Page 15 of Glacier

  “Fuck you! I don’t care if there are a dozen of you assholes! You’re going to pay for embarrassing me.”

  Glacier grit his teeth. “Fine. You want a fight? I’m on my way.”

  “That option is off the table now.” Kevin snickered. “You leave that building to come after me—hell, anyone does—and my enforcers blow it. You might come kill me but your Vamp will be chunks.” He laughed. “I always get my revenge.” He disconnected.


  Pest backed inside the building, locking the door. “I missed the last part.”

  “We leave to go after him and he blows the building to kill Mandy. We stay after one hour, he’s going to blow it anyway.”

  “Fuck. How are we going to get her out of here? They’re sporting guns. A few of them flashed ’em at me just now. That prick is right about what’s going to happen if we wrap short stack in a tarp and carry her out. I saw humans down on both streets. Gunfire will draw them, the cops will come, and it will turn into a fucking media mess.”

  “There’s only one thing to do then. We all need to walk out of here.”

  Pest stared at him, precious long seconds passing. “Fuck. You can’t do it, bro.”

  “What choice do I have? Leave Mandy to die? I won’t. Stay here and have us both shell around her, hoping our bodies protect her? We’d be buried under rubble and the humans would eventually start digging. They’d find us.”

  “You can’t just make that decision without permission first. This is Lord-Aveoth big.”

  Glacier closed his eyes. “Yeah. I know.”

  “He’s never going to agree to it. It’s law, bro.”

  Glacier took some deep breaths. “I have to ask.”

  He called Kelzeb.

  “I’ve called both alphas. They are discussing it. Neither has gotten back to me yet,” his boss stated after answering the phone.

  “I need to speak to Lord Aveoth.”

  Kelzeb didn’t answer.

  Glacier filled him in quickly. “I need to talk to him.”

  “Fuck. I’ll call you back in five minutes. He’s in his quarters with his mate. I need to give him an update and then you’ll get his answer.”

  “Don’t be long. I don’t trust that crazy Lycan to not just blow the building.”

  “I’m leaving my office now.” He hung up.

  Pest began to pack things up. “No means no. If Aveoth denies your request, you can’t just do it anyway. It’s Gargoyle law. He’ll have no choice but to order you punished, and her put to death. He’s pretty cool but he can’t let something like that slide. It would make him look weak to the entire clan. Shit’s already tense, thanks to our departed dickhead of a father. Aveoth has a mate to consider, too.”

  “I know.” Glacier sighed. “I’m going to get dressed.”

  He rushed upstairs, put on clothes, his boots, and packed his shit. He woke Mandy. She startled and sat up.

  “I don’t have time to explain. Run downstairs, get what Pest bought for you and blacken your hair right now.”

  She looked confused.

  “Do it fast.”

  She got out of bed, put on one his shirts, and stumbled past him out of the bedroom. Pest met her in the hallway.

  “Here, short stack. Spray-on hair color, clothes, and some makeup are in these bags. Need help with covering your hair in the back since Glacier is busy?”

  “I got it, Pest. Thanks. What’s going on?”

  “You heard my bro. No time to explain. Just hustle your ass. Faster is better. We might be attacked at any moment.”

  Glacier met her frightened gaze and nodded. “Hurry.” He began to shove all his things inside his bag. Minutes later, his phone buzzed. He answered it.

  “What a fucking mess,” a deep voice rumbled. “Kelzeb told me everything.”

  “Thank you for calling me, my lord. I can’t let her die. You know what I’m asking. But I’ve been loyal to you. I just need to feed her once. Just for today.”

  “It’s a huge fucking risk.”

  “I know. We’re changing her appearance. No one will recognize her for what she really is.”

  Lord Aveoth grumbled. “I have Jill. I get it. I’d level this entire fucking place to keep her safe. I have a condition, though. Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to save this Vampire of yours? This is a big fucking rule to break. I need to cover my ass because at some point, someone is going to find out. I can handle the GarLycans, but the full-bloods here might raise hell. This law is thousands of years old. In Europe, it’s an instant death sentence for you both. Every fucking clan would hunt you down to end your lives. Thankfully, I’m the biggest power in the United States as far as Gargoyles go.”

