frames of this world?
"Let's call Room Service -- and find out!"
our children will ask "Why?"
and "How come?" and our answers
will never fully satiate
our past days will mount
a testimony to rationalization
and embarrass us with its surrender
to feebleness
"If you believe, why didn't you ... ?"
"If you loved, why didn't you ... ?"
"If you desired, why didn't you ... ?"
like chinese wall posters, in time
they are pasted over
but at the grave they will whisper
"Who was it he/she really loved?"
(who is that creature bound by parentheses?)
"I hope she/he is happy, now."
with footsteps muffled by the noise of the world
we are delegated to footnotes
in textbooks of irrelevance
unless we scrawl our children
other lines to rehearse
Satisfied at Breakfast
in the dark he walked
to ask logical questions of the magician
"Your wonders must mean that you are a god
for A+B always equals C, isn't that true?!”
"Yes, that is true," the magician answered
"but more true is that you were born of a woman
and that unless the spirit of woman births you,
you will not truly understand
that C always equals A + B."
these words of logic greatly satisfied
the ignorance sought under the dark sky
and Nicodemus readied another clever question within his mind
"B is C minus A, as always it must be,
so tell me magician of the wind
only flesh can have spirit and thus
a spirit have only flesh, isn't that true, too?!"
"truth again," the magician exclaimed
“resides in A being always C minus B
and if you disbelieve that be not dismayed
for the things in heaven are known only on earth
as earth is the stuff the heavens are made of."
as the dark equated itself into the dawn of light
(as it always must be, isn't that true!)
the logical man went home to his breakfast
satisfied that truth questioned will always
find its rest in logical answers.
Show me your heart!
I am in need of a friend
for once again that time has come
when the world has become undone
do birds drop from the skies where you live?
bringing messages of hearts afire
with ageing desires for a warm embrace
a cup of coffee, a toast with tea
a greeting from he to she
is it really all this simple?
that to unfold the world
I need only pause a moment
and look deeply into your eyes
Is that where flowers are born
and the filth of pollution washed away?
I want to ask someone
a priest, a friend, that man with the gun
is it really that simple?
that to live in a world not undone
all i have to do is release
the sun within my heart
and take a message from a friend
"Yes! I love you, again."
Swanee: Proclamation and Response
If the world were but a stone
I'd carry it as a kid's treasure
and glance, now and then, at the merriment
of sun spars dancing off its face
If the world were but a tree
I'd picnic beneath her leafy veil
and wonder far beyond her spire
with no fear of insecurity
If the world were but water and sky
I'd float between on dreamy clouds
and conjure up a world of play
and become mother to night and day
If the world were but child and child
I'd dance and laugh and conspire
to draw a heart four miles wide
and giggle without embarrassment
If the world were but ...
This primal ember in her hearth
would quench itself upon her tears
and roust out all her misted fears
Yes, Swanee, like the river erupts
commingling cavernous root and mud,
blind mists and ancient blood
to set free a form, a shape
wilded by love, yet
stooping to gently kiss a face
The Divorce
you sat there like an Ambassador
from one of those interminably small nations
which only National Geographic exposes to shcoolboy eyes
but you brought a message which rocked my world
you had no proper papers nor aide de camps
but you carried the moment with a strange authority
i doubt if the proper world would find it impressive
that you had irreproachable authority
derived from the mastery of powerlessness and motherly love
yet as i listened to your between the platters
of seaweed and raw fish
i sensed that enough witches had died
and that now your nation had deemed to risk visibility
as they disappear in Latin America, you said
so they must appear somewhere
other than in a mother's heart
i know now that your problem lay in a simple confusion
you speak words with mirror meanings
to a people who read only left to right
who knows the victory garnered by accepting defeat?
who feels the strength in the surrender of the powerless?
who accepts love as the gift of being violently seized?
i understand your words
(and your magic did not transform me into a toad!)
but i am as perplexed a male tonight
as at the moment i saw you god spitting forth our child
The Ninth Month Symphony
as a virgin-bearded youth
i chuckled with Minnesota frostiness
at Horace in his Odes jeeringly enticing
the artful nymph to prime his pump
embers, he said, are to be held sacred
for from their memories fire is spewed
i read between the lines
and saw the mists of eager breathings
on the old sage's face!
within my loins i tattooed his ode
and waited eons for the maid to approach
how was i to know that the minstrel
sight read by sign language?
i was caught in spotlight nakedness
in the darkened room
the nymph moistened my reed
and floated forth the tune of ancient waitings
as ole Horace must have, so I trembled
with the bass contralto
and quivered with the soprano's pitch
when has such ancient memory
in full arrangement
been conducted forth from the embers of my yearnings?
as if again the virgin-bearded
i was sculpted into a figure
of astonished pleasure,
violated at every sense
during our first ever symphony
when has my sense of powerlessness
br /> been so rewarded by a peace
which wrapped me like a child
just before the moment of birth?
it is this agedness in all its impotency of fear
and this peaceful powerlessness of the virgin-bearded
which drop as cloaks from my soul
as i dance to this minstrel's alluring ode
as Horace in his graceful gesture
gave her seed for children of the spirit
so on the wings of my breathings
i will charm one daughter, one son
from your delicious ears!
The Piano Player at Ferns
I saw you among grandmother's fine porcelain
in your place, studiously assigned
aureoled by spars of ice crystal and silver gleams
planted in your pottery pot simplicity
such refinement of ore and sand
betrayed an artistic shiver
while your form bore the robust play
of deftly thrown delight
I could hear the sounds of glass
tinkling and the chatter
of knives and forks
which despite their purified character
were but mere tools for the mouth
Your sound was soft as the leaf
which laps air
and the impulse of your weight
in my hand
took me back to my innocent days
when every random thing peered
a magical face around the corner of my eye
As you sit amidst such practiced manners
I laugh at the joke
your indignity of peasant clay plays
and I am anxious for dinner to begin
and to pour from you into me
The Triangle
(for Debra and her mother)
i have come here to sit with you, dear mother
(i am sorry that i must sit alone)
and i bring your favorite things to share, dear mother
(please know I will never leave you alone)
what are these memories we, are to share:
of skinned knees and teased hair
the times i came to you for evening kiss
oh! so many forgetful pains I cannot list!
i remember oh so well the day i broke my bone
(see, he'll call me on your bedside telephone)
i laugh when i see myself in her and she in you
(don't panic, dear, please sleep, he'll come at two)
oh! mother dear your sleeping face is battered
by oceanic tides and forests shattered
i see a vision in your lidded eyes
yes, i know that through me you will never die!
what can i say in these brief moments of respite?
(he's coming, mother, i am sure, tonight)
how can i tell you all i want to say?
(this man, forgive him, lives on the other side of the grave)
this pledge i seal upon your lips with balm
i will, like you, refuse the calm
i'll seek the storm, the drought, the crystal snow
you'll live within me