Page 5 of Glacier

The bathroom was outdated, not very big, and the tiny window over the tub and shower combo had layers of dirt blocking out most of the light coming from outside. A thin plastic shower curtain was pushed to the side. The toilet was a foot away, the sink next to it. He’d turned on the only light bulb in the room, which hung above their heads.

  She tipped her head back and held his gaze. “I won’t try to escape.”

  He backed up to the door, leaned against it, and crossed his arms. It was clear he had no intention of going anywhere.

  Her mouth fell open but she snapped it shut. “You’re going to watch me?”

  “I’m not letting you out of my sight until you’re chained up again.”

  She turned her head to stare into the dirty mirror. It had come as a shock when she’d discovered it was a bullshit myth that Vamps didn’t have a reflection. Part of her regretted that it wasn’t true as she took notice of the yellow and purple bruise fading on her cheek. Her hair was shorter than it used to be, just past her shoulders, and she’d stopped dying it. It was a waste of time to mess with her appearance. The last thing she wanted to be to her co-workers was attractive. That lesson had been learned.

  “Time is wasting. Take your shower if you want one. I don’t have long before the pack sends Teenie back here soon to begin our night.”

  She sighed and faced the shower. The curtain was nearly transparent. He’d get a good view at least. She gave him her back, turned on the water to see if it would get warm, and then tore her shirt over her head.

  He sucked in a sharp breath.

  She smiled, refusing to look at him. “Don’t act all surprised that I’m removing my clothes. Doesn’t everyone do that when they shower?”

  He didn’t answer.

  She dropped her bra. The gun holster remained but the weapon had been removed. The sheath for her blade also sat empty. She unclipped both from her body and unfastened her pants.

  “I’m just surprised you’re not arguing with me by demanding privacy.”

  She shoved them down, along with her underwear, giving him a great view of her bare ass and more if he was looking. It felt as if his gaze was on her. “The council stripped me of modesty a long time ago in regards to people seeing my body. I’ve learned to pick my battles carefully, Ice.” She paused. “Sorry. Glacier. I’m just grateful you gave me access to a shower.”

  She went to step into the tub but gasped when he suddenly gripped her arm. Their gazes locked as she peered at him over her shoulder. He looked furious.

  “What the fuck does that mean? I thought you said the council prevented you from being in some asshole’s sex harem.”

  “It could mean death if you’re fighting someone, they rip your shirt, and you try to cover your exposed breasts. Putting an arm down could mean the difference between keeping your head or not. They sometimes made us fight naked to make sure we didn’t care what parts of our body are exposed.”

  “Did any of them force you into sexual situations?”

  That was a polite way to put what he implied. “No. The council doesn’t abuse their powers by making us fuck them. We’re viewed as tools they use to kill, nothing more. It’s actually a rule they follow…never get involved with an assassin. Emotional attachments are forbidden.”

  “Does that mean you don’t have a companion or someone you’re in a relationship with?”

  “That’s also forbidden to us. We’re property of the council. It’s seen as a weakness to care about someone else. Olivia and I have hidden our close friendship. They just think we work well as a team and tolerate each other, since we come back whole. I haven’t always played well with others when they’ve assigned me to work with someone else.”


  She hesitated before giving him an example. “My first on-the-job assignment trainer thought he should also teach me the art of seduction. I wasn’t interested. So he decided it would be great payback not to give me backup when we were attacked by the nest we were sent to take out. Then the prick had only gotten us one hotel room, assuming we’d share the bed. He made me sleep on the floor since I wouldn’t touch him. I got even when he went to sleep. You’ll know who he is if you ever run across a Vamp missing the tip of his pinky finger. We don’t grow back body parts if they’ve been severed and turned to ash. There’re a few missing some toes too, but let’s just say I’ve gained a reputation of someone to avoid sexually harassing at work.”

  His expression never changed.

  She wondered what he thought about her past stunts, and decided to explain further. She wasn’t a horrible person. “I’m not allowed to seriously damage another assassin or disfigure their faces, since they have to walk amongst humans on jobs. Taking an entire finger or something that might make them less effective at their job would get me killed as punishment. But the tip of a pinkie finger or removing a little toe?” She shrugged. “Nobody would notice that. The council didn’t care.”

  His hold on her eased. “Take your shower.”

  She got into the tub and closed the curtain, standing under the hot water. It felt good, and it came as a surprise to her that the water heater worked in the old building. He also had products. She quickly washed her hair and scrubbed her body clean. The scent of sandalwood filled her lungs to replace dead Vamp. Now she’d smell like Glacier instead.

  It was slightly comforting to know something good would be the last thing she inhaled before she took her final breath. Hunger gnawed at her but she pushed it back. She needed blood but he wouldn’t feed her. Werewolves tended to detest Vamps for their need to drink blood. Of course, she wasn’t going to point out that her meals survived. Unlike those of Werewolves, who tended to eat a lot of meat.

  He held a towel over the top of the curtain when she turned off the water. “Thanks.” She wrapped it around her middle and got out of the tub. “Do you have another one for my hair?”

  He opened a cupboard built into the wall and withdrew a second one. “Turn around.”

