Page 36 of The Border Hostage

  Heath felt stiff and awkward and wanted to reject his thanks.

  “They didn't put me in the wall irons, but I've had nightmares that they used them on ye.” Donal's eyes were anguished.

  “No,” Heath denied quickly, “no … perhaps they lost the key.”

  “Thank God!” Donal muttered. “Father wants a word with ye.”

  Rob Kennedy awaited him, and there was no escape. Heath took a deep breath, then strode down the hall. “Let's go in here, so we can be private. There's summat I have tae say.” Rob led the way into a small chamber off the great hall.

  Heath looked his father directly in the eye. “For Christ's sake don't thank me! I've just had a revelation. I didn't do it for any of you … I did it for myself! I did it out of sheer, unadulterated pride, to demonstrate I had more reckless courage, to prove I was the better man, to show that I had more guts than any Kennedy breathing. I did it so that I could throw your thanks in your teeth, along with your offer to make me your heir!”

  “Are ye done, lad?” Rob asked dryly.

  Heath nodded once.

  “Good. 'Tis a wonder ye dinna choke on yer own self-righteousness.” Rob shook his head. “God's passion, ye get more like me every day! Towering pride is not only a deadly sin, it's bloody insufferable. I had tae swallow mine, an' ye'll do the same!”

  “What do you mean?” Heath was wary.

  “Tomorra, my lawyer's commin' tae change my will. We're all in agreement—well, all but Duncan—so ye have no say in the matter. I'm also expectin' Kennedys from all the other branches of the family; they're invited tae my twin grandchilders' christenin'. There's the new Earl of Cassillis, head of the clan, there's Callum Kennedy of Newark, Keith Kennedy of Dunure, an' Andrew Kennedy, Laird of Carrick. 'Tis time they got tae know the rightful heir tae the Lairdship of Galloway, an' ye'll no' shame me by throwin' it in my bloody teeth!”

  Heath, refusing to argue, changed the subject. “Tina has planned a wedding for Raven Carleton and me after the twins are christened.” He almost added that they were already married, but his father's words forestalled him.

  “Well, there's Providence fer ye! I've begun negotiations wi' Sir Lancelot Carleton tae betroth his son tae my wee Beth, an' I've invited them here tae finalize the matter!”

  “They're coming here?” Heath felt a touch of panic.

  “I sent Duncan tae fetch them aboard the Doon. Only think how honored they'll be tae see their daughter wed my firstborn son!”

  Heath's panic increased.

  “ 'Tis a good thing ye aren't wed yet; it'll give me a chance tae negotiate a sizeable dowry fer their daughter.”

  Once more Heath's pride raised its towering head. “You'll do no such bloody thing! I wouldn't take an English farthing from them. Besides, Lance Carleton has only a comfortable living; he's not filthy rich like you.”

  “Dinna get yer kilt in a knot! Oh aye, an' speakin' of kilts, we're all bein' fitted fer new Kennedy dress plaids afore we go tae Douglas. The blood-proud swaggerin' swine will no' outdo us!”

  The following day the Kennedy clan began to arrive. Members from every branch of the family were coming to honor the Lord of Galloway's twin grandchildren, and all were eager to get to know Heath Kennedy, whom it was rumored was no bastard after all, but the rightful heir.

  Heath struck up an immediate acquaintance with John Kennedy, the new Earl of Cassillis, whose father had been killed at Flodden. The old earl had bred the finest horseflesh in Scotland, and over the years Heath had managed to get his hands on a couple of his animals, most notably Tina's Barbary, Indigo.

  “Horses were my father's passion,” John Kennedy told Heath. “Unfortunately, I don't have the time tae devote tae long-term breedin'. My new wife, Alexandra Gordon, brought me twenty thousand head of Highland longhorn cattle, an' I don't have room fer both.”

  Heath wondered how on earth anyone could prefer cattle to horses. He had never allowed himself the luxury of envy, but at this moment Heath admitted that he coveted Cassillis's horses.

  Rob Kennedy's lawyer arrived, and the two men closeted themselves away arguing various points of law and preparing new legal documents. When they emerged from the private chamber, Rob called all the Kennedy males into the great hall and served them whisky. “Day after tomorra, we go tae Douglas fer the christening of my twin grandchildren.”

