The Dragon was on top of the mountain looking down at the cavern entrance. It began to descend, its claws ripping into the rock face. For a creature of its size, it could move quietly and with incredible agility; sniffing as it clawed its way down, stopping every so often so as not to give warning of its impending arrival. Then it smelt something. It scanned the entrance to its lair, they had built a fire, and plumes of smoke were spiralling up at him in a wild disjointed manner. What creature was it that willingly built a fire, and risked being burnt alive? Such an enemy was certainly determined, but such an unexpected act showed something else; desperation and a disregard for safety. The Dragon backed off and edged round the mountain. There were other ways, other means of gaining access to his kingdom; he would simply try one of those and come at them like the monster they thought he was.