Page 13 of The Border Hostage

  “You know all about birds. What can I do to make them stay?”

  Raven remembered a trick her grandmother had taught her. “You must put grain out for them. Then get a rope with a bell on it and hang it from this window. When you throw out the grain every day, you ring the bell, and the swans will learn to come for it.”

  “Does it really work? It sounds like a magic trick!”

  “No, it is training. Most birds can be trained.”

  “Oh, we must try it. Ada, do go and get one of the stewards to get us a rope and a brass bell.” As soon as Ada departed, Tina said, “Raven, will you teach me how to fly a hawk? I must get back in the saddle if I am to regain my slim figure.”

  “Don't you think it's too soon?”

  “Oh, now you sound like Ada. I am determined.”

  Though Raven didn't believe she would be at Eskdale much longer, she nodded. “Whenever you feel up to it.”

  Ada arrived with the steward, who fastened the bell to the rope and lowered it from the window, as she instructed him to do. Then Tina scattered the grain he had brought while Ada rang the bell. As Raven watched, it was brought home to her that here was another woman who had great power over men. The steward would have gladly lowered himself into the water, to please Ada.

  Ram Douglas arrived on the scene and listened with amusement as Valentina explained what they were up to. “I came tae see if ye would grace the hall with yer presence tonight. Everyone is clamoring fer a glimpse of the famous Douglas twins.”

  “I shall be delighted. Will you carry their cradles down to the hall for me?” When Ram immediately lifted one, Tina began to laugh. “No, no, I must feed them first, unless you want everyone in the hall to glimpse the other famous Douglas twins.”

  The reference to her breasts brought a smile to everyone's lips, including her husband's, and Raven saw the look of intimate adoration on his face that told everyone he was deeply in love.

  “Darling, I've written letters to my family, telling them about our amazing blessed event. There's one for Donal and Meggie, one for Father, and a third for Mother and Beth in Carlisle. I want them to have the news right away so they won't be worried.”

  Ram kissed her hand that held out the letters. “I will see that they are dispatched immediately, my honey love.”

  Raven avidly watched the interplay between the lovers. He granted Tina's every request as if she were a goddess, and if he didn't have a swift messenger available, looked ready to call upon the god Mercury to do her bidding!

  Raven thought about her own family and was vastly relieved that they would not be worried about her, at least not yet. Her mother believed she was staying with her grandmother, who in turn thought she was at Bewcastle. She hoped they would never learn the truth, and prayed that Lord Dacre would ransom them soon. She had no idea how long it would take, and resolved to confront Heath Kennedy tonight and demand some answers. She had been patient long enough.

  * * *

  The hall was lit with a hundred torches. It was the first time Raven had dined there, and she found it fascinating. Valentina and the two cradles holding her babies were elevated upon a dais displayed like treasure. The hall was filled to capacity by the men and women who served Douglas. Some of the moss-troopers were married, some were handfast, others completely unshackled, but every male had a female companion by his side. Most belonged to Clan Douglas and were connected by bonds of blood, marriage, or loyalty. All took great pride in the fact that Lord and Lady Douglas had produced twins.

  Mr. Burque, the French chef, presented the dishes he had prepared to Lady Douglas for her admiration. He made a great show of serving Valentina first, then Lord Douglas. When they enthusiastically nodded their approval, Burque clapped his hands and the servitors carried similar dishes to the other tables.

  Raven's glance traveled around the hall searching for Heath Kennedy. She had successfully avoided him all day, but fully expected that he would dine in the hall tonight. Where was he? She was eager for the confrontation, but now the exasperating devil was nowhere in sight and seemed to be deliberately avoiding her! It occurred to her that now would be a good time to search his chamber. Perhaps she would find notes about the ransom demand, or even the key to Christopher's tower room, if her power was strong tonight.

  Raven waited until all the toasts to Valentina's health had been offered and acknowledged. Then when everyone formed a long line to visit the dais and view the celebrated babies in their carved cradles, she slipped from the hall.