  She tensed but did as he asked. Maybe he’d be kind and kill her without warning. It was her favorite way to eliminate a target. They never saw the blade coming until it was halfway through their throat.

  He stepped close, just inches away, and began to rub her hair dry. It was a personal task a person who cared for you would do.

  Tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back fast. He’d accused her of planning to play head games but it seemed that was his strategy. And it was working.

  “What else do you want to know?” She’d tell him anything and then this could end.

  “How many assassins work for the council?”

  “At least a hundred. There are eight houses in the U.S. and two in Europe. I’ve never been there but one is in England, the other in Germany. They put ten of us in each home they set up. We’re not called nests, since our masters are every member of the council.”

  “Why Europe?”

  “To watch what the Vamps over there are up to. It’s all hush-hush, but I met one of them about ten years ago. His name was Andre, and he’d followed a master into New York who didn’t have permission to be there. Andre was stationed in Germany but mentioned he had transferred from England. I asked him if there were more houses but he said he’d only heard of the two. I was called in to be his backup because the master traveled with five guards. He’d also hired half a dozen humans to protect him during the day. We went at him at night though.”

  “Do all masters need permission to enter the U.S. first?”

  “There were rumors that this master planned to take over New York. That’s where I’m based. One of the council owns that territory, and it would mean a war for him to keep it. He’d warned the master not to come here and had Andre watching him in Germany. As soon as he flew into the U.S., it became a kill order.”

  “The council makes you do their territory dirty work?”


  “Where are the houses in the states?”

  “Tampa, Dallas, Chicago, Vegas, Port
land, San Francisco, Denver, and New York.”

  “What about Canada or Mexico?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “None in Alaska?”

  “VampLycans are up there. From what I’ve heard in passing, the council thinks any nest that settles there are fools. They do it at their own risk.”

  “In passing?”

  “We hear rumors from time to time from the New York council member’s nest of Vamps, when he orders us to come to him to get our assignments. There was a nest in Alaska wiped out not too long ago by the VampLycans after they tried to set up there. Corski was pissed about it. I guess he knew the master killed, and he was trying to gain support from the council for retaliation. He was voted down. Joseph Corski is the council member and master in New York City. He’s the one who gives my house our orders from the others.”

  “The council fears the VampLycans?”

  She tugged out of his hold and raised both eyebrows when she twisted her head, staring at him. “I think someone would have to be an idiot not to be wary of VampLycans. I know Weres think they’re super tough, but I hope you never plan to take them on.”

  “What have you heard about GarLycans?”

  “They keep to themselves. It’s the VampLycans who defend packs and hunt nests that create too much attention with humans. There have been recent sightings of them in Los Angeles, Washington, and Colorado.”

  “Ever been sent to kill a VampLycan?”

  She shook her head. “I’m still here, aren’t I? They’re total bogeymen.”

  He scowled.

  “They are. Way stronger than masters, even old ones, and they have no weaknesses from what I’ve heard.”

  “I think GarLycans are more fearsome. They can fly.”

  She shrugged and turned her entire body around to face him. “They don’t leave their nest. I don’t worry about them.”

  “Nest? They’re a clan.”

  “Good to know, but I don’t worry about GarLycans hunting me since I never plan to go to Alaska. What else do you want to know? And you don’t have to be nice to me. I told you I’d answer your questions. So enough small talk.”

  He held the towel between them but didn’t back away. Inches separated them.

  “My control is better now that I’m clean but being close to you is difficult. I can hear your heartbeat.” Her gaze ran along his muscular arms and chest. “I can see your veins. Looking at you is akin to waving a big ol’ steak in front of a starving dog.” She peered into his eyes. “No games, for old times’ sake, okay, Glacier? Just ask and I’ll answer your questions. Don’t drag this out until you see the ugly side of me. And it will be. I’d like for you to remember me this way, rather than what I’ll become when the bloodlust takes over.”

  He tossed the towel in the sink. “Are you going to put your clothes back on?”

  “No. I’d just reek again since I don’t have different ones to wear. The towel is fine.” She inched away to put as much space between them as possible, pressing against the wall. “Fast and furious rounds of questions. Hit me with them.” She hugged her waist.

  “Where’s the local nest located right now? They went into hiding after I took out the first Vamp.”

  “We reported to Marco at a Chinese restaurant after we arrived in town.” She gave him the cross streets and name of the place. “I got the impression they were staying in the basement. He mentioned the strong smells of the cooking hiding their scents from Werewolf trackers.”

  “Where is Olivia staying? With them?”

  She inwardly winced. “I hate to give her up…but will you make me a promise?”

  “You said you’d answer me.”

  “She’s my best friend, Glacier. My only friend. It’s not her fault that she takes orders from the council. But I don’t want you or any more Werewolf kids to die. I’m all about priorities. I understand wrong from right. She’ll kill you if she’s able, regardless of why you’re taking out the nest. Just…promise me she won’t suffer when you put her down.”

  He frowned, studying her with his mesmerizing blue gaze.

  She lowered her head, unable to look at him anymore, and tears filled her eyes. He wanted her to give up Olivia. Do the right thing.

