manufacturing, manufacturers, 31, 254, 309, 584
Marconi, Guglielmo, 233
Marine Band, 5, 89, 146, 573, 579, 716
Marines, U.S., 507
Marseillaise, 103
Marshall, Edward, 228–29
Marshall, John, 498
Marshall, Thomas, 746
Martin, Elbert, 732
Marx, Karl, 198
Maryland, 349, 556
direct primaries in, 687, 696
Massachusetts, 7, 84, 164, 185, 301, 308, 313, 406, 514, 546, 556, 650, 651, 684
direct primaries in, 687, 693–95, 696
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 551
Massachusetts Supreme Court, 386
Massillon, Ohio, 184–85
mass production, 158
Matterhorn, 65–66
Matthews, James Brander, 228
Matthews, John, 617
Matthews, Stanley, 26
May Day strike of 1886, 103
Mayflower, 433, 659, 701
Meadville, Penn., 172, 173
“Measure of Taft, The” (Baker), 631
meat inspection act, 12
meatpacking, 340
strike, 459
Mechanics Hall, 695
mechanization, 158
Medal of Honor, 512
Medora, 111, 123, 159
“Memories” (Edith Roosevelt), 119
Memphis, Tenn., 214, 219
Mercy Hospital, 733–34
Meredith, Owen, 118
Meriden, Conn., 419
Merrifield, Bill, 110, 124
Metropolitan magazine, 745–46
Meyer, George, 563, 567, 592
Miami University of Ohio, 88
Michigan, 152, 534, 665, 673, 685
Michigan, University of, 267
Michigan Agricultural College, 181
Michigan State College, 181, 354
Middlebury College, 162
middle class, 189
trusts and, 254
Middle East, 41
Midwest, 300, 450, 474
farmers in, 191
radical candidates in, 192
Wilson in, 727
Milan, 331
Miles, Nelson, 223
Mill, John Stuart, 93
Millbury, Mass., 22, 303, 532
Miller, William, 145, 148, 152, 154
Millet, Frank, 683
Milton, John, 117
Milwaukee, Wisc., 139, 601, 732–33
Milwaukee Hospital, 733
mines, miners, 11, 158, 527
children in, 311–12
hazardous conditions in, 638
non-union, 402–3
silver, 307
strike by coal, 311–19
minimum wage, 76–77
Minneapolis, Minn., 293, 324, 369
Steffens on corruption in, 371–72, 373, 374
Minneapolis Journal, 345, 408, 423
Minneapolis Times, 400
Minneapolis Tribune, 384
Minnesota, 344, 371, 400, 565, 587, 603, 643, 657
insurgents in, 627
Minnesota State Fair, 293
Mischler, Wendell W., 503
Miss Comstock’s School, 117, 123
Mississippi, 306, 349, 376, 456
Mississippi River, 601
Mississippi Valley, 189
Missouri, 123, 270, 339, 345, 377–78, 414, 422, 650, 684, 705
Steffens on corruption in, 375–76
Missouri River, 607
Missouri Supreme Court, 372–73
Miss Sattery’s School for Italian Children, 37
Mitchell, John, 311–18, 356
Mitchell, S. Weir, 328
Mobil, 443
Moderate Party, Cuban, 505–6
Modern Instance, A (Howells), 163, 190
Monetary Commission, 601
monopolies, 171, 172, 194, 218, 307, 330, 386, 404, 606, 669
congressional action against, 342
oil, 201
Standard Oil as, 441
see also anti-trust
Monroe Doctrine, 294, 350
Monson Academy, 22
Montague, Gilbert, 340
Montana, 349, 351, 517, 608, 609, 610, 683
irrigation project in, 352
Montauk, N.Y., 232, 235
Mont Blanc, 469
Montpelier, Vt., 411–12
Montreal, 665
Montserrat Club, 582
Montserrat Station, 599
Moody, John, 529
Moody, William, 502, 505
Moore, Frederick E., 105
Moore & Schley, 529
Moore Lime Company, 102
Moore’s & Co. v. Bricklayers’ Union et al., 102, 216
More, Eleanor Herron, 581–82
Morgan, John, 321
Morgan, J. P., 31, 294, 322, 388, 617
banking house of, 418, 683
on coal strike, 317–19
as “one-man Federal Reserve,” 528–29
United States Steel and, 297–98, 299, 667
