Page 6 of A Man Four-Square

  Chapter VI

  Billie Asks a Question

  Roubideau rounded up next day his beef stock and sold two hundred head tothe drover. During the second day the riders were busy putting the roadbrand on the cattle just bought.

  "Don't bust yore suspenders on this job, boys," Webb told his men. "I'djust as lief lie up here for a few days while Uncle Sam is roundin' uphis pets camped out there. Old man Roubideau says we're welcome to stickaround. The feed's good. Our cattle are some gaunted with the drive. Itwon't hurt a mite to let 'em stay right here a spell."

  But on the third day came news that induced the Missourian to change hismind. Jean, who had been out as a scout, returned with the informationthat a company of cavalry had come down from the fort and that theApaches had hastily decamped for parts unknown.

  "I reckon we'll throw into the trail again tomorrow, Joe," the drovertold Yankie. "No use wastin' time here if we don't have to stay. We'llmosey along toward the river. Kinder take it easy an' drift the herd downslow so as to let the cattle put on flesh. Billie an' the kid can join ussoon as they're fit to travel."

  The decision was announced on the porch of the Roubideau house. Its ownerand his daughter were present. So was Dad Wrayburn. The Texan old-timersnorted as he rolled a cigarette.

  "Hm! Soft thing those two boys have got sittin' around an' bein' pettedby Miss Polly here. I've a notion to go an' bust my laig too. Will younurse me real tender, ma'am, if I get stove up pullin' off a grand-standplay like they done?"

  "The hospital is full. We haven't got room for more invalids, Mr.Wrayburn," laughed the girl.

  "Well, you let me know when there's a vacancy, Miss Polly. My sister gaveme a book to read onct. It was 'most twenty years ago. The name of it was'Ivanhoe.' I told her I would save it to read when I broke my laig. Lookslike I never will git that book read."

  By daybreak the outfit was on the move. Yankie trailed the cattle out tothe plain and started them forward leisurely. Webb had allowed himselfplenty of time for the drive. The date set for delivery at the fort wasstill distant and he wanted the beeves to be in first-class condition forinspection. To reach the Pecos he was allowing three weeks, a programmethat would let him bed the herd down early and would permit of driftingit slowly to graze for an hour or two a day.

  The weeks that followed were red-letter ones in the life of Jim Clanton.They gave him his first glimpse of a family life which had for its basisnot only affection, but trust and understanding. He had never before seena household that really enjoyed little jokes shared in common, whosemembers were full of kind consideration the one for the other. TheRoubideaus had more than a touch of the French temperament. They tooklife gayly and whimsically, and though they poked all kinds of fun ateach other there was never any sting to their wit.

  Pauline was a famous little nurse. It was not long before she wasoffering herself as a crutch to help young Clanton limp to the sunnyporch. Two or three days later Billie joined his fellow invalid. Fromwhere they sat the two young men could hear the girl as she went abouther work singing. Often she came out with a plate of hot, new-bakedcookies for them and a pitcher of milk. Or she would dance out withoutany excuse except that of her own frank interest in the youth she sharedwith her patients.

  One of the Roubideau jokes was that Polly was the mother of the familyand her father and Jean two mischievous little boys she had to scold andpet alternately. Temporarily she took the two cowpunchers into her circleand browbeat them shamefully with an impudent little twinkle in hereyes. Whatever the state of Billie's mind may have been before, there canbe no doubt that now he was fathoms deep in love. With hungry eyes hetook in her laughter and raillery, her boyish high spirits, the sweettenderness of the girl for her father. He loved her wholly--the charm ofher comradeship, of her swift, generous impulses, of that touch ofcoquetry she could not entirely subdue.

  Pierre had been a chasseur in the Franco-Prussian War. His daughter wasvery proud of it, but one of her games was to mock him fondly byswaggering back and forth while she sang:

  "Allons, enfants de la patrie,Le jour de gloire est arrive."

  When she came to the chorus, nothing would do but all of them must join.She taught the words and tune to Prince and Jimmie so that they couldfall into line behind the old soldier and his son:

  "Aux armes, citoyens! formez vos bataillons! Marchons! Marchons!Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons."

  It always began in pretended derision, but as she swept her littlecompany down the porch all the gallant, imperishable soul of France spokein her ringing voice and the flash of her brown eyes. Surely herpatriotism was no less sound because the blood of Alsace and that ofTennessee were fused in her ardent veins.

  The wounds of the young men healed rapidly, and both of them foresaw thatthe day of their departure could no longer be postponed. Neither of themwas yet in condition to walk very far, but on horseback they were fit totravel carefully.

  "We got all the time there is. No need of pushin' on the reins, but Ireckon the old man isn't payin' us fifty dollars a month to hold down theRoubideau porch," said Prince regretfully.

  "No, we gotta light a shuck," admitted Jim, with no noticeable alacrity.He was in no hurry to leave himself, even if he did not happen to be inlove.

  Billie put his fortune to the touch while he was out with Polly roundingup some calves. They were riding knee to knee in the dust of the dragthrough a small arroyo.

  The cowpuncher swallowed once or twice in a dry throat and blurted out,"I got something to tell you before I go, Polly."

  The girl flashed a look at him. She recognized the symptoms. Her gazewent back to the wavelike motion of the backs of the moving yearlings.

  "Don't, Billie," she said gently.

  Before he spoke again he thought over her advice. He knew he had hisanswer. But he had to go through with it now.

  "I reckoned it would be that way. I'm nothin' but a rough vaquero. Whyforshould you like me?"

  "Oh, but I do!" she cried impulsively. "I like you a great deal. You'reone of the best men I know--brave and good and modest. It isn't that;Billie."

  "Is there--some one else? Or oughtn't I to ask that?"

  "No, there's nobody else. I'm awfully glad you like me. The girl thatgets you will be lucky. But I don't care about men that way. I want tostay with dad and Jean."

  "Mebbe some day you may feel different about it."

  "Mebbe I will," she agreed. "Anyhow, I want you to stay friends with me.You will, won't you?"

  "Sure. I'll be there just as long as you want me for a friend," he saidsimply.

  She gave him her little gauntleted hand. They were close to a bend in thedraw. Soon they would be within sight of the house.

  "I'd say 'Yes' if I could, Billie. I'd rather it would be you thananybody else. You won't feel bad, will you?"

  "Oh, that's all right." He smiled, and there was something about thepluck of the eyes in the lean, tanned face that touched her. "I'm goin'to keep right on carin' for my little pal even if I can't get what Iwant."

  She had not yet fully emerged from her childhood. There was in her astrong desire to comfort him somehow, to show by a mark of special favorhow high she held him in her esteem.

  "Would you--would you like to kiss me?" she asked simply.

  He felt a clamor of the blood and subdued it before he answered. It wasin accord with the charm she held for him that her frank generosityenhanced his respect for her. If she gave a royal gift it was out of thetruth of her heart.

  Without need of words she read acceptance in his eyes and leaned towardhim in the saddle. Their lips met.

  "You're the first--except dad and Jean," she told him.

  The feeling in his primitive heart he could not have analyzed. He did notknow that his soul was moved to some such consecration as that of a youngknight taking his vow of service, though he was aware that all the goodin him leaped to instant response in her presence, that by some strangespiritual alchemy he had passed through a refining process.
  "I'm comin' back to see you some day. Mebbe you'll feel different then,"he said.

  "I might," she admitted.

  They rounded the bend. Clanton, on horseback, caught sight of them. Hewaved his hat and cantered forward.

  "Say, Billie, how much bacon do you reckon we need to take with us?"

  In front of the house Pauline slipped from her horse and left themdiscussing the commissary.