Page 6 of Light Freights

  Tattooing is a gift," said the night-watchman, firmly. "It 'as to be agift, as you can well see. A man 'as to know wot 'e is going to tattooan' 'ow to do it; there's no rubbing out or altering. It's a gift, an'it can't be learnt. I knew a man once as used to tattoo a cabin-boy allover every v'y'ge trying to learn. 'E was a slow, painstaking sort o'man, and the langwidge those boys used to use while 'e was at work would'ardly be believed, but 'e 'ad to give up trying arter about fifteenyears and take to crochet-work instead.

  "Some men won't be tattooed at all, being proud o' their skins orsich-like, and for a good many years Ginger Dick, a man I've spoke toyou of before, was one o' that sort. Like many red-'aired men 'e 'ad avery white skin, which 'e was very proud of, but at last, owing to aunfortnit idea o' making 'is fortin, 'e let hisself be done.

  "It come about in this way: Him and old Sam Small and Peter Russet 'adbeen paid off from their ship and was 'aving a very 'appy, pleasant timeashore. They was careful men in a way, and they 'ad taken a room downEast India Road way, and paid up the rent for a month. It came cheaperthan a lodging-'ouse, besides being a bit more private and respectable,a thing old Sam was always very pertickler about.

  "They 'ad been ashore about three weeks when one day old Sam and Peterwent off alone becos Ginger said 'e wasn't going with 'em. He said a lotmore things, too; 'ow 'e was going to see wot it felt like to be in bedwithout 'aving a fat old man groaning 'is 'eart out and another oneknocking on the mantelpiece all night with twopence and wanting to knowwhy he wasn't being served.

  "Ginger Dick fell into a quiet sleep arter they'd gone; then 'e woke upand 'ad a sip from the water-jug--he'd 'a had more, only somebody 'addropped the soap in it--and then dozed off agin. It was late in theafternoon when 'e woke, and then 'e see Sam and Peter Russet standing bythe side o' the bed looking at 'im.

  "'Where've you been?' ses Ginger, stretching hisself and yawning.

  "'Bisness,' ses Sam, sitting down an' looking very important. 'Whileyou've been laying on your back all day me an' Peter Russet 'as beendoing a little 'ead-work.'

  "'Oh!' ses Ginger. 'Wot with?'

  "Sam coughed and Peter began to whistle, an' Ginger he laid still andsmiled up at the ceiling, and began to feel good-tempered agin.

  "'Well, wot's the business?' he ses, at last.

  "Sam looked at Peter, but Peter shook 'is 'ead at him.

  "It's just a little bit 'o bisness we 'appened to drop on,' ses Sam, atlast, 'me an' Peter, and I think that, with luck and management, we'rein a fair way to make our fortunes. Peter, 'ere, ain't given to lookingon the cheerful side o' things, but 'e thinks so, too.'

  "'I do,' ses Peter, 'but it won't be managed right if you go blabbing itto everybody.'

  "'We must 'ave another man in it, Peter,' ses Sam; 'and, wot's more, 'emust 'ave ginger-coloured 'air. That being so, it's only right andproper that our dear old pal Ginger should 'ave the fust offer.'

  "It wasn't often that Sam was so affeckshunate, and Ginger couldn't makeit out at all. Ever since 'e'd known 'im the old man 'ad been full o'plans o' making money without earning it. Stupid plans they was, too,but the stupider they was the more old Sam liked 'em.

  "'Well, wot is it?' asks Ginger, agin.

  "Old Sam walked over to the door and shut it; then 'e sat down on thebed and spoke low so that Ginger could hardly 'ear 'im.

  "'A little public-'ouse,' he ses, 'to say nothing of 'ouse properly, anda red-'aired old landlady wot's a widder. As nice a old lady as any onecould wish for, for a mother.'

  "For a mother!' ses Ginger, staring:

  "'And a lovely barmaid with blue eyes and yellow 'air, wot 'ud be thered-'edded man's cousin,' ses Peter Russet.

  "'Look 'ere,' ses Ginger, 'are you going to tell me in plain English wotit's all about, or are you not?'

