Page 11 of Glacier

  He flew high, scanning the woods at the edge of the city. He didn’t spot two Vampires but they could already be inside the territory, hiding in one of the Lycan homes abandoned after the pack had gone into lockdown. He turned, flying toward the pack house where the majority of Lycans had been staying. That would be the target.

  He landed on the roof of the pack house and crouched, alert. It might be a long night but come morning, he and Kevin would have issues. The alpha would probably want to challenge him. It wasn’t as if he’d had a choice to pull rank the way he had. He just didn’t plan to become their new alpha.

  A short time passed, and finally he spotted movement near the trees.

  Four dark-clad figures darted closer, keeping out of the open.

  He lifted to his feet, spread his wings, and coasted to the ground. His boots made a thumping sound as he landed. He shelled his skin into battle mode. It would slow him down a little but also deflect bullets if the bastards were armed. He strode forward, right toward them.


  All four of them hid behind thick tree trunks. Glacier sighed. “I saw you. Stop dicking around. I am in no mood to play hide-and-seek. I’m Glacier, the GarLycan. You went after Lycan kids. Big fucking no. Step out here and speak to me.”

  None of them moved. He inhaled. “I smell you, Vamps. See the wings? I fly. You can’t outrun me. Talk, or I’m just going to rip you apart. Your call. Make it.”

  One of the men stepped out from behind a tree but stayed next to it. “This is none of your concern, GarLycan.”

  “Are you Marco?”

  The man inclined his head slightly.

  “You made two more Vamps? I counted four of you.”

  “I don’t answer to you.”

  “Wrong. It became my problem when you stole Lycan kids and killed them. I found the warehouse where you held them.” It still sickened him. The bodies had been shoved in the basement, dumped in trash bags as if they were garage. “You put them in cages, tortured them, based on the amount of blood I found in that hellish holding place, and then made them fight against each other in your fucked-up fighting ring. Did you really think you could get away with that?”

  “Yes.” Marco flashed his fangs and his eyes glowed bright.

  Glacier felt what the bastard was trying to do. “You’re wasting your time, asshole. Gargoyles have thick skulls. You can’t fuck with my head.”

  Marco reached back and withdrew a handgun.

  “It tickles a little when you try to control me.” Glacier reached up and tapped his temple. “Just a little buzz, like some annoying insect. And you think bullets will take me down? You’re as stupid as the alpha of this pack.” Glacier hardened his shell a little more and pushed out his chest, keeping his hand up, ready to protect his eyes. They were the only soft spots he had.

  Marco began to fire.

  Glacier threw his arm over his eyes, feeling bullets slam into his chest, one to his hip, and another grazing the top of his head.

  He lunged forward, spread his wings wide and jumped high, spinning in the air as he came down.

  A scream pierced the night and the gun stopped firing.

  Glacier lowered his arm, staring at the Vampire on the ground. His wing had cut the bastard in half near his rib cage. Horror transfixed the master’s features as he realized his entire lower body wasn’t attached anymore, and had already begun to ash.


  “Yeah. That’s some fucked-up shit right there,” Glacier admitted. “You bastards are hard to kill without taking your head. You can live like that for a bit. I’ve seen it before. Your heart is still beating. You won’t be able to feed though since you lost your stomach. You’ll just linger as you slowly starve to death. It could take weeks. I hear it’s really painful.” He crouched, ripping the gun from Marco’s hand before he stood again. “Why did you think you could murder Lycan kids and get away with it? Who’s your contact on the Vampire Council? Tell me and I’ll end your suffering.”

  Marco clawed at the ground, making agonizing sounds, and managed to roll over onto his chest. He used the dirt and grass to inch away.

  Glacier watched him, knowing the master wasn’t going to get far. He glanced at the other trees.

  “Three of you are left. I want an answer, since this one isn’t talkative. First one to tell me what I want to know gets a two-hour head start before I begin hunting your ass. It’s the best offer you’re going to get from me.”

