“Oh wow.”

  “Yeah.” He winked, grinning widely. “I’m excited about that one too.” He moved behind her, slowly withdrawing from Trina’s body.

  “Climb up on the bed for me, babe.”

  Groaning, she forced herself to move. She lifted up to her hands and knees on the bed and started to crawl away. Navarro laughed while he pulled off her high heels. After tugging back the covers, she sat on the sheet. She removed her bra, just tossing it toward the floor, as her gaze went to Navarro before she looked down.

  “Um, how do I take this off?” She eyed the small toy still strapped to her.

  “You don’t.”

  “The straps aren’t that damn comfortable to sleep in.”

  He chuckled as he walked naked toward her. “Who said we were going to sleep right away? I want a repeat in about fifteen damn minutes when we’re both recovered.” He climbed on the bed next to her and sat facing her to take her hand while he played with her fingers. Their gazes locked. “Just to make sure that is a winning toy and it wasn’t a fluke we need to try it again.” He opened his other hand, which held the controller.

  She laughed. “Okay. Tell me about the rest of the toys you bought.”

  He shook his head. “You’ll find out later this week.”


  “I aim to please, so I’m not one.”

  She stared into his eyes. “You always do please me. I never knew sex could be like this. Thank you.”

  “It’s not always like this.” His look softened. “It’s us together, babe.”

  She smiled at him. “You make me feel special when you say things like that.”

  “You are.”

  She gazed into his eyes, seeing sincerity there. “So are you.”

  “I missed sleeping with you.” His fingers stopped playing with hers. “How would you feel about sleeping here every night?”

  Her heart almost stilled. “If I did, it would be like we lived together and you said you needed a few nights to rest.”

  He chuckled. “River called today and he’s coming home for a while. Adam and I will have extra help so I can take naps during the day if I need them and hell, I don’t sleep so well without you. I think about you and just wish you were in my bed when you’re not with me.”

  She swallowed. “If I’m here every night we’d be living together, right?”

  He nodded. “Is it such a bad idea? I admit, I never thought I’d want to live with a woman again but hell, I want you here with me. I love waking up with you in the mornings.”

  “You just like my omelets.”

  Laughing, he leaned over to brush his lips over hers. “Let’s try it. I’m a little afraid myself and I’m sure you are too, but hell, I still want to give it a try. It…” He hesitated. “It feels right.”

  “This is really scary.”

  “I know.” His hand tightened on hers. “Take a chance with me.”

  She found herself nodding as she stared into his eyes. “Okay but we’re being totally honest, right? If one of us needs a break, we’ll speak up.”

  “We’ll be totally honest.”


  Grinning, he chuckled. “Tomorrow, bring your clothes here.”

  Reality sank in for Trina at that moment, the full weight of it making her heart speed up. “We’re really going to do this, then? We’re really going to try to live together?”

  He nodded. “We sure are.”

  The moment of panic that had hit her started to ease. This was Navarro and he wanted her. This was her chance to be happy with a man she’d fallen in love with.

  “So what do you want me to do around here to help out?”

  He laughed. “You could always bake but if you do you’re going to have to help me work it all off or you’re going to have to put me on a diet.”

  “I’d lo—” She slammed her mouth closed, horrified at what she’d almost said.

  Navarro’s eyes narrowed. “What?”


  He arched a black eyebrow. “Total honesty, babe. Finish what you were going to say.”

  She looked away from him, her cheeks warming as she blushed.

  “Trina… Don’t make me get it out of you.” He smiled and hit the button on the remote.

  She jerked at the startling sensation of the vibrator against her clit on the strongest setting. She closed her eyes, bit her lip, and let the pleasure grip her. The vibrator turned off suddenly. Her eyes opened.

  “That was mean.” She smiled.

  “Babe, if you don’t tell me what you were going to say I’m going to hog tie you and do that over and over until you finish that damn sentence. We’re being totally honest with each other, remember?”

  “I was going to say…” Her eyes met his and she blushed again. “I’d love you even if you gained a ton of weight.”

  She waited for him to tense, frown, or react negatively to her words but instead he smiled, his eyes lighting up. He dropped the remote on the bed, reached for her and his hand cupped her face.

  “Do you love me?”

  She tried to look away but Navarro moved closer, putting his face inches from hers, holding her face immobile as she gazed back at him. She loved his damn eyes, could stare into them all day long, she decided. He smiled at her.

  “Say it to me, babe. Please?” His voice lowered to a husky tone.

  Trina knew he had her and she had given herself away by a slip of the tongue. She took a deep breath and expelled it slowly. He had asked for the truth so she’d give it to him.

  “I…love you. I don’t know how it happened so damn fast but I do.”

  He grinned. “Thank God.”

  Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Thank God?”

  He nodded, grinning. “You think I just wanted you to live with me for sex every damn night? I’m so damn nuts about you that it isn’t funny. I knew I loved you the night you let me rope and brand you. I suspected then that I was falling for you hard and fast but I’m a fighter. I resisted but when you straddled my lap to let me brand your skin with that rope… Damn, babe, you branded me right back.”

