Page 7 of Elsie at Home


  Left alone upon the veranda, Harold sat scanning the columns of themorning paper, when a light step drew near, a pleasant voice said,"Good-morning," and looking up he found Mrs. Calhoun Conly, with a babein her arms, close by his side.

  "Oh! good-morning to you, Cousin Mary," he returned, hastily rising andgallantly handing her to a seat. "I am glad to see you and the littleone looking so well."

  "Thank you," she returned merrily, "it would be a pity if we failed tokeep well with so many doctors about. Were you waiting to see Arthur? Ibelieve he is in the house--probably up in his wife's room--though Ihave not seen him since breakfast."

  "Yes, he is there, sharing with Marian a call from my mother."

  "Ah! that is nice for Marian; she has been wanting to see Cousin Elsiebadly. I want a call from her too, and hope she will not forget me whenthrough with my sister-in-law."

  "Hardly, I think; it is not mother's way to forget anyone; especially sonear and dear a relative as yourself, Cousin Mary. But don't set yourheart on a long call this morning, for some other folks want the doctorif you don't."

  "Ah! and your mother has taken up the practice of medicine, has she?"

  "Well, I don't say that exactly, but certainly her advice andsuggestions are sometimes more beneficial to the patient than those ofher doctor son; then think of the enviable condition of the patient whocan have both," returned Harold laughingly. "Ah, here comes Cousin Cal!"as a horseman came galloping up the avenue.

  "Good-morning, Harold!" Calhoun said, as he alighted, giving his steedin charge to a servant, and came up the veranda steps. "I have been outin the field for some hours, overseeing the work of my men, saw youpassing a few moments since with your mother, and could not resist thetemptation to leave them and come in for a bit of chat with her andyourself."

  "Especially with me, of course," laughed Harold as the two shook handsand Calhoun, seating himself near his wife, took the babe, which wasstretching out its arms to him with a cooing invitation not to beresisted by the doting father.

  "Mother's particular errand this morning was a call upon Marian; she ispaying it now, and I presume will be down in the course of ten orfifteen minutes," added Harold.

  "You will both stay to dinner, won't you?" queried Calhoun hospitably."We'd be delighted to have you do so."

  "That we would," added his wife heartily.

  "Thank you," returned Harold, "but I have some rather urgent calls tomake and hope to get mother to accompany me. I know of no one else whocan say such comforting things to the sick and depressed."

  "Nor do I," responded Mrs. Conly. "If I am in the least depressed, acall from her, or a chat with her, always raises my spirits; she canalways show you a silver lining to the cloud, however dark it may be."

  "Yes," said Harold, "her faith in the goodness and love of God is sostrong and unwavering, and she realizes so perfectly that life in thisworld is short and fleeting, that which follows unending and full ofbliss to all who believe in the Lord Jesus, that she is ever contentwith whatever Providence sends her. I never knew a happier Christian."

  "Nor I," said Mary. "I only wish we were all more like her in thatrespect."

  "Yes," said Calhoun, "and I believe we are every one of us the happierand better for knowing her. I have been thinking that it will be hardfor Rosie to leave such a mother."

  "That it will," sighed Harold; "and hard for mother, and all of usindeed, to part with Rosie. But of course the members of so large afamily as ours cannot expect to remain together all through life."

  "Yes; weddings are apt to bring both joy and sorrow," remarked Mrs.Conly reflectively; "the forming of new ties and the breaking of oldones. One cannot altogether forget the old loves, however sweet the newmay be; but when we get to the better land we may hope to have themall," she added with an appreciative glance at her husband. "Ah, howdelightful that will be!"

  There was a moment's silence; then Harold said, "The wedding day havingnot been fixed yet the invitations have not been sent out, but I knowmother is hoping to see your parents here at that time, Cousin Mary."

  "That is kind," she returned with a pleased smile; "I supposed theywould be invited, and that so I should have the better prospect ofgetting a long promised visit from them myself. But if you invite allthe relatives you will have a great many guests to entertain--that isshould all, or nearly all, accept. However, it is more than likely thatby far the larger number will feel constrained to content themselveswith sending regrets, congratulations, and gifts."

  "I hope," said Harold quickly and earnestly, "I am sure we all do--thatno one will feel called upon for that last. I trust that will be fullyunderstood. The parents of both bride and groom being abundantly able toprovide everything necessary or desirable, why should distant relativesand friends assist in it, perhaps at the cost of embarrassment orself-denial?"

  "But you should not deny the privilege to those who are abundantly ableand would feel it a pleasure," returned Mary with playful look and tone;"which I am sure is the case with some of the relatives," she added.

  "No," said Harold, "I should not deny it, but would have a distinctunderstanding that it was not expected or desired, at the cost ofhardship or self-denial to the giver, or his or her nearer and dearerones."

  At that moment his mother stepped from the doorway into the veranda.Very warmly affectionate greetings were exchanged, she was quicklyinstalled in an easy-chair, and some moments were spent in lively chat.

  "Do take off your bonnet, Cousin Elsie, and stay and dine with us,"urged Calhoun hospitably. "Our young doctor here insists that he cannot;but let him go on and visit the patients he thinks need his services,and call here again for you; unless you will allow me the pleasure ofseeing you safely home later in the day."