Morgan-Guggenheim Company, 611, 617
Morgans, 386, 450
Morley, John, 5
Morocco, 426, 428
Morris, Gouverneur, 129
Morris, Sylvia, 128, 306
Morris, William, 168
Morse, Charles W., 527–28
Morton, Levi, 147
Morton, Paul, 250
Morton Hall, 67
Mount Holyoke College, 22
Mowry, George, 300, 481
“Mrs. Roosevelt: The Woman in the Background” (Daggett), 576–77
Mt. Auburn, Ohio, 21, 24, 25, 87, 149
Mt. Vernon, 580
mugwumps, 235
Muir, John, 351
Municipal Voters’ League, Chicago, 368
Munn v. Illinois, 192
Munsey, Frank, 683, 708–9
Munsey Building, 683
Murdock, Victor, 627
Murray, Annie, 4
Murray, Joe, 7, 67–68
Murray Bay, 219, 411, 412–13, 502–4
Muskogee, Okla., 439
“My Country, Tis of Thee,” 305
“My Dream Castles” (Edith Roosevelt), 118–19
Myopia Hunt Club, 582, 599, 613
Myrdal, Gunnar, 494
Nahant, Mass., 640
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 176–77, 225, 330
Narraganset Pier, 91
Narramore case, 217–18
Nashville, Tenn., 214
Nast, Thomas, 83
Nation, 165, 279
Nation, Carrie, 407
National Cathedral School, 367, 414, 577
National Civil Federation (NCF), Women’s Welfare Department of, 577
National Conservation League, 627
national forests, 517
National Geographic Society, 653
National Herald, 660
National Irrigation Congress, 608, 611
national monuments, 466
national parks, 351
National Progressive League, 656
National Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party), 712, 714–15, 722–29, 732–33, 735–36, 738, 740–41
convention of, 714, 717, 718–23, 727
National Rifle Association, 664
National Tribune, 531, 619, 621, 622, 670
natural resources, 173
protection of, 11, 12
Naval War of 1812, The (Roosevelt), 65–66
Navy, U.S., 285, 294, 296, 350
Asiatic Fleet of, 223
Portsmouth base of, 433
TR as assistant secretary of, 203, 213, 221–23, 500
Navy Department, U.S., 203, 223–24, 249–50
Nebraska, 191, 248, 313, 511, 523, 628, 643, 670
direct primary in, 684
negligence, 217
Neidig, Robert, 364–65
Neill, Charles P., 462
Nelson, Knute, 344, 593, 625, 714
/> Nelson, William, 534
Nelson amendment, 344–45
Nevada, 263
irrigation project in, 352
Newberry, Truman, 567
New England, 23, 222, 267, 277, 313, 414, 476, 602
insurgency in, 628
TR’s campaign against trusts in, 307–8
New Freedom, 730–31
New Hampshire, 308, 671, 682
New Haven, Conn., 22, 23, 32, 105, 149, 647, 650, 663
New Jersey, 7, 115, 413, 497, 651, 674, 713, 722
direct primary in, 684, 696
railroads in, 445
Newlands Reclamation Act, 306
New Mexico, 249, 250
statehood for, 466, 638
New Nationalism, 643–45, 651, 719, 731–32
New Orleans, La., 337, 733
Newport, R.I., 366–67
New Republic, 643–44
Newsboys’ Lodging House, 37
newspaper and magazine publishers’ dinner, 339
newspapers, 674, 675
progressive, 406
in wake of Panic of 1893, 169
newspaper syndicates, 173
McClure’s, 166–70, 476
Newton, Isaac, 94
Newton, Kans., 251
New Woman:
Nellie Taft as, 220, 578
Tarbell as, 339
New York, N.Y., 22, 47, 51, 99, 100, 109–10, 112, 115, 123, 126, 134, 143, 166, 178, 180, 193, 220, 221, 226, 228, 231, 234, 242, 249, 261, 300, 317, 327, 329, 331, 354, 355, 358, 369, 440, 472, 473, 480, 495, 524, 525, 532, 555, 556, 577, 619, 624, 637, 639, 661, 677, 681, 684, 730, 731, 734, 737
Alphonso Taft’s distaste for, 23
builders’ union in, 362–64
Fuller Construction Company in, 362–64
Harry Taft in, 104
legal community of, 299