  She reached up to grip his jaw. “Say it to me.”

  He moved closer so their lips almost brushed. “I love you, Trina.”

  She threw herself at him, her body slamming into his. He laughed and caught her as they tumbled back on the bed, his body cushioning hers as they fell flat. Trina ended up sprawled on top of him as she kissed him. Navarro reached for something, his arm stretching out, and suddenly she cried out into his mouth as her clit started to vibrate hard. He’d found the remote.

  Navarro rolled them so he was on top of her. He spread her thighs, entering her in one hard motion, burying his cock deep. He pinned her under him with the vibrator on high. Trina tore her mouth from his so she didn’t bite him and threw her head back from the sheer pleasure he was giving her. Navarro started to ride her hard and fast, his body powered against her and inside her.

  “Oh God.”

  “Say my name,” he ordered as he twisted his hips, changing the angle of his cock inside her, driving into her over and over.


  She cried out his name as she came minutes later, feeling him coming with her as he jerked on her, groaning softly.

  When she opened her eyes after recovering from the intense orgasm, Navarro was smiling at her. He still had her pinned under him and she realized he’d turned off the vibrator. She reached up since he’d lifted his chest a little off her body to give her plenty of breathing space and teased his nipple. Their gazes locked.

  “You know this is crazy, right?”

  He chuckled. “So?”

  She nodded. “We’ll be crazy together.”

  “It is going to be a hell of a lot of fun.”

  She laughed. “Yeah. It will be. I have the best time with you.”

  He slowly withdrew from her body to sit up on his knees. He gripped hers and pushed them up. “I love that you’r
e flexible.”

  She laughed. “Is there a reason you’re shoving my knees to my chest?”

  “You said this thing wasn’t comfortable enough to sleep in.”

  She laughed as she shifted around to help while he unhooked the vibrator straps. He winked at her and leaned over to set the small vibrator on the table by the bed.

  “You get the light.”

  “Me?” He grinned. “I did the work.”

  “You’re the big badass who used to play with bulls. I hear you have rodeo championship buckles. Someone said you were some rodeo star.” She was never going to stop teasing him about that.

  He laughed as he climbed off the bed. “I think we need to install one of those sound-activated, on-and-off controls in here for the lights.”

  Trina rolled on her side, laughing. “We can’t.”

  He stopped by the light switch and turned to face her, smiling. “You’re only saying that because you’re over there and my ass is up to shut off the light.”

  She rolled to her knees. “Imagine this. You have already installed that device on the light.”

  His grin widened and he nodded. “I’d be imagining it from the bed since I wouldn’t be standing over here.”

  She laughed. “So it’s installed and we’re in bed. We’re going at it.” She bent over, bracing one hand on the bed to brace her upper body. “And you’re behind me.”

  “I love this. Keep going. I can totally picture it.”

  She slapped her ass and then slapped it again, then again. She started to laugh. “Remind you of a sound we make?” She dropped down, laughing. “The light would be turning on and off so damn fast it would blow up.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he stared at her. “Maybe that isn’t such a hot idea in the bedroom after all.”

  “Or the living room or the dining room.”

  He chuckled as he flipped off the light. “Okay. No sound-activated lights in our house.”

  Trina stretched out on the bed and it dipped as Navarro climbed on it with her. She lay back as he curled next to her, pulling up the covers to tuck them both in, and then he tugged her into his arms so she was curled into his side with her head on his chest.

  Trina placed her hand on his lower stomach, loving the feel of his warm skin. His arm was wrapped around her back and his hand rested on her hip.

  “I’m glad you’re here. This feels like the most right thing in my damn life, babe.”

  Hot tears pricked Trina’s eyes. “I know, but I feel a little guilty.”

  “Why?” He rubbed her hip as his other hand curled over her hand on his stomach, holding it.

  “I was married to Ted for sixteen years. I loved him. I really did. It’s just that…”

  “You can tell me anything, Trina. I know how much he meant to you. It’s okay. I’m a little jealous but I know it’s possible to love more than one person.”

  “I feel more for you. I never curled up with him at night and felt like it was the one and only place I really belonged.” She hesitated. “You feel like…” She paused.

  “It’s where you belong and who you belong with?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. How did you know?”

  He squeezed her hand. “That’s how I feel when we touch.”

  Trina pressed tighter to him. “I feel more for you, Navarro. I feel guilty as hell about that but there’s no reason for you to be jealous over him. Ted never had this. He never made me this pure rightness that I have with you. It’s so damn intense.”

  “I love you, babe. Thank you for that. I feel the same.”

  “I love you too.”


  Eight months later

  Navarro closed the bedroom door and grinned at Trina. “Strip.”

  She turned, smiled up at him, and arched her eyebrows. “Now? Are you serious?”

  “Rules…bedroom…do what I say…” He leaned against the door, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Trina’s heart sped up as she glanced at the bedside clock. She looked back at Navarro. “We have about fifteen minutes.”

  “I only need ten.” He winked. “Take it off, babe. Stretch out on the bed on your back and spread those lovely thighs for me.”