  Upstairs in her own chamber the fire blazed cheerfully, and she used it to light all the candles in both rooms. As she moved toward the table beside his narrow bed, she drew in a swift breath. She picked up the black raven's feather with fingers that suddenly trembled. She dropped it quickly, scolding herself for being ridiculous. Anyone could have a black feather. It meant nothing.

  She opened a drawer in the table and was amazed to find that it held tarot cards and a peculiarly shaped stone. Though she had never seen one before, Raven immediately knew what it was. Its phallic shape proclaimed it a god stone. Here was proof that Heath Kennedy practiced the Craft, and Raven's worst suspicions were confirmed. The dark devil did have the power!

  She was careful not to touch anything. He must not know that she knew his secrets. Raven moved to the wardrobe and began to search the pockets of his clothes, looking for the key. The scent of his garments stole to her as she touched them. The masculine smell of leather was mixed with something else, something exotic like sandalwood that stirred her senses.

  “Is this what you are looking for?”

  Raven whirled around, angry that she had been caught, furious that he could move with such silent stealth, and incensed that he was dangling the key from his fingers. “I am looking for answers! I absolutely refuse to be kept in the dark from now on. I demand to know how much longer this will take. No evasions! I want you to be straight with me, Heath Kennedy.”

  “Ask your questions, Raven. I will tell you anything you wish to know. Come and sit down.”

  She took the chair because her knees felt like wet linen. He sat down in the chair facing her and waited for her questions. She took a deep breath to calm herself, wondering where to begin. “I know nothing about holding someone for ransom. What are the steps involved? How long does it take? What happens if the ransom is not paid? I am racked with worry for Chris Dacre's safety.”

  “The procedure is quite simple; let me explain. I took Chris Dacre prisoner, then sent a letter to his father demanding ransom. It set down the time and place where the exchange would be made. Lord Dacre agreed to my terms immediately.”

  Raven moistened her lips with her tongue. “Where and when?”

  “On the Border at Liddel Water. You can stop worrying over Chris Dacre. Tonight the ransom was paid and my prisoner turned over to his father. By now he will be safe at Bewcastle.”

  Raven was stunned. “You released Christopher? What about me? Didn't Lord Dacre pay my ransom too?” she asked in disbelief.

  “I did not ask him to ransom you,” Heath said quietly.

  She jumped up from the chair and flew at him with her fists. “You vile devil! How could you release Christopher without me?” She pummeled his chest with her fists as hard as she could.

  Heath covered her hands with his and forced them to be still. “I wouldn't take Dacre's money for you, Raven,” he said with stiff pride. “That would be like selling you to him.”

  “So, tomorrow I am free to go?” she asked cautiously. “Not exactly. If I let you go now, you'd run back to Dacre.”

  “No, I would not!” she denied. “I would go home. When I told you Chris Dacre and I were betrothed, it was a lie!”

  “In that case, my beautiful little liar, I am free to woo you.” With a great whoop he picked her up and held her in the air, laughing up into her face.

  “You ugly Scots brute, if you try to keep me captive, I will make you rue the day you were ever born! I will make your life so miserab
le, you will beg me on bended knee to leave this place!”

  Heath laughed. “You are irresistible when you are angry. I love a challenge, Raven; I will woo you relentlessly. You already enjoy my kisses, and before I'm done you'll enjoy everything else I do to you. Passionately!”

  She bent her head and fastened her teeth into the hand that held her in the air. The moment he set her feet back to the carpet, she picked up her skirts and fled to the sanctuary of the adjoining room, slamming the door with fury. Then she pushed and struggled with the heavy oak chest that stood against the wall until it was wedged against the door. Her temper was high as she stood panting from her exertions, and she experienced a heady feeling of triumph that she had thwarted his advances.