Lower East Side of, 168
McClure’s in, 175–76
machine politicians in, 67–68, 155, 246, 255, 266; see also Platt, Thomas Collier; Tammany Hall
police corruption in, 371
as social center, 578
Steffens on corruption in, 369, 373–74
Sunday closing laws in, 209–11
TR asked to run for mayor of, 155–56
TR as police commissioner of, 7, 156, 195, 200–201, 203–14, 217, 228, 232, 242, 244, 387
TR’s arrival in, 1, 2–3, 13, 19–20
TR’s childhood in, 4
TR’s weekly visits to, 242–43, 246, 256–57
Washington compared to, 134–35
White and, 188–89, 195, 282, 439, 492
New York American, 594, 599, 641
New York Central Railroad, 179, 418
New York Commercial Advertiser, 213, 235, 236, 237, 243, 247, 248–49, 256–57, 259
New York County Committee, 640
New York Court of Appeals, 78
New York Customs House, 138
New York Evening Journal, 226
New York Evening Mail, 529
New York Evening Post, 155, 207, 211, 322, 464, 551, 592, 651
anti-TR policy at, 255–57, 413
Steffens at, 195, 199–200, 208, 212–13, 242
New York Evening Sun, 204, 205
New York Evening World, 461, 681
New York Harbor, 3
New York Herald, 70, 72, 75, 151, 299, 413
New York Journal, 228
New York Post, 463
New York Press, 177, 228, 592
New York Public Library, 333
New York state, 23, 45, 277, 284, 297, 333, 413, 414, 481–82, 513, 535, 547, 549, 556, 639, 650, 651, 684, 704
bosses in, 641, 647, 701
direct primaries in, 687, 688–89, 696
1912 Republican convention in, 648–49
nominating system in, 686
reformers defeated in, 380
TR as governor of, 213, 239–59, 239, 272, 274, 368, 387, 481, 500
TR’s popularity in, 273
western, 555
New York State Assembly, 88, 110, 246
TR in, 7, 68–79, 82, 83–85, 126, 138, 213, 232
New York Stock Exchange, 528–29
New York Sun, 70, 280, 294, 356, 482, 487, 488, 501, 568, 698
on Taft, 504, 508, 522, 571
on Taft’s candidacy, 549, 551
on Taft’s inauguration, 569
on TR, 128, 137, 208, 280, 415, 423, 523, 527, 679, 736
on TR’s New Nationalism, 644–45
New York Times, 2, 70, 81, 385, 413, 457, 461, 463, 465–66, 641, 656, 729
on Addyston pipe case, 218
on assassination attempt on TR, 734
on Brownsville incident, 513, 514
on Bull Moose Convention, 719, 721
on Campbell incident, 59
on Carow bankruptcy, 116
on corporate campaign contributions, 417
on La Follette, 673, 675
on muckrakers, 538
on Nellie, 16, 576, 579
on 1912 state conventions, 685
reviews of TR’s books by, 66, 112
on Senate elections, 291–92
on Steffens, 375
on Taft, 105, 519, 521, 638
on Taft and the tariff, 592, 599, 602, 603, 604
on Taft’s candidacy, 549, 551
on Taft’s Senior Oration at Yale, 32
on TR, 73, 74, 238, 409, 565, 603, 642
on TR and the tariff, 309–10
on TR as anti-business, 527
TR-Edith engagement announced in, 125
on TR Senior’s death, 45
on TR’s 1912 candidacy, 604, 606, 650, 651, 670, 679–80, 687, 695, 702, 706–7
on TR’s presidency, 285, 287
on TR’s return, 6–7, 10
on TR-Wanamaker conflict, 140
on Washington, D.C., 135
on Westbrook case, 71, 72, 73–74, 75
on Wilson, 738
New York Tribune, 621, 640, 706, 711, 734, 744
on Nellie, 576
on Russian-Japanese peace process, 432–33
on Taft, 599, 637, 665
on Taft’s Philippines tour, 431–32
on TR, 511, 564, 712
on TR’s vice-presidential nomination, 262, 263
New York World, 70, 74, 76, 218, 229, 231, 292, 621, 673, 697
on deaths of Alice and Mittie, 81–82
on McClure’s, 325–26