  “What terms? Tell me.”

  “You mate her, Glacier. I can sell that shit to our clan when they find out. We all respect mates. It also means keeping her away from any Lycan packs. If they find out, we’re all in danger because that information is valuable. I’ll figure something out though, since you can’t bring her here. You have my permission to feed her if you mate her. One other thing.”

  “What?” Glacier’s heart pounded. He was willing to mate Mandy to keep her safe.

  “If you ever part ways, it’s by death. If she ever betrays us, you put her down yourself. Swear to it. She can’t ever share this knowledge. She’ll be your mate, or she’ll be ash after you feed her. The fucking clans in Europe might come after us if you let her go and word spreads. I won’t risk the lives of our people or our VampLycan neighbors, who would find themselves in the middle of a war zone.”

  He closed his eyes. “I swear on my honor.”

  “Do it. Feed her. And once she’s your mate, your body belongs to her. That includes your blood. I won’t have you weakened by your mate in the future. Do you understand me?

  He opened his eyes, stunned. Lord Aveoth was giving him permission to allow his mate to feed from him whenever she needed to. “I do. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Get the fuck out of there and call Kelzeb when you’re safely out of their territory. No one threatens one of mine this way. I’m sending your brothers to deal with the alpha.”

  “Tempest is already here. Once the enforcer attacked Mandy, I asked him to be with her when I had to leave her alone. He said he had some down time.”

  “Nebulas is two states over from you. Kelzeb is sending him orders now. I don’t expect you to lie to your brothers. Kelzeb will also inform Creed what’s going on. Now get the hell out of there as soon as you mate her. You can romance her later.”

  Lord Aveoth hung up and Glacier shoved his phone into his pocket. “I love that guy.”

  Pest grinned from the doorway. “I heard what he said. Give me your bag. I’ll have us ready to roll by the time you come downstairs. You know that talk Neb had with us about taking our time screwing women? Forget it. Ultimate quickie, bro. I want out of here in ten minutes.”

  Glacier watched him leave and sighed. Ten minutes to talk to Mandy, get her to agree to become his mate, and seal the deal. “Shit.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Mandy finished her hair, staring in the dingy mirror and tilting her head from side to side, hoping she’d covered every inch of blonde with black. The smell of the spray had her wrinkling her nose. It wasn’t the greatest odor. It worked though.

  She put the bottle down and ripped open the makeup. They were the wrong colors for her very pale skin but it didn’t matter. Any color would be good. She worked fast, spreading the foundation from the roots at her forehead, all the way down her neck, including any spots that wouldn’t be covered by a shirt. She even used some on her hands and arms up to her shoulders. Lastly, she used a towel to gently pat and remove any excess, to keep it from staining her clothes when she got dressed.

  It was a shit makeup job, she thought, as she dabbed on mascara, a little blush, and an ugly shade of pink lipstick. It didn’t matter. She wasn’t planning on getting close to anyone once Glacier was able to free her from whatev
er he wrapped her inside to protect her from the sun. Being transported during the day would be dangerous, but she had faith in Glacier to keep her safe.

  The bathroom door opened and Glacier slid in. He closed the door behind him. She turned, staring into his eyes.

  “We don’t have a lot of time.”

  “What’s going on? Fast version.”

  “Kevin had his pack plant bombs on the outside of this building. He gave me one hour to leave. He blows us up if I don’t. I’m also supposed to leave you behind. He threatened to have his enforcers shoot big holes in whatever I carry you out in, to expose you to sun. He won’t let any large vehicles get near the building, either. Pest and I have our motorcycles parked outside the back door. It means we have to drive out on them.”

  Her heart sank. “Shit. Why are you having me change how I look, then? You need to leave me behind.”

  “That’s never going to happen.” He stepped forward and gripped her hips, his thumbs brushing her bare skin since she hadn’t gotten dressed yet or even looked in the bag of clothes Pest had shoved at her.

  “I spoke to Lord Aveoth. He gave me permission to save you. There are conditions…we have to mate.”