  Every male Kennedy raised his glass in a toast, and Rob had the servers replenish the whisky. “After the christenin', there is tae be a weddin'. My son Heath Kennedy will wed Raven Carleton.” Rob beckoned Heath forward to where he sat with his lawyer.

  With a feeling of reluctance, Heath walked down the room, dreading in his bones that his father was going to propose a toast to his new heir and uncertain what his response would be. He was totally unprepared, however, for his father's words.

  “Heath here is my firstborn son, an' my legal heir. However, my health is indifferent an' my days are numbered. After much cogitation an' deliberation, I've decided tae pass over the Lairdship of Galloway tae him this day.”

  Stunned silence blanketed the hall. Heath, who had long thought himself shockproof, realized that he was not. Slowly, hot burning pride rose within him, obliterating his feeling of shock. He stared hard at the father who had rejected him all his life, from the time he was a boy, who suddenly wanted to embrace him. Every instinct told him it was now his turn to do the rejecting and take his long-awaited revenge.

  Do not allow your towering pride to rule you. Heath heard the voice of his mother, Lily Rose, as clearly as if she were standing beside him. Do not allow your unbending pride to cheat you of your birthright. Heath ran his hand through his hair in a stubborn gesture and argued, To accept what he offers means I would have to forgive him! He heard Lily Rose sigh. Heath, my beloved son, are you not man enough to forgive him?

  Heath looked at his father's ruined face, and it finally dawned on him that pride was not strength, it was weakness. He bowed his proud head. “You honor me, my lord.”

  As he signed the legal papers a great cheer went up among the males present, and they raised their voices and their whisky in a resounding toast: “Tae Heath Kennedy, Laird of Galloway!” A piper appeared and the Kennedys raised Heath to their shoulders and carried him about the hall. When he looked down, the first thing he saw was Donal's beaming face.

  The next two hours were spent poring over maps and deeds with his father and their lawyer, showing him the extent of his domain. “I needed tae do this while I'm still alive tae guide ye in yer responsibilities as Laird of Galloway. Have no regrets, ye're the right mon fer the job.”

  “I have no regrets, Father.”

  That night, Heath Kennedy could not sleep, did not even want to sleep as he thought about the life-changing events of the day and all that being Lord of Galloway encompassed. All Kennedy holdings were now in his name: vast tracts of land, half a dozen castles and peel towers, a merchant shipping empire, and untold herds of livestock. The wealth was immense, as were the responsibilities. There were at least a score of towns and villages on Kennedy-owned land, and his decisions would affect hundreds of lives. Then there were Kennedy tenants who worked the land, and Kennedy crews who sailed the ships. Heath knew he would have to be decisive and resolute, but he vowed to be flexible and, above all, fair.

  First thing in the morning he would speak with the lawyer and have legal papers drawn up to benefit his brothers. He wanted Donal to receive all the revenues derived from Kennedy sheep and the export of Kennedy wool. Heath, aware of Duncan's resentment, decided that he should get all the revenues derived from the Kennedy merchant shipping business, and he would also put the vessels in Duncan's own name.

  The rest of the night he spent thinking about his beautiful wife, Raven, and the unbelievable wedding present he was about to bestow upon her. The title was only important to him because Raven would now be Lady Kennedy.


  The chapel at Castle Douglas could not hold all the Kennedys and Dougla
ses who had descended en masse to celebrate the christening and the wedding. Ramsay and Valentina, each holding a twin, stood at the stone christening font with the priest, who was flanked by Ada, acting as godmother, and Rob Kennedy, doing double duty as grandfather and godfather.

  As the priest intoned the baptismal prayers in Latin, Ram and Tina's redheaded son began to crow and screech with delight at the strange-sounding words, and his twin sister joined in the fun. Rob Kennedy loudly cleared his throat in a not-too-subtle hint for the priest to get on with it. When the priest did not immediately take the hint, Rob stepped forward, placing the entire weight of his bulk on the holy man's foot.

  “Christus!” he swore in Latin, but decided that speeding up the ceremony would be the fastest way to get the ungodly Kennedy out of his church. The priest took the baby girl into his arms and turned to Ada. “Name this child.”