  All was quiet as she stood catching her breath, but shortly a strange scraping noise broke the silence. It sounded like metal against wood, and she puzzled about what he was doing. All at once, the door was no longer between them; only the tall chest separated them. Her short-lived triumph dissolved as she realized with dismay that he had removed the iron pins and lifted the door off its hinges. Then effortlessly he moved the heavy chest back to where it belonged.

  “You have slammed the door for the last time, Raven. It was most tiresome; from now on there will be no barriers between us.”

  “You cannot do this! My God, I will have no privacy! How will I bathe, how will I dress?”

  He grinned. “It is time I kept a closer eye upon you.”

  Another frightening thought occurred to her. How on earth would she be able to sleep with no barrier between them? He had the power to invade her dreams and make them seem real. Without a door, what would prevent him from invading her bed while she slept? Raven's resolve hardened against him. More than anything in the world, she wanted to wipe the grin from his face. She lifted her chin and said coldly, “I wish you had sold me to Dacre.”

  She watched his grin fade, then without another word, she turned her back upon him and withdrew from the doorway. She pulled a chair closer to the fire, armed herself with the iron poker, then sat down. Under no circumstances would she undress and lie down in the bed. She would sit up all night, and every night until he put the door back where it belonged.

  Raven managed to stay alert for the next two hours, but after that her eyes began to close and her head began to nod. She fought against sleep with a vengeance, shifting about in the chair and focusing on the bright flames of the fire. Gradually she became hypnotized and finally succumbed to slumber. Two more hours passed before her eyelids fluttered. This chair is amazingly comfortable. Raven turned over and felt the sheet brush against her bare legs.

  She opened her eyes and was utterly confounded to find herself in bed. Then she realized that only one person could have put her there. She lifted the covers and it confirmed what she suspected. She was completely nude; Heath Kennedy had undressed her!

  At Bewcastle, Christopher Dacre paced the vaulted chamber, venting his anger, while his father questioned him about the kidnapping. He made no mention whatsoever of Raven Carleton. If it became common knowledge that she had been carried off to Scotland, her reputation would be blackened and his father would never negotiate a betrothal. But after what had happened, Chris Dacre was absolutely determined to make Raven his wife. Kennedy had humiliated him beyond endurance. He had taken his horse and even his boots; there was no way in hell Chris Dacre would allow the whoreson to take his woman. When he had learned the Borderer had only asked for his mares and an insulting two hundred pounds ransom, the black hatred he felt toward Kennedy deepened to untold depths, making him lust for revenge. He had vowed to destroy him and the rest of the Kennedys with fire and sword, and needed his father's aid for this retaliation.

  “There are Kennedys aplenty we will avenge ourselves upon, never fear. We will start with the father and his prosperous shipping empire. Rob Kennedy will rue the day he turned his nose up at a marriage bond with the Dacres. Then we'll hit his son and heir's vast landholding in Kirkcudbright. But there will be no revenge taken at Eskdale,” Lord Dacre declared. “It is a Douglas holding. We cannot afford retaliation that would point the finger at us. As things stand, there is no way that anyone can connect us with the Armstrongs.”

  “There is a way!” Christopher informed his father. “Kennedy has Mangey Armstrong's brother safely locked up at Eskdale!”

  “Son of a bitch! That puts a different complexion on things. The fucking Armstrongs must have piss for brains; they botch everything they put their hand to. Well, we have to get him out of there, fast. Dead or alive makes little difference.”

  When Raven opened her eyes in the morning, the first thing she saw was a grinning Heath Kennedy leaning against the doorjamb.

  “It is a good thing I decided to keep a closer eye on you, my beauty. You fell asleep in the chair and almost did yourself an injury with the poker.”

  “If you don't remove yourself, I will show you a bloody injury!”

  “Can't I watch you get up?” he teased.

  “No! Absolutely not! If you remain in that doorway, I shall simply stay in bed all day.”

  “Mmm, if you stay in bed all day, I assure you that I won't remain in this doorway. I've seen what you are hiding under the covers.” He rolled his eyes suggestively.

