Plantagenet, George, son of Edward IV 41

  Plantagenet, Katherine, daughter of Edward IV, later Countess of Devon 41, 206, 244

  Plantagenet, Margaret, Countess of Salisbury 42, 49-50, 200, 250-1

  Plantagenet, Margaret, daughter of Edward IV 41

  Plantagenet, Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy 23, 226, 232, 234-6, 241-2

  Plantagenet, Mary, daughter of Edward IV 23, 52-3

  Plantagenet, Richard, Duke of Gloucester (see Richard III)

  Plantagenet, Richard, Duke of York (d.1460) 15-17, 28-9, 31, 53, 116, 117, 125, 161

  Plantagenet, Richard, Duke of York (d.1483) 41, 46, 52, 59, 64, 83, 94, 109-14, 114, 135, 140-1, 170-1, 174-5, 177-8, 232, 236, 239-42 (see also under 'Princes in the Tower, The')

  Plantagenet, Richard, of Eastwell, Kent 31, 176-7

  Plantagenet, Richard, son of Clarence 42

  Plymouth, Devon 188

  Pole, Henry, Lord Montagu 250

  Pole, Henry, son of Montagu 250-1

  Pole, Margaret, Countess of Salisbury (see Plantagenet, Margaret)



  Pole, Reginald, Cardinal 250

  de la Pole, Edmund, Earl of Suffolk, 244, 247

  de la Pole, John, Duke of Suffolk 137, 243

  de la Pole, John, Earl of Lincoln 69, 137, 142, 173, 200, 222, 231-2, 234-5, 243

  de la Pole, Richard 244

  de la Pole, William 244

  Pontefract Castle, Yorks 85, 108, 121-3, 155

  Poppelau, Nicholas von 31-2, 129

  Portugal, King of 154

  Potter, Jeremy 173

  Pottyer, Richard 62 Poynings, Sir Edward 237-- 8

  Princes in the Tower, The: declared bastards 124-7; moved to secure apartments in Tower m-12, 114, 139-42, 172; cease to appear 112, 138-40; attendants in Tower 140, 142; potential focus for rebellion 142-3, 162, 164, 172, 184; murder of xiv, 95, 149, 157-9, 191, 205, 218, 243-- 7, 252; date of murder 135, 139, 149, 157, 171; burial 159; alleged reburial 160-1; believed murdered 139, 144, 162, 166, 183, 184, 191-2, 198-9, 225-6, 227-8; controversy and speculation over their fate 163-- 78, 226-7, 231, 235-6; chroniclers' views on 1-13; search for bodies of 225-6, 247, 249; bones, not theirs, found in Tower 251; bones, probably theirs, found in Tower 113, 252-- 4; bones buried in Westminster Abbey 254; bones examined 255-- 8; also mentioned xiii, 1, 9, n, 58, 163, 190, 193, 195, 204, 216, 225, 233, 251 (see also under Edward V, King of England and Plantagenet, Richard, Duke of York and Norfolk)

  Queen's College, Cambridge 23

  Rae, Dr John 61

  Raleigh, Sir Walter 251

  Rastell, John 159-60, 225

  Rastell, William 11

  Ratcliffe, Sir Richard 78, 102, 108, 122-3, 151. 156, 211-12, 216

  Rawcliffe, Carol 179

  Reading Abbey, Berks 19

  Reading, Berks 142

  Redmore Plain, Leics 214-15

  Rennes Cathedral, Brittany 190

  Richard, Duke of York (see

  Plantagenet, Richard) Richard II, King of England 14-15, 89. 139, 165

  Richard III, King of England (formerly Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester): birth 28-9; childhood 29; created Duke of Gloucester 29; honours and appointments 29, 48, 56; possible involvement in death of Edward of Lancaster 26, 30; involved in murder of Henry VI 27-8, 30; character 30, 128-33, 165, 218; military career 30, 55-6, 90; bastards 31, 130, 173, 177, 200, 220, 241-2; appearance 3, 31-3, 116; alleged deformities 31-3, 104, 171; negotiates to marry Anne Neville 24, 33-4; relations with Clarence 33-4, 43; marries Anne Neville 34; relations with Anne Neville 34-5; northern affiliations 2, 93; inherits Warwick's lands 33-6, 43; swears allegiance to future Edward V 39; involvement in Clarence's downfall 48; reaction to Clarence's death 50-1; relations with and attitude to the Wydvilles 51, 55, 58, 62, 66; relations with Hastings 54, 66; loyalty to Edward IV 55, 90, 128-9, 218; Lord of the North