  Ten feet away, a redheaded Vamp male peeked out from behind a tree. He looked about twenty years old. “He didn’t tell us. Ronnie and I were made two nights ago. I didn’t know about any kids being killed, either.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” a male snapped to the left.

  Glacier turned that way. “You must be Pedro.”

  The guy stepped out from behind another tree, holding a gun. Glacier lifted his arm to keep it close to his eyes and braced his elbow, as if using it to lean against the nearby tree trunk.

  “You fucking monster!” Pedro glared at Glacier before shifting his attention to what was left of Marco, his body shaking.

  “I don’t kill children, asshole. Look in a mirror if you want to see a villain. Why did Marco think it was okay to kidnap Lycan kids without your own damn council coming after your nest?”

  “Tell him nothing!” Marco hissed, now about fifteen feet away, still crawling slowly.

  Glacier stared at Pedro. “You see what I did to him. I could cut you in half too. Just to be clear, he’s not getting away. I may let him crawl around for an hour or so first. I want the name of the council member who protected your nest.”

  “Fuck you!” Pedro lifted the gun.

  “You know those don’t work against me.” Glacier tensed though, prepared in case the bastard wanted to waste bullets.

  Pedro darted behind the tree and gunshots rang out—only he wasn’t aiming at Glacier. He shot Marco in the back of the head at least three times before fleeing.

  Glacier walked over to the still Master, knowing his brain would heal. Probably real slow, since he was already so damaged. He bent, pulled his blade from his boot, and removed his head. Problem solved. Marco went out too fast, though.

  Glacier turned, listening. “You two, out here now.”

  The one who’d peeked at him did it again. Glacier saw raw fear in his eyes.

  “Your friend, too. I want answers.”

  “We were just turned,” the redhead whispered. “Please don’t kill us. We didn’t ask for this. Marco grabbed us coming out of a bar. Ronnie and I have been best friends since we were in diapers.”

  “Step out where I can see you, Ronnie. Now.”

  A dark-haired guy about twenty years old lifted his head over a bush. He looked ready to faint. It saddened Glacier, reminding him of Mandy. She’d been human, minding her own business, and had been snatched into a nest.

  “I’m not going to kill you. I’m going to ask you questions. You’re going to answer them. Then I’m going to send you to somewhere safe.”

  Both men seemed leery as hell, not that Glacier blamed them, but they came out of hiding. Both also appeared scared shitless. He focused on the redhead, since he knew he could talk.

  “What’s your name?”

  “I’m Richie. This is Ronnie.”

  “You two a couple?”

  They both shook their heads.

  “Too bad. That would have been cute on your wedding invitations.” Glacier wanted them to relax but neither broke a smile. Apparently, humor was off the table. “What did Marco tell you about the pack you were going to attack?”

  “He said they were rabid animal people who could shift into wolves and had been attacking people in the city. Pedro taught us how to fight a little. Mostly we were here to watch and learn.”

  “That was all a lie. Sorry to break it to you both, but I think you were bait. Marco would have let the pack tear you to shreds as a distraction while he went after their alpha. Be happy that didn’t happen. Lyc
ans aren’t rabid, but they are vicious to Vamps. Did Marco talk to any other Vampires around you besides Pedro?”

  “He made a phone call.” Ronnie had a voice after all. “I never heard him say a name. Something about how he’d take care of the situation and send more videos as soon as he could make more. I got the impression it was a man, though. He said it gave him wood too, like he was agreeing with the person, and girls don’t get that.”

  Glacier let that information stew in his head. Videos? He came up with nothing. “Where did you come from?”

  “We both live at home with our parents,” Richie admitted.

  “I meant, where were you staying with Marco and Pedro?”

  “The basement of a tire store. It closed down a few years ago. The one on Mitch Street right outside the city.” Richie hugged his waist. “You’re really going to let us go?”

  “What are you?” Ronnie gawked at him.

  “Return there. I’m sending a friend your way. Don’t fucking attack him, got it? His name is Graves. He kills bad guys for a living, so I wouldn’t think of trying something. He’s a Lycan, but he knows some decent Vampires to pass you over to. Oh, and no killing anyone or you die. Clear? No biting kids, old people, and you don’t let humans know what you are. Have you fed tonight?”

