ability to compromise by, 649
accession to presidency by, 278, 279–81
accusations of subjection to machine leveled at, 242–43
active nature of, 250, 259
African safari of, 1–2, 3–4, 6, 8, 43, 541, 560, 605, 621, 630, 633, 639, 653
aggressive temperament of, 141, 214, 221, 607, 664–65, 702, 737
Alice Lee’s death and, 82–83, 110, 112
on Alice’s wild nature, 396
as ambitious, 714, 737
anti-trust initiative against Northern Securities by, 218, 297–300, 313, 317–18, 321, 322, 386, 398–400, 669
anti-trust initiatives of, 218, 297–300
appearance of, 8, 249, 657
arrival in New York by, 1, 2–3, 13, 19–20
assassination attempt on, 732–35, 740
as assistant secretary of the Navy, 203, 213, 221–23, 500
athletic pursuits of, 250, 345, 546, 567, 573–74, 653, 715
as author, 65–67, 111, 112, 123, 128, 129, 131, 155, 212, 540–41; see also Outlook, TR at
autobiography of, 743
with Baker on Salt River, 359–62
balancing act of, 280, 400, 402, 406–7, 415, 416, 504, 679
barber’s hour of, 285–86
in Battle of San Juan Hill, 230
birth and infancy of, 34, 35
boxing by, 40, 44, 47, 79, 245
and Brownsville incident, 511–15
bull moose metaphor of, 231, 272, 702, 715, 727, 733
on Butt’s death, 692
campaigning for McKinley by, 272–73, 274
career alternatives considered by, 277–78
caricatures of, 208–9, 241, 279, 320–21, 348, 366, 444, 497, 516, 534, 536, 605, 634, 672, 697, 718
Carnegie Hall speech of, 686–87
childhood travels of, 38–39, 40–41
on Civil Service Commission, 11, 108, 130–32, 134, 135–41, 143, 150, 154–55, 205, 214, 221, 232, 393
as civil service reformer, 55–56, 78–79, 135, 137–41, 157
compromises with conservatives by, 377
confrontation with Tammany politicians by, 69
as conservationist, 12, 244–45, 246, 351–52, 517, 561–62, 605, 606–7, 609, 617, 620
contracts assuming risks outlawed by, 217
on corporate campaign charges, 418–20
criticisms of, 140, 233, 256–57, 322, 537–38, 657
on Cuban rebellion, 505, 507
death of, 745–46, 747
on Democratic potential nominees in 1912, 712–13
Democrats reached out to by, 345
depression of, 112, 155, 156, 652
determination of, 39–41, 44, 501
disgust at physical and moral slackness by, 124
distance kept from Taft by, 17, 20, 634–37, 640–41, 647, 663
Dupont Circle home of, 177
Edith’s childhood friendship with, 4, 15, 38–39, 109, 112, 115–21
Edith’s marriage to, 4–5, 126, 128
education of, 31, 37–39, 42, 116–17
efficiency of, 573, 600
egalitarianism of, 126, 213, 350, 366–67
egocentrism of, 257–58, 696, 722, 728
in election for temporary convention chair for New York, 641–43
on ending of political career, 2
energy and enthusiasm of, 11, 19, 42–43, 70–71, 72, 112, 129, 132, 136, 160, 203, 224, 244, 250, 284–85, 345, 351, 575, 741
engagement to Edith by, 109, 113, 122–26
entry into public life by, 67–68
European travels of, 2–3, 5, 12, 43, 116
exercise by, 286
exuberance and deep joy in life, 249
father idolized by, 36–37, 48
on father’s death, 45–46, 83
favorite maxims of, 317
final weeks in White House of, 565–68
finances of, 155, 156, 259–60
fistula of, 744
funeral service of, 747–48
good nature and charisma of, 395
as governor of New York, 213, 239–59, 239, 272, 274, 368, 387, 481, 500
gregarious nature of, 79, 129–30, 142
as grown boy, 211, 351, 380–81
gubernatorial campaign of, 235–38
guilt towards second marriages by, 112
on Hanna’s illness, 382
at Harvard, 4, 42–48, 64, 65, 67, 82, 83, 85, 118–20, 172, 299, 366
on Haymarket riot, 159
health and vitality of, 8, 231, 523
historical sense of, 113
honesty and fearlessness of, 211, 288