  55~7. 58; relations with City of York 56-7, 155, 216; named Protector of the Realm by Edward IV 63, 71; protectorship opposed by the Wydvilles 64-5, 70, 73, 74-5; informed of Edward IV's death 66, 69; fear of Wydvilles 69-- 70; plans coup against the Wydvilles with Buckingham 70-2, 75-- 7; plots to usurp throne 70, 78, 82, 84, 91-3, 95-9, 101-2, 105-7, 111-- 27; professes loyalty to Edward V 71, 79-82, 85, 88, 90, 134, 171; mourns Edward IV 71; powers as protector limited by Council 74-5, 78; effects coup against Wydvilles 78-9, 84-8; gains contol of Edward V 79-82; moral propaganda of 79, 106, 130; seeks popularity and goodwill of people 82, 102, 143, 156, 189-90, 193; enters London with Edward V 87-8; proclaimed Protector of the Realm 89-90; as Protector 94-127; plans and accomplishes elimination of the Wydvilles and other opponents 91-3, 102, 106, in; moves against Hastings 97-8, 100-- 7; plots for and gains control of York 98, 109-n, 171-2; imprisons Princes in Tower 111-13; contemplates and plots death of Princes 113, 147-52, 156-8, 171-2; title to throne 124-6; usurpation of throne 126-8, 133, 192, 224; accession ceremonies 128; piety 130-2; books owned by 131, 133; court of 132-3; architectural interests and works 133; interest in chivalry and heraldry 133; interest in music 133; patron of scholars 123; unpopularity 128, 133, 136, 143, 198-9, 211; dependence on magnates 133-6, 140, 143, 186, 189; coronation 136-7; progress 138, 142-3, 147-51. 155-7. 185, 189; alienates Buckingham 148, 151, 180; as king 155-6, 192-3, 220; promotion of northerners 134, 140-1, 214; conspiracies against him, 1483 n, 143-7, 149, 155. 170-90; guilty of murder of Princes: arguments for and against 163-78, 184, 197-8, 225-8, 246, 258; rewards Princes' murderers 160; allegedly orders reburial of Princes 160-1; spreads rumours of Princes' deaths 161-2; perhaps informs Buckingham of Princes' murder 179; effect of murder of Princes on his security and reputation 183-- 7, 191. !93. 198-9. 217-18, 227, 247; insecure as king 189-90, 199, 205, 211; only Parliament of 192-3; compels Elizabeth Wydville to release her daughters from sanctuary 194-6, 232; grief over son's death 197-8; chooses successor 200-1, 222; establishes Council of the North 200; plans to marry Elizabeth of York 202-13, 223; callous treatment of Anne Neville 206-7; possible involvement in death of Anne Neville 5, 210-11; conspiracy to overthrow him, 1485 7, 11, 213-14; takes up arms against Henry Tudor 214-15; killed at Battle of Bosworth 215-16; treatment of corpse 216-17; burial and tomb 217; posthumously attainted 224-5; chroniclers' views on 1-13, 217-18, 249; controversy about xiii, 1-13; revisionist view of xiv, 11-- 12; also mentioned 2, 3, 22, 24, 29, 62, 85, 91, 142, 144, 173, 196-7, 200-1, 219, 229, 232, 236, 240, 243, 244, 252, 257-8

  Richard III Society, The xiv, 217, 256



  Richard of Clarence (see Plantagenet, Richard) Richard of Conisburgh, Earl of Cambridge 15

  Riley, H. T. 5

  Rochefort, Guillaume de, Chancellor of France 191-2

  Rogers, Dr Juliet 257-8

  Roper, Sir John 11

  Roper, William 10

  Rose and Crown Inn, Stony Stratford 77

  Ross, Professor Charles 257

  Ross, Dr Jean 257-8

  Rotherham, Thomas, Archbishop of York 64, 83-6, 88, 91, 93, 97, 99, 101-4, 107, 136, 151, 207

  Rous, John 5, 7, 28-9, 31-5, 43, 60, 63, 69, 75-6, 81, 88, 90, 95, 97, 121-4, 129, 133, 142, 158, 168, 171, 193-4, 199-200, 210-n, 215, 218, 223, 225

