The major and Captain Costigan were old soldiers and accustomedto face the enemy, so we may presume that they retained their presenceof mind perfectly; but the rest of the party assembled in Cos'ssitting-room were, perhaps, a little flurried at Pendennis's apparition.Miss Fotheringay's slow heart began to beat, no doubt, for hercheek flushed up with a great healthy blush, as Lieutenant Sir DerbyOaks looked at her with a scowl. The little crooked old man in thewindow-seat, who had been witnessing the fencing-match between the twogentlemen (whose stamping and jumping had been such as to cause himto give up all attempts to continue writing the theater music, in thecopying of which he had been engaged) looked up eagerly toward the newcomer as the major of the well-blacked boots entered the apartmentdistributing the most graceful bows to every body present.

  "Me daughter--me friend, Mr. Bows--me gallant young pupil and friend, Imay call 'um, Sir Derby Oaks," said Costigan splendidly waving his hand,and pointing each of these individuals to the major's attention. "In onemoment, meejor, I'm your humble servant," and to dash into the littleadjoining chamber where he slept, to give a twist to his lank hair withhis hair-brush (a wonderful and ancient piece), to tear off his oldstock and put on a new one which Emily had constructed for him, and toassume a handsome clean collar, and the new coat which had been orderedupon the occasion of Miss Fotheringay's benefit, was with the stillactive Costigan the work of a minute.

  After him, Sir Derby entered, and presently emerged from the sameapartment, where he also cased himself in his little shell-jacket, whichfitted tightly upon the young officer's big person; and which he, andMiss Fotheringay, and poor Pen too, perhaps, admired prodigiously.

  Meanwhile conversation was engaged between the actress and thenew comer; and the usual remarks about the weather had been interchangedbefore Costigan re-entered in his new "shoot," as he called it.

  "I needn't apologize to ye, meejor," he said, in his richest and mostcourteous manner, "for receiving ye in me shirt-sleeves."

  "An old soldier can't be better employed than in teaching a young onethe use of his sword," answered the major, gallantly. "I remember in oldtimes hearing that you could use yours pretty well, Captain Costigan."

  "What, ye've heard of Jack Costigan, major," said the other, greatly.

  The major had, indeed; he had pumped his nephew concerning his newfriend, the Irish officer; and whether he had no other knowledge of thecaptain than what he had thus gained, or whether he actually rememberedhim, we can not say. But Major Pendennis was a person of honor andundoubted veracity, and said that he perfectly well recollected meetingMr. Costigan, and hearing him sing, at Sir Richard Strachan's table atWalcheren.

  At this information, and the bland and cordial manner in which it wasconveyed, Bows looked up, entirely puzzled. "But we will talk of thesematters another time," the major continued, perhaps not wishing tocommit himself; "it is to Miss Fotheringay that I came to pay myrespects to-day;" and he performed another bow for her, so courtly andgracious, that if she had been a duchess he could not have made it morehandsome.

  "I had heard of your performances from my nephew, madam," the majorsaid, "who raves about you, as I believe you know pretty well. ButArthur is but a boy, and a wild enthusiastic young fellow, whoseopinions one must not take _au pied de la lettre_; and I confess I wasanxious to judge for myself. Permit me to say your performance delightedand astonished me. I have seen our best actresses, and, on my word,I think you surpass them all. You are as majestic as Mrs. Siddons."

  "Faith, I always said so," Costigan said, winking at his daughter;"Major take a chair." Milly rose at this hint, took an unripped satingarment off the only vacant seat, and brought the latter to MajorPendennis with one of her finest courtesies.

  "You are as pathetic as Miss O'Neill," he continued, bowing and seatinghimself; "your snatches of song reminded me of Mrs. Jordan in her besttime, when we were young men, Captain Costigan; and your manner remindedme of Mars. Did you ever see the Mars, Miss Fotheringay?"

  "There was two Mahers in Crow-street," remarked Miss Emily; "Fanny waswell enough, but Biddy was no great things."

  "Sure, the major means the god of war, Milly, my dear," interposed theparent.

  "It is not that Mars I meant, though Venus, I suppose, may be pardonedfor thinking about him;" the major replied, with a smile directed infull to Sir Derby Oaks, who now re-entered in his shell-jacket, butthe lady did not understand the words of which he made use, nor did thecompliment at all pacify Sir Derby, who, probably, did not understand iteither, and at any rate received it with great sulkiness and stiffness;scowling uneasily at Miss Fotheringay, with an expression which seemedto ask, "What the deuce does this man here?"

  Major Pendennis was not in the least annoyed by the gentleman'sill-humor. On the contrary, it delighted him. "So," thought he, "a rivalis in the field;" and he offered up vows that Sir Derby might be, notonly a rival, but a winner too, in this love-match in which he and Penwere engaged.

