Edith as manager of, 5, 287, 319–20, 566
Lincoln Bedroom in, 567
Nellie’s childhood visit to, 89–90
Nellie’s entertaining at, 578–80
renovations to, 306, 319
Taft’s cabinet party in, 648–49
Taft’s invitations to TR’s, 395
Taft’s open house policy for, 572–73
Taft’s second Notification Ceremony in, 715–16
Taft welcomed by Harrison’s, 145–47
TR’s final weeks in, 565–68
TR snubbed by Harrison’s, 141
West Wing of, 306, 320, 653
Whitlock, Brand, 543
Whitman, Walt, 355
Wickersham, George, 580, 612, 614, 616, 623–26, 649, 668–69, 737
Wiley, Harvey, 464
Wilkes-Barre, Penn., 355
Wilkinson, Florence, 469–74, 477
Willard Hotel, 568
Williams, Alex “Clubber,” 207–8
Wilson, Ellen, 739
Wilson, James, 563, 620
Wilson, Woodrow, 651, 674, 724, 725, 743, 744
Baker’s support for, 722
campaigning by, 727–28, 734, 735
election of, 738–40
limited government interest theory of, 730
New Freedom of, 730–31
popularity of, 735
as progressive, 713
Republican support for, 713–14
Taft and, 728
TR’s attacks on, 729–31
Winning of the West (Roosevelt), 129
Winona, Minn., 601–3, 632
Winstone, James, 357
Wisconsin, 292, 346, 349, 368, 456, 457, 473, 483, 670, 673–74, 705, 714
direct primary in, 684, 696
insurgents in, 627, 657
La Follette in, 446
Steffens on, 376
Territory, 180
Wisconsin, University of, 180
Wolcott, Senator, 263, 395
labor laws for, 644, 679, 718
maximum hours for, 244, 721
rights of, 736, 746
Taft and, 51–52
Taft’s support of equality for, 29
Tarbell and rights of, 172
TR’s progressive attitude towards, 47
women’s suffrage, 29, 47, 577, 694, 718, 721, 741
Wood, Leonard, 227, 229, 275, 345
wood engraving, 168
Wood’s Gymnasium, 39
Woodward High, 28, 41, 51
wool, 592, 593
Wordsworth, William, 117
workday, xi, 736
eight-hour, 77, 173, 193, 244, 402–3, 405, 416, 517, 548, 564, 716
for women, 721
workers, 157, 201, 254, 354
Bryan supported by, 253
factor, 157
liability for injuries to, 217
workers’ rights, 102–3, 183
working class, 158, 250, 585
Bryan’s popularity with, 272
golf disliked by, 552
protections for, 570
working conditions, 158, 644, 741
government, 16
workmen’s compensation law, 12, 564, 679, 716, 721
workplace safety, 244
World War I, 744
Wright, Carroll Davis, 404
Wright, Luke, 290, 387, 396, 429, 431
Taft’s dismissal of, 560–61
Wyoming, 517
irrigation project in, 352
Yale Club, 395
Yale College, 23, 27, 41, 51, 57, 76, 89, 104, 245, 497, 513, 568
Horace Taft on faculty of, 104–5
Robert Taft at, 392, 559
Taft as trustee of, 219, 513, 647
Taft at, 29–33, 42, 43, 52, 94, 152, 221, 743
Yale Law School, 50
Yale School of Forestry, 621
Yeats, William Butler, 469, 489
yellow fever, 232, 428
yellow journalism, 222, 224, 486
Yellow Springs, Ohio, 90–91
Yellowstone, 351
Yerkes, Charles T., 368
Yokohama, 433
Yosemite, 351
Young, Tom, 56
Youngstown, Ohio, 413
Zermatt, 65
Zola, Emile, 168, 176
Zurich, 470
On March 4, 1909, the day of William Howard Taft’s inauguration, Washington, D.C., was hit by its worst blizzard in decades. “I always said it would be a cold day when I got to be President,” Taft told Roosevelt.
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Back jacket photographs: McClure and Baker courtesy of the Lilly Library, Indiana University; Steffens courtesy of the Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley; Tarbell courtesy of the Pelletier Library, Allegheny College; White courtesy of the Kansas Historical Society
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Goodwin, Doris Kearns.
The bully pulpit : Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the
golden age of journalism / Doris Kearns Goodwin. — First Simon & Schuster
hardcover edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858–1919. 2. Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857–1930. 3. United States—Politics and government—1901–1909. 4. United States—Politics and government—1909–1913. 5. Progressivism (United States politics)—History—20th century. 6. Press and politics— United States—History—20th century. 7. Republican Party (U.S. : 1854–)—History—20th century. I. Title.
E757.G66 2013b
ISBN 978-1-4165-4786-0
ISBN 978-1-4516-7379-1 (ebook)
Doris Kearns Goodwin, The Bully Pulpit
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