Nishga was chewing on some bread. It was a bit stale but that was of no consequence, she was just relieved that once more she could eat without the fear of a tightening knot in her stomach that had recently accompanied her every move. Taking out her water bottle she drank deeply, offered it to Achil who shook his head thoughtfully.
“So why the change of heart?” asked Nishga.
Achil inclined his head slightly as if to enquire what Nishga meant.
“Choosing not to kill the Dragon,” said Nishga.
Achil rubbed the crane of his nose.
“I guess it has something to do, or everything to do with what you were saying,” replied Achil. “You pointed out that our reason for being here was part of a cycle of circumstances that needed to come to an end. Nishga, we were all so ready to do battle against the creature, to judge it, to condemn it, to punish it, without even the remotest understanding of it. That none of us thought for a single moment as to whether we should. You were right we did not ask ourselves what made it, the creature it had become. When I came to realise that, my attitude altered. None of us had the desire to question whether or not we were doing something wrong. Instead the only thing we were focused on was vengeance, but you put a stop to that, you were our collective heart.”
“And don’t you forget it,” said Nishga smiling.
“Nishga there is something I would like to know,” Achil paused before continuing. “When we left the Kingdom of the Underlings I noticed you had tears in your eyes. You said back then that when you were ready, you would tell me what it was that had upset you so.”
Nishga hesitated before answering. “That’s something I do not wish to speak of yet.”
Achil’s eyes met hers and he imperceptibly nodded.
Achil rose to his feet.
“We should prior to Ladons return begin to clear up the mess here,” said Achil. “He will then at least see that we mean to adhere to our treaty with him.”
For the next few days Achil and Nishga dragged down into the magma chamber all the items that would remind the Dragon of his captivity. By the time Ladon had reappeared on the horizon, Achil and Nishga had cleared up enough of the remnants of his subjugation for him to see that they would keep to their part of the accord. They sat watching him in the distance, getting ever bigger, until his shadow grew, and he had arrived.
Nishga pulled out her Orb and began to communicate once more with the Dragon.
“We have been busy tidying your home,” said Nishga.
The Dragons head seemed lofty and proud a reminder of the former glory of his race.
“I did not doubt it,” replied Ladon. “I will return you to your people, the Underlings. Have you told Achil of this yet?”
Nishga had not been able to hide the truth from Ladon of her relationship to the King and Queen of the Underlings.
“Not yet,” replied Nishga.
The Dragon continued. “Because of our treaty, and the trust we have built together, I have listened to the Underling King without fear that he might betray me. We communicated earlier, he wait’s impatiently for the return of his niece. I told him that it would be an honour to carry you home, and in remembrance of the meeting between us, I given you the title Dragon Lord.”
She glanced over to Achil, who was looking out over the Mountain, and then back at Ladon.
“I am honoured with such a title, may it be a sign of an everlasting peace between us,” said Nishga. “I will tell Achil of my desires when you take me to the kingdom of the Underlings. Strange, I always felt that my home was with the Dragon People. I just did not understand until recently how much they were a part of me.”
Nishga turned her attention back to Achil.
“Well Achil,” said Nishga. “Ladon is ready to carry us home.”
Achil and Nishga climbed on the back of the Dragon. Ladon took to the air. Ascending above the mountain and then gliding back down. It was not too long before Nishga pointed to where the entrance to the Underling kingdom was. Achil noticed that from such a high position he could make out where the old City had been before it had been swallowed up. The Dragon began a slow descent.
Achil held on to Nishga, raising his voice so he could be heard.
“What are we doing, why are we stopping here?” asked Achil.
Nishga’s eyes welled up. “Achil this is where my journey ends with you. The Queen of the Underlings is my mother's sister. And though I didn’t realise it, her heart has been calling me home all this time.”
Achil was truly surprised by such a revelation, he had not thought that there journey together would finish so soon yet there was also something fitting about such an end.
“But what of the Witch from Haven forest?” said Achil. “The one we met on the plain. Was she your kin?”
“It was she that advised the Queen of the Underlings of who I was. Tirana is the Queens sister also, and she had to keep secret which city of the Dragon People I was to be part of, on purpose as the Underlings are a secretive people. Remember that the Dragon People of Grand Mountain did not know of their Kin. So I am in effect returning home.”
“I see,” said Achil, though he could not hide his disappointment for her leaving him.
The Dragon landed by the entrance to the Kingdom of the Underlings. There waiting to meet them was the King and Queen, and a host of dignitaries and guards. Nishga had told them through the Orb that she was arriving. Nishga handed Achil her Orb.
