Page 20 of Glacier

  Glacier hadn’t planned on killing any of them, but he changed his mind, debating briefly if he should just behead Vasquez or make him suffer first.

  He didn’t get the chance to do either.

  The blond behind Vasquez abruptly surged forward and a steel blade flashed.

  Glacier watched in silence as the dark-haired Vampire was swiftly beheaded.

  The blond responsible spun on the other Vamps, as if expecting to be attacked. None came at him. They appeared stunned by his actions but no one protested.

  The Vampire put away his bloody knife. “Vasquez didn’t speak for all of us. His brother is a council member and he volunteered to be an assassin. The rest of us didn’t. We can handle our own problems. I just did.”

  Glacier was impressed.

  The blond turned, facing the other Vamps again. “Vasquez boasted about not having a tracker in his body since he was too loyal to ever attempt escape. We’ll tell the council he died in a tragic accident on the way home. The fucker loved to live dangerously. Too bad he took too many risks. Agreed?”

  Each Vampire nodded, some of them voicing agreement. Another blond male stared at Glacier. “Was that offer to find sanctuary in Alaska sincere?”

  “Yes. You have a way out if you ever need it.”

  The blond who’d killed Vasquez gave him a curt bow. “We’ll only share the number with others we know who aren’t absolutely blind to the council’s flaws. Some of us are still redeemable.”

  The man came forward a few feet then stopped. “Thank you.”

  Olivia stood behind all the Vamps. She mouthed the same two words silently when he glanced at her.

  Glacier nodded and took flight, soaring away from the building. His brothers waited for him a few miles away on another rooftop. He landed beside them.

  “That seemed to go well, bro.” Pest patted him on the shoulder. “What do you think?”

  “The blond Vamp in the leather killed Vasquez after you two flew off.”

  Neb’s eyebrows shot up. “Why?”

  “He made it clear he’d take back the cards I passed out, and that no one would be given the number. Blond Vamp disagreed with his plan.”

  Pest whistled. “Vasquez sounded like an asshole anyway. Good riddance. Are we ready to fly back to your mate now?”


  Neb hesitated. “I’m going to stick around for a bit.”

  Glacier narrowed his gaze at his oldest brother. “Why?”

  “Someone needs to deal with Kevin.”

  “I should do it.” Glacier sighed. “He threatened my mate and put those bombs on the building I’d claimed as my territory.”

  “I already came up with a plan with Kelzeb. Go to your mate, Glacier. This is my pleasure.” Neb grinned.

  Pest grinned too. “What’s the plan? You only look that happy if it’s two-for-one hooker night, so it must be good.”

  Neb shot him a dirty look. “You’re confusing me with yourself. I don’t do hookers.”

  “Okay. Maybe. I do do hookers sometimes.”

  Glacier shook his head. “What’s the plan, Neb?”

  “Kevin isn’t fit to lead. I’m going to fly in, kill his ass, and tell his enforcers to work out who becomes alpha. That’s a pack issue for them to resolve. Kevin overstepped his authority by pissing off Lord Aveoth when he went after you. I’ll make that clear. It shouldn’t take me long. I’ll see you before dawn. It’s early enough that I’ll be able to fly to you tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll figure out where you and your mate are going to live.”

  Glacier nodded. “Thanks.”

  “We’re family.” Neb gave him a hug. “I might not be overjoyed that your mate is a Vamp, but I accept her.”

  Pest wrapped his arms around both of them, going for a group hug. “In other words, he’s nothing like our bastard of a father. I so don’t miss him. We really owe Creed another thank you for taking his ass out.”

  Glacier chuckled. “True.”

  Neb let them go, backing away. “I’m off now. See you both soon.” He turned, ran at the edge of the building and took flight toward the Lycan territory.

  Pest grinned. “Let’s go. I’ll follow you. That is, if your mate instincts have kicked in. Have they? Can you track short stack?”

  Glacier closed his eyes and focused on Mandy. Something inside had him turning slightly to the left, and he could almost feel her. “Yes.”

