Page 4 of Elsie at Home


  "Oh, Rosie, you here? I'm delighted! I hope you have come to spend theday?" exclaimed Lucilla, as on Monday she and Grace, on leaving theschoolroom where they had been reciting to their father, passed out uponthe veranda in search of Evelyn and the older ladies and found RoseTravilla seated with the others.

  "Thank you; but suppose I have come intending to stay longer than that?as long as mamma does, for instance?" laughed Rose, giving and receivingan affectionate caress; for they had seen nothing of each other forseveral days.

  "The longer the better," was Lucilla's hearty rejoinder. "Do you not sayso too, Mamma Vi?" turning to her.

  "Indeed I do," said Violet. "She will certainly make a most pleasantaddition to our party."

  "I think you may as well accept the invitation, Rosie," her mother saidwith a pleased smile; "and as I know you do not care to keep your erranda secret from any of your friends here, we can call a family council andtalk the matter over."

  "Yes, mamma; that sounds as though you accept Solomon's teaching that'In the multitude of counsellors there is safety.' And since he was thewisest of men we may surely consider ourselves safe in so doing. So, ifyou like, you may tell Lu and Gracie on what errand I came."

  "Tell it yourself, child," returned her mother with an amused look.

  At that Rosie held up a letter to the view of Lucilla and Grace, saying,with a smile and blush, "It is from Will Croly. He has grown tired ofwaiting and begs to have matters hurried up somewhat: proposes that Ichange my name next month, though the prescribed year of waiting wouldthereby be shortened by two months or more."

  "Oh, do let him have his way, then!" exclaimed Grace--"at least if hewill promise not to carry you off at once after the wedding--for therecould not be a lovelier month for it than beautiful June, the month ofroses."

  "So I should say," chimed in Lucilla, then added hastily, "though Ithink I'd make him wait till June of next year, rather than leave such amother as Grandma Elsie so soon."

  At that Rosie glanced at her mother and her eyes filled with unbiddentears.

  "I can't bear to think of that," she said with a tremble in her voice,"but perhaps I can coax Will to settle down somewhere in thisneighbourhood--bringing his father and mother along so that they won'tbe lonely."

  "A very nice plan, Rosie dear, if you can manage to carry it out,"remarked Violet.

  "And I have hope that Will, at least, will favour the plan; for heseemed much pleased with this neighbourhood when he was here," saidRosie, adding with a laugh and blush, "and I know my wishes carry greatweight with him."

  "And we will hope that those of his parents may coincide with yours,"added her mother gently; "for I am sure my Rosie would not wish to bethe cause of unhappiness to them."

  "No, indeed, mamma; I can assure you it is my earnest desire to add totheir happiness; not to take from it. I am strongly in hopes, however,that when they come to know you and all the rest of my dear relativeshere, they will esteem it a delight to live in your midst."

  "And I don't believe they can help it," said Grace. "I am sure everybodywho knows Grandma Elsie, mamma, and papa--not to mention all the otherdear people--loves them and their pleasant society."

  "In all of which I am sure you are quite right, Gracie," said Evelyn.

  "I, too," said Lulu. "But now let us hear the plans for the wedding."

  "They are yet to be made," laughed Rosie.

  "You will want a grand one?" Lulu said in a tone of mingled assertionand inquiry.

  "Not so very," Rosie answered with a slight shake of her pretty head. "Ithink only the relatives and most intimate friends. They alone will makequite a party, you know. I'll want some bridesmaids. You'll be one, Lu,won't you? Unless you fear the truth of the old saying, 'Twice abridesmaid never a bride.'"

  "Pooh! what difference need that make?" returned Lulu; "since I don'tintend ever to marry."

  "You don't?" exclaimed Rosie.

  "No; for there is not another man in the world whom I could love half sodearly as I love my father."

  "Oh, well! that is only because you and the right one haven't happenedto meet yet."

  "Yes, Lulu," said Grandma Elsie, "at your age I thought and felt just asyou do now, but some years later I found that another had gained thefirst place in my heart."

  "But my father is so much kinder and more lovable than ever yours was,"was the answering thought in Lucilla's mind, but unwilling to hurt thedear lady's feelings she refrained from expressing it, and only saidwith a little laugh of incredulity, "I suppose I should not be toocertain, but I am entirely willing to run the risk of again acting asbridesmaid."

