Page 33 of It's All Relative

  Her eyes popped open at that, and she looked at him. Not registering what he’d just called her, Kai engulfed her in a hug. “Oh, thank god.” Pulling back, he looked down on her. “Are you hurt?” He searched her again, and then the snow around her; everything was still fluffy and white – no red, no blood.

  Then she broke out into a huge grin and started to chuckle. Kai paused in his search for injuries. “Were you fucking with me?” He flushed a little at saying that to her, but she’d really freaked him out.

  She laughed more at his language. “I’m sorry…I couldn’t resist.”

  Kai twisted his lips in a scowl, then did the only reasonable thing he could think of to retaliate. One hand drifted down to her stomach and lifted up her jacket, while the other grabbed a fistful of pure, icy snow, plopping it onto her stomach. Her eyes went wide and she sputtered for a second before letting out a blood curdling scream. Kai started laughing as she squirmed beneath him; they were still so entangled she couldn’t get away.

  Laughing so much that her eyes started watering, she begged him to stop. His frozen hand slid up her shirt, cold from handling the snow. She screamed more, begging for mercy as she laughed. Kai chuckled at her discomfort. “You promise to never do that again?”

  Her hands pushed at his but he was stronger; he slid it even further up her clothes. “Yes, yes, I promise,” she laughed, her words coming out between screams.

  Kai leaned over her, stilling her frantic movements. “Good,” he grinned down on her, still breathing a little heavy as the earlier exertion mixed with his fear, “because you scared the crap out me.”

  Her laughter stopped along with her screams as she locked gazes with him. It was only then that Kai was aware of just where he had his hand. His fingers were suddenly warmer, almost burning as they shifted from icy cold to red hot. His hand had drifted to the place he’d jealously watched the raindrop traverse earlier, only he was much more intimately connected with her than the drop trailing down her padded jacket had been. His fingers cupped her breast, his thumb sweeping back and forth over the lacy fabric.

  His gaze dropped to her lips as they lightly breathed on each other, just inches apart. She licked those lips and Kai could feel her chest under his fingers start to noticeably rise and fall, near heaving. Knowing he should apologize and yank his hand away, he instead slid a finger into a full cup. He closed his eyes when that finger passed over a perfectly rigid peak. His growing arousal told him he was skirting dangerous waters and needed to retreat, but the light moan escaping Jessie’s mouth spurred him to want to hear more.

  Kai imagined the sounds she’d make if his lips closed over that nipple. It had been so long since his tongue had rolled around it. He pictured that snow white skin, that soft pink flesh. He started to harden dramatically as his finger traced a never-ending circle over her quivering flesh.

  “There you are. What are you guys doing?”

  Kai opened his eyes and glanced up at Harmony standing over their prone bodies. Kai felt every single part of him heat and his arousal fade to oblivion. God, why couldn’t he stop those thoughts when it mattered? And, oh god, had Harmony noticed any of that? He looked over the red-head’s face, but she was only raising an eyebrow curiously, not disgustedly. Luckily for Kai, he and Jessie’s tangled bodies, half buried in snow, seemed to have hidden all of that from her.

  Kai started moving away from Jessie, finding it hard since their skis were crossed in awkward ways. Looking down on Jessie as he started mumbling nonsense about falling repeatedly, he noted Jessie’s pale cheeks and still sharp breath. That had scared the crap out of her too.

  Harmony sighed and reached down to help. “Here, just lay still.” She unbuckled Kai’s skis from his boots, helping to free him from his cousin, the cousin he’d just fondled. As she untangled their legs, she said, “April’s done, headed back to the lodge. I thought I’d find you two and we could all get some dinner.” She smirked as Jessie and Kai quickly became two separate people again. “Good thing I did, you two looked liked pretzels.”

  She laughed and patted Kai’s leg, letting him know that he was free. He stood up, feeling more confident now that he was just in boots. Sighing, he helped Jessie stand. She looked away from him, embarrassed, mortified, grossed out…Kai wasn’t sure. All he was sure of, was he’d screwed up. He sighed as they both followed Harmony back to the lodge. Guess he wasn’t as much of an adult as he thought.