  Both nodded.

  “Excellent. No biting anyone then until Graves comes to you as soon as he can. Run back there now.” He waved a hand at them. “Fast as you can!”

  Both fled into the woods.

  Glacier reached back, grabbed his cell, and called Graves. The Lycan answered on the first ring. “I need another favor. You still in the area?”

  “Yeah. I am. What do you need?”

  “I’ve got two newbie Vamps who need a home. Total pity case. Marco made them to use as bait. Both look right out of high school and are two days old. See if they’re salvageable.” He gave him the location. “You got any ideas on any Vamps who’d take them?”

  “Yeah. We’re on good terms with a master near our territory. He’s pretty decent, follows the rules, and he’ll take them in if they aren’t crazy. I’ll pick up the newbies and call Parker to let him know I’m driving them to him.”

  “Thanks. I have one last asshole to chase after.”

  Glacier hung up, returning his phone to his pocket. He walked out of the thick trees and took to the sky, heading in the direction of the abandoned tire store. It was probably where Pedro would go. He flew over the two newbie Vamps he’d just sent fleeing, glad to see they were following his orders.

  He blamed Mandy for his decision to give Richie and Ronnie a shot at life. Usually he’d have just ended theirs. Vamps without masters never lasted long on their own without becoming rogue.

  Chapter Eight

  It took him over two hours to find Pedro. The bastard had come across a cave to crawl into, probably thinking he’d be safe there. Glacier had gone to ground, tracking him once he realized the Vamp wasn’t on his way to the tire shop. Pedro had refused to give him answers, instead shooting his weapon. A large human community was located a block away, and sirens had begun to sound, so Glacier hadn’t messed around. He’d ashed the bastard and flew out of there before the cops arrived.

  He returned to the Lycan pack safe house and knocked on the door. “It’s Glacier.”

  Teenie unlocked the thick door and shoved it open.

  “The threat is over. Marco and his second are toast. There won’t be any more Lycan kids taken by that nest. It’s destroyed.”

  Teenie stepped outside and closed the door. “There’s a debate going on inside.”

  “About what?”

  “How easily you took down Kevin, and how much safer we’d all be if you become our alpha.”

  He snorted. “That’s never going to happen. Discussion over. I’m not saying I think Kevin is the best choice to lead your pack, but it sure as hell won’t be me. I’m leaving. You’re all safe to come out of lockdown now.”

  “We need you.”

  “Lots of Lycan packs need me. I’m a guardian, Teenie. Not an alpha.”

  “You’re half Werewolf. You belong here.”

  He’d tucked his wings before knocking, but he spread them out to make a point. “This is my version of shifting.” He hardened his skin to a dull gray and then unshelled. “I’m mostly Gargoyle. I don’t grow fur or a tail. No four legs. Just two. Forget it. I’m leaving now. Tell everyone the danger has passed. I know Kevin will have issues with me when he wakes in the morning. Tell him it’s best if he doesn’t.”

  He spun, walked to where he’d dropped his shirt, and put it on after he retracted his wings. The motorcycle engine purred under him as he started it. He felt more than ready to get back to Mandy and Pest. He also planned to call Graves before dawn for an update to see how things had gone with the newbie Vamps.

  He stopped for fast food on the way and finally pulled into the alley. Pest came out to greet him. “Handled?”

  “Yeah. Hungry?”

  “Sure am. I didn’t want to leave short stack alone.”

  “Don’t call her that. Her name is Mandy.”

  Pest chuckled. “She keeps telling me that, too.” Pest blocked his way to the door, his expression turning serious as he lowered his voice. “What are you going to do now? The mission is over, right?”

  “I’ll ask Kelzeb where he wants me to go next, same as always.”

  Pest stepped closer, locking gazes with him.

  “I’m going to take her with me. I don’t want to leave her alone, Pest. Kelzeb didn’t order me to kill her. Just said not to bring her to the cliffs. It’s not as if we go home often. The last time was when Creed had to take out our shithead father. Now Creed is back with Angel’s pack, being their guardian. We can visit him and his mate there.”

