Lisa left and Stella grabbed her bag, planning to go home and take a bath as well. Maybe soak for an hour. Or two. Or three.

  But when she got off the subway in her neighborhood she changed her mind and ended up at her friend Carolina’s design studio, since it was near her apartment. When Carolina debuted her line of clothes at New York’s Fashion Week last year, her friend had been nonstop busy ever since, and they hadn’t had a lot of time together. Plus, Carolina was in love—with Trick’s best friend and teammate, Drew Hogan—which ate up the rest of Carolina’s time.

  Stella was thrilled for Carolina. Drew was a great guy. Funny, honest, and God, he really loved Carolina. It made her heart melt seeing how much that man loved her best friend. And he’d gone to great lengths to prove it to her.

  Which didn’t mean that Stella needed a man in her life. In fact, that was the last damn thing she needed. Sex? Definitely. True love? She’d tried that before, and it had laughed in her face. She didn’t need to be mocked by love more than once in her life.

  She rang the bell downstairs, and Carolina answered.

  “It’s me,” Stella said.

  “Shouldn’t you be home soaking in a hot tub?”

  “Of course I should. But I know you keep alcohol up there. And pretty clothes.”

  Carolina laughed and buzzed her up. When she opened the door, Carolina gave her a critical eye.

  “You’ve lost weight. And you look exhausted. Do you ever sleep or eat?”

  “Not right now. You know what rehearsals for a new show are like.”

  Carolina pulled her in for a hug. “God, I’ve missed you. It seems like it’s been months since I’ve seen you.”

  “I know. Why are we both so busy?”

  Carolina shut the door and Stella shrugged out of her coat. “Because we both have kick-ass careers?”

  Stella laughed. “I guess. Though mine is currently kicking my ass.”

  “Come on. I’ll open a bottle of wine. No beer here, sorry.”

  “Wine will do.”

  “Good. I needed a break anyway. Gearing up for fashion week again is killing me right now.”

  “It feels like you just premiered your line, and here you’re ready to do it all over again. Do you ever feel like a hamster on a wheel?”

  Carolina laughed as she grabbed a bottle out of the refrigerator in the break room of her studio and pulled a bottle opener out of the drawer. “Only all the time. It’s one of those ‘be careful what you wish for, you might just get it’ type of things.”

  Stella took a seat at the bar. “But look at how far you’ve come in less than a year, honey. You’ve already moved into a bigger studio space, you’ve launched your design brand, your clothes are in stores, and Carolina Designs is a name people recognize. I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

  Carolina poured the wine into two glasses and slid one over to her, then she took a deep breath. “Thank you, Stell. And the same goes for you. The lead in a new show. I’m proud of you, as well. We’re both doing good.”

  “We are. Here’s to us.”

  They touched glasses, and Stella took a sip. The wine tasted fantastic. She was normally a beer person, but the wine was flavorful and she knew it would help relax her so she could sleep tonight.

  Carolina came around the bar and took a seat next to Stella. “Other than looking like you need to eat a few cheeseburgers, tell me what else is going on.”

  Stella took another few sips of wine, then set the glass down. “I hooked up with Trick again.”

  Carolina’s eyes widened. “You did? When did this happen?”

  “Very recently. Greta was in town and we went to the hockey game, then hit up a bar afterward. Trick was there with some of the guys from the team, and we reconnected.”

  “As I recall, things had cooled between the two of you. But you didn’t end it badly.”

  “No. It was more our work schedules. And you know how it is with me—I don’t like to see a guy too much.”

  “Yes, I do know how it is with you. The love-’em-and-leave-’em type. Though I think having a man more or less permanently in your life might be good for you. Someone to be there for you, to remind you to eat . . .”

  Sometimes having Carolina for a friend was like having another sister to watch over her. “Ha ha. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself and don’t need a man to do that for me.”

  “Oh, but having a man around can be advantageous. Someone to take out the trash, replace batteries in the smoke detectors, sex on demand . . .”

  “Speaking of sex on demand, how is Drew?”

  “Oh, he’s very good. At taking out the trash, of course.”

  Stella laughed. “Of course.”

  “I’m sure Trick is very good at taking out the trash as well.”

  “I can’t say I’ve sampled his trash or battery replacing skills, but he’s fantastic in bed.” And just talking about sex revved her up when she should be trying to relax.

  “So why are you here with me instead of with him?”

  “Because I love you and haven’t seen you in a while. And because it’s not always about the men.”

  “This is true.”

  “So show me all your pretty clothes and what you’ve got going on, and tell me how crazy your life is right now so I won’t feel like it’s just me.”

  “Okay,” Carolina said with a laugh, sliding off the barstool. “Let’s go look at clothes.”

  Stella was amazed at Carolina’s eye for clothing, at how she could spot upcoming trends and create something that she instinctively knew people would want. Or at least everything that hit Stella’s hot buttons. Carolina had created lines for both men and women that were simple yet luxurious at the same time. As Carolina walked her through the sketches and some of her line that she’d already completed, Stella mentally ticked off items she wanted.

  Mostly everything. And she could see Trick in so many of the men’s clothes as well.