  “I’m calling you pussy homing pigeon from now on.”

  “Fuck you.” Glacier chuckled as he opened his eyes.

  “Hey, it’s a bitch to use our phones while flying places to get to the right address. No GPS tonight. You just have to sense your mate. After you, bro.”

  “Never call me that nickname.”

  Pest just chuckled.

  Glacier ran at the edge of the roof and flew high. Pest followed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was just after four in the morning when Mandy heard a thump on the balcony. She rose from the couch. Creed did too. The slider opened and Glacier walked inside, Pest following behind him. There was no sign of Neb. She scanned Glacier’s body, happy to see he didn’t look as if he’d been in a fight.

  “It’s done. We spoke to the council.”

  Mandy rushed forward and threw her arms around her mate. “How? What happened?”

  It was Pest who explained as he grabbed a beer from behind the bar from a mini fridge then took a seat on a barstool. When he finished speaking, Mandy looked at Glacier. “I can’t believe the others turned on Vasquez. Not that it shocks me. He was an asshole. I wanted to kill him plenty of times but not enough to die over. It’s against the law to kill another assassin. I hope the others don’t tell on whoever the blond Vampire was.”

  He held her by her hips, his hands gentle but firm. “Olivia should be safe. We made her our official go-between.”

  Her love for him grew. “Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “You trust her. I’d rather talk to your friend than some stranger.”

  It was a big deal, despite him making it not seem so. The council would be terrified of angering the GarLycans even more than they already had by killing the Vamp they’d chosen to use as a go-between. The council had already made a huge error by sending two assassins after Glacier. She bet they’d freaked out when they realized that’s what they’d done. She didn’t feel any pity for whoever had given them false information. “They’ll be ruthless to whoever gave them that report to protect Marco and his nest. Someone will die.”

  “Sounds about right,” Pest agreed. “Justice served.”

  “I’m going to go to my room to call Angel.” Creed hugged his brothers and waved at Mandy as he left the suite.

  Glacier stared down at her. “Was Creed good to you while I was gone?”

  “He was. He told me all about his mate. I’d like to meet Angel one day.”

  “I’m certain you will.”

  “We’re all one big family now.” Pest slid off the barstool. “I’m going to take a walk through the hotel and make certain it’s just humans. You two probably need some time alone.”

  Glacier frowned. “You don’t have to go.”

  “I’m restless after all that flying. I stretched my wings but now my legs feel stiff. I’ll be back soon.”

  Glacier kissed Mandy the moment they were alone. She jumped up, wrapping around his body. “I missed you.”

  “Bedroom. Now.” He cupped her ass, striding toward their room.

  His phone dinged and he came to a halt, growling. “I need to get this. Neb was sent to kill Kevin.”

  She slid down his body as he took the call. It wasn’t his brother. “Hello, Kelzeb. Any word from Neb?”

  He stayed close, making it possible for her to hear the deep male voice on his cell.

  “The alpha is toast. Neb made his death clean and swift. The damn pack offered to accept him as their new alpha. He declined and told them to work it out themselves. Then they asked him to stick around while they hold c
hallenges. The pack is vulnerable. I gave him permission to agree. He won’t be returning to where you are.”

  “Thanks for letting us know.”

  “Sending you to Wyoming or Colorado is off the table. I trust both family-related alphas, but who knows about the loyalty of their packs. Your mate would be worth a lot of money to betray if any of them figured out what or who she is. We can’t risk that.”

  Glacier’s features hardened. “Understood. What’s the solution? I know you came up with one.”

  “I didn’t. Lord Aveoth was the one who assigned your next job. Ready for it? I know you hate snow.”

  “I’ll do anything to keep Mandy.” He held her gaze and smiled. “Just give me the details.”

  “Okay. First, head back to Alaska with Creed.”

  “I’m going to help him be guardian to Angel’s pack?”