  Chapter 18

  Sleeping Arrangements

  Back at the lodge, Jessie handed Kai her skis and asked if he could put them in their room. Nodding at her, Kai watched her immediately turn away and dash after Harmony. Not even looking back at Kai, she climbed the stairs with the girls to go get ready for dinner in their room. Kai had gone way too far with his teasing, and he could tell he’d made his cousin uncomfortable. He couldn’t even tell her he was sorry, because really, how many times could he tell her that before it just started sounding ridiculously repetitive. Maybe instead of having ‘thank you’ monogrammed on his shirts, like he’d jokingly told her once, he should just save himself some time and stitch out all of his apologies.

  Rubbing sore, aching muscles, Kai headed to his room with Jessie’s skis. They were bright pink and he got more than a couple of odd looks as he walked down the hall. Sighing as he slinked into his suite, he put away the flamboyant skis and flopped onto his bed. Taking a moment, he stared blankly at his ceiling, letting his confusion wash over him in waves. First he was fine, then he was hurt, then he was angry, then he was sad. He wasn’t sure where his mood was going to settle by the time he met back up with the girls.

  Throwing an arm over his eyes, he momentarily considered not even showing up. But, that would seem weird to Harmony and April and they might come looking for him. Well, if they did, he could play it off as being too sore to do anything but soak in his jetted tub…which actually sounded pretty nice. Exhaling in frustration, he sat up. No, he needed to check on Jessie, make sure his latest floundering wasn’t bothering her too badly. The last thing he wanted to make her do, ever again, was cry. He’d seen enough of her tears the last time they were “together.” Kai didn’t ever want to see them again.

  Changing into a warm, tight sweater and some jeans, he ran his hands through his drying hair and prepared to see his cousin again. After not having seen her for so long, he was growing increasingly uneasy the longer they were apart. Kai was pretty certain that he wouldn’t be able to go back to avoiding her. He wasn’t sure what that meant for them, but he needed her too much to push her away again.

  Hastily leaving their room, he made his way to the lobby where they’d all agreed to meet up. He had to wait forever, but that was to be expected when you were waiting on three girls getting ready to go out for the evening. Kai passed the time by watching the snow fall out the glass front doors. It was so incredibly beautiful, almost unreal.

  Smiling at the magnificence around him, he finally noticed the sound of girls giggling. Turning slowly, he spotted them nearly directly behind him, watching him watch the snow. Harmony grinned brightly when she saw that he finally noticed them. “Island boy, you’re so cute!”

  Kai felt his cheeks heat and wanted to look away, but Jessie was standing right beside Harmony, and once his gaze locked onto his cousin, he couldn’t turn his head. He inhaled a deep breath and held it. Her curls were loose around her shoulders, brushing over the marvelous cleavage that she was exaggerating with a deeply cut v-neck sweater dress. It clung to every curve, sliding down her hips in a nearly intimate way. And good god, she had on thigh high boots. Kai wanted to curse at her, and thought that maybe he should have had that ‘could you dress ugly for me?’ talk with her after all. The slight twitch in his lower body disagreed.

  Jessie smiled softly under his intense gaze but it was eventually April that brought him back to reality. Coming up to him, she teasingly smacked his shoulder. “Snap out of it. Haven’t you ever been surrounded by beautiful women before?”

inning, she jostled his shoulder. Kai smiled and shook his head at her, glad that she had kept up a friendly demeanor with him. It made it easy for them to all hang out together. Well, easier. Things with Jessie were never entirely…easy.

  Extending his elbow to April, mainly to distract himself from offering it to Jessie, he sincerely said, “I think I must be the luckiest man in the world tonight, having three gorgeous girls with me.” Before he could stop himself, his eyes flicked to Jessie. Not noticing, Harmony grabbed his other arm, laughing along with April. He heard Jessie sigh behind him, but didn’t risk another glance in her direction.