  “You devil, this is just a game to you!”

  “A game I want you to play, Raven.”

  “Even games have rules!”

  “All right, I'll let you make a rule, and then I'll make one.”

  “You will let me get dressed without watching me!”

  “Agreed. You will stop avoiding me. Sully needs exercise.”

  “Agreed. I will bring him to the meadow today.”

  He grinned. “Give and take. See how easy it is?”

  “Then give me back my freedom!”

  Give me back my heart, Raven. “I shall give you the freedom to get up and get dressed. I'll see you in the meadow.”

  The moment she heard the outer door close, she jumped from the bed, opened the wardrobe, and took out an amethyst velvet riding dress. She immediately heard the door reopen. “You filthy liar!” she cried, grabbing the dress to cover herself.

  Ada came in carrying a breakfast tray. She glanced at Raven, then glanced at the door that had been removed. “Sorry to disappoint, but it's only me.”

  “I thought it was that maddening devil Heath!”

  “Filthy liar? Is that how you talk to him?” Ada glanced at the door again. “It must be a rough wooing.”

  “Oh, Ada, I'm at my wit's end. The ransom was paid, but last night he freed Chris Dacre without me, and I am powerless to do anything about it.”

  “Powerless? Heath wants you for his woman. Don't you realize that gives you all the power in the world over him?” Ada wanted to shake Raven. She would have given anything to have Heath want her.

  “Ada, I am woefully ignorant about men. I watch you and Valentina and am absolutely amazed at the way you both use your female power to get whatever you want. Please give me some advice, and tell me your secrets.”

  Ada sighed with regret. If Heath had set his heart on this young woman, so be it. “Come, I'll share your breakfast and impart my worldly knowledge, as I once did with Tina before she was wed.”

  Raven slipped on her petticoat and the two of them sat down on the bed with the food between them.

  “The Borders of England and Scotland are harsh lands that teach men harsh lessons. Might is right; wolves survive, sheep perish. Gentle, biddable women are soon crushed, because men will ride roughshod over any who let them. If you make a doormat of yourself, men will wipe their muddy boots on you. But a real man admires a woman who has the guts to stand up for herself.

  “When two volatile personalities come together, sparks are bound to fly, but any man can be managed if a woman is clever enough. A real woman can defeat any man breathing. Raven, you possess a vibrant beauty, but beauty is only a small part of it. I'm speaking of your sexuality. Most women can never utilize it bec
ause they never achieve it. The only time they get their way is by nagging or by tears; but, oh, how men resent them for it. Men don't want tears, they want laughter. Life is harsh, and the only fun a man ever gets is with a woman.

  “Sexuality is in the way you dress, to lure him and please him, inflaming his desire. The eyes are for flirting, and teasing, and promising him paradise. The mouth is for laughing, and kissing, and sighing, and whispering soft, sweet words that will make him melt with longing. It pays to use a man softly. Sexuality starts up here in your brain, then moves on to the rest of your body.

  “To become a woman, you must lose your virginity; it is of no use to a real woman. Some things can only be learned from a man, but once you gain sexual experience, it will give you complete confidence over him. But only if you learn to love sex. If you can abandon yourself, and truly enjoy the feel, and the taste, and the smell of your own sexuality, you will hold a man in the palm of your hand. You will own him body and soul, and he will be able to deny you nothing.”

  Suddenly, Raven heard the echo of her grandmother's words: You need more experience with men; you have been far too sheltered. You have the capacity for great power, Raven, but always remember that a woman's greatest power lies within her sexuality. Never be afraid to explore it, to utilize it. At the moment, you have an innocent sexuality that attracts and tantalizes the male. But as you gain sexual experience, you should be able to attain ascendancy over any mere male.

  “Thank you for being so frank with me, Ada. You have certainly given me much food for thought.”

  “Then I will let you digest it, along with your breakfast. Tina wants to know if you will give her a lesson in falconry today. She is determined to get back into the saddle and ride again.”