The next acknowledgement goes to Lindsay Brooks. You'll never know how much your friendship and support means to me. Not only do you listen to me rant and rave, but you actually read my stories too! I'm beginning to think of you as my twin on the other side of the world!

  On to my beta readers who were willing to look through my story at its very worst and help me iron out the biggest problems. This thank you is for Sandra and Alaina Martinie, Andrea Reed, Ashley Morrison from Book Labyrinth, my awesome author friend Ada Frost, Ami from Romance Readaholic, and Michelle & Pepper from All Romance Reviews.

  Stephanie Parent, who agreed to be my editor this time around, deserves a hearty applause for catching so many mistakes! And yet another standing ovation goes to Brynna Curry from Sizzling PR for proofreading!

  Some more casual proofreaders I'd like to thank are: Mary Crawford. And then Cindy Alexander, Jamie Hixon, Sandra Martinie, Laina Martinine, Shi Ann Crumpacker, and Katie Cap. Thanks guys. Best family ever.

  And who could forget Lisa Filipe of Tasty Book Tours? Even with a second baby on the way, she fit in the time to set up a cover reveal and book tour for me.

  But the grand finale of all thank yous goes to the Good Lord who's given me way more blessings than I deserve.

  Thank you, all!


  Linda grew up on a dairy farm in the Midwest as the youngest of eight children. Now she lives in Kansas with her husband, daughter, and their nine cuckoo clocks. Her life's been blessed with lots of people to learn from and love. Writing's always been a major part her world, and she’s so happy to finally share some of her stories with other romance lovers. Please visit her at her website



  Linda Kage, To Professor, With Love



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