  “This line is fantastic, Carolina. I love everything. And those leather pants with the ankle zippers, especially paired up with that sequined sweater? Those belong in my closet—now.”

  Carolina grinned. “Wait until you see the mohair ankle boots I’m putting the model in to walk with that outfit.”

  “I hate you.”

  “You won’t hate me when I send you the outfit—plus the boots—after the show.”

  Stella threw her arms around Carolina and hugged her. “This is one of the many reasons why you’re my best friend. But not for the clothes. Really. Not for the clothes.”

  Carolina laughed. “I know. Now, we need to get out of here. My brain is toast and I’m starving.”

  “If you’re going to want to go out to eat, I need a shower.”

  “Okay, we’ll stop at your place first.”

  Carolina closed up her studio and they grabbed a taxi to Stella’s apartment, both of them complaining about how damn cold it was as they jumped in and out of the cab.

  “Why is it so fucking cold already?” Stella asked.

  “Because it’s New York?” Carolina replied.

  “Good point.” Arm in arm, they hurried into the building. The wind was picking up. Stella could smell snow in the air. It was early December and she wasn’t ready for snow yet.

  Just the quick dash in the cold made Stella long for that nice warm bath, but it was going to have to wait. She thought the glass of wine might slow her down, but it was amazing what hanging out with a friend could do for her energy level. She stripped out of her clothes and took a quick shower, then chose a pair of skintight leggings, her favorite pair of combat boots, a dark tank, and a sheer silver top, topping it off with a leather studded jacket. She complemented the look with several necklaces.

  “I love how you can take five minutes to put one hell of a kick-ass outfit together
,” Carolina said, studying her as she came out of her bedroom. “You should help me put clothes together for the show.”

  Stella laughed. “You don’t need me. Your sense of fashion rocks. Look at you with your skinny jeans and those leather boots that, if you weren’t my best friend, I’d kill you to take off of you. And I covet that black trench coat with all those zippers. You know I’m a sucker for zippers.”

  “I know. I designed this with you in mind. And you might be getting one for Christmas.”

  “I do love Santa. And you. Have I mentioned how much I love you?”

  “Not more than three or four times in the past hour.”

  Stella grabbed her purse and looped her arm in Carolina’s. “Be prepared to hear it a few more times. Let’s go.”

  They both devoured huge chicken and cashew salads at a corner restaurant near Carolina’s place, then headed up to her apartment.

  “I have beer here, since Drew prefers it over wine,” Carolina said after they hung up their coats.

  “I’ll just have water,” Stella said. “I can only dance off so many calories.”

  Carolina gave her a sidelong look. “You could use a few more calories.”

  “So everyone tells me. Believe me, after the show I’m going to eat two pizzas and guzzle a six-pack.”

  They took seats on the sofa. Stella flexed her ankles, giving her legs a long stretch. She didn’t want to tighten up after today’s rehearsal, and since she’d missed her bath, she knew that was a possibility.

  “Where is that hot boyfriend of yours, anyway?” Stella asked. “I know it’s not a game night tonight.”

  “Some team meeting about something or other. I admit I was only half listening when he called me and told me about it because I was knee-deep in fabric selections.”

  “That’s certainly understandable. Pretty fabric is much more important than hockey.”

  Carolina grinned. “To me it is. Probably not to Drew.”

  “And how are things going with the cohabitation?”

  “It’s actually pretty great for the most part. I thought we’d get in each other’s way, but we don’t. I mean, we have the usual getting used to each other stuff, but it’s minor. For some reason he can’t grasp the concept that dirty clothes go in the hamper, and it drives him crazy that I don’t eat breakfast right when I get up in the morning. He wakes up starving and wants to cook a six-course meal when all I want is tea. We’re learning all of each other’s weird idiosyncrasies. But I like knowing he’s here with me. I like sleeping with him when he’s in town. The sex is outstanding, he makes me laugh, and I love him like crazy.”

  Carolina looked around the room. “He fills this space. I couldn’t imagine him not in it.”

  Stella smiled at her best friend. “I love seeing you like this. You were always so driven, so focused only on work. Not that your work isn’t as important to you now as it ever was, but sharing your life with Drew has changed you.”

  “It has. In ways even I can’t explain. And I want the same thing for you, Stell, because you’re just as driven and focused as I used to be—as I still am. But you don’t have that someone to share your world with.”

  Stella felt a tug in the vicinity of her chest, but shrugged it off. “I don’t need that. I don’t want it. I told you, I’m a free agent, and I prefer it that way.”

  “It’s a lonely way. I never realized how lonely I was until Drew came in and filled my world with all that love.”

  “Now you’re starting to sound like one of those sappy greeting cards you buy at the store.”

  Carolina laughed. “I am, aren’t I? Okay, enough love talk. I want to hear about this new show. Tell me all about it. What role you’re dancing, who the cast is, and all the juicy gossip.”

  Stella spent the next hour filling Carolina in on the grueling rehearsals and the cast, and telling her all about the choreographer. She hadn’t realized so much time had passed until she heard a click at the front door. She looked up to see Drew walk through.

  With Trick walking in behind him.