  "'We've been in a little pub down Bow way, me an' Peter,' ses Sam, 'andwe'll tell you more about it if you promise to join us an' go shares.It's kep' by a widder woman whose on'y son--red-'aired son--went to seatwenty-three years ago, at the age o' fourteen, an' was never 'eard ofarterwards. Seeing we was sailor-men, she told us all about it, an' 'owshe still 'opes for him to walk into 'er arms afore she dies.'

  "'She dreamt a fortnit ago that 'e turned up safe and sound, with redwhiskers,' ses Peter.

  "Ginger Dick sat up and looked at 'em without a word; then 'e got up outo' bed, an' pushing old Sam out of the way began to dress, and at last'e turned round and asked Sam whether he was drunk or only mad.

  "'All right,' ses Sam; 'if you won't take it on we'll find somebody aswill, that's all; there's no call to get huffy about it. You ain't theon'y red-'edded man in the world.'

  "Ginger didn't answer 'im; he went on dressing, but every now and then'e'd look at Sam and give a little larf wot made Sam's blood boil.

  "'You've got nothin' to larf at, Ginger,' he ses, at last; 'thelandlady's boy 'ud be about the same age as wot you are now; 'e 'ad ascar over the left eyebrow same as wot you've got, though I don'tsuppose he got it by fighting a chap three times 'is size. 'E 'ad brightblue eyes, a small, well-shaped nose, and a nice mouth.'

  "'Same as you, Ginger,' ses Peter, looking out of the winder.

  "Ginger coughed and looked thoughtful.

  "'It sounds all right, mates,' 'e ses at last, 'but I don't see 'owwe're to go to work. I don't want to get locked up for deceiving.'

  "'You can't get locked up,' ses Sam; 'if you let 'er discover you andclaim you, 'ow can you get locked up for it? We shall go in an' see heragin, and larn all there is to larn, especially about the tattoo marks,and then--'

  "'Tattoo marks!' ses Ginger.

  "'That's the strong p'int,' ses Sam. ''Er boy 'ad a sailor dancing a'ornpipe on 'is left wrist, an' a couple o' dolphins on his right. On'is chest 'e 'ad a full-rigged ship, and on 'is back between 'isshoulder-blades was the letters of 'is name--C.R.S.: Charles RobertSmith.'

  "'Well, you silly old fool,' ses Ginger, starting up in a temper, 'thatspiles it all. I ain't got a mark on me.'

  "Old Sam smiles at 'im and pats him on the shoulder. 'That's where youshow your want of intelleck, Ginger,' he ses, kindly. 'Why don't youthink afore you speak? Wot's easier than to 'ave 'em put on?'

  "'Wot?' screams Ginger. 'Tattoo me! Spile my skin with a lot o' beastlyblue marks! Not me, not if I know it. I'd like to see anybody try it,that's all.'

  "He was that mad 'e wouldn't listen to reason, and, as old Sam said, 'ecouldn't have made more fuss if they'd offered to skin 'im alive, an'Peter Russet tried to prove that a man's skin was made to be tattooedon, or else there wouldn't be tattooers; same as a man 'ad been giventwo legs so as 'e could wear trousers. But reason was chucked away onGinger, an' 'e wouldn't listen to 'em.

  "They started on 'im agin next day, but all Sam and Peter could saydidn't move 'im, although Sam spoke so feeling about the joy of a porewidder woman getting 'er son back agin arter all these years that 'enearly cried.

  "They went down agin to the pub that evening, and Ginger, who said 'ewas curious to see, wanted to go too. Sam, who still 'ad 'opes of 'im,wouldn't 'ear of it, but at last it was arranged that 'e wasn't to goinside, but should take a peep through the door. They got on a tram atAldgate, and Ginger didn't like it becos Sam and Peter talked it overbetween theirselves in whispers and pointed out likely red'-aired men inthe road.

  "And 'e didn't like it when they got to the Blue Lion, and Sam and Peterwent in and left 'im outside, peeping through the door. The landladyshook 'ands with them quite friendly, and the barmaid, a fine-lookinggirl, seemed to take a lot o' notice of Peter. Ginger waited aboutoutside for nearly a couple of hours, and at last they came out, talkingand larfing, with Peter wearing a white rose wot the barmaid 'ad given'im.