  "So that much is settled," returned Rosie in a tone of satisfaction. "Ihave always counted upon Eva as another," she continued, "but----"

  "Thank you, Rosie dear, but of course I cannot serve--under presentcircumstances," returned Evelyn in a tone of gentle sadness.

  No one spoke again for a moment; then Violet broke the silence byasking, "How many do you think of having, Rosie?"

  "Perhaps six," was the reply, in a musing tone, "at least includingflower girls and maid of honour. Gracie, you will be one of thebridesmaids, will you not?"

  "If papa does not object, as I hardly think he will."

  "Maud and Sydney Dinsmore I think will serve," continued Rosie. "Andwouldn't it be a pretty idea to have Elsie Raymond and Uncle Horace'sElsie, who is about the same size, as either bridesmaids or flowergirls?"

  Everyone approved of that idea.

  "Now, it will be in order, I suppose, to settle about the material andcolour of our dresses," remarked Lucilla.

  "Perhaps it might be as well to first decide at what time of year theyare to be worn," suggested Mrs. Travilla in her gentle tones.

  "Yes, mamma, but--you do not want to disappoint Will, do you? And Juneis really the prettiest month in the year for a wedding, I think," saidRose.

  "None lovelier, daughter," her mother responded with a slight sigh, "butOctober, my own wedding month, seems to me no less suitable."

  "Why, yes, to be sure! if only Will could be satisfied to wait tillthen."

  "It will be hardly longer than the time he was given to understand hemust expect to wait," returned her mother pleasantly, "or than he oughtto think my Rose worth waiting for. But at all events, daughter, we mustconsult with your grandpa before deciding. Have you had any talk withhim on the subject?"

  "No, mamma; I preferred coming to you first, and am almost sure grandpawill think it a matter for you to decide."

  "Probably; yet I shall want his opinion; and besides he is your guardianas well as your grandfather."

  "Along with you, mamma; and I love him as both, he is so dear and kind."

  "He is indeed," assented her mother. "He has told me more than once ortwice that my children are scarcely less dear to him than his own."

  "Partly because our father was his dear friend as well as hisson-in-law," added Violet softly.

  "Yes; they were bosom friends before I was born," her mother said with afar-away look in her eyes.

  "Then you must have been very much younger than he, Grandma Elsie,"remarked Grace, half inquiringly.

  "Sixteen years younger. I was in my ninth year when I saw him first, andmore than twice that age before I thought of him as anything but a dear,kind friend--my father's friend and mine."

  "And after that he seemed to you to grow younger, did he not, mamma?"asked Rosie.

  "Yes; when he joined us in Europe I had not seen him for two years, andas regarded age he seemed to have been standing still while I grew upto him; and in the daily and intimate intercourse of those months Ilearned that his worth was far greater than that of any other man of myacquaintance--excepting my father. Ah, there was never a better man, atruer friend, a kinder, more devoted husband and father than he."

  The sweet voice trembled with emotion; she paused for a moment, thenwent on:

  "He does not seem dead to me--he is not dead, but only gone before intothe immediate
presence of the dear Master, where I hope one day to joinhim for an eternity of bliss.

  "''Tis there we'll meet At Jesus' feet, When we meet to part no more.'"

  Again there was a brief silence, presently broken by the coming of thecaptain and his two younger children. All three seemed pleased to findRosie there, greeted her affectionately, and then the captain remarked,glancing from one to another:

  "It strikes me that you are all looking about as grave as if assembledto discuss the affairs of the nation. Can I have a voice in thesubject, whatever it is?"

  "Yes, Brother Levis," replied Rosie, "I am trying to make arrangementsfor--doing what you have done twice. And perhaps, since you have had somuch practice, you may be more capable than these other friends andrelatives of giving me advice."

  "Something that I have done twice? What can that be?"

  "Will Croly wants to help me," returned Rosie with a laugh and a blush.

  "Ah! now I understand. Is the vexing question as to the colour andmaterial of the wedding gown?"

  "Mamma thinks the first thing is to settle when the ceremony is to beperformed. She does not seem to sympathise in Will's haste to have itover."

