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  Transcriber's Notes:

  Added table of contents.

  Inconsistent hyphenation ("getaway" vs. "get-away") retained fromoriginal.

  Italics are represented with _underscores_, bold with =equal signs=.

  Page 3, corrected typo "CHAPER" in "CHAPTER II" heading.

  Page 4, added missing quote after "I'll go and talk with him. Come on,Matt, you and McGlory."

  Page 11, corrected "interposel" to "interposed" after "Don't be toosure of that."

  Page 15, corrected typo "a?oplane" in "repaired a?roplane."

  Page 16, corrected "fo" to "to" in "Burton rode up to."

  Page 17, changed ? to ! in "Don't talk to me!"

  Page 19, changed oe ligature to "oe" in "manoeuvred" (ligature retainedin HTML version).

  Page 24, removed extra quote after "trick or two" and before "Well."Corrected "Burton" to "Carter" in "Carter was thoughtful for a fewmoments."

  Page 25, corrected single to double quote after "You took that forgranted, Carter."

  Page 28, added missing accent to A?roplane in contents of next issue(twice).

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Stanley R. Matthews's Novels