  "Ginger Dick 'ad a good bit to say about keeping 'im waiting all thattime, but Sam said that they'd been getting valuable information, an'the more 'e could see of it the easier the job appeared to be, an' thenhim an' Peter wished for to bid Ginger good-bye, while they went and'unted up a red-'aired friend o' Peter's
named Charlie Bates.

  "They all went in somewhere and 'ad a few drinks first, though, andarter a time Ginger began to see things in a different light to wot 'e'ad before, an' to be arf ashamed of 'is selfishness, and 'e calledSam's pot a loving-cup, an' kep' on drinking out of it to show there wasno ill-feeling, although Sam kep' telling him there wasn't. Then Samspoke up about tattooing agin, and Ginger said that every man in thecountry ought to be tattooed to prevent the smallpox. He got so excitedabout it that old Sam 'ad to promise 'im that he should be tattooed thatvery night, before he could pacify 'im.

  "They all went off 'ome with their arms round each other's necks, butarter a time Ginger found that Sam's neck wasn't there, an' 'e stoppedand spoke serious to Peter about it. Peter said 'e couldn't account forit, an' 'e had such a job to get Ginger 'ome that 'e thought they wouldnever ha' got there. He got 'im to bed at last an' then 'e sat down andfell asleep waiting for Sam.

  "Ginger was the last one to wake up in the morning, an' before 'e wokehe kept making a moaning noise. His 'ead felt as though it was going tobust, 'is tongue felt like a brick, and 'is chest was so sore 'e could'ardly breathe. Then at last 'e opened 'is eyes and looked up and sawSam an' Peter and a little man with a black moustache.

  "'Cheer up, Ginger,' ses Sam, in a kind voice, 'it's going onbeautiful.'

  "'My 'ead's splittin',' ses Ginger, with a groan, 'an' I've got pins an'needles all over my chest.'

  "'Needles,' ses the man with the black moustache. 'I never use pins;they'd pison the flesh.'

  "Ginger sat up in bed and stared at 'im; then 'e bent 'is 'ead down andsquinted at 'is chest, and next moment 'e was out of bed and all threeof 'em was holding 'im down on the floor to prevent 'im breaking thetattooer's neck which 'e'd set 'is 'eart upon doing, and explaining to'im that the tattooer was at the top of 'is profession, and that it wasonly by a stroke of luck 'e had got 'im. And Sam reminded 'im of wot 'e'ad said the night before, and said he'd live to thank 'im for it.

  "''Ow much is there done?' ses Ginger, at last, in a desprit voice.

  "Sam told 'im, and Ginger lay still and called the tattooer all thenames he could think of; which took 'im some time.

  "'It's no good going on like that, Ginger,' ses Sam. 'Your chest isquite spiled at present, but if you on'y let 'im finish it'll be aperfeck picter.'

  "I take pride in it,' ses the tattooer; 'working on your skin, mate, islike painting on a bit o' silk.'

  "Ginger gave in at last, and told the man to go on with the job andfinish it, and 'e even went so far as to do a little bit o' tattooing'imself on Sam when he wasn't looking. 'E only made one mark, becos theneedle broke off, and Sam made such a fuss that Ginger said any onewould ha' thought 'e'd hurt 'im.

  "It took three days to do Ginger altogether, and he was that sore 'ecould 'ardly move or breathe and all the time 'e was laying on 'is bedof pain Sam and Peter Russet was round at the Blue Lion enjoyingtheirselves and picking up information. The second day was the worst,owing to the tattooer being the worse for licker. Drink affectsdifferent people in different ways, and Ginger said the way it affectedthat chap was to make 'im think 'e was sewing buttons on instead o'tattooing.

  "'Owever 'e was done at last; his chest and 'is arms and 'is shoulders,and he nearly broke down when Sam borrowed a bit o 'looking-glass andlet 'im see hisself. Then the tattooer rubbed in some stuff to make 'isskin soft agin, and some more stuff to make the marks look a bit old.