  “No, but you’ll only be a few hours from him. Aveoth called in a favor from Velder. You’ll be living in his territory. They have a cabin for you and your mate. Ever since Lorn’s clan dealt with that Vampire situation, I’ve been assigning scouts to fly over his territory to help them keep an eye on things. You’ll be in charge of those scouts now. They sure as fuck won’t care that your mate is with you, or betray her presence.”

  Glacier smiled. “I like it.”

  “I thought you would. It helps me out, too. I’ve got less scouts to assign duties to daily. I’m out.”

  Mandy stared up at Glacier as he put away his cell. “Who’s Velder, and why do you look so happy?”

  “We’re going to be living with VampLycans.”

  That wasn’t what she’d expected. Everything she’d ever heard about them was the stuff of horror stories. Of course, her mate was a GarLycan. His brothers could be scary but they weren’t anything like she’d expected them to be. “The VampLycans will allow me to live with them?” She wanted to add “without killing me” to her question but refrained.

  “We have strong alliances with the VampLycan clans now. You’ll be safe. Hell, they are part Vampire. You should fit right in there.”

  “What about when they figure out the sun doesn’t burn me?”

  “Lord Aveoth is more than aware, and he’s sending us to live with them. He gave me permission to feed you my blood anytime you need it. I trust his judgement. You’ll be safe. That’s all that matters.”

  “We’re going to Alaska…and you hate snow. I heard that part, too.”

  “I hated it because while I lived at the cliffs, harsh snowstorms meant I was trapped inside. We can fly during sub-zero weather but it’s not pleasant. Cold doesn’t bother us as much as it would a human, but it can be miserable. Being trapped at the cliffs meant dealing with my father. Every time I saw him, he bitched about what disappointments my brothers and I were. He’d track me down to my private quarters constantly to rage about anything he wanted to get off his chest. Mostly, I didn’t give a damn. He was an asshole. I couldn’t leave Alaska fast enough to escape him.”

  That made her feel sad for him. “I’m sorry. I know what it’s like to have a shitty dad.”

  “I know you do, baby.” He closed them in their room and walked over to the bed, taking a seat. “He mated a Lycan but hated that we weren’t completely Gargoyle. Our traits are, but he felt our emotions were our downfall.”

  She followed and crouched before him, helping him remove his boots. “I like you just the way you are.”

  He grinned at her while she tugged them off. “I could get used to this.”

  “I’m your mate. This seemed like a mately thing to do.”

  He chuckled as she stood, then reached out and hauled her onto his lap. “My father was just an unfeeling prick. I tried to never take it personal. He hated everyone. So it wasn’t the snow I hated. It was being there. The weather was a good excuse to use rather than insulting my father. He was on the Gargoyle Council.” He caressed her cheek. “Now things are different. I won’t be at the cliffs, and my father isn’t around any longer to make my life miserable. I’ll be living with you. The idea of being snowed in suddenly sounds pretty damn good.” He stroked her skin. “We can stay in bed for days or even weeks when storms hit.”

  “That doesn’t sound bad at all.” She snuggled against his chest. “I hope this cabin has a fireplace. I love them. It sounds romantic.”

  “It does, and it will have at least one. Maybe two. The power can go down. Fireplaces are required.”

  “I’ve never been to Alaska.”

  “I think you’ll love it. I’ll take you scouting with me on good weather nights.”

  “You can do that?”

  “Fly with you? Yes.”

  “It still amazes me that we found each other again.”

  “Fate can be cruel, but not this time.” He leaned down to press his lips to hers.

  Mandy kissed him back, their fangs no longer a problem. He deepened the kiss and let his hands roam her body. It didn’t take long before she squirmed on his lap, broke the kiss, and wiggled out of his hold to strip off her clothes. He rose, doing the same.

  They both climbed onto the bed naked and tangled together on top of the bedding, kissing again. She moaned against his tongue and broke away, seeking his throat. Glacier bared it and growled as she bit him. He pressed her onto her back, pinning her under him. She was wet and ready when he adjusted his hips, entering her slowly.