  "I fear I interrupted your fencing lesson; but my stay in Chatteriesis very short, and I was anxious to make myself known to my oldfellow-campaigner Captain Costigan, and to see a lady nearer who hadcharmed me so much from the stage. I was not the only man _epris_ lastnight, Miss Fotheringay (if I must call you so, though your own familyname is a very ancient and noble one). There was a reverend friend ofmine, who went home in raptures with Ophelia; and I saw Sir Derby Oaksfling a bouquet, which no actress ever merited better. I should havebrought one myself, had I known what I was going to see. Are not thosethe very flowers in a glass of water on the mantle-piece yonder?"

  "I am very fond of flowers," said Miss Fotheringay, with a languishingogle at Sir Derby Oaks--but the baronet still scowled sulkily.

  "Sweets to the sweet--isn't that the expression of the play?" Mr.Pendennis asked, bent upon being good-humored.

  "'Pon my life, I don't know. Very likely it is. I ain't much of aliterary man," answered Sir Derby.

  "Is it possible?" the major continued, with an air of surprise. "Youdon't inherit your father's love of letters, then, Sir Derby? He was aremarkably fine scholar, and I had the honor of knowing him very well."

  "Indeed," said the other, and gave a sulky wag of his head.

  "He saved my life," continued Pendennis.

  "Did he now?" cried Miss Fotheringay, rolling her eyes first upon themajor with surprise, then toward Sir Derby with gratitude--but thelatter was proof against those glances; and far from appearing tobe pleased that the apothecary, his father, should have saved MajorPendennis's life, the young man actually looked as if he wished theevent had turned the other way.

  "My father, I believe, was a very good doctor," the young gentlemansaid, by way of reply. "I'm not in that line myself. I wish you goodmorning, sir. I've got an appointment--Cos, by-by--Miss Fotheringay,good morning." And, in spite of the young lady's imploring looks andappealing smiles, the dragoon bowed stiffly out of the room, and theclatter of his saber was heard as he strode down the creaking stair;and the angry tones of his voice as he cursed little Tom Creed, whowas disporting in the passage, and whose peg-top Sir Derby kicked awaywith an oath into the street.

  The major did not smile in the least, though he had every reason to beamused. "Monstrous handsome young man that--as fine a looking soldieras ever I saw," he said to Costigan.

  "A credit to the army and to human nature in general," answeredCostigan. "A young man of refoined manners, polite affabilitee, andprincely fortune. His table is sumptuous: he's adawr'd in the regiment:and he rides sixteen stone."

  "A perfect champion," said the major, laughing. "I have no doubt all theladies admire him."

  "He's very well in spite of his weight, now he's young," said Milly;"but he's no conversation."

  "He's best on horseback," Mr. Bows said: on which Milly replied,that the baronet had ridden third in the steeple-chase on his horseTareaways, and the major began to comprehend that the young lady herselfwas not of a particular gen
ius, and to wonder how she should be sostupid and act so well.

  Costigan, with Irish hospitality, of course pressed refreshment upon hisguest: and the major, who was no more hungry than you are after a LordMayor's dinner, declared that he should like a biscuit and a glass ofwine above all things, as he felt quite faint from long fasting--but heknew that to receive small kindnesses flatters the donors very much, andthat people must needs grow well disposed toward you as they give youtheir hospitality.

  "Some of the old Madara, Milly, love," Costigan said, winking to hischild--and that lady, turning to her father a glance of intelligence,went out of the room, and down the stair, where she softly summonedher little emissary Master Tommy Creed; and giving him a piece ofmoney, ordered him to go buy a pint of Madara wine at the Grapes, andsixpennyworth of sorted biscuits at the baker's, and to return in ahurry, when he might have two biscuits for himself.

  While Tommy Creed was gone on this errand, Miss Costigan sate below withMrs. Creed, telling her landlady how Mr. Arthur Pendennis's uncle, themajor, was above stairs; a nice, soft-spoken old gentleman: that butterwouldn't melt in his mouth; and how Sir Derby had gone out of the roomin a rage of jealousy, and thinking what must be done to pacify both ofthem.

  "She keeps the keys of the cellar, major," said Mr. Costigan, as thegirl left the room.

  "Upon my word you have a very beautiful butler," answered Pendennis,gallantly, "and I don't wonder at the young fellows raving about her.When we were of their age, Captain Costigan, I think plainer women wouldhave done our business."

  "Faith, and ye may say that, sir--and lucky is the man who gets her. Askme friend Bob Bows here whether Miss Fotheringay's moind is not evenshuparior to her person, and whether she does not possess a cultiveatedintellect, a refoined understanding, and an emiable disposition?"

  "O, of course," said Mr. Bows, rather drily. "Here comes Hebe blushingfrom the cellar. Don't you think it is time to go to rehearsal, MissHebe? You will be fined if you are later"--and he gave the young lady alook, which intimated that they had much better leave the room and thetwo elders together.