hunting by, 47, 48, 66, 110, 124, 425–26, 428, 540, 567, 699
impulsive nature of, 242, 275, 285, 288, 536–37, 737
inability to express grief by, 82–83, 151
inauguration of 1905 and, 424–25
as incapable of leisure, 639
as independent, 235–36
intellectual curiosity of, 5–6, 12–13, 41, 48, 250, 286, 288
irrigation projects of, 352–53
Jefferson Place home of, 108, 132
judiciary attacked by, 679
on labor, 243–44, 245, 416–17
Lafayette Square “White House” of, 306, 310, 314
leadership style of, 412, 484–85
legacy of, 594, 602
legal studies of, 50, 63–65
McClure’s and, 8, 169, 170, 202, 232, 258–59, 285–86
in McKinley’s 1896 campaign, 212–13
magnetism of, 702
malaria of, 744
marriage to Alice of, 63–65
mayoral run of, 126–28, 157
on military virtues, 222
National Geographic speech of, 653
as naturalist, 38, 40–41, 48, 66, 111
in Navy Department, 203, 249
New Nationalism of, 643–45, 651, 719
New York homes of, 79–80
and New York political machine, 246–47
New York reception of, 6–13, 17, 18, 19–20
in New York State Assembly, 7, 68–79, 82, 83–85, 126, 138, 213, 232
nicknames of, 4
Nobel Peace Prize of, 434
in NYC mayoral election, 126–28
as NYC police commissioner, 7, 156, 195, 200–201, 203–14, 217, 228, 232, 242, 244, 387
in Panama, 510–11, 513, 514
on Parker, 408
party split feared by, 595
Payne-Aldrich tariff bill endorsed by, 603
personal loyalty of, 233
physical vigor of, 5–6, 34, 39–40, 111
on Pinchot’s dismissal, 621
popularity of, 1–3, 8–11, 20, 67, 75, 211, 229, 239–40, 250–51, 308, 321, 348, 349, 399–400, 405, 422, 426, 544–46, 570, 633, 645, 657–58, 669, 670–71, 686–87, 690, 701–3, 707–8, 720, 722, 735, 740
Populists opposed by, 193–94
postelection vacation of, 425–29
pragmatism of, 243, 322–23
presidency loved by, 2, 301
presidential ambitions of, 259, 260, 273, 275
press relations of, xii, xiv, 7–8, 70, 76, 217, 243, 256–57, 280–81, 287, 293, 320, 323, 351, 480–87, 574, 589, 641, 651–52, 701, 739–40
as progressive, 11–12, 13, 69–70, 78, 84, 95, 202, 213–14, 232, 236, 250, 280, 291, 323, 406, 517, 538, 627, 628, 657, 672, 676, 678–80, 682, 704, 705, 712–17
progressive attitude towards women by, 47
proposed second mayoral run of, 155–56
public opinion used by, 138, 217
pugnacity of, 362, 515, 521, 539, 592
quickness of, 70–71, 136, 250
radicalization of, 643–45, 652, 679, 684, 711, 716
on railroad regulations, 445, 446–49, 450–59, 638
as rancher, 110–13, 123–26, 128
reading by, 37, 39, 43, 48, 116, 123–24, 129, 232, 275, 310–11
as reformer, 157, 194, 205, 206, 2
08, 221, 235, 240, 243, 282, 295–96, 380, 423
reluctance to leave office by, 564
reticence in personal life of, 85
return from Africa by, 2–3, 5, 7–8, 10, 19–20, 632–37, 643, 646, 657, 681
“Roosevelt luck” of, 10, 424, 603
in Rough Riders, 227–31, 249
at Saratoga Republican convention, 648–49, 651
schism between Taft and, 530, 650, 663–65, 678, 687, 689, 693–717, 725–26, 737, 743–44
second marriages condemned by, 122, 125, 129
as self-aggrandizing, 421, 555, 645, 719
self-assessment by, 65, 67
self-assurance of, 44, 49, 136–37
self-control and self-discipline of, 40, 540
sense of humor of, 241, 258
as sickly and timid child, 34, 39–40, 42
social skills of, 42, 44, 136
Southern tour of, 657–58
in Spanish-American War, 213, 227–31
Square Deal of, 12, 350, 351, 539, 540, 694, 695
strain and exhaustion on, 212
stubbornness of, 241
Supreme Court appointments by, 214
Taft as anointed successor to, 11, 517–25, 531–32, 547, 551–56
on Taft’s cabinet appointments, 562–63