  She reached out and gripped his arms. “Mate?”

  “And we don’t have much time. Mate. It’s forever. You and me. I can’t force you, but please say yes. We can make it work.”

  Tears filled her eyes. She would love to spend the rest of her life with Glacier. To never be alone, to have him at her side, and to experience what she had earlier, sleeping curled in front of him every time they rested. He felt like home, something she hadn’t had since her human life had been taken from her.

  “Answer me, Mandy. Yes? Will you be my mate?”

  “They’re going to kill you if you try to take me out of here. There’s no way to do it. We’re in a city. It’s daylight. Humans can’t see you go gray, Glacier. Every race would put a price on your head. I care too much about you to allow you to do that for me.”

  “Do you trust me, baby?”

  She didn’t have to think about it. “Yes.”

  “Good enough. Once a Gargoyle mates, within hours, his woman experiences the calling. It’s complicated, but we can’t risk that. I don’t think Lord Aveoth considered that when he ordered me to mate you first. I trust you too. Say yes to mating me, and then we’re going to walk the fuck out of here—together. Tonight though, I’m sealing the bond between us.”

  “What are you talking about? I can’t walk out of here. It’s broad daylight.”

  He pulled her closer. “Say yes, you’ll mate me. Do it. Promise to be mine. Trust me.”

  She swallowed. “I promise to be yours. Yes, I’ll be your mate.”

  He lowered his head and put his lips next to her ear. “The reason Vampires and Gargoyles have battled for thousands of years…is because really old masters knew that drinking our blood allows them to walk in the sun without burning.”

  Her knees almost gave out on her and she clutched him tighter. It shocked the hell out of her. Could that be true?

  “It’s why it’s against the law to feed you. I got permission from Lord Aveoth, but only if you’re my mate. Get your fangs out, baby. Bite and drink as much from me as you can. You need to do it now.” He cocked his head and bent his knees a little. “Bite. Now. Drink.”

  She was too stunned.

  He gently shook her. “Do it.”

  “How? I mean…”

  “The sun won’t burn you if you drink my blood. No more time to discuss it. Bite me, baby. Drink as much as you can hold.”

  “I’ll weaken you.”

  He snorted. “I’m twice your size and I’ve lost more blood in a training fight with one of my brothers than you could take from me, even if you’re starved. Do it. We don’t have time to waste.”

  She had to concentrate to get her fangs to come down. He slid his hands to her ass, massaging her. It helped a lot, her body responding. Everything about Glacier turned her on. She licked her lips, staring at his throat, which he kept exposed. She leaned in and went to her tiptoes. She ran the tip of her tongue over his skin—and sank her fangs in.

  He stiffened against her and tightened his hold. “Damn. I’m so hard. I wish I could fuck you right now.”

  She did too. He tasted incredible.

  Her body ached as she drank from him, sexual need and bloodlust rising. She caressed his arms, trying to keep her sanity. She couldn’t get lost or they’d end up on the floor. The building was rigged to blow; no way did she want to lose the chance at a future with Glacier.

  She drank until she couldn’t anymore before gently easing her fangs from him, licking at his skin.

  His grip on her ass would leave bruises and his hard-on pressed firmly against her pelvis. His cock felt rock hard. She could relate, since she was so wet it dampened her inner thighs. He backed off and leaned against the door. His eyes blazed with arousal and his own fangs were out as they stared at each other.

  “Do some jumping jacks and get dressed. Use that Vamp speed of yours.”

  “Jumping jacks?”

  “To circulate my blood through your system. I promise, it’ll keep you from burning when you walk out of here at my side.” He slid away from the door, opened it, and stepped out. Before closing the door, leaving her alone, he looked back. “Hurry.”

  She was so aroused it literally hurt. It wasn’t the best time for it. Glacier’s life was on the line. Yes, he was a GarLycan, and she’d seen what his body could do when he turned all gray. The thing she wasn’t sure of was whether he’d survive a bomb going off.

  She threw up her arms and did what he said, feeling ridiculous while she flapped around. But it did get her heart beating fast.