  "Which is not at all surprising," returned the captain, glancing at histwo older daughters. "I can quite understand the feeling. But what isthe time proposed by Will?"

  "June of this year."

  "June seems a very suitable month, but if you were my daughter I shouldsay not June of this year--since you are both young enough to wait forthat of next or the year after."

  "Ah, sir! that was not the way you talked when you wanted to rob mammaof one of her daughters."

  "No; but I was some years older than Mr. Croly is now, and your sisterViolet very womanly in her ways."

  "And I am not? Ah, well! perhaps it is fortunate for me that thedecision rest with mamma and grandpa."

  "So you, too, are in haste?" queried the captain, regarding her with alook of amusement.

  "Not at all," she returned, drawing herself up with an air of pretendedindignation. "Who would be in haste to leave such a home and mother asmine? If I consulted only my own feelings I should be more than willingto wait another year."

  "Then why not decide to do so?" he asked with a quizzical look.

  "Because I really have some regard for the wishes of my betrothed."

  "And it makes it hard for you that the different ones you love cannotagree so that you might please them all," remarked Grace, thenexclaimed, "Ah, here comes grandpa!" as at that moment the Ion carriageturned in at the great gates.

  Mr. Dinsmore seldom let a day pass without a more or less extendedinterview with his eldest daughter, and had now come for a call atWoodburn, bringing his wife with him.

  When the usual greetings had been exchanged the subject of Rosie'sapproaching marriage and the letter from Mr. Croly, urging that it takeplace speedily, were introduced, and after some discussion it wasdecided to let him have his own way. The day was not fixed upon anyfarther than that it should be near the end of the month of June, andwith that Rosie seemed satisfied.

  "Now, mamma," she said, "I think we may go on and discuss minor details,such as dresses and ornaments for bride and attendants."

  "Very well, daughter; you may give us your views on the subject. Youwill want your own dress of some rich white material, I suppose?"

  "Yes, mamma; of Bengaline silk, richly trimmed with lace; and I musthave a veil and orange blossoms; also a bouquet of bride roses andsmilax. Lu and Grace, you will want white silk dresses, won't you?"

  "Yes," they replied. "And bouquets of white flowers," added Lucilla.

  "Oh, papa, you will let me act as one of the bridesmaids, will you not?"asked Grace, turning to him.

  "I have no objection," he replied. "You may both serve, since Rosiewishes it and I see you are pleased with the idea. As for the matter ofdress you may settle that for yourselves."

  "Oh, thank you, sir!" both exclaimed joyously, Grace adding, "But won'tyou please tell us, papa, just how much we may spend?"

  "Any amount which your mamma and Grandma Elsie do not consider toogreat," he replied in an indulgent tone. "However, I think I should nothesitate to leave that matter to the judgment of my daughtersthemselves; for I know that neither of you is inclined to be at allextravagant."

  "No, indeed," said Violet, "they are always very careful to make surethat papa is able to afford them what they want."

  "It would be strange if we weren't, Mamma Vi," said Lucilla with a happylaugh, "for we know that papa loves us so dearly that he would gowithout things himself any time rather than deny us anything desirable."

  "And I expect to put him to the additional expense of dressing Elsiehandsomely for the occasion," laughed Rosie.

  "Ah! is she also to be a bridesmaid?" asked the captain with a smilingglance at his little girl, who was turning her bright eyes from one toanother with a surprised, pleased, yet puzzled look.

  "Not just that," replied Rosie; then went on to explain her plan forgiving the two little Elsies a part in the ceremony.

  "Should you like to do that, daughter?" asked the captain, taking thehand of the little girl and drawing her to his side.

  "I'm 'most afraid I would not know how to do it right, papa," sheanswered with doubtful look and tone.

  "You can take lessons beforehand," he said; "but you shall do just asyou please about it."

  "And the question need not be decided at once," remarked Grandma Elsie."We will let the matter rest till we learn what your cousin ElsieDinsmore thinks about joining you in it."

  "Yes," said Rosie, "and fortunately we do not need to settle anythingmore to-day. Maud and Sydney must be consulted before we quite decide onthe colour and material of the bridesmaids' dresses."