Taft’s friendship with, 13, 16–17, 20, 108, 132, 135–37, 150, 151, 221, 266, 301, 392–93, 394, 400, 502, 517–18, 523, 553–54, 737, 744–45
at Taft’s inauguration, 568–70
Taft’s reconciliation with, 744–45, 747
Taft’s temperamental differences from, 19, 20, 48–49, 53–54, 69, 132, 136–37, 143, 741
Taft supported by, 288, 305, 390, 399, 563
on tariff, 586–87, 649
temper of, 69, 316
temporary rapprochement between Taft and, 653–54
third-party candidacy of, 708–41
third term considered by, 523–24, 531, 542, 544, 604, 606, 694
third term ruled out by, 1, 421–23, 447, 523–24, 532, 534, 538
transcontinental train tour of, 348–54
in trolley collision, 308–9, 310, 315
and U.S. Steel, 529–30
vice presidency and, 258–64, 272, 500
vigorous manhood of, 131, 250
on violent strikes, 354
waning influence of, 516–17
war romanticized by, 222–24, 539, 663–65
and Westbrook scandal, 71–74, 85
Western speaking tour of, 643–46
White House undesirables list of, 572
youthful class snobbery of, 48, 85, 366
Roosevelt, Theodore, speeches of:
at Battery Park reception, 9
Boston primary, 695
Chicago Auditorium speech, 703
Chicago of April 1900, 261
Columbus 1912 speech, 678–80, 682, 684, 687, 700
“Confession of Faith” of, 719–21, 729
on cross-country train tour, 350–52
final annual message to Congress by, 564–65
first annual message to Congress of, 290–91, 293, 294–96
Knob Creek Farm speech of, 566–67
at Madison Square Garden, 735–36
Minnesota State Fair, 293
“Muckrake Man” speech, 467, 480, 485–88, 489–90, 617
“The New Nationalism,” 643–45
second annual address of, 321–22
second Inaugural Address, 425
State of the Union speech, 451–53
Roosevelt, Theodore, Junior, 6, 227, 240, 367, 649, 734
birth of, 129
Roosevelt, Theodore (Thee), Senior (father), 84, 232, 480
background of, 34–35
children’s idolization of, 36
and Civil War, 35–36
European travels of, 38–39
illness and death of, 44–46, 83, 120, 149
satire of, 486
social justice and philanthropy as concerns of, 34–35, 36–37
Roosevelt, West, 113, 118, 120
Roosevelt Dam, 353, 658
Roosevelt Panic, The, 530
Roosevelt Panic of 1907, 526–31, 536, 540, 601, 667
Roosevelt Republican Club, 436
Root, Elihu, 395, 409, 419, 422, 434, 482, 500, 510, 567, 586, 642, 716, 737, 743, 744
on coal strike, 316, 317
departure from TR’s cabinet of, 390–91, 394
as 1912 Republican convention chairman, 704–9
on Pinchot’s dismissal, 620
as secretary of state, 429–30, 544, 546, 560
as secretary of war, 68, 253, 298, 301
on Taft as TR’s successor, 388
on Taft in Philippines, 264–66, 290, 302, 303, 386, 390
on TR, 680, 702
Rose, Lester A., 54
Roseboro, Viola, 178, 332, 336, 427, 488
Rosewater, Victor, 705
Roswell, Ga., 35
Rough Riders, 8, 9, 227–31, 232, 249
reunion of, 425
Rough Riders, The (Roosevelt), 257–58
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 94
Royal Baking Powder Company, 375
rubber, 292
Runyan, Damon, 489
Russia, 62
Japan’s tensions with, 432–34
Sacramento, Calif., 196–97
Sagamore Hill, 112–13, 129, 130–32, 150, 212, 232, 262, 273, 309, 319, 361, 408, 502, 565, 639, 641, 652, 654, 715, 739, 745
Sage, Russell, 73
St. Croix, Wisc., 180, 182, 184, 492
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 142
St. Lawrence River, 219, 502
St. Louis, Mo., 188, 377, 411, 442, 731
Democratic National Convention of 1904 in, 407–10
Steffens on, 369–71, 372–74, 375–76
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 581, 668
St. Louis Republic, 679
St. Louis World’s Fair of 1904, 270–71
St. Paul Globe, 423