“This is a precious gift Nishga, are you sure?" asked Achil.
“When you get to Dragon City give it to the Alchemist. These two peoples have been too long apart, they are to become one people again.”
Achil nodded, he placed the Orb in his bag and then embraced Nishga one last time.
“Good by little princess, I shall never forget you,” said Achil.
“You're such a drama queen, don’t be so dramatic, until we meet again,” replied Nishga.
Achil climbed onto the back of the Dragon who gracefully and majestically took to the skies.
Looking down he could see a once familiar face disappear. Soon beneath them, the people turned to so many dots like scattered seeds on the ground. He was now heading toward Dragon City and his new home. Ladon arrived just outside the city to the consternation of an old man taking his horse drawn cart to market. The man was so surprised he fell off the cart. Looking up, he saw Achil jump off the back of the Dragon. He watched in disbelief as the Dragon rose once more, before he saw Achil, with a smile and wave pass him by and gently stroll towards Dragon City. The man naturally lifted his arm in response, and then quizzically stared at his hand as if to ask himself, ‘What are you doing?’
When Achil arrived in the city some time later, he was greeted by Andreas and Nicholas, who had already learnt of his approach via a messenger from one of the Dispatch stops he had passed on the way. They directed him to the Chamber of equals where a session had been hurriedly called. As he entered the chamber, still flanked by Andreas and Nicholas, everyone stood to their feet and applauded them. Achil told his story to the Prefect and the assembly. They were most interested when he got to the part regarding their brethren, the Underlings, which Andreas and Nicholas had only previously alluded to, preferring to wait for Achil to arrive before revealing the full extent of their adventures. Of the Mirkoid, they had no clue that the swamp was so inhabited, but now knew well enough to be more wary of it. All were relieved that an agreement had been reached with the Dragon. Achil ended by handing over the Orb given to him by Nishga.
The Alchemist took it, “I will try and make contact with the Underlings and invite them to a council. It seems Achil we owe you a debt of gratitude far greater than you know, as was written in the prophesy, 'that which was lost shall be found'. You have returned to us our lost brethren.”
The Prefect sat back relieved that the mission had been successful. The Alchemist was then given permission to withdraw to his private rooms.
There were man
y other questions asked by the council members, but the Prefect had some urgent business with Achil and called a halt to proceedings.
“Come tomorrow we shall hold a banquet in Achil’s honour,” said the Prefect. “He has done us a great service. From now on you shall be known as Achil of the Dragon People. Please join me in private, a moment.”
Achil left with the Prefect: together they went into an antechamber where the Alchemist was waiting. The three had a glass of wine together.
"Achil one of the reasons I wanted a quiet word with you was not just to say thank you for your help, but to call to your attention something of concern to us. While you were away information reached us from our border with Findolin, of a group of brigands or so we thought, who were encroaching onto our lands. We sent out a small troop to discover their purpose and managed to apprehend some of them, and this is where it gets very interesting. On closer scrutiny they were found to be none other than Mead warriors, but they were unlike any Mead warriors we've come across before, their armour and weaponry were all too well crafted. Unfortunately before we could question them further the party that had picked them up was waylaid, and the men that were held captive, were freed. We have tried to track them down but it appears they have crossed into Findolin and are probably even now on their way back to their own lands. We have dispatched riders to Findolin to warn them of this. Now as everyone is aware Mead raiders are nothing new, and though they seldom come this far west, they have on occasion done it; and their venturing into our lands may mean nothing, or it may mean everything, nevertheless it is certainly something for our two peoples to ponder upon. Although now is not the time to think on such things, now is a time to celebrate."
The conversation then turned once more to the tale of the Dragon, and Achil was asked once more to briefly give an account of his adventures; and after what seemed an age the Prefect, on seeing how tired Achil was, told him to retire for the evening.
The next day Achil met up with Andreas and Nicholas for breakfast, and they talked long into the morning of their travels together.
“So what now?” asked Achil.
“Now,” said Andreas “We live without fear again. And we rebuild the city to its former glory, bring in the harvest and enjoy the games once more. What plans has Achil of the Dragon People got?”
“I think Andreas I’m going to stay here a while. And get to know Osgaroth. After all I haven’t stopped for a break since I left Findolin. I did come to make new friends as well as set up an alliance between your people and my own. Which I am glad to say is well on the way to being established.”
Andreas smiled, and raised his glass, “Then let us drink in honour of this moment, to alliances and friends.”
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