  "Sam wanted to draw up an agreement, but Ginger Dick and Peter Russetwouldn't 'ear of it. They both said that that sort o' thing wouldn'tlook well in writing, not if anybody else happened to see it, that is;besides which Ginger said it was impossible for 'im to say 'ow muchmoney he would 'ave the handling of. Once the tattooing was done 'ebegan to take a'most kindly to the plan, an' being an orfin, so far as'e knew, he almost began to persuade hisself that the red-'airedlandlady was 'is mother.

  "They 'ad a little call over in their room to see 'ow Ginger was to doit, and to discover the weak p'ints. Sam worked up a squeaky voice, andpretended to be the landlady, and Peter pretended to be the good-lookingbarmaid.

  "They went all through it over and over agin, the only unpleasantnessbeing caused by Peter Russet letting off a screech every time Gingeralluded to 'is chest wot set 'is teeth on edge, and old Sam as thelandlady offering Ginger pots o' beer which made 'is mouth water.

  "'We shall go round to-morrow for the last time,' ses Sam, 'as we told'er we're sailing the day arter. Of course me an' Peter, 'aving madeyour fortin, drop out altogether, but I dessay we shall look in agin inabout six months' time, and then perhaps the landlady will interduce usto you.'

  "'Meantime,' ses Peter Russet, 'you mustn't forget that you've got tosend us Post Office money-orders every week.'

  "Ginger said 'e wouldn't forget, and they shook 'ands all round and 'ada drink together, and the next arternoon Sam and Peter went to the BlueLion for a last visit.

  "It was quite early when they came back. Ginger was surprised to see'em, and he said so, but 'e was more surprised when 'e heard theirreasons.

  "It come over us all at once as we'd bin doing wrong,' Sam ses, settingdown with a sigh.

  "'Come over us like a chill, it did,' ses Peter.

  "'Doing wrong?' ses Ginger Dick, staring. 'Wot are you talking about?'

  "'Something the landlady said showed us as we was doin' wrong,' ses oldSam, very solemn; 'it come over us in a flash.'

  "'Like lightning,' ses Peter.

  "'All of a sudden we see wot a cruel, 'ard thing it was to go and tryand deceive a poor widder woman,' ses Sam, in a 'usky voice; 'we bothsee it at once.'

  "Ginger Dick looks at 'em 'ard, 'e did, and then, 'e ses, jeering like:

  "'I 'spose you don't want any Post Office money-orders sent you, then?'he ses.

  "'No,' says Sam and Peter, both together.

  "'You may have 'em all,' ses Sam; 'but if you'll be ruled by us, Ginger,you'll give it up, same as wot we 'ave--you'll sleep the sweeter forit.'

  "'Give it up!' shouts Ginger, dancing up an' down the room, 'arter beingtattooed all over? Why, you must be crazy, Sam--wot's the matter withyou?'

  "'It ain't fair play agin a woman,' says old Sam, 'three strong men aginone poor old woman; that's wot we feel, Ginger.'

  "'Well, I don't feel like it,' ses Ginger; 'you please yourself, andI'll please myself.'

  "'E went off in a huff, an' next morning 'e was so disagreeable that Saman' Peter went and signed on board a steamer called the Penguin, whichwas to sail the day arter. They parted bad friends all round, and GingerDick gave Peter a nasty black eye, and Sam said that when Ginger came tosee things in a proper way agin he'd be sorry for wot 'e'd said. And 'esaid that 'im and Peter never wanted to look on 'is face agin.

  "Ginger Dick was a bit lonesome arter they'd gone, but 'e thought itbetter to let a few days go by afore 'e went and adopted the red-'airedlandlady. He waited a week, and at last, unable to wait any longer, 'ewent out and 'ad a shave and smartened hisself up, and went off to theBlue Lion.

  "It was about three o'clock when 'e got there, and the littlepublic-'ouse was empty except for two old men in the jug-and-bottleentrance. Ginger stopped outside a minute or two to try and stop 'istrembling, and then 'e walks into the private bar and raps on thecounter.

  "'Glass o' bitter, ma'am, please,' he ses to the old lady as she cameout o' the little parlour at the back o' the bar.