  She was out of breath by the time she’d finished and quickly dressed. Pest had bought her the right size bra. It wasn’t one she’d have chosen but it didn’t matter. The underwear were thongs. She rolled her eyes, putting them on. The shirt was a bit tight but fell long, almost like a mini dress. Black stretch jeans came next. Again, something she wouldn’t have picked but they fit well, hugging her body. They’d be comfortable on a motorcycle. He’d bought her slip-on canvas shoes she found at the bottom of the bag. They were a tiny bit large but she could walk in them.

  One glance around the bathroom, then she grabbed the makeup and dye spray, shoving it back in the bag. She didn’t want to leave it behind in case the Werewolves came in, searching for her.

  She left the bathroom and rushed downstairs. Pest and Glacier waited, holding their backpacks. Both looked grim. Pest sniffed.

  “You don’t smell like Vamp right now. New clothes and that damn hair stuff is all I’m picking up.” He glanced at his brother. “You?”

  “Same.” Glacier held out his hand and she passed him the bag. He shoved it into his backpack, zipping it up and handing it to her. “Sorry, but you need to wear this. We’re walking out, putting on our helmets, and you climb on behind me. Hold on tight.”

  Terror hit as she shouldered his pack. “Are you sure about this?” It hurt to burn. There were some things so horrible a person never forgot. The sensation of sunlight touching her skin could be compared to being doused in gasoline and set on fire. It had left her screaming in agony. Healing from it, even given blood right after, hurt almost as much while her skin regrew.

  Glacier nodded. “Trust me.”

  “I do.”

  “Act like it’s nighttime,” Pest added softly. “Don’t move fast to reveal what you are. Blurring your speed is a sure giveaway, short stack. Or looking panicked as shit. Own that sunlight like it’s your bitch. It is, with my bro’s blood inside you. You won’t burn.”

  She nodded. “How long does it last?”

  Pest reached inside his backpack and withdrew sunglasses. “You’ll be fine. You drank a lot?”

  She nodded. “About two pints. I didn’t want to take more than that.”

  “I’m fine.” Glacier smiled. “I feel great. Not lighthead
ed at all. I told you that you wouldn’t hurt me. I’m not human.”

  Pest passed her the sunglasses. They were ugly, the kind that looked more like tinted goggles with curved earpieces to hook around the back of the ears. “The sun might hurt your eyes. Wear these. The face shield on the helmet is tinted but double protection is best. It’s possible that you might be temporarily blinded otherwise. Your eyes won’t be used to that kind of light, and I read some ancient texts that mentioned it can happen the first time a Vampire feeds from a Gargoyle. Just be cool. Your eyes won’t be damaged but it may feel that way at first.”

  “I’m scared.” She stared up at Glacier.

  “I’d never let anything happen to you.”

  She believed him. “Okay.”

  “Let’s leave this dump.” Pest unlocked the door. “Glasses on, short stack. Move slow and act normal. Think back to when you were human. Pretend you are. This pack was made aware that Glacier isn’t here alone. They might believe you’re another GarLycan.”

  She put on the glasses, her hands shaking. Glacier came to her, gripping her bare arm in a good hold. Probably in case she freaked or chickened out.

  Pest swung the door open and the bright light did blind her. She blinked a few times. She could see, but everything was blurry and hazy. Pest strode out first, putting on his backpack. He lifted his head.

  “We’re leaving. What you demanded is in the basement. You guys are going to pay for this bullshit. Oh, and she’s not restrained. I hope she eats some of you fuckers when you go in there after her. She’s strong enough to be awake right now.”

  “I’m with you, baby,” Glacier whispered. He walked forward, pulling her along.

  She stepped willingly into direct sunlight for the first time in almost thirty years, more than aware that her arms were bare from the elbows down, her face and neck too.

  Her skin tingled…but there was no pain. After a few steps, she also realized she had been holding her breathe. She breathed in and relaxed.

  Glacier released her arm, seeming to understand that she was okay.

  She couldn’t see well so she focused on him, following as he walked to one of the motorcycles. He removed two helmets, passing her one. She shoved it over her head. He put his own on, straddled the bike, and started it. He jerked his covered head and she took the hint, climbing on behind him.