  She moved, kicking off her high heels and reaching behind her for the zipper of her dress. “I am just saying this is nuts but I’m game if you are.” She laughed though as she shimmied out of the dress, carefully placing it over the chair next to the bed. “I’m blaming you if we get caught.”

  The sound of Navarro’s shoes was loud as they hit the floor. As Trina wiggled out of her panties she heard his zipper go down. Excitement raced through her as she unfastened her bra, tossing it with the dress. She turned then to watch Navarro shove down his black slacks. He shoved his boxers down with them, totally baring his body from waist to the top of his black socks. Her attention instantly went to his aroused cock—full, thick, and standing up proudly, pointing right at her.

  “I’ll risk us getting caught. Hell, what are they going to do?”

  She grinned. “Be shocked?”

  He laughed. “No way.” He crossed the room, unbuttoning his shirt. “These are my brothers we’re talking about. They’d be disappointed if we didn’t sneak up here the second we got home.”

  Trina climbed on the bed and rolled over to stretch out on her back. She cupped her breasts and started playing with her nipples to warm herself up as she bent her knees. She spread them wide open, lifted her hips a little, and wiggled her ass to taunt the man she loved. His passion-filled gaze locked on her pussy.

  “Hurry up. I’m staring without you.”

  The black jacket went sailing across the room to land on the dresser. The unbuttoned dress shirt was almost torn off of his body as he jerked it down and tossed it over the end of the bed, just climbing over the footboard to get to her. “We do everything together now so wait for me.”

  The hand that brushed her thigh made Trina softly moan as his roughened palm teased her softer inner thigh. “Higher.”

  A chuckle escaped his parted lips. “I was going to kiss you.”

  She lifted her head and released her breasts as her hands reached for him to pull him down on top of her but instead he crouched down, his face going level with her spread thighs. A flash of arousal burned through her as his breath fanned her skin, realizing his intention. Her clit started to throb. She loved his mouth and that strong tongue of his that could lick her within an inch of her life. Her vaginal walls clenched in anticipation of what was to come―Navarro inside her really damn soon.

  “I love your kisses.”

  Navarro lifted his chin, his attention wandering all over her body. “Thank you, babe.” His expression grew serious.

  “For loving you going down on me?” She laughed. “My pleasure. Really.”

  “No. For selling your place so you were totally committed to making us work. Thank you for making me the happiest damn man alive.” He paused. “Thank you for loving me and letting me love you.”

  Hot tears filled Trina’s eyes as she slowly sat and tugged Navarro up enough to cup his face. She moved in closer until their noses almost met, their gazes locking.

  “I’m the one who is thankful. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Navarro.”

  “You didn’t have to pay for Dusty’s rehab either but I’m glad you did. He’s doing really well, so not only did you give me your love, but you gave me my brother back.”

  “Shut up. I just wrote a check. He’s the one who decided to change his life when you and your brothers inspired him with the intervention you had.”

  “You inspire me.” His hand moved and his thumb found her swollen bundle of nerves to tease by lightly rubbing her there.

  A door slammed loudly in the house. Trina wanted to groan in frustration.

  “Shit. Your brothers are home a few minutes early.”

  “I don’t give a damn.”


>   Navarro cut her off. “They can amuse our guests as they arrive. They are all big boys. Besides, the guests won’t arrive for another half hour so it’s just them in the house right now.” He paused. “Do you know all four of them are in love with you, babe? They kept asking me how the hell I got lucky enough to find you. You won every damn one of them over before you even let them taste your baked goods. I thought Drake was going to propose to you over dessert the night he arrived.”

  As she caressed Navarro’s face she grinned at him. “Besides Ryder, do any of them know the truth about how we got together?”

  He chuckled. “Do they know about you propositioning me? Oh yeah. That damn Ryder somehow copied our contract and he had the thing framed. He’s springing it on us as a wedding gift later today. Dusty warned me in the limo on the way to the church because he didn’t want me to ruin my suit when I kicked Ryder’s ass if I don’t see the humor in it. He’ll give it to us when the reception starts downstairs.”

  Trina laughed. “Shit. He wouldn’t. What if someone sees it besides us? How did your other brothers take it when they found out about our arrangement? I hope they don’t think bad of me. I am family now.”

  “Well, according to Drake, you paid way too much for me and River said if you’d seen him first you’d have married him. Dusty just grinned and said I was a lucky bastard. Ryder still thinks he’s better in bed than I am and you got the wrong brother.”

  Trina laughed. “Well, I’ll be sure to tell them that you are worth every damn penny, River never had a chance because you’re the only man for me, and as for that last part…” She winked. “I’m old. I’m having a senile moment so I need reminded.” She spread her thighs wider. “Show me how damn good in bed you are. That way I can be sure to tell your damn brother how wrong he is. I’m pretty certain I got the best of the bunch with you.”

  Navarro chuckled as he lowered himself down her body again. “I remember something about my kisses…”

  She grinned. “Navarro. Navarro. Navarro. I’m saying your name now while I can still talk.”