  Hating that Jessie was sort of being relegated to the third wheel position, well, fourth wheel, Kai disengaged himself from the girls so he could gentlemanly open the door for them all. Harmony and April played up their gratitude as they sauntered through. Jessie peeked up at him as she passed. “Thank you, Kai,” she said softly. He wanted to sigh in a disgustingly happy way at hearing those words from her lips. It gave him hope that she wasn’t too mad at him…for earlier.

  Settling back into Harmony’s vehicle, Kai was once again shoved into the back seat with his cousin. April just refused to even sit near Jessie. Maybe Kai should risk a chat with her? Her peevement was a little more than was called for. Almost like she’d heard his thoughts, April twisted in her seat to look at him. Her long, black hair was pulled up into an intricately twisted up-do. It highlighted her elegant neck, along with the off-the-shoulder sweater she was wearing. April was sure to get some attention tonight.

  She smirked at Kai. “Don’t get all disappointed, but we’re going to a restaurant that doesn’t use plastic utensils.” April winked at him as she twisted back around.

  Kai smiled at her obvious reference to their sort of disastrous first date. Shaking his head, he met eyes with her in the mirror. “Prima Donna.”

  She laughed as Harmony pulled out of the lot. “And don’t you forget it!”

  Harmony laughed heartily at her friend as they pulled onto the road. Jessie beside him chuckled softly. She peeked up at him, her hand near his twitching like she wanted to touch him. Kai wanted to touch her too, so he clasped his hands in his lap.

  The dinner wasn’t super fancy, but it was nice enough that it took awhile. After drinks, appetizers, main courses, and dessert, Kai was feeling a bit run down. Especially when his body started to let him know that he’d moved muscles today that were generally stationary. He was sore in areas that he never knew it was even possible to be sore in.

  When Harmony and April struck up a conversation with a couple of guys sitting at the bar, Kai was certain that the evening was nowhere near wrapping up. He really just wanted to crawl up somewhere and sleep, even if it was the floor. Jessie watched him yawn softly, then glanced at April and Harmony. They had their backs to Kai and Jessie, Harmony twisting a red lock around her finger, April laughing huskily – flirting at its finest. Bringing her eyes back to Kai, Jessie rested her hand on his thigh under the table. Kai felt alertness seep into him at the contact.

  “Come on, we can get a taxi back to the lodge.” She nodded her head toward the dark of night visible through the large front windows. Kai wanted to object, to tell her that she could stay and he’d go back alone, but he found himself nodding at her. Smiling softly, she squeezed his thigh before standing and swishing her way over to her friends. That dress curved right over her backside, framing it perfectly. Kai couldn’t look away.

  Jessie spoke with Harmony for a minute then they both twisted to look at him. Luckily he’d raised his eyes just in the nick of time. Smiling dopily, he ordered his suddenly surging heart to calm down. He really needed to stop looking at Jessie that way. Harmony nodded, giving Jessie a quick hug before separating. The guy she’d been talking to at the bar smiled wider at seeing her decision to stay. His eyes drifted down to her chest, cleverly being emphasized in a teal wrap shirt that knotted right under her breasts; they stayed there.

  Jessie walked back to Kai, her eyes roaming over his chest before settling on his face. Tilting her head, she smiled that soft smile that he loved on her, then extended her hand. Grinning, he took it. He helped her put her jacket on then slipped on his own. Waving goodbye to the flirty girls, they darted outside.

  It was lightly snowing and the traffic on the streets was sparse. Not seeing any cabs, they decided to walk a ways under the snowfall. Kai was cold, but not freezing. Multiple layers were helping with that, but he swore it was Jessie’s presence too. He grabbed her hand, not thinking that he might be crossing a line, just wanting to share the warm feeling that he had in his heart with her. She smiled wider and leaned into his side. With no one to witness it, they walked a block or two in the snow, looking more like a young couple in love than two cousins walking off a hefty meal.