  “What about biting? She’s a Vamp. Do I need to have the sex talk with you?”

  “Fuck you. I’m older than you are. I gave you the talk about girls, if I remember right.”

  “Vamps like to use fangs during sex. I’m not even sure if you could get her off without some blood involved.”

  “Guess I’ll find out if we ever have sex. We haven’t.”

  “Then what’s the point of keeping her with you? Are you into torturing yourself these days? I couldn’t live with a woman without nailing her every chance I got.”

  “Stop being a dick. Just let it go. I’m grateful that you came but I’ll handle this shit.”

  “I’m worried.”

  Glacier nodded. “Me too,” he admitted. “I don’t know what I’m doing, but I know I want to keep her with me. Mandy and I will have to figure it out.”

  “The nest is completely wiped out?”

  Glacier filled him in on the details.

  Pest shook his head. “Fuck. You sent Graves to pick up two new Vamps and asked him to rehome them? They aren’t kittens, for fuck’s sake.”

  “I know, but they weren’t exactly dangerous, either. They lived with their parents until they were grabbed. It would have been like killing kittens.”

  “Maybe you should take some time off, bro. Like, seriously. Deal with this shit with short stack, figure out how you feel and why you’re so protective of her before you take on another job. I get why you knocked out Kevin. He sounds like a dumbass, but his pack is probably going to challenge him now. You took him down in front of them. Then let two Vamps live. I bet you didn’t share that tidbit with the pack.”

  “Richie and Ronnie didn’t hurt those Lycan kids. They were only made to be bait. I asked Graves to pick them up to avoid them being shredded by the pack. Kevin never needs to know about them. He’s such an asshole he’d hunt them just because Marco made them, despite their innocence.”

  “True.” Pest sighed. “You’ll all fucked up.”

  “Thanks.” He stepped around his brother. “I’m going in. Let’s eat.”

  Mandy waited inside, her gaze going down the length of him. He smiled. She looked worried about him.

  “I’m fin

  She rushed at him and dropped to her knees, touching his hip through the material. “Then why is there a hole here?”

  Pest came in and closed the door. “Um, should I go back out? I admit I think it’s dangerous to get a blow job from a Vamp. I’m giving you points for bravery, bro.”

  Glacier turned his head and shot him a dirty look. He reached down, grabbed Mandy by her upper arms, and hauled her to her feet. “I’m fine. You don’t smell blood, do you?”

  She sniffed. “No.”

  “Unhurt, just like I said.”

  “Why do you have a hole in your jeans then?” She frowned at him.

  “She has no fucking clue, does she?” Pest took a seat on the counter. “You have to tell her.”

  Glacier released Mandy. “I’m going to eat, and then I have to call my boss to fill him in on what happened.” He backed away from her to pass out the burgers and fries he’d picked up. Bottled water had been stacked near the door. He took one, drinking deep.

  “Is the nest taken care of?” Mandy walked over to the stairs and took a seat.

  “Marco and Pedro have been ashed. They won’t be going after more Lycan kids.”

  “The council won’t be happy. At least, one member won’t be, if I’m right and Marco has a friend.”

  “Speaking of, a conversation was overheard. Marco talked to someone about videos and getting aroused over them. What do you make of that, Mandy?” Glacier sat on the floor, unwrapping one of the cheeseburgers. He ate it with gusto.

  Mandy jumped to her feet, pacing. He watched her, thinking she was cute as her expressions changed, obviously considering what he had said. She finally stopped, holding his gaze. Her pale skin appeared whiter than normal.

  Mandy wanted to curse and punch something. “Only one thing comes to mind. About five years ago, a master reported to the council that he’d gotten an invitation to a website. It was from another master in Arizona. Kind of a pay-for-membership thing but very hush-hush. Log-in and fees required to access the content. It was rumored to be a way for Vampires to form alliances without the council being informed. The council keeps track of connections between nests to avoid an uprising. Zander was too terrified to get involved with any kind of potential plot against our council.”