  Ada's clear voice rang out, “Tara Jasmine Douglas!”

  As a collective gasp went round the chapel at the fancy name, Valentina and Ada exchanged a conspiratorial smile.

  The priest glared at Ada, then intoned, “Tara Jasmine Douglas, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, the Son, an' the Holy Ghost.” He made the sign of the cross on the child's head with holy water and passed her back to her mother. Then he took the baby boy into his arms and turned to Rob. “Name this child.”

  Rob's grating voice was loud, challenging, and filled with pride. “Ramsay Robert Douglas!”

  This time it was Valentina's turn to gasp, for she had told them all firmly that her son's name was to be Neal Ryan. As the priest baptized her baby boy, she saw her husband and her father exchange a conspiratorial wink. When Ramsay Robert Douglas grabbed hold of the priest's rosary and chucked it in the font, the holy man muttered, “Firk!”

  “My thoughts, exactly!” Tina responded, her sense of humor restored.

  When the baptismal ceremony was over, Valentina took her twins from the chapel and turned them over to their adoring nursemaids, then she turned to Raven, who was anxiously waiting outside the chapel for the signal that the marriage ceremony was to begin. Her wedding gown of cream lace had a train in the latest fashion, and exquisite trailing sleeves. Her flowers were lilies and roses, which she had chosen to honor the memory of Heath's mother.

  Tina kissed her cheek. She was privy to the surprises that lay in store for Raven and thanked all the saints in heaven that the brother she loved so dearly had found his soul mate. “Life will never be the same again after today,” she predicted.

  Raven gifted her with a radiant smile. “That's true, for you will be my sister.”

  “There's the piper!” Valentina gathered up Raven's train and they glided up the nave of the chapel toward the altar.

  Raven had eyes only for Heath. He was so handsome in the Kennedy dress plaid and fitted black doublet that her heart turned over in her breast. When she reached his side, he took hold of her trembling hands and saw the lilies and roses. He raised her fingers to his lips and murmured, “I love you, Raven.”

  She could not follow the Latin prayers of the priest and was glad that she had understood the words the first time they were married. Raven was unaware that a beam of sunlight pierced the colored glass of the oriel window and formed a vivid halo of light around her head, but all crowded into the chapel could see it.

  The priest switched to English to ask Heath if he would love, comfort, honor, and forsake all others, and when he vowed, “I will,” his deep voice sent a shiver up Raven's spine. When the priest asked her the same, adding the words obey and serve, Raven's “I will” rang out like a crystal bell.

  When the priest asked, “Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?” Sir Lancelot Carleton stepped forward. “I do.” He took his daughter's hand and placed it in Heath's.

  Raven was so surprised, her knees turned to water, and she swayed noticeably. Heath's arm went about her to steady her. The tender smile he gave her told her that her father's presence was no surprise to her husband.

  The priest was again speaking. “Repeat after me: I, Heath Kennedy, Laird o' Galloway—”

  Raven drew in a swift breath at the priest's mistake, but when her husband repeated, “I, Heath Kennedy, Lord of Galloway,” she began to feel as if everything were unreal, and either she or those about her had lost their mind. Everything became a blur, until she found herself clinging tightly to Heath's hand as they ran from the chapel back to Castle Douglas. Raven didn't recall plighting her troth or receiving the wedding ring, but she clearly remembered the priest saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor tae present to ye Laird and Lady Kennedy.”

  There was no time for explanations as they were surrounded by Douglas and Kennedy clansmen in the great hall. As the bride lifted her mouth for her husband's kiss, she knew that she would have to wait until tonight to learn the whole amazing story. She could clearly see that Heath was happier than he had ever been, and to Raven that was all that mattered.

  Kate Carleton embraced her daughter and whispered, “You are such a clever girl, Raven! I warrant my mother must have inducted you into the Craft. Promise me you will do all in your power to see that they betroth Beth Kennedy to Heron?”