  “Well, hi, you two.” Carolina got up and went to greet Drew, who wrapped his arms around her and gave her a warm kiss.

  “Hey, babe,” Drew said, his gaze lingering on Carolina. “We were talking strategy, so I thought we’d continue it here with a beer. Unless you two are talking strategy of your own.”

  Carolina laughed. “No, we had dinner, now we’re gossiping.” She moved to Trick and hugged him.

  Stella got up and went over to give Drew a hug and peck on the cheek. “Hi, there, hot stuff. How’s it goin’?”

  “It’s going great. And you?”

  “Still dancing, as always.”

  “Good to hear.”

  She nodded at Trick after he hung up his coat. “Hey.”

  “Hey. Did you and Carolina have fun tonight?”

  “We did. I stopped off to see her after rehearsal and we ended up spending the evening together.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “How did your meeting go?”

  “It went fine. We’re coming up on a game against Detroit and they’re tough. We’ve got a couple of our key players injured, so we needed to talk strategy and replacements.”

  “You guys want a beer or wine?” Carolina asked from the bar.

  “Beer for me, thanks,” Trick said as he followed Stella toward the living room.

  “Obviously it’s a game you all really want to win.”

  “They’ve kicked our asses the last few meetings,” Drew said, taking two beers from Carolina and handing one off to Trick. “Injuries or not, we intend to take them down this time.”

  Stella grabbed her water from the coffee table and took a long swallow. “When’s the game?”

  “Monday night.”

  “Home game, right?”

  Trick nodded. “Yeah.”

  “I’ll definitely be there to cheer you on.”

  “I can make it, too,” Carolina said.

  “Are you sure?” Drew had taken up a spot on the arm of the sofa, and smoothed his hand over her hair. “I know you’re in crunch mode.”

  Carolina tilted her head back to look up at Drew and smiled. “This is an important game for you. I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Drew leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. “Thanks, babe. That means a lot.”

  “You two should get a room.”

  “We have one. Or two. Right here, as a matter of fact,” Drew said with a wide grin.

  Stella stood. “That’s my cue to leave.”

  Carolina laughed. “It was not.”

  “I’ve got to go anyway. I still need a hot bath or my muscles will cramp up on me.”

  “I’ll go with you.” Trick took a few deep swallows of his beer.

  “You do not have to leave. Drew was just kidding, you know,” Carolina said.

  Drew slipped his arm around Carolina. “Was I?”

  Carolina rolled her eyes. “You’re a terrible host.”

  He laughed. “Hey, Lina’s right. I was just joking.”

  “Oh, I know, but I’ll head out with Stella anyway.”

  “And I really do need to be on my way.” Stella got up and put her empty water glass in the dishwasher.

  Trick tossed his beer bottle in the recycle bin while she went to get her coat.

  “We can catch up on the strategy at the next practice,” Trick said to Drew. “Give us both some time to digest it all.”

  “Agreed,” Drew said, slapping Trick on the back. “See you an hour earlier, maybe?”

  Trick nodded. “That’s a plan.”

  Stella turned to Carolina and hugged her. “Thanks for spending time with me tonight. I’ll see you at the game Monday night?”

  “Of course.”

  Stella and Trick rode
down the elevator together, Trick being surprisingly quiet. At least until they got outside.

  “Share a cab with me?” he asked.


  Trick hailed a taxi, which fortunately didn’t take long since she really didn’t want to stand at the curb and shiver in the cold. They climbed inside and Trick gave the cab his address.

  “My apartment is closer,” she said.

  He turned to her. “But how can you take a nice hot bath at my place if I drop you off at yours?”

  “You’re assuming I want to take a bath at your place.”

  “I am. There’s still time to give the driver your address.”

  She could say no, but she didn’t want to. “Your place is fine.”

  “I knew you couldn’t resist me.”

  She leaned against him. “You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you? When in actuality, your tub is bigger and it has jets.”

  He put his arm around her. “Damn, Stell. I feel so used.”

  Her lips curved. She really, really liked this man.

  And the warning bells clanged loudly in her head.


  Once at his apartment, Trick wasted no time in heading to his bathroom. He wasn’t joking about getting Stella relaxed. He’d seen her pointing her toes and wincing in just the short period of time he’d been at Drew and Carolina’s place, and knew a hot bath was just the thing she needed.

  “You should get naked,” he said as she leaned against the doorway to his bathroom.

  “Is that the line you use on all your women?”

  “First, no. Second, I don’t have women. I have you.”

  She gave him an unfathomable look. “You do have me—for tonight.”

  He looked up from his seat on the side of the tub. “That’ll work. Now get naked. Tub’s filling. Sorry I don’t have bubble bath.”

  She laughed and turned to enter his bedroom, drawing her top over her head. “I don’t need bubble bath.”

  She came back a minute or so later and she was beautifully bare. He couldn’t help but take a minute to stare. Her body was a goddamned work of art. She was tall, with stunning long legs, her hair styled in short blonde spikes. She was a natural blonde, so the small tuft of hair at her sex was golden, making him go hard just thinking of touching her there, of licking her and relaxing her even more. Tonight she wore some kind of black sparkling earrings that only made the china-doll look of her face more prominent.