St. Paul Pioneer Press and Tribune, 535, 602
St. Paul’s preparatory school, 41–42
St. Petersburg, Russia, 62, 104, 532
Salsomaggiore, 331
Salt Lake Tribune, 612
Saltonstall, Richard, 46
Salt River Valley, reservoir in, 353–54, 359–62
Samar, 288–89
Samoa, 267
San Antonio, Tex., 511
San Antonio Daily Light, 208
San Antonio Light and Gazette, 626
Sanders Theatre, 410
San Diego, Calif., 106
San Francisco, Calif., 197, 267, 300, 493, 699–700
San Francisco Call, 610
San Francisco Chronicle, on 1908 Republican National Convention, 542, 545
Sanitary Commission, U.S., 36
San Joaquin Valley, 327
San Juan Hill, 262
Battle of, 230–31, 236, 238
San Lorenzo Valley, 351
San Moritz, 470
Santa Catalina Mountains, 234
Santa Fe Railroad, 250
Santiago de Cuba, 229, 232, 256, 350
Santo Domingo, 426, 428
Saratoga, N.Y., state Republican convention of 1912 in, 648–49, 651
scabs, 354, 355–56, 357
scarlet fever, 303
Schmittberger, Max, 207
Schofield, John M., 316
school prayer, 26
Schrank, John F., 733
Schumann, Robert, 220
Schwab, Charles, 341, 363
Schwartz, H. H., 612
Scotland, 38, 100
Scott, Fred Newton, 183
Scribner’s, 10, 177
Scribner’s magazine, 163, 175
Scripps-McRae Press Association (United Press), 280
Scudder, Horace, 206
Seattle, Wash., 353, 562, 611, 613, 699
Seattle Exposition, 604
Sea Verge, 93, 95, 99
Secret Service, 7, 179,
180, 308, 349, 582, 640–41
Congress and, 565
securities market, 299
Sedgwick, Ellery, 488–89
Seibold, Louis, 736–37
Senate, U.S., 45, 154, 342, 424, 433, 447, 480, 569, 651, 664, 666, 740
Agricultural Appropriations Act amendment in, 517
Agriculture and Forestry Committee of, 620
Aldrich’s power in, 292–93, 307
anti-trust regulations in, 443
Beveridge bill in, 462–64
Big Four in, 292–93, 322, 398, 457, 481
Canadian reciprocity in, 659–60
Committee on the Philippines of, 301–2
conservatives in, 564
David Phillips’s attack on, 481–82
direct election to, 408, 548, 656, 721, 741
Finance Committee of, 595
inheritance tax in, 594
Interstate Commerce Committee of, 454
as obstacle to progressive reform, 291
Philippines railroad bill in, 397
Philippine tariff bill in, 498
popular election to, 481
railroad regulation in, 448, 458
Republican control of, 292
Republicans in, 510
Socialist proposal to abolish, 731
state legislatures in elections to, 291–92, 382
tariff in, 591–97
TR’s first message to Congress in, 294–95
trusts and, 480
vice president and, 275
warring factions in, 572
separation of powers, 412
sequoias, giant, 351–52
Seventy-first Regimental Band, 8
Sewall, William, 110, 113, 125
Seward, William, 242
Shakespeare, William, 100, 117, 118, 141, 214
“Shamelessness of St. Louis” (Steffens), 373–74
Shame of the Cities, The (Steffens), 368–75
Shaw, Alexander, 616, 620, 626
Shaw, Leslie Mortimer, 361
Shaw, Mrs., 395
Sheldon, George, 552
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 100, 118
Sherard, Robert, 176
Sherman, James, 547, 642, 647–48, 711–12
death of, 737
Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 192, 300, 344, 529, 669
conspiracy in restraint of trade under, 441
and Northern Securities case, 298–99, 399
revival of, 12, 218, 386
and Standard Oil, 441–42
used against unions, 315
shipping, 292, 297
Shiras, George, 386
Siddall, John M., 334, 336, 479, 724
Sierra Club, 351
Signal Hill, Newfoundland, 233
silver, 307, 397
silver standard, 193, 407
Simpson, Elizabeth McClure, 160–62
Simpson, Thacher, & Barnum, 104
Simpson, Thomas, 161–62
Sinclair, Upton, 159, 459–64, 468, 485
Sinton, Annie, see Taft, Annie Sinton
Sinton, David, 28