  Royal Collection, The 32

  Royal College of Physicians, The 174

  Royal Mint, The 89

  Roye, Jean de 49

  Russell, John, Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Chancellor 4, 59, 64, 90-1, 98, 102, 106, 110-11, 114-15, 135, 145, 187, 214

  St Albans, Battle of, 1455 16

  St Albans, Battle of, 1461 17

  St Albans, Herts 86-- 7

  St George's Chapel, Windsor 18, 59, 69, 105, 161, 234

  St John's Hospital, Clerkenwell 88, 212

  St Leger, Sir Thomas 185, 188

  St Martin le Grand, Priory of, London 34, 160

  St Osyth's Priory, Essex 235

  St Paul's Cathedral, London 27, 88, 96, 107, 116, 128, 130, 234

  St Paul's School, L
ondon 174

  St Pol, Count of 20, 22

  St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster 34, 46

  Salic Law, The 15, 219

  Salisbury, Wilts 108, 185, 187

  Sanctuary, The, Westminster Abbey 24-5, 83, 110-11, 144-5. 181, 194-195

  Sandwich, Kent 58

  Santa Cruz, Prior of 229

  Scrope, Lady 25

  Sebert, King of the East Saxons 210

  Selaby, Co. Durham 141

  Serigo, Dr 24, 26

  Settlement, Act of, 1484 (see 'Titulus Regius')

  Settlement, Act of, 1485 221-2

  Shaa, Sir Edmund, Lord Mayor of London 81, 112, 115-16, 121

  Shaa, Dr Ralph 116-17, 224

  Shakespeare, William 11-12, 170, 249

  Sheen Palace, Surrey 37, 50

  Sheriff Hutton Castle, Yorks 85, 102, 121-2, 173, 200, 214, 219

  Sheriff Hutton Church, Yorks 197

  Sherwood Forest 214

  Shore, Elizabeth 54-5, 65, 100, 104, 107-8, 130, 187

  Shore, William 54-5, 187

  Shrewsbury, Salop 214

  Simnel, Lambert 231-5, 242

  Simnel, Richard 235

  Simnel, Thomas 235

  Sixtus IV, Pope 41

  Slaughter, William 140, 142, 158, 160

  Society of Antiquaries of London, The 32

  Somerset, Duke of (see Beaufort, Edmund)

  Song of the Lady Bessy' 7, 61, 158, 168, 196, 208, 211, 213

  Speed, John 11

  Stacey, Dr John 44-5

  Stafford, 5th Earl of 67



  Stafford, Edward, 3rd Duke of Buckingham 188, 222

  Stafford, Henry, 2nd Duke of Buckingham 22, 39, 47-8, 67-9, 71-2, 75-81, 86-8, 90-1, 95-7, 99, 101-2, 104-7, 109-11, 113-16, 121-7, 133, 135, 137, 140, 142-5, 148-9, 151-2, 172, 179-89. 193. 214, 222, 225, 228

  Stafford, Sir Henry 153

  Stafford, Humphrey, 1st Duke of Buckingham 67

  Stafford, Staffs 214

  Stallworthe, Simon 98-9, 110-11, 115, 119

  Stanley, Thomas, Lord, later Earl of Derby 7, 61-2, 64, 88, 98-9, 102-4, 107, 136, 152, 154, 189, 196, 215, 216, 220, 228, 237

  Stanley, Sir William 211, 215-16, 220, 237

  Star Chamber, The, Westminster 93, 111

  Stephen, King of England 154

  Stillington, Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Lord Chancellor 50, 88, 118-21, 137, 202, 220, 223-4, 235

  Stoke, Battle of, 1487 226, 234-5, 243

  Stonor Letters, The 2

  Stonor, Sir William 98, 115

  Stony Stratford, Northants 21, 77, 79

  Stow, John 31, 97, 144

  Stratford, John 23

  Strasbourg, France 108

  Sudeley Castle, Gloucs 118, 133

  Suffolk, Duke of (see de la Pole, John)

  Suffolk, Duchess of (see Plantagenet, Elizabeth)

  Swynford, Katherine, Duchess of Lancaster 15, 153

  Symonds, Richard 231-2

  Talbot, Eleanor (see Butler, Eleanor)

