthy baby. The doctor also mentioned that he had not often seen this condition end in a positive way.

  Our beautiful daughter, Scarlett Emmie, was born on Wednesday, October 2, 2013, and is absolutely perfect! She is beautiful and healthy! All the doctors involved have been to see her, and they are amazed that her brain was not affected.

  After that first doctor’s appointment, I was told that there would definitely be something wrong with my baby; they just didn’t know how severe it would be. It turned out that they were wrong. I have no doubt that my positivity not only gave me the strength to carry on, it also gave my baby the strength to grow healthily without any complications.

  At five months old, Scarlett had a minor operation to remove the fluid-filled sac, and she continues to develop just as she should.

  I have The Secret to thank for her health and my strength. I look at her and can’t believe how perfect she is! Miracles can happen!

  – Emily, London, England

  Faith was also absolutely essential to the survival of Franci’s son, Kyle, who was born prematurely with a hole in his heart.


  My son, Kyle, was born nine weeks early. He was so tiny but so strong. When I was in the operating room, they warned me that he wouldn’t cry because his lungs were not developed. But when I heard a sound a few minutes later and asked, “What was that?” a nurse replied, “Your son.” My husband told me later that he had heard it outside the operating room.

  It was a long road to wellness for Kyle. Each day I was amazed by his strength and spirit. He left the hospital five weeks to the day after his birth without any monitors. The doctors called it amazing!

  Unfortunately, however, he also had a hole in his heart that would need correcting by the time he was two. The doctors told us that a hole that size would not close on its own. My baby would need open-heart surgery.

  My aunt told me to visualize his heart closing up and to say each day, “Kyle is heart-healthy! Kyle is heart-healthy!” I visualized and said my mantra over and over every day.

  When we took Kyle for his pre-op appointment, the cardiologist ran the usual tests, the EKG, and the ultrasound of Kyle’s heart, and the hole had closed by more than 50 percent. The procedure was put off for six months with the additional possibility of a less invasive alternative to open-heart surgery. I continued to visualize my child with a healthy heart, and six months later, the hole had closed even more.

  Once more the doctor said, “Let’s wait.” We waited and watched Kyle thrive. My little boy, who used to get winded when walking across a room, was now running at top speed and not slowing down to catch his breath. I continued to visualize and believe.

  At our final appointment, after all the usual tests, the cardiologist came bounding into the room and said, “I never want to see you here again. The hole is closed.” He showed me the X-ray, and it was. The doctor called it a major miracle. He had never seen a hole that size close in such a short amount of time.

  Because of the power of The Secret, my son has truly been given a new life.

  – Franci K., Doylestown, Pennsylvania, USA
  You may wonder how anyone can maintain unwavering faith in a positive outcome when they are in the midst of a health crisis. As these stories demonstrate, the intention and power of the human spirit is stronger than any adverse event or situation.

  Healing a Pet

  Whatever Secret practices we can use to heal ourselves or our children we can also use for our animals. While you cannot override anyone’s experience if their journey is meant to take a different path, animals are very receptive to positive thoughts and feelings.


  When my beloved German shepherd was ten years old, the vet found a very large tumor, about the size of a grapefruit, on her liver. I had just been divorced and was moving, so I decided I could not go into panic mode. At the time I didn’t know The Secret, so I didn’t try to heal it, I just didn’t give it any attention.

  It took a few months to find a new home and settle in. Then I found a local vet and took my German shepherd for an examination. I didn’t mention the tumor. I was hoping the previous vet was wrong. But the new doctor told me the same thing: a huge tumor was on her liver. The vet said we could do more tests to find out exactly what kind of cancer it was, but it seemed extremely likely to be “bad,” and since my dog was already at the end of her normal life span, which is eight to ten years for German shepherds, that didn’t make a lot of sense to me. I wasn’t going to put her through any more procedures that were unlikely to help her.

  Then I discovered The Secret, and I went straight to work. I told her every night that she was completely healed. I didn’t want to say that the tumor was gone, since I knew not to mention the tumor at all. At first it was hard to think of how to say things positively. So I thought about it and started telling her that all her organs worked perfectly and her digestive system worked perfectly. I told her she was in perfect health. I knew in my heart that she was healed. I told her this every night and whenever I thought of it during the day. I didn’t worry at all. I didn’t have any negative thoughts. I was completely confident that she was healed.

  Well, I went back to the vet four months later. She checked my dog and then checked her again and then again. The vet couldn’t believe it; the tumor was totally gone. She asked what I had done, and I told her I had prayed. I thought that would be a description that she could understand. The vet even wrote “prayers” in the notes.

  – Lucinda M., California, USA

  Lucinda understood that if her affirmations were to work, she had to talk to her dog as if she were perfectly healthy. Focusing on the tumor would only be giving it more power.

  You can change the path of your life from dark to light or from negative to positive. Every single time you focus on the positive, you are bringing more light into your life, and you know that light removes all darkness. Gratitude, love, kind thoughts, words, and actions bring light and eliminate the darkness. Fill your life with the light of positivity.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings


  One day my wonderful twelve-year-old cocker spaniel went off his food, which was absolutely unheard of. He was also struggling to drink, and the water just seemed to pour out of his mouth instead of his being able to swallow.