  At this order Miss Hebe took up her bonnet and shawl, looking uncommonlypretty, good-humored, and smiling; and Bows gathered up his roll ofpapers, and hobbled across the room for his hat and cane.

  "Must you go?" said the major. "Can't you give us a few minutes more,Miss Fotheringay? Before you leave us, permit an old fellow to shake youby the hand, and believe that I am proud to have had the honor of makingyour acquaintance, and am most sincerely anxious to be your friend."

  Miss Fotheringay made a low courtesy at the conclusion of this gallantspeech, and the major followed her retreating steps to the door, wherehe squeezed her hand with the kindest and most paternal pressure. Bowswas puzzled with this exhibition of cordiality: "The lad's relativescan't be really wanting to marry him to her," he thought--and so theydeparted.

  "Now for it," thought Major Pendennis: and as for Mr. Costigan heprofited instantaneously by his daughter's absence to drink up the restof the wine; and tossed off one bumper after another of the Madeira fromthe Grapes, with an eager, shaking hand. The major came up to the table,and took up his glass and drained it with a jovial smack. If it had beenLord Steyne's particular, and not public-house Cape, he could not haveappeared to relish it more.

  "Capital Madeira, Captain Costigan," he said. "Where do you get it? Idrink the health of that charming creature in a bumper. Faith, captain,I don't wonder that the men are wild about her. I never saw such eyes inmy life, or such a grand manner. I am sure she is as intellectual as sheis beautiful; and I have no doubt she's as good as she is clever."

  "A good girl, sir--a good girl, sir," said the delighted father; "andI pledge a toast to her with all my heart. Shall I send to the--to thecellar for another pint? It's handy by. No? Well, indeed, sir, ye maysay she is a good girl, and the pride and glory of her father--honestold Jack Costigan. The man who gets her will have a jew'l to a wife,sir; and I drink his health, sir, and ye know who I mean, major."

  "I am not surprised at young or old falling in love with her," said themajor, "and frankly must tell you, that though I was very angry with mypoor nephew Arthur, when I heard of the boy's passion--now I have seenthe lady I can pardon him any extent of it. By George, I should like toenter for the race myself, if I wern't an old fellow and a poor one."

  "And no better man, major, I'm sure," cried Jack, enraptured. "Yourfriendship, sir, delights me. Your admiration for my girl brings tearsto me eyes--tears, sir--manlee tears--and when she leaves me humble homefor your own more splendid mansion, I hope she'll keep a place for herpoor old father, poor old Jack Costigan."--The captain suited the actionto the word, and his blood-shot eyes were suffused with water, as headdressed the major.

  "Your sentiments do you honor," the other said. "But, Captain Costigan,I can't help smiling at one thing you have just said."

  "And what's that, sir?" asked Jack, who was at a too heroic andsentimental pitch to descend from it.

  "You were speaking about our splendid mansion--my sister's house, Imean."

  "I mane the park and mansion of Arthur Pendennis, Esquire, of FairoaksPark, whom I hope to see a Mimber of Parliament for his native town ofClavering, when he is of ege to take that responsible stetion," criedthe captain, with much dignity.

  The major smiled as he recognized a shaft out of his own bow. Itwas he who had set Pen upon the idea of sitting in parliament for theneighboring borough--and the poor lad had evidently been bragging on thesubject to Costigan and the lady of his affections. "Fairoaks Park, mydear sir," he said. "Do you know our history? We are of excessivelyancient family certainly, but I began life with scarce enough money topurchase my commission, and my eldest brother was a country apothecary;who made every shilling he died possessed of out of his pestle andmortar."

  "I have consented to waive that objection, sir," said Costiganmajestically, "in consideration of the known respectability of yourfamily."

  "Curse your impudence," thought the major; but he only smiled and bowed.

  "The Costigans, too, have met with misfortunes; and our house of CastleCostigan is by no manes what it was. I have known very honest menapothecaries, sir, and there's some in Dublin that has had the honor ofdining at the Lord Leftenant's teeble."

  "You are very kind to give us the benefit of your charity," the majorcontinued: "but permit me to say that is not the question. You spokejust now of my little nephew as heir of Fairoaks Park, and I don't knowwhat besides."

  "Funded property, I've no doubt, meejor, and something handsomeeventually from yourself."

  "My good sir, I tell you the boy is the son of a country apothecary,"cried out Major Pendennis; "and that when he comes of age he won't havea shilling."

  "Pooh, major, you're laughing at me," said Mr. Costigan, "me youngfriend, I make no doubt, is heir to two thousand pounds a year."

  "Two thousand fiddlesticks! I beg your pardon, my dear sir; but has theboy been humbugging you?--it is not his habit. Upon my word and honor,as a gentleman and an executor to my brother's will too, he left littlemore than five hundred a year behind him."