  Talbot, Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk 137, 170

  Talbot, Sir Gilbert 236

  Talbot, John, Earl of Shrewsbury 118

  Talbot, Sir John 118

  Tanner, Dr Lawrence E. 255-- 8

  Taunton, Somerset 238

  Tetzel, Gabriel 37

  Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucs 30, 42, 49

  Tewkesbury, Battle of, 1471 26, 30, 94. 150

  Tewkesbury, Gloucs 148

  Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester 67, 165

  Thoresby, John 44

  Tickenhill Manor, Bewdley, Worcs 40

  Tiptoft, John, Earl of Worcester 51

  Tirel, Walter 150

  'Titulus Regius', Art of Settlement, 1484 4, 11, 117-18, 124, 126, 192, 204, 219-20, 222-4

  Toulouse, France 6

  Tournai, Picardy 236, 241-2

  Tours, France 191

  Tower Hill, London 239, 245, 247

  Tower of London, The 6, 12, 17, 24-5, 27-8, 37, 46, 49, 64, 83, 86, 88-9, 93-4. 99. 102, 105-13, 126, 135-6, 140-4, 147-50, 157-9, 161-4, 169-72, 176, 195, 219, 225, 232-4, 238, 240, 244-5, 250-5, 258

  Towton, Battle of, 1461 17, 20, 53, 94

  'Trial of Richard III, The' (Channel 4) 163, 257

  Tudor, Arthur, Prince of Wales 6, 228-9, 232, 235, 246

  Tudor dynasty 184, 216, 222-3, 228, 235, 251

  Tudor, Edmund, Earl of Richmond 62, 152-3

  Tudor, Henry, Earl of Richmond (see Henry VII)



  Tudor, Jasper, Earl of Pembroke, later Duke of Bedford 153-4, 180, 185

  Tudor, Margaret, Queen of Scotland 229, 234, 251

  Tudor, Mary, Queen of France 229

  Tudor, Owen 153

  Tudor-Craig, Pamela, Lady Wedgwood 179

  Twynho, Ankarette 43-5, 49

  Twynho, Roger 49

  Tyburn, London 44, 188, 239

  Tyrell, Sir James 35, 107, 147, 150-1, 156-60, 169-70, 176, 225, 243-9, 253

  Tyrell, Mary 170, 245

  Tyrell, Thomas 245, 248

  Urbino, Italy 7

  Urswick, Christopher n, 180-2

  Valera, Diego de 167, 215, 217-18

  Vaughan, Sir Thomas (d. 1483) 39-40, 75. 79. 80-1, 85-6, 91, 102, 121-3, 164

  Vaughan, Sir Thomas, of Brecknock 187

  Vaux.Joan 174

  Vaux, Sir Nicholas 174

  Vere, John de, Earl of Oxford 154

  Vergil, Polydore 2, 4, 7-9, 11, 21, 26, 28, 31-3, 43, 48, 50, 61, 63, 70-1, 78, 99, 102-4, 106-7, 109, 111, 117, 121, 123, 126, 129, 141-2, 147-8, 151, 156, 158, 162, 166, 171, 172, 180-1, 184-5, 188, 194, 200, 206-8, 211-12, 214-17, 223-4, 229, 232, 238, 244, 247

  Vienna, Austria 237

  Vienne, Archbishop of 2

  Wakefield, Battle of, 1460 17

  Warbeck, John 241-2

  Warbeck, Katherine 241-2

  Warbeck, Perkin 231, 236-42

  Warenne family 15

  Warkworth, John 25, 27-8

  Wars of the Roses, The 15-17, 20, 61, 67, 127, 164, 184, 220

  Warwick Castle 42, 133, 149-51. 156

  Warwick 142

  Warwick Guildhall 44

  Waterford, Ireland 237

  Watling Street 75

  Waurin, Jean de 21, 25, 53, 58

  Wayte, Elizabeth (see Lucy, Elizabeth)

  Webb, John or Jonathan 251

  Welles, Avice 39

  Welshpool, Salop 214 Wenlock, Lord 21

  Westminster Abbey, London 18, 24-5. 34. 52, 69, 83, 100, 110, 123, 137, 145, 210, 221, 228, 254-6