Taft’s interview with, 736–37
on TR, 536, 641, 651
on TR and Sunday closing laws, 211
on TR’s anti-trust suits, 300
on TR’s gubernatorial inauguration, 239–40
Niagara Falls, 5, 160
Nicolay, John, 177
Nile River, 40, 353
Norfolk, Va., 507
Norris, Frank, 170, 225, 327–28, 459
Norris, George, 628
North Carolina, 309
North Dakota, 729
direct primary in, 684, 688, 696
Northeast, coal shortage in, 311, 313
Northern Securities Company, 218, 297–300, 313, 317–18, 321, 322, 386, 398–400, 669
North Hampton, N.H., 93
Northwest, 297
Norton, Charles, 647–48
Norway, 2
Norwich, Conn., 114–15
Notification Committee, 716
Nourse, Edith, 88–89, 94, 103
Oakland, Calif., 735
Oberlin College, 180, 513
Octopus, The (Norris), 327–28
Odell, Benjamin, 242–43, 254
Ohio, 138, 152, 154, 215, 263, 333, 398, 413, 426, 427, 432, 508, 519–20, 521, 545, 555, 561–62, 651, 653, 671, 712, 737
direct primaries in, 687, 696
1904 campaign in, 413
progressives in, 673
railroad safety law in, 217–18
reformers vs. Old Guard in, 378–80
Republican factions in, 434–36
Steffens on,
Ohio Constitutional Convention, 677
Ohio River, 52, 101, 550–51
Ohio Supreme Court, 102, 105–6
oil, 31, 171–72, 201, 292, 312, 330, 336, 343, 592, 596, 606
Kansas Oil War and, 436–38
Oil Creek refiners, 337
Oklahoma, 425, 511, 512, 524, 544, 567, 685, 712
oil fields in, 436, 439
Oklahoma City, Okla., 685
O’Laughlin, John Callan, 676, 690
Old Executive Office Building, 54, 224
Olney, Richard, 192, 410–11
Omaha, Nebr., 193, 301, 508
Omaha Evening World-Herald, 380, 491
O’Neil, William, 69
O’Neill, Moira, 489
open shops, 402
Opera Festival, Cincinnati, 57–58
Orchestra Hall, 601
Oregon, 350, 517, 729
direct primary in, 684
Osawatomie, Kans., 643, 669–70
Osborn, Chase, 673, 713
Oshkosh, Wisc., 342
Otis, Harrison Gray, 724
Our Young Folks, 116
Outcault, Miller, 53, 86
Outlook, xi, 2, 288, 339, 371, 397–98, 491, 501, 621, 626
TR at, 639, 642, 643, 650, 664, 669, 671, 700, 724
Oxford University, 43
Oyster Bay, N.Y., 10, 17, 37–38, 46, 64, 79–80, 110, 112, 120, 232, 240, 275, 281, 287, 306, 307, 308, 360, 361, 377, 381, 411, 420, 433, 502, 503, 505, 507, 549, 559, 570, 637, 649, 652, 654, 671, 677–78, 698, 738, 747
see also Sagamore Hill; Tranquillity
Pacific Ocean, 607
Packingtown, 459–62
Paderewski, Ignace Jan, 566
Palestine, 40
Palisades Park, 245
Palmer House, 187
Panama, 426, 498, 499, 508, 513, 514, 519, 521
Panama Canal, 306, 396, 406, 427–28, 484, 652–53, 654
Panama Canal Zone, 507
Panama Commission, 427
Pan-American Exposition, 278
Panic of 1893, 169, 199
Pardee, George, 609
Paris, 114, 128, 198, 199, 329
Tarbell in, 170, 173–76, 198, 225, 331
Parker, Alton Brooks, 261–62
on corporate campaign contributions, 418–20
in election of 1904, 407–10, 413, 415–16, 421, 548
Parker, Andrew D., 204, 211
“Parker and Roosevelt on Labor” (Baker), 415–17
Parker Brothers, 102
Parkhurst, Charles H., 200, 206
Parks, Sam, 362–64
Parliament, British, 133
Parliament, Canadian, 660
Parnell, Charles Stewart, 100
Parsons, Fanny Smith, 264
Pasig River, 276
Pasteur, Louis, 176
patent medicine, 464–65
Pattison, John, 436
Paul, George, 139
Payn, Lou, 255–56, 258, 266, 368
Payne, Henry C., 484, 573, 596, 602
Payne, Sereno, 432
Payne-Aldrich tariff bill, 592, 597–99, 601–3, 629, 630, 658–59, 736
Peabody, James, 402–5, 415
Pearson’s, 326
Peck, Hiram, 105, 108