  "And with aconomy, a handsome sum of money too, sir," the captainanswered. "Faith, I've known a man drink his clar't, and drive hiscoach-and-four on five hundred a year and strict aconomy, in Ireland,sir. We'll manage on it, sir--trust Jack Costigan for that."

  "My dear Captain Costigan--I give you my word that my brother did notleave a shilling to his son Arthur."

  "Are ye joking with me, Meejor Pendennis?" cried Jack Costigan. "Are yethrifling with the feelings of a father and a gentleman?"

  "I am telling you the honest truth," said Major Pendennis. "Everyshilling my brother had, he left to his widow: with a partial reversion,it is true, to the boy. But she is a young woman, and may marry if heoffends her--or she may outlive him, for she comes of an uncommonlylong-lived family. And I ask you, as a gentleman and a man of the world,what allowance can my sister, Mrs. Pendennis, make to her son out offive hundre
d a year, which is all her fortune--that shall enable himto maintain himself and your daughter in the rank befitting such anaccomplished young lady?"

  "Am I to understand, sir, that the young gentleman, your nephew, andwhom I have fosthered and cherished as the son of me bosom, is animposther who has been thrifling with the affections of me belovedchild?" exclaimed the general, with an outbreak of wrath.--"Have youyourself been working upon the feelings of the young man's susceptiblenature to injuice him to break off an engagement, and with it me adoredEmily's heart? Have a care, sir, how you thrifle with the honor of JohnCostigan. If I thought any mortal man meant to do so, be heavens I'dhave his blood, sir--were he old or young."

  "Mr. Costigan!" cried out the major.

  "Mr. Costigan can protect his own and his daughter's honor, and will,sir," said the other. "Look at that chest of dthrawers, it containsheaps of letthers that that viper has addressed to that innocent child.There's promises there, sir, enough to fill a band-box with; and when Ihave dragged the scoundthrel before the courts of law, and shown up hisperjury and his dishonor, I have another remedy in yondther mahoganycase, sir, which shall set me right, sir, with any individual--ye markme words, Major Pendennis--with any individual who has counseled yournephew to insult a soldier and a gentleman. What? Me daughter to bejilted, and me gray hairs dishonored by an apothecary's son. By thelaws of heaven, sir, I should like to see the man that shall do it."

  "I am to understand, then, that you threaten in the first place topublish the letters of a boy of eighteen to a woman of eight-and-twenty:and afterward to do me the honor of calling me out," the major said,still with perfect coolness.

  "You have described my intentions with perfect accuracy, MeejorPendennis," answered the captain, as he pulled his ragged whiskers overhis chin.

  "Well, well; these shall be the subjects of future arrangements, butbefore we come to powder and ball, my good sir--do have the kindness tothink with yourself in what earthly way I have injured you? I have toldyou that my nephew is dependent upon his mother, who has scarcely morethan five hundred a year."

  "I have my own opinion of the correctness of that assertion," said thecaptain.

  "Will you go to my sister's lawyers, Messrs. Tatham here, and satisfyyourself?"

  "I decline to meet those gentlemen," said the captain, with rather adisturbed air. "If it be as you say, I have been athrociously deceivedby some one, and on that person I'll be revenged."

  "Is it my nephew?" cried the major, starting up and putting on his hat."Did he ever tell you that his property was two thousand a year? If hedid, I'm mistaken in the boy. To tell lies has not been a habit in ourfamily, Mr. Costigan, and I don't think my brother's son has learnedit as yet. Try and consider whether you have not deceived yourself; oradopted extravagant reports from hearsay. As for me, sir, you are atliberty to understand that I am not afraid of all the Costigans inIreland and know quite well how to defend myself against any threatsfrom any quarter. I come here as the boy's guardian to protest againsta marriage, most absurd and unequal, that can not but bring poverty andmisery with it; and in preventing it I conceive I am quite as much yourdaughter's friend (who I have no doubt is an honorable young lady), asthe friend of my own family; and prevent the marriage I will, sir, byevery means in my power. There, I have said my say, sir."

  "But I have not said mine, Major Pendennis--and ye shall hear more fromme," Mr. Costigan said, with a look of tremendous severity.

  "'Sdeath, sir, what do you mean?" the major asked, turning round on thethreshold of the door, and looking the intrepid Costigan in the face.

  "Ye said, in the coorse of conversation, that ye were at the GeorgeHotel, I think," Mr. Costigan said, in a stately manner. "A friend shallwait upon ye there before ye leave town, sir."

  "Let him make haste, Mr. Costigan," cried out the major, almost besidehimself with rage. "I wish you a good morning, sir." And CaptainCostigan, bowed a magnificent bow of defiance to Major Pendennis overthe landing-place as the latter retreated down the stairs.