  "Thank you, Cal," she said in reply, "but Rosie will be looking out forher mother--as I promised her I would not be gone very long--and I wantto see some of my boy's patients myself, and to make a little call atBeechwood. You know they are all relatives there, and Annis and I veryold and dear friends."

  "Yes; and it is growing late," said Harold, consulting his watch; "so,whenever you are ready, mother, we will start."

  "I am that now," she answered, rising with the words. "Good-bye, CousinMary. Come over to Ion whenever you can make it convenient. And when youwrite home be as urgent as possible in your entreaties that your parentswill come to the wedding and be prepared to remain in the neighbourhoodfor a long visit after it is over."

  "You may rest assured that I will do my very best to bring them here andfor as long a stay as possible," was Mary's smiling and earnest reply.

  "And never doubt, cousin, that I will do my best to second her efforts,"said Calhoun, handing her into the carriage as he spoke.

  "Will there be time for a call at Beechwood, Harold?" she asked as theydrove down the avenue.

  "Oh, yes, mother! I think so," he replied. "I have but two calls to makeon the way, and it is not likely either need be very long."

  "I would not have anyone neglected for my convenience," she remarked ina cheery tone, "but should be glad to spend a half hour with Annis if Ican do so without loss or inconvenience to anyone else."

  "Always thoughtful for others, mother dear," Harold said, giving her amost affectionate look and smile. "I think you may trust me not toneglect my patients."

  "I hope so, indeed," she responded; "and that you will never be lesscareful and considerate of the poor than of the rich."

  Fortunately they found all doing so well that no lengthened call wasnecessary, and they reached Beechwood in season to allow quite a longchat between the lady cousins before it would be time for Mrs. Travillaand her son to set out on their return to Ion.

  They found Mr. Lilburn and Annis seated upon the front veranda, shewith a bit of needlework in her hands, he reading aloud to her. Heclosed his book as the carriage drove up, and laying it aside, hastenedto assist his Cousin Elsie to alight, greeting her with warmth ofaffection as he did so. Annis d
ropped her work and hastened to meet andembrace her, saying:

  "Oh, but I am glad to see you, Elsie! I had letters this morning fromMildred and Zilla, both bringing a great deal of love to you and acordial invitation to you and yours--as well as my husband andmyself--to pay them a visit this summer. They have not yet heard ofRosie's approaching marriage, I find."

  "But must hear of it very soon," Elsie said with a smile. "As soon asthe important day is fixed upon I must send out my invitations; and youmay rest assured that none of our relatives will be forgotten orneglected; certainly not one of your sisters or brothers."

  "No, my dear cousin, it would not be at all like you to neglect any ofthem," returned Annis with a smile of loving appreciation. "Ah, Harold!"turning to him as, having secured his horse, he came up the verandasteps and joined their little group, "I am glad to see you; especiallyas, like a dear, good boy, you have brought your mother along."

  "Yes," he said, grasping cordially the hand she held out, "I find I amsure of a welcome anywhere when I am fortunate enough to induce motherto accompany me. Sick or well, everybody is glad to see her."

  "You also, I presume; especially if they are sick."

  "And can't get Cousin Arthur," he added. "A young doctor is better thannone; though an old and tried physician is deemed the best--by sensiblepeople."

  "Ah, ha; ah, ha; um, hm! so it would seem, laddie, yet sometimes theyoung fellows hae a new trick the auld hardly ken aboot," remarkedCousin Ronald with a good-humoured smile. "And for my ain sel' I shouldcare little--were I ill--whether it were Doctor Arthur or Doctor Haroldthat prescribed the remedies to be used."

  "Or Doctor Herbert; Herbert might do just as well as either of the two,I presume," added Annis.

  "We have just come from a call at Roselands to see Marian and yourlittle namesake, Cousin Ronald," said Mrs. Travilla. "He is a dearlittle fellow, and I hope will grow up in a way to do honour to thename."

  "I hope he may, and to be a great comfort and blessing to the parentswho have done me the honour to call their firstborn for me," returnedthe old gentleman, a gleam of pleasure lighting up his face. "I want tosee the bit bairn myself when the mother is well enough to enjoy a callfrom her auld kinsman. And how soon do you think that may be, doctor?"he asked, turning to Harold.

  "In a few days, sir, should she continue to gain strength as she seemsto be doing now. I have no doubt she will be very glad to see both youand Cousin Annis."

  "Yes; I must go along, for I want to see both the boy and his mother.Marian will make a sweet mother, I think; and Arthur an excellentfather," said Annis.

  "I quite agree with you in that idea," Elsie said, "and their joy in thepossession of the little fellow is a pleasant thing to see. By the way,where are Cousin Ella and her little ones?"

  "Hugh has taken them out driving," replied Mr. Lilburn. "There isnothing the bit bairnies like better than that."

  "I am sorry to miss seeing them, but it is time we were on our homewardroute," Elsie said, consulting her watch.

  They were kindly urged to remain longer, but declined, bade adieu, andwere presently driving on toward Ion.