  Raven's father, Sir Lancelot, claimed the first dance, and Rob Kennedy claimed the second. After that Raven had so many partners begging for dances, it made her dizzy. The Douglas men were dark, the Kennedy men red-haired, and other than that Raven could not tell one from the other. The music and feasting and drinking went on until after midnight, but long before that Heath spirited his bride upstairs to the Master Chamber, which Tina had prepared for the newlyweds.

  By the time the door closed on the sumptuous chamber with the pink granite walls, Heath and Raven were in a fever of longing. Once their clinging and kissing began, explanations were postponed. Heath undressed his bride with reverent hands, then he proceeded to anoint every inch of her silken skin with worshipful kisses.

  Raven lay naked upon the luxurious lynx fur. Heath's lovemaking was gentle and slow, and heartbreakingly tender. He honored and cherished her with his body as he had promised in his wedding vows, and his hands and his lips made her feel utterly beautiful. When she experienced her final rapture, he gathered her close in a tender embrace while they shared every last pulsation. She was amazed at the enormity of the love she felt for him. She experienced a sense of perfection and rightness as contentment filled her heart and her soul.

  When they lay still with only their heartbeats intermingling, he poured out his love. “You have bound me eternally. I pledge you my love now and forevermore, Raven. I have never felt this way before. You are more precious to me than my own life.” He pushed up the pillows behind them, then scooped her up to cradle her between his long legs. He cupped her softening breasts possessively and told her everything that had happened to change their lives. “I had known that I was my father's legal heir for some time, but when he passed over the Lordship of Galloway to me, it came as a complete surprise.”

  “You had known for some time? Did you know when you made me propose to you?”

  Heath's grin flashed forth. “I did, but you don't understand; at that time I thought I might refuse his generous offer.”

  Raven stroked his thigh. I do understand, Heath. It was your pride that prevented you from proposing to me, and pride that prompted you to refuse his offer. “What made you change your mind?”

  “It was thoughts of my mother … and you. She was my father's legal wife, and the lordship is my birthright. But more than anything, I wanted to bestow the title of lady upon you. It means nothing without you, Raven.” His arms tightened about her as he told her of his plans.

  “I am going to buy the Earl of Cassillis's herds of thoroughbred horses. I want us to travel across every mile of Kennedy land, visit every town and village and meet the people who live there. Beyond the River Cree is a Kennedy castle on the shores of Loch Ryan. If you love it as much as I think you will, that's where I would like us to live. Between the ca
stle and the River Cree lies a vast stretch of land called The Moors, which should be ideal for horse breeding. Loch Ryan opens into the sea, which will be a great asset when we have enough horses to export.”

  Catching his enthusiasm, Raven added, “It sounds like a marvelous place for me to breed hunting birds.”

  Heath couldn't resist teasing her. “I don't think that's a suitable occupation for a lady!”

  She jumped up from the bed and stood naked, hands on hips, ready to join the fray. “Be damned to you, Lord Kennedy. I am no ordinary lady!”

  “Because you tame raptors?”

  “No, because I have a Gypsy lover … but come to think of it, they are one and the same!”

  He cocked a dark brow. “I don't cavil at being called ‘raptor,’ but I'll be damned if I'll have you think I can be tamed!” He lunged after her, but she ran out onto the parapet walk, and it took a minute or two to catch her.

  Raven was laughing uncontrollably by the time his arms closed around her. “Standing here naked on the ramparts of Castle Douglas makes me feel most unladylike. Do you know what I've always wanted to do? Ride naked in the moonlight!”

  Heath bowed low. “I am here to fulfill your every fantasy, Lady Kennedy.” He returned to the chamber for his cloak, then wrapped it about her and drew her down the outside steps. He found the stables deserted, for even the lowliest groom was celebrating tonight. He led Blackadder outside without a saddle, mounted him, then lifted Raven before him between his naked thighs.

  When they reached the banks of the River Dee, Heath snatched away his cloak and touched his heels to Blackadder's flanks. The horse surged forward eagerly and Raven threaded her fingers through his wild black mane, feeling utterly wild and wanton. When Heath finally drew rein, he whispered wickedly, “My fantasy is to tumble an English lady under a hedge.”

  Raven grabbed the cloak, slid down from the horse, and began to run. She looked back over her shoulder. “What the devil are you waiting for, Lord Kennedy?”