  "The old lady drew the beer, and then stood with one 'and holding thebeer-pull and the other on the counter, looking at Ginger Dick in 'isnew blue jersey and cloth cap.

  "'Lovely weather, ma'am,' ses Ginger, putting his left arm on thecounter and showing the sailor-boy dancing the hornpipe.

  "'Very nice,' ses the landlady, catching sight of 'is wrist an' staringat it. 'I suppose you sailors like fine weather?'

  "'Yes, ma'am,' ses Ginger, putting his elbows on the counter so that thetattoo marks on both wrists was showing. 'Fine weather an' a fair windsuits us.'

  "'It's a 'a
rd life, the sea,' ses the old lady.

  "She kept wiping down the counter in front of 'im over an' over agin,an' 'e could see 'er staring at 'is wrists as though she could 'ardlybelieve her eyes. Then she went back into the parlour, and Ginger 'eardher whispering, and by and by she came out agin with the blue-eyedbarmaid.

  "'Have you been at sea long?' ses the old lady.

  "'Over twenty-three years, ma'am,' ses Ginger, avoiding the barmaid'seye wot was fixed on 'is wrists, 'and I've been shipwrecked four times;the fust time when I was a little nipper o' fourteen.'

  "'Pore thing,' ses the landlady, shaking 'er 'ead. 'I can feel for you;my boy went to sea at that age, and I've never seen 'im since.'

  "'I'm sorry to 'ear it, ma'am,' ses Ginger, very respectful-like. 'Isuppose I've lost my mother, so I can feel for you.'

  "'Suppose you've lost your mother!' ses the barmaid; 'don't you knowwhether you have?'

  "'No,' ses Ginger Dick, very sad. 'When I was wrecked the fust time Iwas in a open boat for three weeks, and, wot with the exposure and'ardly any food, I got brain-fever and lost my memory.'

  "'Pore thing,' ses the landlady agin.

  "'I might as well be a orfin,' ses Ginger, looking down; 'sometimes Iseem to see a kind, 'and-some face bending over me, and fancy it's mymother's, but I can't remember 'er name, or my name, or anythink about'er.'

  "'You remind me o' my boy very much,' ses the landlady, shaking 'er'ead; 'you've got the same coloured 'air, and, wot's extraordinary,you've got the same tattoo marks on your wrists. Sailor-boy dancing onone and a couple of dolphins on the other. And 'e 'ad a little scar on'is eyebrow, much the same as yours.'

  "'Good 'evins,' ses Ginger Dick, starting back and looking as though 'ewas trying to remember something.

  "'I s'pose they're common among seafaring men?' ses the landlady, goingoff to attend to a customer.

  "Ginger Dick would ha' liked to ha'seen'er abit more excited, but 'eordered another glass o' bitter from the barmaid, and tried to think 'owhe was to bring out about the ship on his chest and the letters on 'isback. The landlady served a couple o' men, and by and by she came backand began talking agin.

  "'I like sailors,' she ses; 'one thing is, my boy was a sailor; andanother thing is, they've got such feelin' 'earts. There was two of 'emin 'ere the other day, who'd been in 'ere once or twice, and one of 'emwas that kind 'earted I thought he would ha' 'ad a fit at something Itold him.'

  "'Ho,' ses Ginger, pricking up his ears, 'wot for?'

  "'I was just talking to 'im about my boy, same as I might be to you,'ses the old lady, 'and I was just telling 'im about the poor childlosing 'is finger----'

  "'Losing 'is wot?' ses Ginger, turning pale and staggering back.

  "'Finger,' ses the landlady. 'E was only ten years old at the time, andI'd sent 'im out to--Wot's the matter? Ain't you well?'

  "Ginger didn't answer 'er a word, he couldn't. 'E went on goingbackwards until 'e got to the door, and then 'e suddenly fell through itinto the street, and tried to think.

  "Then 'e remembered Sam and Peter, and when 'e thought of them safe andsound aboard the Penguin he nearly broke down altogether, as 'e thoughthow lonesome he was.

  "All 'e wanted was 'is arms round both their necks same as they was thenight afore they 'ad 'im tattooed."