  I took him to the vet, and while we were in the waiting room, blood started to gush from his mouth. We were rushed into the examining room, and I was told that he would need to be anesthetized to investigate the problem; given his age, they said, it could be an abscess from a rotten tooth. I left him at the vet with arrangements to pick him up later.

  Then came the shocking phone call.

  The vet telephoned while my dog was on the operating table. They had found a massive tumor growing inside his tongue and another underneath his tongue. He also had a lump on his chest. The vet stated that it was a really aggressive form of cancer and the kindest thing would be not to wake him from the anesthetic but to let him drift off to sleep.

  I was horrified and mortified. However, I could not let my dog be put to sleep without being certain of the diagnosis. Going against the vet’s wishes, I instructed him to take biopsies of all the lumps and also to do any necessary dental work. He did as I asked, all the while making me feel as if I were letting my dog suffer unnecessarily and that the dental work would just increase my bill while the dog would not have the time to enjoy its benefits since he probably had no more than two weeks to live.

  When I picked him up and brought him home, the whole family was devastated. That night he was in so much pain that I really did feel I had been selfish and, for a brief time, regretted my decision.

  And then I remembered the teachings of The Secret.

  From that point on, with every fiber of my body, I put all my energy into believing that he had an infection, no cancer, and that he would be fine. I thanked the Universe every spare moment, over and over again, for his healing and being back to his old self. I can truly say that I actually believed it was so and relayed to anyone who would listen that he was fine and well on the road to recovery!

  We had a checkup at the vet a couple of days later, at which time I was given painkillers and antibiotics and told there was nothing more to be done than to make him comfortable. During the week that followed, I put my full trust into his being cured and refused to let myself even think of any other outcome.

  Finally, the vet called with the biopsy results. He was completely shocked, but all tests had come back negative for cancer.

  I was told that it was highly likely they had simply missed the cancer cells, but it was a bit of a fluke that all three biopsies were negative. For me, it wasn’t a fluke or an incorrect result. To top it all off, none of his teeth was bad or needed to be removed!

  I thank the Universe every day for his health and the fact that I didn’t listen to the vet on that miserable day when everything looked bleak!

  – Jane J., Ascot, Berkshire, England

  Happiness Is a Health Elixir

  If you make a decision that from here onward you will give the majority of your attention to happy thoughts, you will begin a process of purifying your body. Those happy thoughts will supply your body with the greatest health-booster you could possibly give it.

  There are endless excuses not to be happy. But if you put happiness off by saying “I’ll be happy when . . .” you’ll not only be delaying happiness for the rest of your life, you’ll also be diminishing the health of your body. Happiness is your body’s miracle health elixir, so be happy now, no excuses!

  To be equally balanced between your heart and your mind is to live a life of bliss. When your heart and mind are balanced, your body is in complete harmony. And so is your life.

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  Keys to Health

  At some point every so-called incurable disease has been cured. There are no hopeless cases.

  Healing through the mind can work harmoniously with traditional medicine.

  If you can imagine and feel being well, you can receive it.

  If you have negative beliefs about your health, you need to change your mind to see your health change.

  Think thoughts of well-being. Speak words of well-being. And imagine yourself completely well.

  No matter what might have manifested, you can change it – with one positive thought and then another.

  To keep your body and mind healthy, don’t believe negative thoughts. Instead, turn your mind to positive thoughts of beauty, love, gratitude, and joy.

  Visualize and let positive pictures of health flood your mind and body.

  Happiness is your body’s miracle health elixir. Give your attention to happy thoughts, and begin the process of purifying your body.

  You can use your positive thoughts and feelings to help heal a child or a pet as you would yourself.

  If there was a particular . . . job you wanted, and you didn’t get it, the Universe is telling you that it was not good enough and did not match your dream. It is also telling you that it has something BETTER and mor
e worthy of you.

  Something better is coming . . . you’re allowed to be excited!

  – The Secret Daily Teachings

  How I Used The Secret for My Career

  Because all of The Secret principles and practices can be used to attract whatever you want to bring into your life, there is no “dead-end job” you can’t turn around or escape; there is no “glass ceiling” you can’t shatter; there is no “dream job” you can’t have.

  Focus on the Positive; Ignore Anything Negative

  If the circumstances of your life aren’t going the way you hoped they would, it’s easy to get down and depressed. But as you now know, and so many people around the world have learned, negative thoughts always attract negative circumstances. On the other hand, when you focus your thoughts on something you want, and you hold that focus, you are in that moment summoning what you want with the mightiest power in the Universe.


  For years I was getting angrier and angrier in jobs. I always seemed to find the worst possible employer to work for. It was all God’s fault, and the angrier I got at God, the worse things seemed to get and the more I hated God.

  When I started working for a local printer doing electronic pre-press, I was always looking around to see if this was going to be the same-old-same-old, or if this place might be different. As far as I could see, everyone was great to work with. I was actually having a good time and enjoying my coworkers and supervisor – until, three months after I started, the printer decided to branch out into digital printing and asked if I would do the electronic pre-press for the new digital printer. I said, “Sure, I’d love to.”