  Mandy remembered to remove her fangs as he leisurely began to fuck her, rocking his hips. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders, spurring him on. He increased the pace, arched his back, and lunged for her throat, already exposed for him. He used his fangs to nick her skin and drank some of her blood, helping to strengthen their mate bond.

  Soon, she was crying out his name, coming hard. He followed her a few thrusts later, her name on his lips.

  Both of them panted, clinging to each other.

  Glacier knew the moment when his mate drifted to sleep under him, and he chuckled. The sun had risen, and he remembered her comment about having sex and snoozing right after. He gently withdrew from her body and climbed out of bed. He went into the bathroom, wet a warm washcloth, and returned to clean her. Next, he wiped himself off, leaving the hand towel on the bathroom floor. He pulled down the covers on one side of the bed, lifted Mandy and spooned her body in front of his as he lay them both against the sheets.

  For him, sleep wouldn’t come. His thoughts were on returning to Alaska.

  He didn’t know Velder’s clan all that well. What if they didn’t accept his mate easily? He trusted Lord Aveoth’s judgement, though. He wouldn’t assign Glacier to live with the clan if he felt Mandy would be in danger. The VampLycans he’d worked with in the past had been very likable. He had to hope for the best.

  Worst case, he had managed to save a small fortune over the years. He could purchase land and have a cabin built for them near clan territory. It would mean they weren’t under anyone’s control, but close enough to have backup when needed. Whatever it took, he’d keep Mandy safe.

  He held her in his arms, breathing in her scent. The bond between them had already taken hold. The ability to track his mate comforted him. He’d always be able to find her if they were ever separated. His blood made her stronger and the sun couldn’t kill her anymore. Profound appreciation came next. Their mating wasn’t something that should have been allowed, but his faith in Lord Aveoth wasn’t misplaced. The GarLycan had stood by him when it mattered most.

  A door closed in the other room and he eased out of bed, put on his jeans, and found Pest in the living room having another beer. His brother nodded at him as he closed the bedroom door.

  “You weren’t gone for long.”

  “Is short stack out for the count?”

  “Yes. It’s going to take her some time to adjust to being able to walk in the sun.”

  “No shit.” Pest removed another beer from the fridge, passing it to him. “Congrats on the mate thing.”

  “You’ll find yours.”

te your damn tongue. I’m so not ready for that shit. You’ll be settling down in one place.” Pest shuddered. “In Alaska. I love traveling around. I’m looking forward to Miami. Warm weather, hot chicks, and working on my tan.”

  Glacier smiled. “Living in hotels, always carrying your stuff in a backpack, and eating way too much fast food.”

  “It beats cooking and having to furniture shop. I never have to wash my own sheets or make a bed, either. Maid service is killer.”

  Glacier took a sip of his beer. “You’re alone though.”

  “There is that.” Pest took a seat at the bar and motioned to his brother to do the same. “I’m going to miss working with you sometimes.”

  “Like in Texas?”

  Pest chuckled. “Or maybe not. Fuck, it was hell burning all those rogue Lycan pieces.”

  “None of them got away.”

  “True that.” Pest held his gaze. “I’m happy for you. I can tell you two are in love.”

  “Has there ever been anyone you were drawn to?”

  “Not more than getting them into bed and then getting them to leave without causing a scene. Some women tend to be clingy.”

  “You’ll find someone. Especially since you seem so set against finding a mate. But it’s understandable. I was afraid I’d never find a mate. It’s not as if we had great role models to aspire to. Dad made Mom miserable. I always wanted to deck the son of a bitch for the way he treated her.”

  “Same. Sometimes her pain was so strong, I swear I could smell it. The worst was when the bastard took Creed from her. What kind of monster gives away his own child?”

  “That will never be us.”

  Pest frowned. “You won’t have kids. Did you think about that? Vampire women can’t get pregnant. You signed away becoming a father by taking her as a mate.”

  “We can adopt if we ever want to be parents. How many times have we found orphans after rogue attacks, or after a nest wiped out some small Lycan pack that was able to hide their pups first?”