Book IV.
CHAPTER I. A Re-entrance into Life through the Ebon Gate, Affliction
CHAPTER II. Ambitious Projects
The real Actors Spectators to the false ones
CHAPTER IV. Paris.--A Female Politician, and an Ecclesiastical One.--Sundry other Matters
CHAPTER V. A Meeting of Wits.--Conversation gone out to Supper in her Dress of Velvet and Jewels
CHAPTER VI. A Court, Courtiers, and a King
CHAPTER VII. Reflections.--A Soiree.--The Appearance of one important in the History.--A Conversation with Madame de Balzac highly satisfactory and cheering.--A Rencontre with a curious old Soldier.-- The Extinction of a once great Luminary
CHAPTER VIII. In which there is Reason to fear that Princes are not invariably free from Human Peccadilloes
CHAPTER IX. A Prince, an Audience, and a Secret Embassy
CHAPTER X. Royal Exertions for the Good of the People
CHAPTER XI. An Interview