  Fuck! The council will kill her anyway if she fails to take out Glacier. He’s protecting kids.

  “Look at me.”

  His demanding tone wasn’t lost on her but she refused to obey. “She’s not bad. I swear. In twelve years we were going to join a nice nest with a decent master. They’re tough to find. He likes humans, even allows a pack to live in his city without starting shit with them just for the hell of it. He’s all about keeping the peace. Olivia hates this job as much as I do but her family members matter to her. She’s got two sisters who have kids. Her niece got married last week and she cried seeing the pictures posted on a social site.”

  “Mandy,” he snarled.

  She jerked her head up.

  “You’re crying?” He growled deep in his chest.

  “Of course I am. Did you miss the part about her being my best friend? I hate this. But she’s smart and an excellent fighter. There’s a chance she could take you down. That means those kids would be in danger. You think I’m heartless, don’t you? Well, big surprise. I’m not. So yeah, I’m finding it difficult you want me to give up her location, as difficult as I find endangering more children. She follows orders to protect her family. Get it?”

  “You said you’d answer all my questions.”

  “All I’m asking is that you take her out fast and painlessly.”

  His nostrils flared but he finally gave a sharp nod. “Done.”

  “Thank you.” It was the only comfort she had. “The Smith Hotel. Room two-twenty. Tell her Werewolf kids were being killed…and I’m sorry.” Hot tears slid down her cheeks.

  “Do you know which council member is protecting this pack?”

  “The order came from Corski, but he and the council might have been manipulated by another member with a personal agenda. I can’t see all of them knowing Marco was killing Were kids and being dumb enough to think the VampLycans wouldn’t eventually be called in. It’s why we’re supposed to police our own. It’s motivation to keep them from showing up. The council doesn’t want a war. They’re aware that some packs contact the VampLycans for help if the Vamp problem is severe enough. I’d say this falls under that category.”

  He said nothing more. She wiped away her tears and sniffed. “What else?”

  “That’s it.”

  She nodded and gave him her back. “The shower would be easier to clean. Want me to step in there? I’ll try not to struggle if you have a problem getting through the bone.” It wasn’t as if he needed to go grab a sharp blade with those claws of his.

  He just breathed evenly.

  Maybe he found it hard to kill her since they had a past. She took the initiative for him and stepped over the tub rim, removed the towel so her blood wouldn’t get on it, and faced the tiled corner. “Have a good life, Glacier. I’m ready.”

  She closed her eyes and swept her hair aside to expose the back of her neck, making it easier for him to take a swipe. “Do it.”

  Chapter Three

  “You son of a bitch!”

  Glacier carried the struggling and canvas-wrapped Mandy down the stairs. “Stop it. You’ll get burned if you kick free. The sun is still up.”

  He eased his crushing hold on her when they reached the basement and there was no longer a danger of her skin being exposed to sunlight. He strode to the bench but hesitated to put her on it. Then again, it was the only way to restrain her.

  He dumped her onto her back and climbed up on the bench, straddling her hips to pin her down. The canvas he’d wrapped a few times around her was in the way of him reaching her arms. It meant unleashing his claws as she bucked and thrashed under him.

  “Be still.” He started slicing at the canvas.

  “I told you what you wanted to know!” She stilled under
him. “I even made it easy for you. All you had to do was use the showerhead to wash the tiles if blood sprayed on the walls. Ashes go right down a drain. I should know.”

  “I’m not going to kill you yet.”

  She tried to buck her hips to unseat him. “When did you become a dick? You want to watch me lose my mind? That’s what’s going to happen. Is that your version of fun? Seeing a Vamp in full-on bloodlust?”

  He cut at the top of the canvas and lifted his body just enough to slide the material between them and slice open another layer. “I’m not going to cut off your head, nor do I plan to watch you suffer starvation. Now will you behave so I can get you free of this? I snagged a pair of drawstring pajama bottoms and a shirt on the way down here. Would you like to wear them?”

  She became very still under him. “What kind of game are you playing?”

  “I’m not.” He eased off her and the counter, reaching for the canvas again. She worked with him, almost falling off the smooth surface when she was freed, but he caught her before she could. He took the clothes off his shoulder where he’d tossed them and dropped them on her lap before turning away. “Get dressed.”

  He heard her movements and turned when they stopped. A laugh caught in his throat. His stuff looked huge on her. The legs of the pants were pooled over her feet until he couldn’t even see them, and her arms were completely lost in the long sleeves of his shirt.

  The humor died fast though. She looked cute as hell and vulnerable at the same time. He might forget she was a bloodsucker if it wasn’t for her pale skin and the fangs peeking out from her lips. Her eyes when she looked at him were glowing blue.

  “You’re going to give me some of your blood?”

  “No. I’m off limits.”

  Her gaze roamed over his chest and she licked her lips. He caught the motion when she seemed to shiver but she turned away and walked around the table, putting it between them. Her chin dropped to her chest and her wet hair fell forward. “Within a matter of hours, I’m going to lose my shit, Glacier. Probably less time. I think I mentioned I didn’t feed when I should have. I don’t have to do it every night, but I can’t go more than three days without it becoming dangerous. I hit that last night.”