  Finally hailing a cab, they made it back to the lodge, the two of them just slightly damp with melted snow. Kai almost wished they’d never found a taxi; he could have walked the entire way back with her, and been just fine with that. Jessie disappeared into the bathroom when they got to the room, saying she wanted to change for bed. She didn’t look as uneasy about the idea as she had at first. Maybe she figured they’d gotten the tension out of their system, with their moment on the slopes earlier. Or maybe walking through the snow had just evaporated her fear. Either way, Kai was happy that she only had a smile for him as she vanished behind the door.

  Scruffing his hair dry, Kai changed his clothes, throwing on some comfortable lounge pants and a light t-shirt. Not wanting them to be chilly, and because it was a shame to not use it, since the room had one, he turned on the gas fireplace, smiling as it instantly bursted into cheery orange flames. Glancing at the animal rug spread out before the fire, he rolled his eyes and folded it up. Laying it on the chair under the window, he grabbed a couple pillows off the bed and an extra blanket he found in one of the drawers. Prepping his sleeping place in front of the fire, he smiled and sat down.

  Kai felt a peace flow into him as he watched the flames lick the logs. A peace and warmth that he knew stemmed from love. A deep love, deeper than he’d ever felt before. A love he shouldn’t feel…but he did. He thought of Jessie in the next room. Thought of her smiling into the mirror as she brushed out her locks. Thought of her biting her lip as maybe she thought about him. Kai smiled wider, wondering what she’d choose to sleep in. He pictured her in black lace. Then he sighed and shook his head. No, really, if he had to choose, he’d rather she went to bed with only her perfect skin to keep her warm. If it were up to him, that’s what he’d pick out for her.


  Jessie quietly left the bathroom, her teeth freshly brushed, her face squeaky clean. She felt great, certainly better than she’d felt this morning. Once the shock of the room arrangements had finally worn off, and once she and Kai had started playing and having fun together, her tension about them sleeping in the same suite together had sort of left her. She’d missed Kai. Seeing him again…was indescribable. She almost couldn’t stand it when they were apart now. Jessie wasn’t sure how she’d go back to avoiding him after this. She wasn’t sure if she had the strength to resist calling him or going over to his place…not anymore.

  They’d had an amazing afternoon together. Jessie had playfully teased him every time he clumsily fell. He’d stoically taken it and tried again. But eventually she just couldn’t resist and had chucked a loose snowball in his face. Dashing off, thinking his still clumsy abilities wouldn’t let him catch her, he’d surprised her by staying on her tail…then crashing right into it. Even then, wrapped up in his body, she couldn’t resist playing with him. Then he’d said that word. The warmth that had flowed from his mouth when he’d said it, even mixed with concern like it was, was unlike anything she’d ever heard.

  Baby. In his worry, he’d called her baby.

  Even his retaliation, once he realized she’d been kidding around about being injured, was nothing after hearing that word. Then, after the playing had settled down, the seriousness ha
d seeped in around them, igniting them. And he’d touched her…intimately. She’d been begging him silently to feel her, and almost like he had heard her, he’d dipped his finger into her bra and caressed her. It had nearly been too much. She’d nearly climaxed by just that tiny stroking. It had been so long…

  Then they’d almost been caught and reality had crashed upon her. She couldn’t do those things with her cousin. It was wrong, sick, and if Harmony had noticed…she wasn’t sure what she’d have done. Jessie had stuck close to Harmony’s side after that, wanting to make sure her friend suspected nothing. Luckily, Harmony had only wanted to talk about the advance slope she’d finally tackled. That had taken up her every thought, and she hadn’t given a spare one to the predicament she’d found Kai and Jessie in.

  Feeling better that at least Harm was none the wiser, Jessie had dressed as nicely as she could for dinner. While she couldn’t resist taunting a pissy April with the coveted boots she’d scored, that Harmony had graciously packed in her oversized bag for her, she hadn’t really packed anything for a fancy outing. Harmony was notorious for packing just-in-case clothes, so Jessie borrowed a dress from her best friend. By the look on Kai’s face when he’d spotted her, she was immensely happy that she’d chosen that over the plain sweater she’d originally packed for dinner.