  Westminster Hall, London 128, 137, 203, 205

  Westminster Palace, London 25, 37, 42, 45-6, 58, 62, 64, 73, 84, 88, 93, 97, 102, 111, 123, 136, 190, 195, 204, 216, 219

  Westmorland, Earl of (see Neville, Ralph)

  White Horse Inn, Leicester

  White, William 257

  Whitelaw, Archibald 31, 129

  Whiteside, Mr 254

  Whittlebury Forest 21

  Wigmore, Edward de 118

  Wigmore, Richard 118

  William II 'Rufus', King of England 150

  William of Worcester 29

  Williamson, Audrey 172, 176

  Willoughby, Sir Robert 219

  Winchelsea, Earls of 176-7

  Winchester, City of 257

  Windsor Castle, Berks 37, 45-6, 137, 142, 235

  Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal 7, 192

  Woodstock Palace, Oxon 143



  Woodville (see Wydville)

  Worcester, City of 152

  Wren, Sir Christopher 254

  Wright, Professor W. 255-8

  Wycliffe, John 131

  Wydville, Anthony, Earl Rivers 20, 40-1, 43, 49, 53-4, 58-60, 63, 64, 66, 68-9, 71, 73, 75-81, 85-6, 91-2, 95, 99, 102, 105, 121-3, 141, 143, 160, 164-5, 212

  Wydville, Sir Edward 48, 75, 83, 93, 144, 228

  Wydville, Elizabeth, Queen of England 19-25. 35. 38-46, 48, 50-5, 57-
68, 70-3, 77, 80, 82-5, 88, 90-2, 96, 98, 100-1, 104, 109-111, 117-19, 124, 126, 140, 144-5. 164-5, 168, 173, 176, 178, 181-2, 189-90, 193-4. 19S-8, 202-3, 205, 212-13, 222, 224, 228, 230, 232-4

  Wydville, Emma de 19

  Wydville family 19-20, 22, 39, 41, 43-5, 5i, 54-5, 57-8, 60-2, 64-6, 68-70, 72-5, 78-83, 86-7, 92, 96, 101-3, 111, 113, 124, 144-5, 164, 180, 182, 185, 189, 204, 214, 233

  Wydville, Joan 20

  Wydville, Sir John 20, 24, 44

  Wydville, Katherine, Duchess of Buckingham and Bedford 22, 68, 137, 228

  Wydville, Lionel, Bishop of Salisbury 22, 83, 108, 144, 155, 185, 188

  Wydville, Richard (I) 19

  Wydville, Richard (II), Earl Rivers 19-22, 24, 40-1, 44

  Wydville, Richard (III) 144, 189, 228

  Wydville, William de 19

  York, City of 31, 56-7, 70-2, 101-2, 108, 113, 115, 122, 151, 155-7, 159, 166, 185, 200, 216

  York Civic Records 31, 72, 122

  York, Dukes of (see Edmund of Langley; Plantagenet Richard -- 2 entries; Henry VIII)

  York, House of 17, 53, 56, 61, 67, 72, 111, 127, 155, 165, 184, 200, 203, 217, 219, 222, 226, 229, 232, 239, 246

  York Place, Westminster 84

  York Roll, The 5, 32, 34



  About the Author

  Alison Weiris the author of The Six Wives of Henry VIII, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy, The Wars of the Roses, The Children of Henry VIII, The Life of Elizabeth I, and Eleanor of Aquitaine. She lives in Surrey with her husband and two children.


  [Captions on pictures from the middle of the book]

  1 above Richard III: early 17th century (?) copy of a portrait by an anonymous artist of c. 1518-23 in the Royal Collection. When this picture was painted the legend of the villainous 'crookbacked king' with one shoulder higher than the other was firmly established.

  2 above right The earliest surviving portrait of Richard, dating from c. 1516-22 and almost certainly a copy of a lost original painted from life, shows no apparent deformity.

  3 right The 'Broken Sword' portrait by an unknown artist, f.1533-43. X-rays show that drastic alterations were made later on, when Richard's reputation was rehabilitated, to give the deformed-looking king a more normal appearance.


  4 Edward IV: his son Edward. the elder of the two Princes, was 'his greatest joy'.

  5 Elizabeth Wydville: 'everyone, as he was nearest of kin unto the Queen, was so planted next about the Prince, whereby her blood might of youth be rooted in the Prince's favour' (Sir Thomas More).